Parental Bond Edition>Friend ID Survey:>Friend ID Sheet:>Tournament results/decklists:>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule: battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)>/vp/‘s own meta (no random effects, no ex):vpnx>meta decks or high level play:vpmeta>/vp/ anything:vpPrevious:>>57074798
>File: Mew pat.png (288 KB, 600x848)Kinda fucked how Mew will never carry Mewtwo around in a pouch.
>>57077060That pic is horrific, there should be a horror movie about Mew
>use off-color decks with barely any success. at best several rounds of getting cucked out of my fourth win>decide to bite the bullet and use a neutered pikachu ex deck with only one zapdos ex>everyone i fight uses a fucking water deck>get my five winswhat the fuck
>>57077077its as shrimple as that
>>57077077what are "off-color decks"?
>>57077102>he's not using double beige energy in his deck
>>57077102it's when you run something like the standard mewtwo decks but change the energy type to something other than psychic
>>57077102a paul allen deck
>>57077118Ah. You mean like a Greninja-Golem-Magneton deck.
You just know
>>57077152I just know that some day they're going to have this artist illustrate a card.
>>57077102it's just a dumb way of saying shit that isn't the usual pikachu EX, mewtwo EX, misty, ect. you see the vast majority of timesshit like>primape + marowak EX>dragonite>koga>sorta blaineetc.lower-budget shit because i'm not lucky enough to pull a large majority of the meta
>want to run Eeelektrik>constantly hamstringed by there being no cheap retreat cost tank that can consistently do chip damage (so that Eel's 80 damage becomes relevant)>except for Zapados EX>have no Zapados EX>in theory, since I have no pikachu EX it wouldn't be the end of the world to just do a 20 pack pull of Pikachu packs>but the miniset>in theory, I could run Bellossom instead of Eel since it's almost exactly the same pokemon "but grass type" but Lightning is a better type in this Misty Meta, and I also only have 1x Bellossom>and also there's no dedicated tanks for Grass but I'd get access to ErikaThe only decks I have are Blastoise which wins every game, M2 EX which I don't want to run, and Greninja-Weezing which is fun but... eh it's a lot of moving pieces.
When are we getting the Togekiss stunlock deck?
>>57077196It would just be a normal type copy of the Eel / Vileplume line>>57077191>why was I writing Bellosom
>>57077191>>want to run EeelektrikI've run into something like this a few times.
>>57077191>>in theory, I could run Bellossom instead of Eel since it's almost exactly the same pokemon "but grass type" but Lightning is a better type in this Misty Meta, and I also only have 1x BellossomWigglytuff is also "the same pokemon" as Vileplume and Elektross, and Jigglypuff can stall games. >>57077203>It would just be a normal type copy of the Eel / Vileplume lineEh, maybe you're right, but I really like Togekiss.
This dude got cocky and kept his precious crown Pikachu in front, man, beating this faggot felt so good.
>>57077205Hypno is technically cucking yourself though.>use hypno>get coinflip>now, cannot inflict paralysis>opponent gets the coinflip and just kills EelI'd rather run more Sabrinas or Gios instead. Leaf looks like it'll be good too to let you swap from a damaged Eel into a full health one without having to spend as long charging it back up if you ever need to bring it back in.
>>57077191>constantly hamstringed by there being no cheap retreat cost tank that can consistently do chip damageIf only Zapdos EX existed
>>57077069Its inspired in parasyte manga
>>57077235Doesn't the Paralyze overwrite the sleep if it hits?
>>57077246Yes.Paralyze/Sleep/Confuse replace each other.Burn/Poison stack on top of any of the above.
>>57077251But it isn't like the vidya where one nonvolatile condition makes you immune to the others (You can only have one of Paralyze, Sleep, Burn, Poison, Freeze in vidya, but any number of confuse/Attract/Curse/etc).
alright bros, Im on my 4th win. wish me luck
>>57077251Yeah so the deck in >>57077205 works. Hypno just acts as a backup plan, you throw out the Hypno ability to have a chance at sleeping them if the Paralyze fails. What is >>57077235 going on about?
>>57077251>>57077246>>57077259Oh, huh my bad then. Even still, eel is on the squishy side so I'm not sure if fielding something that won't be able to attack is the play.
>>57077220>Blaine playermuch hespec, one of the few honest decks out there.
>>57077270It's fragile for sure, but once it's online it can steal games. The trick is living long enough to get it going.
>>57077261>ArticunoWhy are you playing this garbage?
>>57077152oh stop itSTOP ITSTOP POSTING THE SAME THINGSHE is NOT a WHITE womanONLY WHITE women FUCK DOGS (YJK YJK YJK)She is a pure traditional Japanese woman, and they DONT fuck dogsokay? so STOP IT
>>57077277Oh I know, it just seems to have the most problems against other early, fast decks like Blaine or Koga
>>57077261got two heads with misty turn 1, GGs. Looking forward to the next event
I got Pikachu Exs from my free packs two days in a rowI hope someone enjoys them when I trade them
>>57077288Sharticuno is more honest than anything with Moltres Mewshit and Pikaturd
>>57077323Articuno will never be honest so long as Misty works as-is
>>57077323see >>57077309
>>57077288I live by the coin and I die by the coin
>>57077309such honest deck
Yo yo yo this is the /tcgp/Scrolling this thread and I just wanna, fapYo this shit slaps like a pikachu yo lemme get a peek at chu girl yo make that dick swirl and whirl cause you a trapIt ain’t gay if it’s for pay that’s why the tranny ads go hard so far I’ve never clicked that shit I thinkI ain’t no twink but my rick is hard like Brock I got a cock but it’s 3 inches never fucked any bitches but I hate snitches and if I wasn’t incelibate I’d probably fuck witchesLike Sabrina but if you know you knowYo
I hope we get an Eevee-ex that can evolve into any eeveelution (like the latest physical card: )That way you could run a full Eeveelution deck with 4x Eevee and any four evos.
>>57077331>>57077330>Misty>very high chance of stopping on first flip >Moltres>very high chance of getting 1 or more energies each turn it's outMoltres is broken it's just that shrimple
>>57077350Don't forget the ability or trainer card that lets you transfer energy to an eeveelution while swapping the energy type to match it.
>>57077077Same, literally everyone I faced seemed to run some Misty deck so I just switched to a Pika EX deck and got five wins easily
why do people thibk that power creep is already happeningthe new cards (so far) look like new strategies and mechanics to play with
>opponent Red Cards my hand when I'm holding 4 or less cards>it pays off for himI report them every single time they do this. I've got multiple people banned as a result. Just don't cheat so obviously and you won't get caught.
>>57077356Oh I didn't mean to imply Moltres was honest, I just want it clear that Articuno is still horse shit. Inferno Dance should be 2 energy and all 3 birds need 10 or 20 health shaved off.
>>57077191>in theory, since I have no pikachu EX it wouldn't be the end of the world to just do a 20 pack pull of Pikachu packsI've been pulling only Pikachu packs and I've yet to see a Zapdos Ex. Got only 1 Pika too.
>>57077323idk about honest but articuno is definitely less annoying to set up than moltres and mew2. every time I've faced those decks they just bricked against me and died to blizzard even when misty didn't give me anything. pika ex was the only one where it felt like I had to get a good flips out of misty.
>>57077323>Misty existslmao
How’d I do so far fags?
why do niggers on here not GAF about collecting cool cards and are autistically obsessed with battlingFUCK you
>>57077347Delcatty cannot learn Rock Throw. Gengar wins.
>>57077409You can play the card game and there are events where you play the card game. I don't know what you expected. Do people normally play gacha games only to collect the units? That sounds like a fool's (whale's) errand.
>>57077388just play around red card
>>57077420I had someone use Red Card on me earlier today when I had 2 cards in hand. The two cards combined were lethal. There are an outstanding number of cheaters in this game.
>>57077423you shouldn't have used all your prof research so you can dig them out again in case of a red card. baka
I haven't seen a FA Bulbasaur in my Wonder Picks for almost 3 weeks now, and now it's the last thing I need to collect one of every 1* FA. I'm finally biting the bullet and wishlisting it, but I wonder how many days it'll take to show up now.
>>57077408wtfhow much money did you spend
>>57077388>>57077423Whatever helps you schizoids sleep at night
>>57077423>>57077388There's no way that the game would expose the cards in hand of the other player even buried deep in the API, right? That shit should just be entirely housed on the server until the card drops.
>>57077388how are they cheating
>>57077388This game has a report option?
>>57077426Both Profs were still in my deck.>>57077433Cheater getting nervous.
>>57077428I got a FA bulb recently. Ill trade it to you in a month
>>57077432Pretty much nothing. Just the pass and the launch bundle shit
>>57077445>>57077435I think some retards will just play every card in their hand they can play, as soon as they can. You see people dropping red card on the 3 cards in their opponent's opener (or 2, or even 1), you see people use 1-2 potions on a mon even though it doesn't take that mon out of the lethal range of your active mon's next attack, you see people use Hand Scope or Pokedex and then just do nothing with that info.
