Can you defeat Gary?
>>57086117Half of his team dies to ababor
>>57086117I'd just fuck Daisy Oak
>>57086117Any Water/Ground pokemon could stall this team really
>>57086117He also caught Regidrago
>>57086134he caught more than 200 mons, but that's the team he usually uses
>>57086129Hatterene gets giga drain
>>57086117In which format/tier? or else I'll just throw a bunch of megas, legendary pokemons, dynamax pokemon at his face and fuck everything.
>>57086117gastrodon unironically soloes that entire team
>>57086117>double battle>gary's team pic related vs sneasler, salazzle, tyrantrum, ninetalesA, meowscarada and a golurk>gary sends alien waifu and arcanine to set up trick room>my salazzle fakes out arc and sneasler takes out hatterene>sneasler can take out tyranitar and umbreon>salazzle wears down arcanine>NinetalesA just veils and blizzards>meowscarada buttfucks blastoise>tyrantrum and golurk can take care of arcanine and electrivireyeah, they can, the only problem would be arcanine
>>57086193>hatterene used giga drain!
>>57086200I cant belive it, gastrodon is fucking gastrodead
>>57086200>gastrodon ate its rindo berry>gastrodon used mirror coat
>>57086117THAT’S his anime team? Goodness, Kleavor and Annihilape alone one shots half of that team.
>>57086117>too scared to join the Masters 8 >too weak to beat legendaries in raidsI'll be fine.
>>57086117>ground types defeat arcanine, tyranitar, and electivire>then I can just bring some combination of fighting/bug/poison/steel/ghost/grass/electric to clean up the restez
>>57086138>usuallyShow me three instances of him using Hatterene and Tyranitar.
Against Ash in the Johto League, he used:>Nidoqueen>Magmar>Blastoise>Arcanine>Scizor>GolemHe also has a bunch of other Pokemon that we never actually see him use, like Pinsir, Houndoom, Fearow, Alakazam, Skarmory, and Kingdra
>>57086117Ivysaur can defeat all of them except Arcanine so a Wartortle with it would be an easy victory
>>570905050 Atk Electivire Ice Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Ivysaur: 188-222 (72 - 85%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
>>57090587not if that Ivysaur has Sleep Powder + STAB Giga Drain
>>57090604yeah good luck outspeeding a base 95 speed mon with a base 65 speed monand even assuming the ivysaur is modest and has max HP and special attack EVs, it's not healing enough to turn that 2hko into a 3hko, or assuming no HP EVs since you're not gonna be fast enough to outspeed anything else on his team if you invest that much into HP, an 81% chance to OHKO (with a 19% chance to 2HKO) into a guaranteed 2HKOalso electivire has vital spirit, your sleep powder won't do shit and even if it had motor drive it's a 25% chance to not do anything (even if it did he could just switch to arcanine/hatterene and one shot your frog)252+ Atk Electivire Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Ivysaur: 252-298 (77.7 - 91.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKOoh and i forgot to mention giga drain's damage output252+ SpA Ivysaur Giga Drain vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Electivire: 111-132 (38.1 - 45.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recoveryyeah fuck no that's not gonna happen
>>57090672fair. how about weakness policy + Leaf Storm?
>>57090736maybe assuming a 17% chance to not get knocked out or frozenbut you'd just have a crippled ivysaur with its weakness policy depletedand it'd get revenge killed by just about anythingthe only item that could save you is a rare candy