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Progress Report Edition

Notable Games:
ROM Hacking:
>Making a GBA ROM hack: pastebin.com/bvSkBkev
>Gen 4-7 tools: pastebin.com/WvTzcdPR
>Disassemblies/Decompilations: github.com/pret/
>US Platinum source: github.com/gainax3/retsam_00jupc

Pokémon Essentials
>V21.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7o3yjnuxniojmad/Pokemon_Essentials_v21.1_2023-07-30.zip/file
>V21.1 Hotfixes: https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1376/
>RPGMaker XP and others: https://archive.org/download/rpg.-maker.-mz.v-1.1.1.-inclu.-dlc

>Tilesets: www.mediafire.com/download/sd99pug37y4v4se/Ziddy%27s+DS+Style+Tilesets+RMXP+.rar
>Archived asset library: rheg.booru.org/
>WIP Gen 5 tiles: imgur.com/a/CiudS

Notable fan game communities: >www.pokecommunity.com/forumdisplay.php?f=289

Last Thread: >>57043587
Heh, first *incredibly smug face*
oh cool i'm the OP pic
>look up the qdex artist after the last thread
>some poorfag retard that recently got evicted
Retard deserves not getting any engagement from his shitty barebones blog, and being a pokemon artist he should know people just want to see the designs whatever means necessary and call it a day.
The Quarantine devs are super autistic about guides or sharing information about the game.
Don't misgender xher.
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yeah but if you read the image they were responding to (picrel) it makes it sound like it wasn't just info about the game, but unseen artwork that got leaked. but the question is, why is that artwork in the game files to begin with if you don't want people to see it? maybe I'm missing something but seems really stupid
Amateur devs that locked themselves up in a troon den, sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Poor guy
This guy used to draw beta mons and shit like that, what a fucking hypocrite.
not your personal army or blog, "popcio" niggerfaggot
I'm not the anon who originally posted that last thread, just thought it was funny. seethe.
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Some mons I made for an essentials project

>upper left corner
Styeig (Psychic)

>upper right corner
Hammerwyrm (Poison/Ground)

>bottom left corner
Pymetrodon (Fire/Dragon)

>bottom right corner
Armstrum (Flying)
I tried essentials for like an hour and my ADHD couldn't take the UI. How do you guys do it? Yeah I know it's a skill issue.
Take your meds
Neat! I like the way the flames look on Pymetrodon.
Very helpful, thanks
i don't support big pharma, retard lol.
probably not the answer you wanted to here, but he's kind of right. it's not a skill issue, it's an attention issue. making a game involves a lot of tedium and repetitive tasks. a lot of people get burnt out on that. if you can't even focus for an hour at the beginning of your project, then you're going to crash out hard when you get to the actually tedious parts, of which there are plenty. it's just the name of the game. there's no "ADHD-friendly" romhack suite that changes that. so if you want to make progress you just need to find strategies to focus your attention. idk how you want us to help with that.
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Just searched up "Seaglass" in the Qdex server and LOL. Now I know Seaglass is slop and got crazy disproportionate hype for what it was, but the anger about it from devs of a less popular hack is kinda funny I'm sorry.

The only reason I might even bother getting around to playing it is to wash the Battle Frontier with a few of the new broken mons.
Elite Redux is supposed to add the fully overhauled Frontier in 3.0, but who knows when that'll be. Inclement Emerald 3.0... maybe in 2031.
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Nvm now I feel bad, you rock QuarantineChads. I will be playing it soon BLIND!
Maybe you shouldn't have become a tranny then huh
Does Pokimals have any original fakemon/movesets, or is the entire dex just renamed/resprited johto+kanto?
You must be slow
All they had to do was not scurry off to discord and scrub the hack's history.
Drayano hasn't posted on Twitter in over a year, and hasn't updated his github in over 3 months. I hope he's gonna finish Aurora....
Reskinned dex.
One day him and Aphex will return. I hope it’s soon. I’ve been playing Renegade Platinum in the mean time
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oh nice, funny because all I did was posting said image somewhere else, wasn't expecting people to actually think I post here often. I like the assumption that it's just my blog and that I'm poor for some reason?

Again, I don't really care or want a drama/ for it to postpone the hack further. I just don't like when people hide things under the rug over dumbest of things and then spin a lie simply because they can't stand people datamining, making documentation about their work or even asking if they will keep tentaquil, even privately.
Shouldn't it technically work the other way around? "We need talented programmers to just do the job, let's hire trans/femboys" has been a thing in IT for ages.
I've heard you can technically get Applin as a starter in this, but other than it and shown mons, it's mostly just first gens and mostly Hoenn reskin, it's appearently good if you haven't played Hoenn in a while.