There's definitely RNG seeds in the game btw. The drastic swings from winstreaks to loss streaks is so comically unnatural. If you ever lose 3 times in a row, reboot the game and you'll win at least 3 in a row.
>>57077409I'd brag about my collection but I'd feel like a dick so I just let the shitposters carry on
>>57077468take your meds sis
>>57077356>very high chance of stopping on first flipjust getting one energy is broken and you have a 25% chance of getting two, which is absurdI'm not running defense for moltres, but relying on misty highrolls is anything but honest
>>57077388t. hasn’t gotten that 5 streak yet because of luck btw
>>57077471I know who you are. I recognise you from the other board. I can see you.
>>57077476I got it via 4 T1 Misty 3 Heads hits. That's how I know it's a real thing. I use it personally.
>>57077465I am often tempted to just burn off my x-energies for no reason when my hand is great so that my opponent is less inclined to Red Card me but I fear that my opponent will realize that that's the only good reason for me to be doing that and do it anyway. Maybe I should still do it so if they do card me then they don't get shuffled back in.
>>57077479>tfw this has actually happened to me>he wasn't right
So what cards naturally "work" in multi-color decks? Shit like Alakazam where it looks like it guzzles energy, but actually only requires 1 psychic, same with Grenijna. Trying to brew some unusual combos.>>57077479>anons here keep talking about the other board>it obviously begins with t and ends with h>haven't cum in a while but don't really want to, so this mostly just bothers meCan you guys just start using trips or names so I can filter you?
>>57077484The play is to probably x-speed IMMEDIATELY as soon as your turn begins, then timer stall to "act confused" so it comes off as a misplay rather than dumping cards.
>>57077309>wrong deck case >no deck name>only gets the medal with t1 highroll>can’t play without watching a tiktokMistykeks summed up in a single post
>>57077500Average zoomer
>>57077408Have these gay cards too
>both Machokes and both Profs in the bottom 4 cards of my deckReporting my opponent for being yet another hacker.
>>57077522Why does it feel like Marrow EX always hits and Pinsir always misses
>>57077527Based schizo bro. You show them!
>>57077493Weezing, and Exeggutor also work for that but they both are early game beaters who lose their purpose if you don't get the right energy quickly. Jynx, Frosmoth, and Tentacruel are other almost good pokemon that only need 1 colored energy. And the waters can of course use Misty. Wigglytuff, and Pigeot are fairly good colorless mons that can be thrown into something else. Aerodactyl is funny too.But multicolor decks can be extremely frustrating as you get 1 color energy 5 turns in a row far more than you'd expect. And even being 1 turn behind on energy is usually devastating.
What is your favorite card?this is mine
>>57077388How do you report others? I don't see any way to do it in game.
>>57077536He just works
>>57077536FUCK Exeggutor. He needs to stop winning the game single-handedly before I get the chance to snipe the 30 HP Mewtwo in their bench with my Victrebel.
>>57077493New cute Egg.
>>57077536I hate Exeggutor in normal Pokemon, like what the fuck is this tree, but ever since I used him during the event I can't stop thinking about the entire game of Pokemon Pocket in relation to Exeggutor EX. He's too fucking good. He shouldn't single handedly be his own deck, yet he is.
>>57077536Soon we will get Alolan version, mark my words.
is pigeot so bad it's really not worth bringing just to have sabrinas on tap every turn you want them?
>>57077542People sleep on this guy because they can only see him as a 5 energy attacker, but this nigga starts swinging on turn 1 going second and swings on turn 2 going first with a functional curve.
I am once again requesting someone compiles all the cards taking place in the same scene
>>57077564Pigeot is good it's just stage 2s basically need to win the game to be worth filling your deck with.It works fine in an Arbok Weezing deck since you can keep them from just X-speeding away. But also you will brick sometimes.
>face someone with the silver emblem>he always gets tails on attacks/misty/etc>face someone with gold emblem>he always gets headsI know you see that too. Luck is seeded to your account, not your session.
I only used this card because I was stuck with only one ex but I was really surprised at how much work it put in. Having one of each type meant I had the option to go with non-ex for an early ko or wait another turn for ex if that was better. Its not a good card or anything but it pulled its weight and also literally no one ever plays around it because they just assume they're completely safe until Jigglypuff has 3 energy.
>>57077579It's actually seeded to your life.
>>57077536Aero or Arbok, I like making big moves
>>57077409I battle with my cool cards
>>57077587>also literally no one ever plays around it because they just assume they're completely safe until Jigglypuff has 3 energy.This is one of those funny situations where a good player will play around it and lose because they did the correct thing but a bad player won't even realize they're supposed to play around it so they do the bad thing and win.
>>57077579Personally, I experienced much more luck in the event queue after earning my emblem. Both in the decks I'm playing and the decks of my opponents and how hard they brick.
>>57077603Probably the only time you should ever play around it is if you can clearly see your opponent isn't running a typical meta deck in which case the odds of them running it become a lot higher than zero.
I got all the event stuff. Do the tickets carry over? Wasting tickets on shinedust seems dumb. Especially that low amount.
gatcha players really are so paranoid that they don't even know how statistics work huh?
>>57077627Gacha draws in people with severe mental illness
>>57077627>they don't even know how statistics workStatistics always work against you. Simple as.
>>57077626>Do the tickets carry over?No. These tickets are event exclusive.
>>57077627We know.
>>57077626There's a magnifying glass with a plus sign in the upper right corner of the screen you can click on to get a description of the tickets. The description says they go away and includes an expiration date.
>>57077627>a game whose entire business model hinges on gambling + microtransactions has absolutely zero motivation to manipulate results in order to push people towards the gambling area of the gameYou are so very, very naive.
>>57077654how the hell did you lose a game where you flipped 5 heads with misty?
>>57077046Is it worth to pick this kusoge up now or is it too late?
>>57077666A late-game Misty draw where the opponent was already in their win condition state.
>>57077627There have been multiple gachas throughout history who were caught "cheating" by whales. They stand to gain from fucking you over, and you cannot possibly disprove anything unless you spend massively.
>>57077663>noo, I just loss cause the game is rigged against me I'd win if the game was fair.just get good rather than blaming everything and everyone else.
>>57077669you missed promo Mankey you're too late
>>57077060Actually makes a lot of sense considering Mew can Transform so its possible Mew can transform parts of its body to use all moves (basically a more advanced version of Ditto's Transform)
>>57077675>There have been multiple gachas throughout history who were caught "cheating" by whales.any actual proof of this? actual evidence not just whales whining that they are still losing even after spending thousands of dollars.>and you cannot possibly disprove anything unless you spend massively.cant people go into the code of these games?
>>57077627>gachafags are schizosa tale as old as time
>>57077692Nexon was fined 9 million for slowly lowering the rate of the best items in Maplestory over time until it hit a near 0 percent chance. They of course gained more profit than 9 million so whatever.
>>57077680There is already a patent for that type of thing. Filed by Activision for use with Hearthstone, but still.
Anyone know if we're getting a bunch of hourglasses for the next set's release? I used all of my shit up going for fart Sabrina.
>>57077680>it's an ESLof course lol. This isn't new. Games have been doing this sort of manipulation for years. Even games that don't have something as overt as coinflips to hide behind.
>>5707771136 hourglasses for log in bonuses plus however many hourglasses the new solo battles pay out.
>>57077692Most recently Maplestory, and notably also Shift Up with their previous gacha Destiny Child. There have also been times in different gachas I've played where they've handed things out or done partial refunds of particular banners because "the actual rate was different than the advertised rate up", always worse.
>>57077719>36 hourglassesIt's pretty pathetic how low the event rewards are. Like the 5 win streak event missions gave what, 2 packs worth? I guess the promo cards from events are pretty good, but just being given a days worth of packs is such a tease.
>>57077712git gud, blaming others is limiting your ability to win, once you take responsibility for your actions and choices your win rate will start to rise.keep at it buddy, try to think about the plays your opponent can make based on the cards you see.if your opponent has a rapidash they probably are playing Blaine, so consider the fact that they can do 30 extra damage and play around that.simple stuff like that can help you win games.
>>57077721Didn't someone hack one of the Dragon Ball gachas and found that their pulls were account-seeded instead of random, so that with a bad seed you had 0% chance to pull some characters? It was a few years ago.
We should get at least 120 hourglasses at once for a multi pull for any celebration, anything less is pathetic, especially when that 120 can just lead to a dead pull anyway
>>57077743I git gud by playing games that don't have built-in means of manipulating wins and losses. I didn't read beyond those words. You're brown and dumb enough to think corporations won't cheat. I bet you think slot machines are fair too lol.
how many cards are in the new set, is it all new cards only?
>>57077707>hearthstone is a rigged gachawhat kind of next level delusional cope is this
>>57077760"more than 80 cards""5 new Pokemon ex cards""5 new trainer cards"we haven't seen any reprints from A1 yet but we don't know there won't be any
>>57077753>I didn't read beyond those, sure buddy, I'm 100% whiter than you.also I never said corporations don't cheat, I said ctcha players don't understand statics, which is very true reading this thread.
