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thread for female pokemon posting. no female trainers and no gayshit, just female pokemon
Braixen is better
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Cute fangs
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Unf Ninetales plap plap plap
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This but unironically.
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I'm unclear as to what the theme of this thread is.
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Diamond Princess
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Garbage thread.
Post Pokégirls.
Pokéhusbandos welcome too.
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Deal with it, faggot.
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>posts red human
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So true
Best of both worlds
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Pokéhusbandos allowed too?
Don't you have enough threads?
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I’m raiding a future Pokegirl thread for this transgression
What pokemon character is this
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Good luck!
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what are they yapping about? who are they bullying?
There is just no point in posting on this board anymore. /vp/ jannies should be beheaded
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Wife material
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plant wives
I concur. I get banned for the stupidest shit, while a bunch of retards and spammers get full reign. Problem is there isn't any other place like it. You could suffer through /trash/ for explicit pictures, but if I just want a thread to post sfw images with minimal trannyshit or furshit, I'm SOL I guess. I miss when I was younger and didn't have to constantly listen to trannies fags and Israelshit. Im suing for mindrape, I never consented to this. I'm just tired, boss
can't post files. this is getting to gay for me
I want to the dragon plane
I wish we had planes irl.
theyre talking about all the times theyve instantly lost
I know
It's so fucked up we don't have them
Shit forgot pic
I love her so much, bros
Planefuckers, why is our lot in life just to suffer
Just one plane.
One plane and I could die happy.
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>Capable of understanding human language, and enthusiastic, intelligible consent
>Very emotionally active, high EQ, both receptive and proactive to empathy
>Very creative and artistically inspired
>Covered head to toe fins(?) in down so soft it refracts light
>Strong sense of justice, good heart, and looks out for others
>Soft looking hand pads that look divine to hold
>High energy and enthusiasm
>Cuddly, slightly rotund and chubby torso, with a long neck perfect for snuggling and nuzzling
>Wide suite of telepathic, clairvoyant, and otherwise highly experiential abilities
>Can fly at ludicrous speeds
>Flies mostly through psychic propulsion, so can probably carry you despite the weight
>Perfect size; large enough to be able to squeeze and cuddle, small enough to share a bed or couch with you

This shit isn't fair
sneasler is the current vgc queen and salazzle is a fast and strong special attacker with a great thighs
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Canon couple
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Just one thing I've ever asked God for
take that, fuckin robots, limiting my posts. ain't got no soul
A thing of beauty
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I think I can finally filepost here
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oh wait I was supposed to post something cute
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my wife
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Cute weedcat
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Fallacy. Reshiram is always cute, even in the midst of battle.
I find it funny how when you release her she starts to have zoomies and runs around you
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The best there is
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Posting a male 'mon in your thread, haha, eat shit.
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Posting a male mon (girl)
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Posting a female mon (girl)
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I believe in Chesnaught (female) supremacy.
Posting a female mon
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She is cute
Janny are you ok?
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Queen has already been posted but what about Nidorina?
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Hen Wife 4 Lyfe
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We know we all would love our pokewives when they are milfs, but what if they were older than that looked aged?
If you wouldn't love your gilfy matronly pokéwife, can you honestly say you love your pokéwife?
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110k and counting
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The bike is female?
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Koraidon seems so much like a "good boy", so Miraidon has to be the female of the two.
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and Koraidon is a king
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I know what you are
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wait, they're male? shieeeet, I can't read moon runes so I thought they were female, my bad
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Whatever I'm still calling dibs on chicken
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what are they doing
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hugging, read the filename
Do you have any pokemon that can be female, but looks male?

By the way, it has to be an anti-fairy type pokemon please
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How many 'mons have you bred this year?
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I didn't think I could fall for a pokemon this hard. how is she so pretty?
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who would fall for a ghost badger
tomorrow my pass is unbanned and I can't post images on the job again. death to the janitors
My breeddex is only at 47..
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shes so unbelievably pretty. I want to be a good husband to her
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do trans female pokemon count?
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my pass, im free :)
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wife and kids
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Cease these inane fantasies involving cute magical critters from a children's franchise. Stop promoting this inane behavior. Do not post about your inane groomer fantasies involving magical pets from a children's series.
>Magical Critters
>Magical Pets
I only see Magical Waifus in this pic
>bnuuy not posted

What is even WRONG with you guys. Do you even female mons????
Holy based, anon.
Because people care more about posting contrarian trash and emotionless children
moar bun
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and Lilligant!
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Am I doing it right?
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canon waifumon
Only if you post Renamon or Angewomon
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I love femons so much bros
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You could never have a smooth jazz bar with a singing Primarina, a piano-playing Delphox, and a Meowscarada waitress.
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monogamy, 6 pokemon team or gigaharem? how are you handling your immigration into your region of choice?
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I always lead with my wife (pic), then fill the rest of the team with new regional mons and if any of those are waifumons then they are side-girls
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Seductive creature
Oh my God that tummy..
cute bump
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rookie numbers
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consider this: handholding and marrying a female pokemon
very true
Gay and illegal this is a thread to respect feminine pokemon not your coomergooner fantasy release
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has a waifu for me who hates fairy type, hates mimikyu, hates gardevoir, hates mawile, hates Tinkaton, hates sylveon and in general ideal for someone who hates all fairy type pokemon
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there are many pokemons that aren't fairy type, idk what the issue here is
I simply hate that Fairy Type crap.

I also want a waifu that is anti-fairy type in every aspect
>types that are ultra effective against fairy
>types that are ultra resistant to fairy
>anti-fairy appearance
>represents everything that is opposite to what fairies are

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