Speaking of, do you guys have any fangame with fakemon you guys would recommend or you're looking forward besides what got mentioned? After playing so much through the series it starts getting stale seeing the same mons every time
Anyone have recommendations for a short GB, GBC, GBA rom hack? Like Karpe Diem or Red Battle Factory. Something that isn't a full 8-badge game.
Rat Version
Firered vr mission.

It’s a puzzle focused rom with 30 challenges - can be beaten in 2 hours.

Hodgepodge Platoon just came out if you want something fresh and being within Battle Facility only
Do you like fakemon forms of existing mons?
I'm getting gen 1 vibes from these.
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I did take a lot of influence from the gen 1 style for some of my designs, partially because it's the easiest style to get right lol (take an animal, monster-fy it a bit, add anime eyes, done)

For example my grass and fire starter final stages follow this design philosophy pretty well but my water starter is more elaborate, like something from gen 5 or 7
kind of looks like the gen 3 beta sprites
I'm not the slow one here, tranny lover.
Just don't be a tranny bro you are beautiful the way you are :) and add tentaquil back.
>let's hire trans/femboys" has been a thing in IT for ages
No, step outside commiefornia.
Pleddit and 4cuck really are two sides of the same retarded coin
I do, but I'd like there to be more than just mons based off other mons/regional/evolutions.
I live literally in opposite of commiefornia tho
Like again, you want autistic people who have no lifes and need a job, who would you consider a better candidate?
Oh don't tell me they actually did. My weirdly normal friend who loved Clover said he will only play QDex if they will keep Tentaquil
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I thought that was Itzamna from SMT 2 for a second.
What the FUCK is a QDex?
QAnon died
QuarantineDex, aka Quarantine Crystal
Why do you hide the names?
and pokemon clover remains winning.
Well they aren't saying anything incriminating or anything, just didn't wanna put them on blast or whatever.

You looking forward to the anti-speedup being added to Clover?
My game’s evil team’s motivation for hunting the Legendary is so the leader can use it to revive his wife who is in a coma.
How does it sound?
how do you even make "anti-speedup"
you made Dr. Freeze but without the ice obsession
What if the legendary is an ice type or he only uses ice types?
Yeah, I did.
Xerneas would make sense to be the target legendary.
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Scale X Fang had a lot of controversy surrounding this, but it was pretty easy to bypass ultimately. I believe they tinkered with something related to RTC but don't recall the specifics, sorry.

After the backlash the devs disappeared for a long time from their Pokecommunity thread and deleted various socials, so the project was presumed dead, then they later made a big announcement saying it was going to come back. Earlier I went looking for it and it seems the whole thread is now gone without a trace, I have to wonder if it has to do with the huge PokemonRomhacks Reddit thread shitting on both it and Pokemon Noon (another anti speed-up hack) 6 months ago.

Monomyth (which I heard was also being worked on by the SxF devs but can't confirm), added their own anti speed-up too, but it looks to work quite differently: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/55617412/#55617675 (video also in picrel).
It may not be so easy to bypass.

Clover was also being rumored about an upcoming implementation of anti speed-up too. One of the Noon devs (main dev?) was in the aforementioned Reddit thread and seemed to heavily imply Squeetz is planning to add it too:
If you aren't aware, Noon is a *cough* iFunny based memehack that's very liberal with slurs and such, and I think it recently did some sort of collab with Clover, so the claims hold some water.

Sorry for the text wall but there's a summary for you of the latest and "greatest" developments in the scene.
This looks incredibly simple to bypass what do you mean? Just repoint the time manipulation detected script and you're good.
Are there actually people who not only refuse to play this snorefest at 1000% speed, but also want to force it on others?
My villain team will create a machine that will mind control every owned Pokemon in the region. It will resemble an EXP Share.
The leader is a talking Malamar plotting world domination and the machine is actually used to amplify his mind control powers to make them reach worldwide.
I remember this when it first happened. Anti-speedup is the most faggoty “””””feature””””” someone could possibly add into a game. It’s especially stupid because it’s a fangame that they cannot legally charge money for, so enforcing a monopoly on the kind of “experience” the player should have is even dumber.
If this team comes back with another “game” with the same “feature” they deserve twice the hate sxf got
Anti-speedup is based because it makes ADHD children irrationally angry. It's also interesting from a technical standpoint.
It's as good as anti-VBA features.
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I'm a troglodyte when it comes to these things and I'm just operating off of hearsay again (picrel) https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/57046112/#57048603 , which is why I said maybe.
I'll take your word for it but I don't care either way, devs that need to pull shit like this aren't making anything worth playing to me. The fact the Noon and supposedly Clover devs like it so much just further validates that thought for me.