>>57077707Isn't that patent for Call of Duty?>>57077762The patent is about rigging matchmaking to advertise purchases, not about rigging the purchase system itself.
>>57077753To be honest, slot machines and other kinds of gambling CAN be fair because most people don't care how low the probability of a win is and will still play.
>>57077744I heard something about that. Also there was some game where your odds depended on stuff like your friend list size. If you had a ton of friends you had better odds because I guess you're more likely to tell people about it.
>>57077627Cardgame players are somewhere behind CODbabbies when it comes to whining about matchmaking and the all mighty "script" that doesn't allow them to farm their winning matchups just because they ran into 2 of them before switching deck. Get used to it, it's here to stay
Wow, that anon might have been right about the 4 stamina thing. I started it yesterday and just got a 4 cost one today. Meanwhile I think the last time I saw a 4 cost pick was weeks ago.Now someone please help me make a no Zapdos Pika ex deck.
>>57077762anyone who has played Hearthstone knows their matchmaking is rigged as fuck.
>>57077795>Wow, that anon might have been right about the 4 stamina thingWhat 4 stamina thing? Do you get higher chances of seeing 4 stam cards if your stam is already at 4+?
>>57077773I think it would be difficult to show a specific player how strong a specific "item" is in a match when it's a team vs team game. The item holder may get eliminated by someone else before he kills the person he was matched with in this system.
>>57077801>Do you get higher chances of seeing 4 stam cards if your stam is already at 4+?YesIt feels like it
>>57077801That's what he was suggesting and its what I did. Of course in my case this is literally just one instance so the sample size is way too small to say if its just coincidence, but its one heck of a coincidence. Unfortunately doing it this way is kinda costly on wonder pick hourglasses so I have to wait to let my stamina go back to 4 again.
>>57077802Then again, since they went out of their way to patent it they might want to use it everywhere to maximize its cost-effectiveness.
>>57077801He was saying that he started sitting on 4 stam and saw a ton of 4 stam picks. I also saw one today while at 4 stam while I usually see like 1-2 a week if that's worth anything.It'd make sense that if they see someone above 3 stam that it likely means they're waiting for a specific card and would want to throw a 4 stam pick to make them waste their stamina on something they don't really need.
every time in any other competitive game when someone posts about how they are sure the game is rigged it's always some shitter with a sub 50% win rate trying to justify why they are bad.I doubt its different this time.
I had 4 stamina since late last night and early this morning I saw a FA Erika in my WP, but could just be coincidence it's timed with what you guys are saying
>>57077767You're literally an ESL who thinks the house doesn't rig games lol.>>57077775>slot machines can be fairlol
>>57077795>>57077801I went multiple weeks at 5 stamina and never saw so much as a single EX.
>>57077831I'm gonna keep doing it to see if its not just coincidence but not having the hourglasses to fund it will skew the data.
>>57077827you're literally a loser who blames his inability to win on everyone but himself.
>>57077666he flipped 6
>>57077844I win all the time. I just know that my skill was only part of the equation. Because I'm not so naive as to think the house doesn't always win. You'll grow up someday, don't worry brown-kun.
I can't do it, I'm much too anxious for this gamemy heart cant take it trying to get 5 wins
>>57077827>who thinks the house doesn't rig games lol. also, I think you must be the ESL since I never said this.
>>57077788yeah I would a fat wallet if I had a penny for the amount of times I've heard people whine about the game putting you against your decks worst match ups on purpose. or "the shuffler is broken"
>>57077847>>57077847>Because I'm not so naive as to think the house doesn't always winagain, I never said this, go read a book since your comprehension needs work.
>>57077853>>57077863>the house always wins>but not by rigging anythingimagine being this mongrel lmao
>>57077867damn you actually are stupid, the house does not have to rig anything to win in this case cause you don't play against the house, you play against other players. and try to buy an edge over then that the house profits from.
>>57077852just pick mewtwo or pika ex so you dont have to worry about losing to a bad match up.
>>57077432Not that much going off card total
if you ever think "damn i'm stupid", remember there's a guy out there who thinks "the house always wins" refers to individual matches in Pocket rather than psychological and mathematical techniques that funnel players into the store. Christ alive.
the fact that there is no top tier dark or fighting deck is a big reason why pika and mewtwo reign supreme, hopefully the new set can fix that.
are we arguing whether or not TPC gets a profit from this game or
>>57077887the real reason they reign is because they're basic EXs with too high HP. You want to put a Pikachu in danger of a one shot? You need a Stage 2 Fighting Pokemon to do it. Meanwhile for him to put your entire range of Pokemon i danger of a one-shot, he needs 2 energy.
>>57077887the top tier dark deck is arbok and weezing
>>57077887type matchups mean very little with no resistances and only +20 weakness.
>>57077885imagine moving the goalpost when you get called out for being an idiot, I specifically mentioned that the house funnels you into spending money in my post via competition.keep trying anon, one day you'll get over a 40% win rate.
>he's so retarded that he thinks the goalposts have been moved, rather than realising that funneling people into the store by rigging results and matchmaking has been the argument this whole timeyou will NEVER be as stupid as this individual. relish in that.
>>57077908the fact that they're not complaning about rng means they have a wr over 40%
>>57077896this retard has completely misconstrued my argument, I said "gotcha players don't understand statistics" and he took it as "a corporation wound never cheat to increase profits."
>>57077867You're so fucking stupid, this is one of the few digitcgs that doesn't even put you on a treadmill each month to fight rank decay, the "house" fucking wins just by you logging in for your two packs a day.
>>57077579your ass is seeded by my penus
>the house wins by you spending no money and merely opening 2 free packswhat did he mean by this
>>57077915keep blaming others, I'm sure that will result in a lot of wins for you.
>after denying that he ever denied the house cheats, he's back to claiming the house never cheats and it's all pure rngkek. i've never seen someone loop back around to lose an argument for a third time like this.
>>57077923if you spend no money you are the product, not the are the incentive to get other players to spend money.its not that hard to understand
Does this work for a Pika ex deck without any Zapdos EX? I stuck in a regular one just to have something that doesn't auto lose to fighting decks but, its probably not really worth it. I have Raichus and Lt Surges, but no Magnetons though. So I don't know if I can do better than this.
>>57077923>does his loginsYep
>if you do literally nothing except login and open 2 packs and then close the game then you're the incentive for others to spend moneythis retard really did not think this through, did he? lmao
I'm sorry man, I did not realize you were mentally ill, my bad.I can explain it for you but I cant understand it for you.
>>57077940>contributes to the wonderpick systemBro...
>>57077940you are arguing with at least 2 different people Schizo.
>>57077877>>57077867This is the stupidest argument I’ve seen all day
>>57077748we already get 120 gems per celebrationbut there has been 0 celebration so far
>>57077933You don't need magneton to run raichu and surge. You just retreat your injured EX and surge it's energy onto the raichu.
>>57077944pocket lets you turn off your pack sharing
I'm still one shotting pikas with melmetalJust let some meat shields take a hit If you potion just once he can't even two shot you
>>57077948yea, I'm sorry i engaged with him, after he got buthurt when I said gatch players don't understand statistics, its really shit up this threat for no reason.
>>57077950True, but do you think its better to run Raichu in this scenario?
>>57077944>retard doesn't knowlmao>>57077947I'm fully aware I'm arguing with two people. One (you) is the retard who thinks that the RNG is pure and honest RNG. The other is the retard who chimed in about doing dailies. Don't embarrass yourself like that again.
>>57077956What sort of metal support in the next set would be needed to make this deck mid/upper tier
>>57077957You could've always just been smart and not said something retarded and just acknowledged that corporations in charge of games that make their profit via microtransactions will and do manipulate "RNG" (and other things) in order to manipulate players into spending money.
>>57077948this is an example of what happens when you take the 5 emblem event too seriously.
>>57077964I never denied that, he just decided that's what I said.
>>57077971What relevance do statistics have in regards to RNG that is specifically being rigged? Be specific about the statistics you were referencing.
>>57077959So we believe that Wonderpicks are truly, fingers crossed, swear on my heart opt out, but that they'd absolutely fuck with the other game systems, then? Wonderpick is the sacred cow?
>>57077933Something like this?
>>57077961I was hoping for a metal only reduced damage taken but we just got blue
>>57077979My only concern is that I'm running less basics and more evolutions, I dunno if that will matter. But I guess I could just try them both out.
>>57077977I was talking about the schizophrenics who were blaming everything on cheaters when it could easily just be back luck.>>57077388>>57077423>>57077445>>57077468
>>57077959>who thinks that the RNG is pure and honest RNGagain, a thing I never said, you are creating an argument in your own head.
>>57077996One of those posts doesnt even mention cheating. You're backpedaling hard. >>57078002See above. You''re backpedaling hrd. Even after claiming this argument was a mistake to even engage in, you literally cannot stop. Your ego is fragile and that lets others own and control you.
>>57077996Schizos are gonna schizo bro. But good on you for calling them out. We should call them all retarded every single time they post or otherwise they will multiply.
>now he's complimenting himself while calling people schizoslol
I can't wait for the expansion to land, open 40 packs after numbly collecting 4 hourglasses daily, getting jackshit, and complain in here. How about you? Are you excited too?
>replying to gachafag schizosyou don't win, you won't beat mental illness
>>57078020Schizo alert
>>57078012>you literally cannot stop. Your ego is fragile and that lets others own and control you.this applies to you as well as me anon.One of those posts doesnt even mention cheating. You're backpedaling hard.hardly, I accidentally left a post I meant to delete cause it was not relevant, its still true. I was making fun of people who blames their loses in cheaters instead of understating that statistically you are just going to run into bad luck and fishy plays.
>n-no uSee? You are completely owned. Like a dog sitting and barking on command. Bark, doggie, bark.
>>57078034>loses at a children’s card game>it m-m-m-must be cheaters!!!Fucking hilarious watching the mentally ill retards here desu
Stop it, /tcgp/None of you are schizosAngry nerdy losers trying to one-up each other on a Saturday fucking night sure, but still better than the actual schizos that plague other spots
It's a couple days till we get new cards, post your favorite brew you had with the core set
Unless you brick it just works
>he's replying to himself againdeary me
>>57078059I want to play it so bad but I only have the one giovanni. Do you think it works with just one?
>>57078069Damn bro you are severely mentally illIt’s great companies have figured out ways to monetize retards like you lol
>>57078074I only have one melmetal… should I just kms??
>>57078074Yeah one is fineOnce blue is out I'm replacing a Giovanni with blue
>>57078059How the fuck did they manage to let you get 4 energy on him without pikachu gutting your shit?
>the doggie actually barks when he's told toKek, go ahead doggie. Bark again for your owner.
>>57077979You probably don't want so many stage 1s.>>57077933Should be ok. It's not ideal imo since everything has such low hp but it should be serviceable.
>>57078089What would you replace it with?
it really bothers me that its basic>stage 1>stage 2and not stage 1> stage 2>stage 3
>>57078052imagine how bad it'll get if they add a ranked mode
>>57078130doggie still barking? good doggie.
>>57078094I'll show you a match I just had right now in a few shots.How it started
>>57078138autist can you stop shitting up the thread, you don't have the ability to tell comments apart as different people
I'm sorry I doubted you Krab Kings.>no thanks afterwardscould taste the salt.
>>57078147One down
>>57078147Mawile is so good I wish she could actually do some real damage and didn't just die if she flips tails and the opponent's mon requires 2 or less energy to swing
im not gonna make it lads, i get up to 2 or 3 wins and my deck suddenly and mysteriously bricks...
>>57078152Forgot pic
>>57078162And that's it
>>57078160its dena messing with your rng. you need to add bad cards to your deck and buy the erika coin. then you'll get good match ups and no bricks
>>57077186i want to impregnate it
>>57078165>>57078058I dunno about brew, but favorite decks work too I suppose, i love my koga deck too, it was my first deck i played in pocket and what got me into it
>>57078125Same, really really dumb design
>>57078145good doggie. Bark again.
>>57078125>>57078185Fucking deal with it NIGGERS it’s been that way for like 25 YEARS
>>57078125Because some pokemon don't evolve so it would be weird to call them "stage 1"
>>57078185>>57078125"Stage 1" on pokemon that don't evolve is a little cumbersome but I guess if it was "Basic OR stage 1, stage 2, stage 3"... maybe?But then you have the question of pokemon that don't evolve now but do later.
>>57078160Just play Misty with Articuno EX and Starmie EX. It's the fastest way.
>tfw the Trick can't be done unless you're a giga whaleAt least the Pledge is still possible, although it will take an underderminate amount of time
>>57078193This is digital so they can just patch themI imagine they have SOME tool to patch the cards
>>57078194i dont have those cards
>>57077409collecting cool cards is about autistically wonderpicking and rerolling alt accounts. its not so exciting.
>>57078058It was shit but god knows that I loved it.
>>57077152her name is Jino?
>>57077536The Bonehead.
>>57078125It works like tuningBasic is the stock car and Stage 1 the first upgradeBut honestly, is there even a point in keeping this meme nomenclature around?
>>57078233artist name
>>57078058Damn that looks cool, I would try it but I don't have Gardevoir.I made a lot of brews but the best one was Golduck/Frosmoth/Heliolisk:>low retreat cost for easy switching>low attack energy for fast attacking>3 different weaknesses>psyduck doesn't lose to gio>golduck deals lots of damage>frosmoth sleeps fast>heliolisk kills birdsthe downsides:>90hp max you're dead if you fall behind>snom is weak>Helioptile can't attack without lightning energy>the evo you need comes too late
>>57077347music is haram?is that like the video games of ancient times?
>>57078058I tried to run this deck but without gardevoir. I had some of my longest games with the timer going down to 3 minutes runing into other sleep decks with both of us putting the other guy to sleep and not being able to wakeup. >>57078218>2400 cardsin your case, it's about whaling
>>57078253it's called wallet rerolling
this game NEEDS Sneasel and Weavile in the next expansionthe psychic spam meta has to get countered before it kills pvp
>>57078264>gen 4 monI'm still convinced the next booster is going to be johto centric. They could make Tyranitar a hard hitting dark type.
>>57078269I was gonna say "they wouldn't do Sneasel without Weavile!!" then I remembered Electabuzz/Magmar/Magnezone
full art when
>lmaoing at the anons fighting each other but not giving the other a (You)
>>57078267post lord of the sea card count
>>57078274bring it back!
Well gamers, it happened. Because I didn't want to tab out and get disconnected while playing, I waited 2 minutes to respond to my wife, so she found out about the game and finds it "very concerning" and apparently I'm going to get fired for playing during my lunch hour if I don't quit the game. It's been real. Hope the miniset's fun.
>>57078283really surprising Garde didn't get one when it was blatantly made to be ran in the tier 1 Mewtwo deck AND has an emblem for collecting 5.
>>57078253I bought maybe 100 packs, the rest of my gold has been used on wonderpicks. Spent around 180-200 dollars. If you want an actual collection comparative to mine from only pack ripping you're spending over 2k. If 4 hours of my life in pokegold is whaling then I am in fact, a whale.
>>57078289your wife is your boss?
>>57078297Similar spender here. Fuck you for being luckier than me
>>57078288The first Sneasel in Pocket is absolutely going to reference this one.
>>57078287I've seen people with over 15k. This is mine.
>>57078292and i dont think there will be one any time soon barring an event reprint.
>>57078289why tf would she ban you when you're fucking around in your lunch break what
>>57078289you are a cuck
>>57077046Why is Mew so cute?
I want to vomit when i see electric decks fill their bench with overpowered basic EX pokemon turn 2 bros.
>>57078309You should really crush those immersives for the special shop tickets. The set looks so damn good.
>>57078308Pikachu EX is basically a reference to this and they gave "Do the Wave" to Cinccino. It would be cool if they did, specially with a 1-2 energy attack.
>>57078347don't show anon the physical tcg
>>57078264>sneasel>expansion is literally a tropical islandkey art confirms we're getting liepard, sharpedo and ariados seem pretty likely as well
>>57078357Pikachu EX is a reference to the sickest Raichu of all time and the last time he had meta relevance.>>57078304Don't worry I just missed my 9th Brock FA wonderpick.
Karenfags: what do you do when your bro is meta?
>>57078369>actually gets foil trainer wonderpicksdouble fuck you
>>57078357a bunch of the cards in pocket are references to one of their phsyical tcg counterparts. The Pikachu EX is oddly enough based off a Raichu that was meta at one point.
>>57078309how much did this cost? I have almost 800 cards at level 20 having only spent money on the pass.
>>57078149whats your deck look like?
>>57078370they'll probably call you a meta sheep still
>>57078269>I'm still convinced the next booster is going to be johto centric.i thought this would be the case until they revealed Celebi in the miniset.base set focusing on gen 1 was a given but now that Celebi is going to be wasted on this i think they will be less conservative. all gen 2 mons will probably be in the game by then but i wouldn't be surprised if they come alongside the gen 4 evos.
>>57078354Already did.
>>57078370build sub-optimally and win anyways
>>57078292apparently a given 3^ has lower odds than a 1* due to the larger poolclearly they're aware considering the paid only accessories
random reminder that if you, a free player, waste more than 3 hourglasses in the island booster, you are getting shit in january for the new boosters.
>>57078405I don't care about that. What about whale discounts?
>>57078406Boxing day sale here WE GO
has the set been spoiled yet ?
>>57078405why more than 3 ? is 2 the sweet spot ?