>Are there actually people who not only refuse to play this snorefest at 1000% speed,
Not a ton going off all the controversy
>but also want to force it on others?
Coprophagous devs.
>You looking forward to the anti-speedup being added to Clover?
I will only accept this if they add an NPC in Grindhaus that makes the song play at insane speeds.
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Reminds me of Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. Good luck!
Whoops, forgot to (You) >>57085735

I agree it's interesting and that VBA is shit (nowadays), but that's all. It is kinda funny how pressed some people do get, but it's also so lame to spend your time making a feature like this when you could be doing anything else.
If Pokemon Unbound had this I probably would've played it still, but replayability would be gutted throughly.

I think I remember hearing that it would still be enabled in battles and in the Grindhaus, so that's something!
>Just repoint
Nigga, this is a binary hack.
So if I'm making a route with a river that extends throughout it, should I map the river first before the raised land
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Here's the thing tho. (wall of text, beware)
Are there too many ADHD children that should learn to stop playing Pokemon games on constant speed-up? Yes.
Is it pointless waste of time, resources etc. to focus on anti-speed up measures even though it makes a group of people I don't have high opinion of angry? Also yes. These aren't mutually exclusive.

You could theoretically piss everyone on 4chan and include all the things they dislike, but it's not worth it to specifically alienate parts of your fanbase, because guess what, alongside autists, normal people use this website as well (lurk more specifically), casual players will also find anti-speed up measure ridiculous. And when you alienate and then go after normal casual players because you assume they must be the people you wanted to make angry, no one will take you seriously.

So basically, you turn from Pokemon romhacker into Sonic fangame maker, which reminds me, imagine if the devs mentioned that got pissed off by people datamining their game did the same shit that one Sonic fangame dev did by corrupting and taking their player's PC hostage just for datamining their game (game that reuses assets from official licensed titles btw), then you'd never see anyone side with them, but it seems to be like a thing that will happen sooner or later.

Anyways tl;dr just make game out of passion, not out of spite or with antiThatOneGuy measures.
Picrel is my Clover team. Surprised no one mentioned how actually broken the weabo fontaba is if you send it last like Kingambit.
start with whichever is the focal geographic point. personally I'd start by drawing the river, water is always a good jumping off point, but either would work. and you can always adjust it as you go
kys David
The problem with speed up is that it makes mashing and not paying attention a default. For example in the first minute of scale fang you get an item that you have to press R to use (it's not in the start menu, it was mapped to the R button for convenience). Many people zoomed and mashed past the text explaining this and then got stuck later in the game when you had to use said item to progress.

>If people didnt know they had to use the item or how to use it that is a failure on you as a developer
The end game of this is the 'yellow painted arrow' problem where everything is made extremely obvious which is immersion breaking

The trouble is that ive yet to see a compelling argument for why speed up is actually needed. Grinding is the only use case i can think of, but when the game is designed properly you wont have to grind.

I just feel like the people who keep speed up on and wont play the game if it doesnt have it wont really appreciate the finer elements of the game anyway. I saw a lot of people blatantly spreading disinformation about the scale x fang demo to make it seem worse than it was (for example having to walk back to the pc after your entire party faints. this is not in the game.) which makes me feel that a lot of the people who are so angry about speed up have decided the game needs speed up before even playing it

Btw i would appreciate if we could have an actual sensible and calm dialogue about anti/speedup because being called all sorts of names for it is not really productive for either side
Speed up is needed because these games play like fucking molasses.
I read all dialogue, btw.
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>muh anti-speedup
I won't play your game.
Also, daily reminder that Pokemon Noon is complicite and supportive of an active pedophile.
I don't want a wojakfag playing my game.
>ifunny romhack
>supportive of pedophiles
who'd'a thunk?
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>Pokemon Noon is complicite and supportive of an active pedophile.
I will now play your game.
What's the best current Moemon romhack that hasn't been infected by western faggotry inserting niggers or other generally ugly designs?
Speed up is needed because I'm not gonna read your pre-school level dialogue.
This was uploaded a few weeks ago:
I don't know if it'll appeal to your sensibilities, but I had fun playing through Platinum.
This is why I like speed up. I’ve seen the wild encounter animation, the trainer animation, hell even the evolution screen thousands of times already. I could force a Tetris effect of all three right now if I wanted to. I don’t need to see them anymore. The first thousand times was enough
Yeah, I figured it would be easier that way.
searched the pokecommunity for moemon, and cant find them
y'know where moemon emerald could be found? just point the way, if thats possible, please
Failed to follow instructions. Adding LV100 unescapable Blisseys with high encounter rate to the random encounter table on every route, and anti speeding protection, bigot.
as long as they have no attacking moves, ill take it
Fan games need more looping dialogue boxes. For common actions like Pokemon Centers too.
Only Soft-Boiled and Sweet Kiss
>B button not cancelling
>default selected option is to loop again but only if you mash through
>randomize the option layout each time
>randomly the dialogue asks the opposite question so answers are reversed
That’s fine. It’ll struggle eventually, all the while I’m speeding through it trivializing your game because you couldn’t handle the fact that people you want to un-person play your game, too
There is supposed to be an anti speed up too. Without it the hp bar isn't agonizing enough.
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I trust my player to read the text in front of them, understand it, memorize it and act on it.