>>57078445trhey are giving 3 (THREE) free pack for logging in
>>57078448I thought this was about hourglasses
>>57078442We know like 16 out of 80 cards
imagine if you needed 10 of the same cards and like 10,000 dust to trade one cardthat would be hilarious (not really)
Finally won 5 battles in a rowI'm gonna just concede a bunch of times to help players with the event
>>57078478there's a lot of good will riding on the trading system not being shit because the rest of the card acquisition systems are well below average for a digital card gameif they release something shit people are going to have no choice but to admit this game is pretty fucking bad.
I like this guy's Erika. She's so expressive
>>57078485They already scored their 200 M (soon to be higher from the new set) so even if trading is shit and like 80% of people quit they can just run a skeleton crew to keep it alive while enjoying the early profit
>>57078480>have a 4 win streak going>some asshole with the emblem beats me>thanks button goes unpressed
>>57078507That's me
>>57078507Sorry bro, I don't thank anyone anymore unless you're playing a deck I haven't seen before. You can thank this event for turning me into this monster
>>57078289Imagine being this much of a beta.
>>57078495Cute Erika-chan
>>57078516There’s only like 5~8 decks out there anon
>>57078523even if we only count archetypes I count at least 10 from the top of my headunless you mean specifically tier 1 decks
Winstreak event ends soon. How many 1 star reviews is Pocket gonna eat from salty shitters?
>>57078523Pikachu with raichu + zapdos Pikachu with electrodePikachu with zebrastrikeThat's 3 and with only Pikachu. Gren/articuno articuno/starmie articuno 18tthat's another 3 weezing has dozens of decks. weezing/arbokweezing/nidoking weezing/mukweezing/Dragonite weezing/wiggly weezing/alakazam
>>57078532I hope enough for the devs to add content and hourglasses and a fix to the battle system
>>57078540PikachuMewtwoMisty (includes Starmie, Articuno, Lapras, etc)CharizardVenusaurKogaMaybe you get a thanks if you're not playing one of these.
>>57078540>weezing has dozens of decksdozens of decks have weezing, it's just one of the most popular stall options for setting up your wincon pokemon.
ready for the new set!
>>57078540>he forgot about my boy
>>57078532there will be at least one from the reception Ive seen in this thread and on other sites. pocket really is a game for the casual audience. I can't imagine how bad it'll get if TPC ever officially supports the competitive scene for this game.
>>57078559for the life of me I never understood why so many people thought that terrible deck was good
>>57078249Yeah your gay ass nigger zoomer music is 100% haram.You will regret it
>>57078579>guaranteed to play Articuno EX on turn 1>likely to get Misty in the first couple turns>if you start with Misty and flip 2 heads, you win on the spot>if you ever find Misty and she flips any heads, you still probably win>if you have to slow play your Articuno, you can still beat decks that don't draw well
>just missing AR charmander for all 1-star arts in charizard pack>just missing AR ditto for all 1-star arts in mewtwo pack>just missing AR eevee for all 1-star arts in pikachu packthis is my hell but at least I have like 4 extra AR weezing to trade in january.
>>57078588at least it's just the 1 stars, I see those pop up in wonderpick all the time. I've seen maybe 1 full art trainer wonderpick since I started playing
>>57078559Why run 2 Pokeballs though?
>>57078593The game absolutely pulls some bullshit to lower the chance of full art trainers from showing up in wonder picks.
>>57078586You have a 59% chance of seeing misty in the first 7 cards of your deck50% of the time misty will do nothing25% of the time she will only accelerate you by 1, which is good but not enough for this shit deck to win unless opponent bricksso basically you're building around a 25% possibility that you'll get an edge and you get is terrible the rest of the timesorry these are not good odds
>>570785982 star cards are just very, very rare anon
>>57078597This deck has to run fucking red card and hand scope before this new set. We literally do not have enough trainers to choose from.
>>57078607why would that affect your value assessment ?
god damn iti cant stop masturbating to Erika sanoh noi got hard just typing her namefuuuuuuuuuuuk
>>57078600My apologies. I don't think the deck is "good", but it wins. I interpreted it in my head as "I never understood why people play his deck"If I were a faggot who entered tournaments, I would never run 18T Misty. Regardless, it wins games, and it gets you into and out of the queue quickly. There's even a YouTube vid of someone who got the 5 winstreak with 18T Misty in like 20 minutes. You can probably win more games in a shorter timeframe with 18T Misty than any other more consistent deck. >>57078602Okay, but it is using Blue and Leaf in this picture. Take a Pokeball out.
>>57078559>double leafHmmmm.....
>>57078610 you should say that...
mew ex honestly seems incredibly overpowered, he'll cast a large shadow over this game for a long time it feels like
>>57078624>cmthere's no way this is official LMAO
>>57078632I have a low retreat cost psychic type for my alakazam deck now, godbless.
>>57078640there's no reason to run smoll mewtwo in mewtwo decks either, right when he got a sick art promo
>>57078632It seems like it's specifically made to counter Mewtwo and Charizard decks.
>>57078632Printing a strictly better Zapdos EX that can fit into any deck is kinda wild, but the good part is that any deck can play it. I think most decks are going to run a one-of Mew EX. Is that casting a large shadow over the game? Maybe. But it also kinda keeps random bullshit in check.
>>57078645it's just good no matter what is the thingits worse case scenario is being a 130 hp basic with a 20 damage 1 energy attack and 1 retreat cost, which is VERY goodthe only decks that wouldn't run that are decks that are already pretty tight, but he's generically good at being a supportive option for every rogue deck in existence
>>57078579>estimated 52% win rate in tourneys >estimated 80% win rate if you can get at least one energy out of misty
>>57078649he's not a strictly better zapdos in any deck he needs psychic energy for his 1 cost attack, so there's thatstill yeah what keeps him from being oppressive is that by design he can never be the star of the show, just a support
man aerodactyl ex going first into water decks is just really funny, isn't it
I'm so fucking sick of these Genetic Apex cards that are available in all 3 packs
>>57078661He's a strictly better Zapdos EX because any deck can play him and use the attack, and the attack is an answer to most meta threats. Even in decks that run electric energy, I'd argue that Zapdos is only better in Pika, and you're still probably not going to use his 3 energy attack. And actually, depending on what the unrevealed electric EX is, I can see a timeline where we possibly ditch Pikachu EX (because he is what is holding the deck back, requiring a full bench of electrics to do anything), and we play Zapdos EX and "Raichu EX", maybe even with regular Raichu, and we run Mew EX in the "Pika" deck.
>>57078678I think you're underselling the work that zapdos' one energy attack can put ineven if you brick against charizard zapdos can single handedly pressure the moltres
>>57078683I just think Mew EX is a strictly better Zapdos EX due to it being splashable in any deck and having a better 3 energy attack. Except in the Pika deck, which might even reach a point where it phases the Pika out so it can run non-electric things.
Stage 2 EXs are too weak
>>57078695stage 2 EXs are actually balanced, its EX basics that are a problem.
>>57078690and I'm saying I don't think that's the correct usage of strictly better, I agree mew is much more generic but for him to be stricly better pikachu decks would need to want to play it instead of zapdos in the current meta, and that would not happen because zapdos' peck is a legitimate game changer against moltres and water, which are most of the non electric decks atm
>>57078702>I'm saying I don't think that's the correct usage of strictly betterYeah, maybe. My thought process is that if it's in "every" deck, which is seems it will be, and since Zapdos EX does not share this ubiquity, then Mew EX would be strictly better. >but for him to be stricly better pikachu decks would need to want to play it instead of zapdosI think that if Mew EX starts showing up in any "meta electric" lists, this will be proof that it is strictly better, in all senses of the phrase.
>>57078703I don't know if anyone has confirmed if it's like this in Pocket, but most games that do a winstreak based gamemode only pair you against someone else on the same # of wins as you. So surrendering over and over like a cuck is probably just giving people their first win and not actually finishing up anyones 5th win.
>>57078703>40 concedeslol it sounds boring to be throwing that hard. after I got my emblem I started conceding anytime I saw a deck that wasn't using electric energy so I could get more practice with weezing/arbok against pikachu
>>57078736I doubt there's any thought whatsoever put into the matchmaking algorithm of this game for babies but who knows
>>57078736That sounds awful. Why would a game prioritise pairing 4 winstreak with a 4 winstreak. What possible purpose could that serve
>>57078750Iirc, this is how Destiny 2 did Trials, at least for a while. >What possible purpose could that serveTheoretically, it allows good people to get the first few matches over quickly so that they can get to the "real" games. That's in more skill based games though. This is a coinflip game so I think the idea of a winstreak at all is kinda stupid.
>still need to open 80 genetic apex packs until I can point buy a 2 stars cardthis is never gonna happen is it
>>57078624>the trick works in TCGP too>>57078635It's a skit, lol非公式 means unofficial and the start is focused on a tube of literal JAV studio lube
>>57078774let me tell ya some of these games I won in that event made it clear there's more to it than coin flips lol, I've nearly conceded games that the opponent just proceeded to offer me on a silver platter
this set better have ultra ball for the love of god
>>57078786I think the game is more coinflip than skill.
>>57078786There’s a skill element. I’ve avoided screen capping wins with my meme deck vs really bad decks, but the pictures don’t exactly convey the misplays that made my seemingly sweaty opponents fold. You can have a 1:1 meta deck and still not understand the value of your cards.
>>57078804I wouldn't necessarily disagree, but that's just card games in general
>>57078245It's ... interesting.
>>57078818I think there is more coinflip in this card game than any other card game I've ever played.
>>57078832cause they're not branded as coinflips but they still functionally arein terms of draw consistency this game is very high, variance has to come from somewherein mtg drawing a land lategame is the equivalent of losing a coinflip in this game, and is probably more devastating overall than flipping tails twice on your kangashkan
It’s over brosI didn’t even come close
>>57078703Imagine if conceding that many times revoked your emblem and you had to start over
>>57078843f2ps have no chance of even coming close to finishing those sets, just focus on the booster packs that have the cards you want
>>57078839>cause they're not branded as coinflips but they still functionally areNo, it's because this game is more coinflip than skill. More so than other card games that I've played.
>>57078847How long have you been playing and how close are you
>>57078853I'm a whale sorry my experience is useless to you
>>57078675more Generic Apex, amirite?
>>57078847eh Im kinda close. but I havent really been trying to finish the sets. Im trying to get duplicates for so I can flair up my decks
>>57078869you're one of those neozelanders aren't you
>>57078874nope, I never felt like setting up a vpn so I started when the game launch globally
>>57078853I've been playing for about a month and have almost finished the pokedex, at least for the normal non-alt cards. I'm like 6 or 7 off, but I did have the premium pass for about 3 weeks now. Hopefully trading isn't super shitty and people will be able to trade for the things they want
Will Mew EX have a crown rare variant? Or an Immersive?
>>57078847I'm 209/226 as f2p. I even started late (during Lapras event)
>>57078900he's on the booster pack so previous trends seem to hint at him getting an immersive
>>57078900They've confirmed new immersives are getting added so I would bet anything mew and celebi are getting one.
>>57078903My money is on immersive Mew, Celebi, AND Zeraora.
>>57077958It's always better to run 2/2 Raichu line + 1 Surge in PikaEX over Zebstrika, Electrode, or anything else.2 zapdosEX is optimal but the reality is that ZapdosEX is primarily a wall (especially against fighting types) and just works better than most other walls by virtue of having a 1 cost attack and 1 retreat. You're only using the coinflip as a last resort, when you've repeatedly misplayed or been screwed on draws. Sub-optimal walls are Baby Zapdos (for retreat cost and "I fucked up" last resort attack) or Kangaskhan (for poke-damage while setting up). Kanga is much more likely to die rather than be switched out though plus it loses the fighting-defense aspect.On another note it's better to cut to one Pinurchin if possible, opting for a second wall, and cut Red Card for the Surge. My hottest take is to cut one Sabrina for a second potion. PikaEX+Raichu inherently doesn't rely on Sabrina as much as other decks, your opponent will play around it, and you'll only ever use one Sabrina per game if you're in a winning position. There's also the factor of Surge competing for your supporter-for-turn when it really matters.I may not be an ex-professional tcg player, but I have been playing primarily variations of PikaEX since launch and my winrate hovers at around 75%.
>>57078717mew is literally never going to be played in a pika deck because it needs lightning on the bench. yes it'll probably be a one-of in a lot of decks as a 1-retreat wall that techs for mewtwo and charizard, but it's far from gamebreaking. 3 energy is a lot (unless you're vs mewtwo or char because you have energy economy on them).meanwhile against:>pika-ex: attack does nothing>venu-ex: venusaur outheals>egg-ex: highly inefficient, egg probably outheals you with erika anyways>blastoise-ex: only hits for 100 unless you're in mono water with 5 energy (good luck getting 5 energy on it with no misty), blastoise OHKOs at 5 energy>arcanine-ex: lose the trade because you can't OHKO but you put yourself in OHKO range if you attack>starmie-ex: inefficient and they have misty on you>marowak-ex: inefficient>dragonite: all 4 need to hit dragonite to KO, it'll never come up before getting an attack off itself so you always lose the trade>aero-ex: inefficient>dark anything: loland it's even into all the other EXs (gengar, machamp, wiggly, birds) it's just neutral. it really is not as good as people make it out to be EXCEPT in mewtwo decks which want a high-HP low-retreat wall anyways. and even then you ONLY use it to pressure early or beat mewtwo/charizard.
>>57078906they're not putting 3 immersives in an 80-card pack. if anything it'll probably just be mew.
>>57078920>but it's far from gamebreakingThe fact that every deck can play it means it's probably not "gamebreaking", and I do think it's probably not "gamebreaking". >yes it'll probably be a one-of in a lot of decks>it really is not as good as people make it out to beI don't think that these things you said agree with each other.
>>57078149If you play Misty you don't get a thanks, Shrimple as.
>>57078165Why are your Ekans like that bro?
>>57078926>The Mythical Island expansion features over 80 cards, including five new exciting Pokémon ex cards, five new Trainer cards, and gorgeous immersive cards ready to bring you into the wondrous world of Pokémon.>immersive cards (plural)There are at least 2.
>>57078929If you aren't running Lightning energy it's better than Zapdos ex and there are decks currently that run Zapdos ex without Lightning energy. I don't think he's saying the card is bad, I think he's saying the attack isn't great.
>>57078934It's Pride Ekans
>>57078929>I don't think that these things you said agree with each other.I'm not saying it's a bad card. It's a good card. I'm saying it's a situational card and it's not as oppressive as people are expecting it to be. The popular line at the moment (that I'm trying to respond to) is "mew-ex is broken." If you don't think that then we're agreeing. a lot of decks have potion, i don't think that makes potion an exceptionally good card.
>>57078495This cute Erika makes me want to stop gatekeeping the event. I won't though.
>>57078939huh. i'll concede there's at least two, and i'm happy to be proven wrong but I just don't see them functionally doubling/tripling the pull rate for an immersive in one pack. maybe one is a secret reward for collecting something like mew? it'd be cool if we got celebi-ex and a regular immersive celebi. especially if the electric ex wasn't zeroara and was actually vikavolt-ex
>>57078956>and it's not as oppressive as people are expecting it to beI'm not expecting it to be "oppressive", but I do think - as you said - that it's going to be a one-of in many, many decks. If it was Psychic energy only, I think it might be pretty oppressive. >The popular line at the moment (that I'm trying to respond to) is "mew-ex is broken."I'm not saying Mew EX is broken. I'm saying that most decks are going to be playing it as a one-of, and that because of this (and its attack being better), it is a strictly better Zapdos EX, and that even if one were to disagree with the criteria I am using with this verbiage, that if any "meta electric" decks ends up running Mew EX, that will prove that it is indeed strictly better by any metric, since it will be that even a deck which has access to Zapdos EX (and currently finds non-electric Pokemon to be detrimental) is wanting to run Mew EX.
>>57078977Why the fuck does the filename mention Rias Gremory? Uoh is loli thing. Erika isn't loli either
>>57078750Making lucklets seethe and spend more money to get "better"
>>57078980what is with you and comparing mew to zapdos?Zapdos coinflips for damage and averages 100, mew's damage is dependant on whatever the opponents active pokemon has access to. Zapdos can be put on point and loaded up for potential sweeps, while mew in most situations will be used for revenge kills or with sabrina traps to kill one of their strong pokemon, before probably having to swap back out to something on the bench with guaranteed damage to finish the job. They're completely different in function. With 1 energy retreat Mew has potential as a good meat shield, but it's lack of consistent damage output prevents it from being a sweep machine like zapdos, much less replacing it or other dedicated damage dealers on non-psychic teams
I hadn't put 2 and 2 together but if the A1a Lightning Pokemon ex is a basic Pikachu decks are going to go from cancer to turbo cancer because they won't need to run any stage 1s at all. Damn.
>>57078999>what is with you and comparing mew to zapdos?Are you serious?>same hp>same retreat cost>same one energy attack>alternative 3 (potentially game ending/changing) energy attack >basic EX>>57079001I think there's also a possibility that if it's good, the Pikachu gets dropped. More likely, it just takes the place of (and might literally be) Raichu, but the possibility is there.
>>57078981>Erika isn't loliYes she is...
>>57078980why would you ever want to run non-electrics in the deck that needs a full bench of electrics to function.
>>57079012yeah they have the same hp and retreat cost but their attacks make them totally different. Even zapdos having a 20 damage 1 energy attack is still better than mew's because lightning is super effective on birds, present in several of the best meta decks on while mew's does psychic damage which is only super effective on the much worse and less meta present fighting types.
>>57078847Speak for yourself, lucklet.
>>57079024>why would you ever want to run non-electrics in the deck that needs a full bench of electrics to function.We don't know what the new electric EX is, we don't know all the new electric Pokemon, and we don't actually know how good Mew EX is other than "probably very". There is a chance, even if it is unlikely, that Pikachu EX gets phased out of an "meta electric" deck. >>57079026>their attacks make them totally differentYeah, you can splash Mew EX in any deck and actually swing with it.