That's why all the quest-giver NPCs just say "Well, what are you waiting for? Go do what I told you to do." if spoken to twice.
you first tourist
not this
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anyone know if theres a pokeemerald fork with rng fixes for shiny hunting i know theres been hex patches before but a fork with the change would be cool, its hard to find stuff because theres a bunch of people working on random things and not talking about it anywhere
This is bait but I’ll bite. I have the opposite design philosophy. I fully expect the player to forget what to do next in between sessions- because in my experience that can be months or even years- so when the player comes back there should be reminders for what to do next. They don’t have to hold the player’s hand, but if necessary they should be available
Don’t bother. They just obsess over him rather than just move on and get actual lives.
kys david
I tried defending you in the past David, but they were right. You're hopeless.
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True, it's bait. I do have like, 2 and a half playtesters but so far every "quest" has been clearly laid out and no one's got any real problems with the way the plot progression is laid out. We're nowhere near the part of the game where it opens up to deal with the evil team though, that will be a bit tougher to deal with but I'll figure something out.
how about this? https://github.com/pret/pokeemerald/wiki/Feature-Branches#Improved-RNG
That might not be him.
you first tourist.
David is more hopeless than us, the feds are serious.
>is complicite and supportive of an active pedophile.
Tell me more. Precisely I tried Noon recently in hope of having a similar experience to Clover, but I got slow pace, no EXP share, shit overworld, overpowered mons for the enemy, nonsense anti speed up system (so no easy grinding that you will need to do due to no EXP Share).
So for me is hard to recommed Noon atm, it is incomplete so it might change in the future.
>get in the fucking pokeball shinji!
Thanks for the tactful response anon! I also don't think discussion is worthwhile if people are needlessly toxic.

>The problem with speed up is that it makes mashing and not paying attention a default. For example in the first minute of scale fang you get an item that you have to press R to use (it's not in the start menu, it was mapped to the R button for convenience). Many people zoomed and mashed past the text explaining this and then got stuck later in the game when you had to use said item to progress.

I do think there's more nuance to it than that for a lot of people that prefer to use speed-up. Like this anon said >>57086256 I always personally read all the dialogue when playing a new game made by someone. I like to know how or where to progress, mechanical changes, lore tidbits, general storybeats, or just to see if the npcs say anything funny or relatable.

I also tend to avoid speed-up in general when the game hosts original music throughout, in my first run of Unbound for example I used it very minimally, mostly just while grinding out dex completion in areas I'd been in for a while, or while re-challenging the hard bosses in Expert Mode trial-and-error style. Even now I'm listening to Fallshore Theme (Night) thwt I downloaded off Youtube while typing this, during replays I might speed up a battle or area but play the music in the back at regular speed if I like it enough.

Frankly, I feel no sympathy for people that brainlessly mash through textboxes and then get lost later and annoy the devs with questions, they can try to figure it out themselves at that point. I don't think removing speed-up is the big deterrent to that style of play that people think it is, if they didn't want to read your writing in the first place then I don't think slowing everything down will help. Ultimately others get caught in the crossfire.

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>The trouble is that ive yet to see a compelling argument for why speed up is actually needed. Grinding is the only use case i can think of, but when the game is designed properly you wont have to grind.

As the other anons have said before me, Pokemon gameplay can just feel slow, so many unnecessary animations and pauses we've seen before, sometimes long back-tracking through the overworld in the absence of Fly. When I play hard romhacks and/or the hard modes in general I expect to need multiple tries sometimes, be it Kaizo, RR, ER, Expert or Insane modes... I've played a lot of them at this point, and most of them more than once. Removing speedup makes everything from random route jobbers to late-game superbosses feel infinitely more tedious.