>>57079031Pikachu EX is too good to not be an option. I'd argue if anything Zapdos gets phased out instead.
>>57078981Jerked your chain with that one, huh? And by your chain I mean my.peanits
>>57079033>Pikachu EX is too good to not be an option.>I'd argue if anything Zapdos gets phased out instead.Pika is very good, but it pretty much necessitates being electric only. Regular Raichu is already a pretty insane Pokemon, so maybe he stays, the new EX gets in, and you replace Zapdos with Mew, removing Pika. Might not be likely, but it is possible. I really don't even know how we got here though. Someone said Mew EX seems incredibly overpowered, and I said it's crazy that they're printing a strictly better Zapdos EX but I don't think it will be "overpowered" simply because any deck can run it, and now we're talking about Pika.
>>57079031>pika ex will get phased outif the current tier 1 deck somehow gets phased out, it's because we'll arrive at a tier 0 or tier 0.5 deck with a 60%+ absurd win rate. That's an absurd thing to propose, especially when the electric pokemon we've seen shown off, work perfectly as support for pika ex deck, like the new default pika and dedenee. you can just "splash mew and swing it" the same way you will with the new tauros. you'll need to load up 3 energy manually on any non-psychic deck and you'll need the opponent to have the right cards benched for mew to work. otherwise, you'll need to swap out because mew can't swing on non-ex basics or even fucking fossils while shit like zapdos can sweep. They're just not comparable.
I don't think Mew ex is better than Zap.Mew ex has a worse typing for matchups and can't do an average of 100 damage, and has a little less health. It does better against some mirrors but against little mons you would want to deal 100 damage against Mew isn't as good as Zapdos. I highly doubt Mew will replace Zapdos on Lightning decks, especially as it can't use it's 20 dmg poke. I think Mew will be confined to mixed energy decks that are already weird like Weezing Greninja and then M2 decks.
>>57079049>That's an absurd thing to proposeI have already said that it's more likely that the new EX just takes the place of Raichu. Or maybe, like you said, it takes the place of Zapdos. It's still possible that you lose Pika to play Mew though, depending on how good the new EX is. We do not know anything. >They're just not comparable.They are both 130hp EX "walls" that retreat for 1, and there are a handful of decks already playing regular Mewtwo (or even Zapdos EX) for a similar reason. Except that you can potentially counter their wincon with Mew EX, which you cannot do with Mewtwo and Zapdos EX out of color, and even in color, Raichu is usually a better "3 energy Zapdos attack" than Zapdos.
>>57079056>can't counter wincon with mewtwo or zapdosWhy on earth not? Zap is 3 energy and can hit up to 200, of it takes the same number of turns to load it up and have it go ham. Mewtwo+gard once set up very rarely gets stopped by anything, a consistent 150+10 damage is much more useful and lets you one shot other meta threats like aritcuno/starmie/dragonite, while mew copying their attacks will not oneshot. Mew has situational utility, but is not outright better
>>57078916How many gio? post the full deck list
>>57079070>Why on earth not?>>>"Except that you can potentially counter their wincon with Mew EX, which you cannot do with Mewtwo and Zapdos EX out of color"Zapdos also just isn't reliable. Zapdos can even fail to kill something that has 60 hp. Zapdos can even fail to kill something that has 30 hp. >a consistent 150+10The conversation was about regular Mewtwo.
>>57078498>>57078485They made more in one month than Genshin Impact made in its entire lifetimeThey could literally do nothing else for the rest of time and still have succeededI hate mobile games
>>57078498This shit made 200 million?
>>57079079normal mewtwo is arguably more useful as a meatshield because despite having 10 less health, it's only worth 1 point. Even with Blue, there's going to be a similair number of scenarios where the meatshied dies, and you don't wanna be down 2 points when that happens. Other EX's that sit in the active slot soaking hits either attack faster or accomplish other goals to swing back harder. Putting Mew up front to soak hits while you need 3 energy before you can swing back on ninetails doing 90 with 2 energy just doesn't make sense.
>>57079089Mew is also only 1 x speed, though. I think the Mew gameplan would be>have Mew out>tank anything the early game throws at you>retreat to put in M2>M2 cleans house>when/if M2 dies, revenge kill and win
>>57079089>normal mewtwo is arguably more useful as a meatshield because despite having 10 less health, it's only worth 1 point.Overall, I do not think so. You can maneuver Mew EX around and you can actually use it. You cannot actually use Mewtwo in off color decks, and you usually just let it die because it's easier to do that than to retreat it.
I'm never going to win a second matchThe luck just isn't on my side, I go from beating a mewtwo deck without even getting machamp on the field to losing every damn coin flip to wiggly
>>57079049All current EX attackers will get phased out. Anyone who has played the physical game knows about how fast they powercreep.
>>57079105should have rerolled for a good deck instead of trying to salvage this mess.
>>570791071. it's a different company2. we've already seen 2 of the ex's in this next pack, one is shit, and the other might see general use in many decks but won't "replace" the current meta threats.
>>57079113shit doesn't get instantly powercrept the very next set
>>57079105How many times did we tell you to get rid if pokedex and hand scope?
>>57079105drop the scope, dex, and red card for a second Sandslash line and one Hitmonlee
>>57079126I don't have anything better so it's just there for filler for now
>>57079123>powercreep is coming soon!!!!!!>we have no evidence this game run by a different company will introduce powercreep in the upcoming set, currently the only info we have about the future>powercreep is coming soon!!!!!!okay lol
>>57079132you better craft a Gio and second Sabrina then.Or like the other guy says. put 2nd line of sandslash. One line of something isn't enough and is probably worse than just not having it at all. I don't know what you have access to but you'll probably keep losing if you keep using bad lists.
>>57079134Except Mew EX (power creeped Zapdos EX)
>>57079132put those 2 tauros in if you truly have nothing else lol
>>57079113>>57079134I can tell you've never played a card game before. By this same time next year 2 energy for 90 dmg won't be viable anymore. Stuff doesn't immediately get replaced set by set, the numbers slowly go up over time. I'm sorry that you wasted a thousand dollars pulling immersive pikachus, but they aren't going to stay meta forever.
>>57079078One Giovanni is enough; again it competes with Surge.
>>57079105non-ex marowak is a decent alternative to sandslashmachamp wants as much energy as it can get to build up and marowak only needs one to start hitting and tanking in the front
>>57079146>I'm sorry that you wasted a thousand dollars pulling immersive pikachus, but they aren't going to stay meta forever.We still don't even know if the sets are going to rotate out of usage in the only format that matters (event queues). We also don't know if the current boosters are going to eventually rotate out of even being able to be opened anymore. An anon pointed out that there is wording in the rules that seems to indicate that this will eventually happen.
>>57079105what the other guy said, it's better to have two lines of any pokemon you have to reduce brick potential. Double sandslash if fine for attacking quickly but you could opt for some colorless supports like jiggly/wiggly or kangaskhan so you can stall and focus on building up Machamp
>>57079105Spend a few pack points and build Pikachu At Home.
>>57079157Forgot my image.
>>57079078Oops, forgot to upload. Also ignore my advice about Kangaskhan as a wall option in regards to PikaEX. Having a non-lightning type on the bench runs the deck.
>>57079155Cards don't need to rotate for them to become non-viable. None of the old meta attackers are viable in expanded format (no rotation) for the physical TCG. The new stuff just has higher numbers than the old stuff.
>>57079162This is what I using except I have a baby zap instead of pinchurin
>>57079163>Cards don't need to rotate for them to become non-viable.True, but you might eventually not be able to play them (or open them) even if you wanted to.
>>57079162Lmao I wanted to build a raichu deck cause he's my favorite, and I naturally came to this EXACT build with only the pincurchin swapped for baby zapdos. The bulk and fast pivoting are too good. Definitely the 1/1/1 for Gio sab and surge
>>57079164Hivemind, I'm >>57079171
>>57079105I just got my 5th win against a Machamp ex deck, I was losing the whole game and then one shot his Machamp ex with a Giovanni.It’s finished. Holy eff I would have roped if I didn’t get this emblem
>>57077996>>57078013>le epic schizo (actually just an opposite opinion) strawman fucking idiot, kill yourself for the benefit of the rest of usi waited 15 minutes just to tell you how much of a waste of oxygen you are, so promptly follow my advice, please
>>57079164If you have 2 zapdosEX, 2 Raichu, and 2 PikaEX, there is no need for Baby Zapdos, it is an underperformer compared to all three. Pinurchin on the other hand fills a niche nothing else does (A1a Dedente will as well; not sure which will be better though).
I think it's funny that the thread schizo shitposted me a few days ago for saying that Lt. Surge cannot be bad because it enables best variant of Pika, and then he started shitposting about Raichu lists being bad (without being able to say why they're bad), and since then we have un-schizo'd posts every single thread about how Raichu is the best Pika deck.