Ultimately I think a much much more effective way to turn players away from the desire to use emulator speedup would be the new Emerald Rogue and R.O.W.E ability to speed-up battle options in the setting menu with different multiplier toggles. It's truly the best of both world, removing the awful music distortion cost from standard speedup (which I've never liked at all), while making battles blitzingly fast.
Giving players more agency instead of taking it away, it's only a shame we never had it from the start!

Sorry for the monster walls of text this time lol.
My B if true, shouldn't have acknowledged it anyways
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not really sure what to do with the upper left bit
Maybe a pond with a dive spot in the middle that leads to ■ ◆■□◆■ ⧫◆■■● ⧫⧫ □■■⧫ ⧫● ⧫□ ◻●◆ ◻● ■■ ⧫ ●⧫ ■
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>Finished gen 1 dex
>want to transfer them to Crystal and finish gen 2 dex then into Bank to Home
>see everyone say that vanilla Johto is bad and has some level issues.
>dunno how right / wrong they are because the last time I played through Johto was as a child
How should I play Crystal? I just want small QoL hacks that don't change too much and still work with RBY transfers and Bank. I was eyeing Sour Crystal but that one's incompatible with pkhex which I wanted to use to make sure everyone's legal and transfer everyone to a vanilla save if needed. Perfect Crystal? Just vanilla Crystal and the people are wrong and there's nothing wrong with Johto?
thanks but i thought id try copy the code over from rs but saw the bugfix is actually in the main branch and is a build flag, weird no one has mentioned it anywhere online https://github.com/pret/pokeemerald/blob/861c579c11d995c1f5d3c7d3c591988935913697/src/main.c#L109
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I wanted to share some goobers I drew.
I kinda suck at designing my own critters, but I'm pretty decent at the whole spritework thing.
just stick to vanilla Crystal
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Does it ever bother you or anyone else that all the routes are always contained by either trees, mountains, or water? Like I have a route that comes out of a forest and goes to a city but I don't know what to fill the sides with. Why would a forest extend all the way to a city? I have a fence there just to outline the perimeter.
most of the real outdoors is like that outside of big cities
Most suburbs fon't even have fences for the woods.
Whenever there's fencing, it's usually reserved for houses.
Usually the trees and boogeyman stories scare people from going.
Holy shit what a sad post.
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Mapped the river, working on my route 2
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Based, 4chan completely destroyed the wingdings I posted, was supposed to translate to something along the lines of "a secret tunnel that leads to my plugs place. We getting lit nigga!" but Unbound unironically did it first with Mirskle.
I guess you could still have it lead to an isolated section somewhere else still if you actually keep the dive spots, I'm sure you'll think of something cool, very underused mechanic imo.

This >>57092306. Ultimately this a game and just like my therapist keeps telling me, you gotta set boundaries. The open ocean parts in the games always have rock perimeters too, you can and should try mixing up the type of barriers there are, but they exist for a reason.
Maybe you could try more novel things, like an active volcano zone with pools and rivers of in-traversible lava, or high mountains/canyons with steep drop-offs where you can see the world below, Glazed and Reforged had some cool areas like that.
How do I get a screencap of my route like this. I always use the event later to get all the details
Is there a resource for more music to use in essentials?

It doesn't have any music for gen 9 stuff for USUM but it has >90% of the main series music prelooped
Why is it sad? I'm just thinking about possible alternatives to what's in every single pokemon game. All my other routes are already blocked off by trees and cliffs.
you can hit f4 to turn off layer dimming, only found out about that earlier today
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lol nta but I kind of want to squeeze this into my romhack, it would probably be cringe though

GF uses trees and cliffs for borders for a reason, it just looks better. big empty spaces look weird. although there is technically precedent for an empty border...in the original Kanto games on the gameboy, as Kanto was meant to be grasslands. although it could have also just been graphical limitations. anyway, you do you, just make sure you playtest the map and it feels good to walk around. things looks different from the player's perspective than they do in your head.
>lol nta but I kind of want to squeeze this into my romhack, it would probably be cringe though
hide it as an easteregg somewhere
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Here's my Route 2
thanke :D
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continuation of the mountain path in the top right of >>57089212
Not the upper left (of the first), but i'd make the incline up to the mountain pass a bit more winding, just a bit, so that it isn't just a staircase surrounded by rock. It looks as though you've a good bit of open area up there before the pass itself you can recess back and make little levels, but I def get it if you've a plan to stick to with it.
As for the upper part of that route itself, i think you did just fine here, except for the tan splotches? dunno what those are, look kinda funny.
That's exactly what I was thinking. They have everything but grasslands. I live in the southern US and around me is nothing but open plains all the way to the horizon. There's no real way to represent that. Have arbitrary things like fences is weird and invisible walls would be even more weird.
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it's over...
This time we're not even going to type anything. Come up with your own insults, let's see if you can
?? Who are you talking to?
the only way an open grassland could work is if it was part of a demake of like ss or sv, and even then, a sv demake would just be crystal clear but without the ability to choose your starting town
don'y play dumb, david is an irremedable person.
C’mon guys, do you really have to derail this thread over David shit?
Let it go already
What are some romhacks or fangames that deviate from the standard "collect 8 gym badges, beat the elite 4, defeat the evil team" formula? Kinda like Rogue, but I'd want something that has an actual story.
Empire :^)
stfu david
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Rocket Edition I guess
Same to you
>try unbound
>mfw the wild battle music
very bad
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Not their finest, personally I really liked the mega trainer and gym leader themes.