>>57077468Game definitely is rigged, I had like 4 attempts at 5 wins where my first 4 were so easy, like 2 people would surrender after turn 2, then game 5 my deck would draw completely different than normal, but the 6 cards I needed at the bottom, and cause me to lose. This happened many times in a row. Finally squeezed out that last win, it’s a relief.
>>570791812 Magneton raichu is sick but I know brokies won’t have 2 Magneton.
>>57079186I loved that variant once I actually got the magnetons, but I just wasn't running with it. Do you have a magneton/raichu build?
?I'm reading all your replies even though I'm not answering them
>>57078736Judging from opponent behavior, and having my first or second win given to meany times, this anon is correct. I’m gonna get to 5 wins, then show my opponent I could beat them, but not attack. Hope it’s someone here.
>>57079193You should run>2 Primeape line>2 Marowak line (1 regular, 1 EX)I have this deck (except 1 regular Maro, 2 EX Maros) and it's okay. I wouldn't try to get 5 wins with it, but Machamp isn't very good unfortunately, and you only have 1.
>>57079193looks good.
>>57079183Skill issue>>57079186Massive overkill. Surge takes ALL energy as does Raichu's attack. Magneton is bad as an attacker and you can max pump raichu twice (and if you only have one magneton out you're attacking every other turn), while Raichu itself may not survive to attack twice, and definitely won't with a dead turn. It's just a massive investment to get a glass cannon 140/turn online. That takes up slots that would otherwise be occupied by actually useful tech.Not trying to shit on your deck but I disagree with your sentiment and don't want others to potentially waste pulls/points on it if they want to "win".
They threw me a bone lol and matched me with a level 5Poor guy, he had even worse cards than I have
>>57079207No, you are right anon, pikachu ex with Magneton and raichu combo is better than 2 and 2.>>57079192 first deck is the default one, but the next two down on this site are good. Like I said above, pikachu ex and Zapdos are good to have with it. Doing just 2 Magneton and 2 raichu doesn’t work so well, and I like to run 1 Magneton. Poc rel is my deck.
>>57079236We already knew this though
>>57079084that's just factually wrong
>>57079236how new r u
People are saying to save your WP points up for the new set...but, like, this might be your last chance to get things from Char/Mewtwo/Pika. People wont be opening those packs anymore, so you wont be able to WP from them anymore.
>>57079236I don't think a single virtual card game with a similar "open packs and get x material which can be traded in for specifics" has them carry over. Hell most gachas don't either.Closest thing is material crafting systems (IE hearthstone and master duel), which pocket doesn't have.
EX Marowak somehow doesn’t get shit on enough for how dogshit of a card it is. This poor soul rolled 0 damage on me twice, Aerodactyl outclasses this retard so badly.
>>57079255if you haven't gotten what you need from GA by the time the new set drops, you never will
there better be some metal pokemons in this mini set I swear to fucking god
>>57079262>Aerodactyl outclasses this retard so badly.Yeah, but I think the people who play Marowak are playing it specifically for the flips, not because they think it's good.
>>57079265>if you haven't gotten what you need from GA by the time the new set drops, you never willWell, trading is going to come out, so that's not true, but yeah, I think people should not be saving WPs if they're still trying to get things from this set (like EXs), because they might never have a chance to WP them again.
>>57079220Only 1 magneton? doesn't seem very consistent. And a lot non basics. I don't see.this doing very well desu unless you get lucky. 2 surges and only one magneton? Seems like a lot of dead cards are possible.
>>57079272I might have changed this since I played with it, now that I look at it, but the idea is you don’t need Magneton, or by the time you surge raichu once, you have enough energy to wait till after then Magneton and then next turn you Magneton again and place your energy and you can double surge that way, it always jumps out at me late game, pikas run things at the beginning.
>>57077428Well what do you know. I wishlisted Bulbasaur after not seeing it in WT for THREE WEEKS and it appeared after 8 hours. Now the real question, is it here to blueball me, or is it here to join me? I unfortunately believe it's here just to waste my hourglasses. I'm going to pick top left, because that's where the Magnemite was in the bonus pick. Wish me luck.
>>57079288It was top middle.
finally took the time to get this, weezing/arbok never fails
>>57079296pikachuds fear the ol' brap & trap
>no Bug exsBug deck when>you have grass-NO, I want to use only BUGS
>>57079302scizor ex in next full set, just watch
>>57079179>PinurchinIt's health is way too low and his attack costs too much energy. I prefer the extra wall if I need it to buy some time.
>>57079304>Scizor ex gets added>as a metal type>now you need to do grass metal hybridagony incoming.
What type would they use to represent flying weakness thoDo mons weak to colorless exist?
>>57079324>Do mons weak to colorless exist?A brief period where Dragon was weak to Colorless. Dragon was weak to nothing, then briefly weak to Colorless, then Fairy was introduced and it became weak to Fairy.
keep running into metaniggers in the beginner ladder
>>57079296>>57079299>beating ass with weezing arbok and a bunch of farfetch'ds absolute garbage deckthis shit is hilarious, the best is cucking mewtwofags
>>57079336>be me lv9 trying to learn game with a shitty kingler deck I made >matched against lv22 who drops Mewtwo EX turn 1>matched against lv18 who builds Venusaur EX by turn 5>matched against lv15 Gardevoir/Mewtwo almost win but get fucked by last second Sabrina This isn't really making me want to play anymore why are these people on the bottom ladder?
>>57079348there are no ladders it's a jungle out there and you're gonna die
>>57079348>why are these people on the bottom ladder?If you mean "beginner", it is the default selection that everyone chooses. Also, everyone has the meta decks. There is no queue where you can say "I want to queue into retards who didn't reroll and children who don't know what card games are", and if there was, it would be overrun with meta players as well, because everyone has at least 1 meta deck.
>>57079339I don't even run farfetch'd, just weezing and arbok
>>57079302This is what you look and sound like.
>>57079336>>57079348Most people get at least one of the meta decks and try to build around it because there's only like, a dozen decks possible right now. Like I got pikachu ex and decided to just build that before anything else because I already recognized the starter pinsir deck was shit.
>>57079336>>57079348the only difference between a scrub and a "metafag" is a little bit of patience to reroll. If you are trying to play this game f2p, and you didn't reroll to start off with a mewtwo or pikachu deck, then you are just shooting yourself in the foot.
>>57079348You can try typing "noex" in the password room to get matched with people trying to play no EX decks occasionally though you will meet the nigger who brings the EX decks in noex rooms but it's much more fun to beat them that way.
>>57079299Can't wait for leaf. we can finally retreat arbok without losing energy
>>57079379You think it's sour grapes or something? I've got a Mewtwo Garde deck myselfI'm just trying out some shitty pet decks in the beginner mode
>>57079386might replace Giovanni with her when she comes out
Thank god for the new pack, im already tired of this meta. I am worried that this games future wont change though, i feel like basic Pokemon will continue to dominate hard. The games are so fast paced and you have NO time to recover, or they send out an OP tank turn one like moltres or zapdos and you cant really break through.
Should I drop a Seadra or my only red card in order to add a Bruxish to this sniper deck?I won my first battle with it but experience tells me that these 4 mon decks are quite vulnerable.
>>57079395I tried playing the offical tcg app the other day and my 2nd battle on casual is a guy running nothing but Roaring Moon Ex copies, like all 6 of the bench are.Basics are just a fact of it I think; even in the super old days there was the haymaker decks with Hitmonchan or Scyther slapping everyone’s shit. More options to deal with the birdwalls would be appreciated however.
I want 1 star eevees so bad but there's nothing else I want in the pikachu pack...
>>57079410It just kinda sucks that cards that you need to build asap aren’t strong. Basics in this game aren’t even much weaker than some stage 2s which is nuts. Like is Mewtwo really that much weaker than a zard? Like obviously hes weaker, but can accomplish the same shit. You spend 10 turns to set up a venusaur and you cant still get one shot by dragonite, zard, etc.
>>57079421>Basics in this game aren’t even much weaker than some stage 2s which is nutsthat's just wrong, they are substantially weakeryou can argue it doesn't make up for how hard stage 2s are to assemble but that's another arguementthe only exception being mewtwo ex and well, he's just kinda allowed to be overpowered for a basic because he's that guy
>Trying to use to search cards>the fucking random ad box stuck to the bottom of the UI makes it so I can't hit the search button for advanced search at all
>>57079445>>57079445>>57079445>>57079445MEW BREAD
>>57079423They should make an item that lets you search for any piece of an evo line, would've been fair considering pokeball exists
>>57079448there were 6 cards remaining, i have 2 pokeballs and 2 pidgeys, didnt pull any of them
>trying to make Dragonite less shit>Use Starmie EX/Misty since it can wall, free retreat, and has cheap energy cost in case Dragonite bricks(which happens 99% of the time)>it just ends up being a shittier Starmiecuno deckI give up. Lance needs to save this deck somehow.
>>57079236We already knew that, but you guys refused to listen.