Speaking of Unbound music, it looks like all the night version tracks finally got uploaded a few weeks ago! Pretty awesome, the night versions are some of my favourites.
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Is there a hack where it's always raining
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some more mons for the thread since you guys seem to like them

>top left corner
Sunwalker (Grass/Psychic Sunflora evo)

>top right corner
Pricleif (Bug/Dark)

>bottom left corner
Crackatew (Electric/Flying)

>bottom right corner
Carbuncolm (Fairy/Ground)
they fucking suck sorry anon
Nice. Sunwalker kinda giving me Boros vibes, Pricleif giving mee Dr. Robotnik vibes. Lightning bird with nimbus cloud wings goes hard.
Make son in coma instead, mom in coma is boring and overused.
Have mom lead a rival team/be the professor instead
Pricleif feels like a mix between robotnik, spamton, and a fly
This looks very nice anon! Huge imprivement since the start >>57092479
This is looking good too.
Mezoped Nd Chrystail deserve the world. Pantom is funny.
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i didnt know this feature existed, thats great.
i also try to avoid speedup especially because of the music. but yeah the general pacing of pokémon games weighs on me. im also 33 years old, so my patience is different than when I was a kid.

i still like the option for speedup for things like grinding for a good nature catch or something.
in general, i see no reason to artificially implement any mechanic that forces me to engage with anything a certain way. especially when that thing is not excellently designed in the first place. it's incredbly arrogant and spiteful and personally, I wouls give any game that has this a wide berth. I want nothing to do with that sort of vibe.

the "fix" for people being retards cannot be to make every non retard suffer. that logic is completely backwards.

bowing to the lowest common denominator always results in watering down, degeneration and other forms of uglyness. it is literally the worst way to go about designing a game.
Your ledges are a total clusterfuck of inconsistency.
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cool, I like the concept a lot. I would add a couple optional paths, maybe one locked behind an HM you need to come back for. and >>57097435 is right, the elevation is kind of a clusterfuck. I don't know if that's something people would notice while playing, but it could be cleaned up a little.

since we're posting maps and this thread is chill, this is a town I'm working on. I feel like it's missing something but I can't place what.
A brothel
it's less noticeable when you can't see the whole thing
If any of the houses have something or someone particularly special maybe you could make it stand out with one of these pointy roofs from Sootopolis?

Maybe you want to add some "landmark" or something of interest visually that stands out, or it just feels empty with no npcs roaming about? That thing could be atop the waterfall, but maybe you were alresdy planning that.
Either way, It looks really good to me so far.
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I think the most anti-speedup measures you can implement without intruding in the player's autonomy is putting this in big bold letters on bootup:
and leave it at that. Maybe have an accessible hint menu that can be used with a shortcut hotkey, like having the Adventure Rules at the press of a button. If they get stuck for not reading, its their own damn fault. But I'm not entirely unsympathetic to speed-up users at all, I've been tempted more than once to use it when fishing for certain encounters in Pokemon Platinum and Emerald. It can be a drag, but I don't think treating every part of the game as skippable is a decent way to play.
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>Either way, It looks really good to me so far.
the pointy houses are a good idea, I'll have to see if I can cram any more into this tileset.
I was thinking a landmark but idk maybe it doesn't need one. I have a hard time knowing when to stop with towns..picrel has gone through a ton of revisions. second guessing myself everywhere and also trying to make it not just slateport 2.0.
and they do have npcs, just not pictured.

I liked how the other one had a tighter, cliff like feeling. but the elevation here is definitely a lot cleaner. and as someone else said, it's probably not as visible up close anyway. looking good tho
That's pointless because speed-up users will never read that anyway due to speed-up
I'm new to emulators, what's the best one?
My boy, Pizza boy, RetroArch, Lemuroid...
Too many options
the weedle got trapped in the amber, and so it didn't get to metamorphise properly. after a long time being stuck, it grows into a bigger, angrier weedle with barely connected body parts.

pantom is a fun name tbzona. as for mezoped and chrystail? I adore mezoped bc of the backstory behind it, and chrystail is an old design that I got help with from a guy on showdown over 6 years ago. either way, I'm glad y'all are enjoying these goobs though :D
A few things:
1) If we have the option to fast forward parts of a games, why not do it? A lot of these games are being played on an emulator, which are largely played on PCs. I feel similar towards things like modding a game or using your device to mess with time events - let me play the game how I want to play. When I'm playing on console, sure I will respect the grind, but it feels silly to waste time doing the same I would've done on a pc but faster.

2) The average pokemon game has so much unnecessary filler that isn't worth experiencing, especially with moves or effects. multihit moves can be done in 1 turn with a total number of hits instead of one after the other, for example. I think what's disappointing in the hacking scene is just how so many developers coast on old game structures rather than change these elements that add tedium to a game.

3) As for the point about holding the player's hand with arrows and stuff, there are multiple different ways of guiding the player that aren't as condescending or immersion breaking. Maybe have a quest log detailing what to do (the main games sort of do this with trainer badges, but its limited). I read dialogue and love dragon quest style hints where you talk to people to get a hint on where to go. I can't speak for anyone else, but if they miss an important hint because they were speed reading dialogue, then that's on them. Its unfair to treat people who use speedup responsibly vs others who mindlessly do it in the same boat. Its weird because I feel there are ways that Pokemon can improve its textboxes/menus to make for a more brisk experience, but I feel that NPC dialogue should be given a little be more respect - especially when its the main source of info you are given outside of a literal guide that holds your hand.
I've had a few ideas for a custom pokemon game for a while, but IDK if it'll be a fun idea:
>entire game is based around double battles where you team up with multiple different NPCs all with unique storylines, playstyles and teams
>you get to choose 6 pokemon for a team, but if 3 faint, you're out.
>game is real-time based with certain things only being open at certain times like shops, and some things being open on certain days like gyms and some story important buildings
>main villain team is postgame story with some encounters sprinkled between the main story.
>entire gimmick is they're compfags with no love for their pokemon, including bringing back the berserk gene for the big bad

doubt it'd end up being too fun, but I think it's a few cool ideas.
Alright there's something in there that could be good.
>Double Battles
Yes this is a more fun way to play Pokemon, just look at the Orre games. Team up fights however are not fun.
>3 faints you're out
Just a pointless restriction. Its more a self imposed challenge thing.
>Real-Time events
yes and no. A faster in game time system would make this better. I like the idea of day and night shops but as I only have time to play games late I'd never get to enter morning shops. Ways to skip time of day would circumvent this problem as well.
>Postgame Villains
Yeah that would be cool. Having a strong team by the time you fight the villains feels better than them having lvl 5s and leveling with you.
Yeah hate that idea but probably could work.
It wouldn't be fun but it would appeal to the very specific demographic of people who need their games to be annoying rather than fun or difficult.
I could see some ecelebs latching on to it for content.
oh there would be some shops open at night, just not all of them. the pokemon center would be one of those. think like animal crossing where the stores close at like 10-11PM and open at around 8-10AM.

also the "3 faints your out" thing is mostly so you can use a party of 6, while you also only have 6 pokemon between you and your team-mate. y'know?
why even have the standard size of 6 if you only actually get to use 3?
Because doubles is a meme format
this tbzona
>entire game is based around double battles where you team up with multiple different NPCs all with unique storylines, playstyles and teams
I hope the NPCs are villains because everyone will start to hate them due to AI.
>game is real-time based with certain things only being open at certain times like shops, and some things being open on certain days like gyms and some story important buildings
Sounds annoying. This sort of thing works in GSC because it's for secret events that add to exploration and the social aspect. You don't want someone to start searching the wiki because he can't figure out how to progress as a story important building happens to be closed (and having to put away the game for a few days sucks too).
nah, the NPCs would be designed (except for one) to be fairly helpful throughout the entire game, with a friendship mechanic existing that could allow you to get them to change their pokemon's moveset, stats, item, etc etc.

as for the in-game time thing? it would very much explain itself, there'd be signs out front and npc's talking about things. (and if you get the right partner AI you can just bypass it and break in to steal shit)
Is there a gen 1 hack that adds the Sevii Islands?
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Can I get suggestions on how to improve?
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Aphex’s new sneak peek at BBVW2 Redux V2 looks great. Can’t wait to play it
Consider how much the player can see at any given moment.
this >>57101153
do a walk through the map and see how much of it's actually visible in normal gameplay
Seems kinda obnoxious to navigate.
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ROWE’s update drops in 3 days
Are you implying that the player should always be able to see the borders of the map?
How so?
no, just that you shouldn't worry about detail beyond what would be actually visible
Are they fixing Exiolite Vigoroth?
>How so?
The routes are fine. Looks a bit chunky but I assume there are going to be a lot of trainers or some kind of cut scene in there.
The towns seem a bit monotone. Having the same buildings on a grid is realistic I guess but nothing really stands out to guide the player to explore. If all you expect of them is to make a beeline to the center and the gym thats fine but if they have to return to any of those buildings for story reasons they will not remember which one.
The forest has too much grass, at that point it may as well be a cave. The pacing in that area would be too slow with all the encounters and all the green makes it dull to look at. Most forest in pokemon have the grass packed in small islands divided by safe spaces for a reason. Also, this may be just me being blind and retarded but the upwards stairs are kinda hard to see and the trees kinda block the visibility in the thinner paths. Makes it hard to tell if you can walk there or not at a glance.
Just searched for those keywords in the server and it looks like it’s staying that way.
...why tf would you use eviolite on vigoroth
They didn’t say Eviolite
Exiolite is a new item that literally gives the stats of an evolved Pokemon to its pre-evolution.
>Are you implying that the player should always be able to see the borders of the map?
The player should always have some sort of landmark in view.
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Give me your hack of the year.
As opposed to figuratively giving the stats?
What about types and abilities?
Only the stats, that's why my master plan was catching Slakoth after learning about the item. I got cucked to the point I dropped the hack for the time being.
It would be really funny with Trapinch, too.
It doesn't sound that good. I think it would have Vibrava's stats unless I'm wrong.
My last ditch ideas are Nincada and Surskit due to their typings.
Honestly my main hope for ROWE is that the dev gets someone to fix all the spelling/grammar mistakrs
Hell yeah, thanks for dropping this anon! I had just checked his Twitter the other day too. So sick seeing gen V getting modernized with a new engine and all these updated mechanics.
>Loaded Dice
Cinccino chads are EATING.

This is hype too, big things happening rn.
Oh anon….
>670 BST Vigiroth
Damn, you were trynna violate bro. I remember you mentioning this a few months ago too lmao. Exiolite's pretty hype for people who like pre-evos, but it would be funnier if it gave the baby mons the final stats (assuming it doesn't already do that).
I check his Twitter every few days and was genuinely shocked to finally see one. Thought I was dreaming. Agreed on the update to the game. I’ve associated Galvantula with Sticky Web for so long I forgot Gen 6 is where the move debuted. Gatr’s new signature ability (speed boost from biting moves) looks fun. Also hyped about the R.O.W.E update. Seeing both today felt good.
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Looks like shit
very constructive
You didn't fix the ledges. Look at the bottom right for example. You have three layers of earth (over 20ft) that just disappear into nowhere.
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Opinion of my map. Haven't finished adding in trainers and items.
that's being worked on
>compelling argument for speedup
I don't know about the later games, because I haven't played all of them, but Gen 1-3 heavily abuse repetitive transition screens and animations to pad out the run time, and even if you turn battle animations off and text on fast (which you shouldn't have to do) the games are still filled with straight up flashy bullshit and repetitive text that is meant to turn a 10 hour game into 40 hour game.

The other major monster catching franchise? The one that predates pokemon? It let you speed up/skip text and animations by holding a button during combat, as well as advance any text screen with any button on your controller, including the d-pad. It also had an AUTO button at the top of the menu that just used your first attack until the battle ended. Megami Tensei figured it out on Famicom, so there's no excuse for it here. Did I mention that all of these things leave animations ON, and they run faster than Pokemon battles with them turned OFF?
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I think I remember you posting a version of this a while ago. I like it, the greater quanitity of boats, higher elevation lighthouse, and general layout and lack of an open market make it stand out compared to Slateport for me. It actually reminds me of Unbound's Seaport City slightly. Ultimately you can only do so many variations of a port town, but it'll akways be a good concept and worldbuilding location.

I've been using My Boy for a good while now, but heard its nit compatible with Modern Emerald and Emerald Rogue, so maybe you'll need to mess with RetroArch or something like I saw another anon needed to do.
I just bought a flash cart. Mobile emulation is a disaster.
I really like it.

The gap between the two large rocks next to the path at the south end of the beach is impassible right? It looks a bit weird, I would connect the two bits of rock to make them contiguous.

The big open grassland beneath the steps needs something added. Whether it's trainers, tall grass, or another large rock formation. Maybe even a building.

The tall grass north of the steps could fill that space all the way down to the first flower tile.

Maybe some benches on the western end of the cliff.

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