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>tfw we'll never get animations like this ever again
I too like staring at games on youtube instead of actually playing them
but you stare at the game while playing it most of the time anyway
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All done! Now it's Chappy time!
who's chappy
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This is!
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bump 4 chappy
>these games now cost around $100 EACH
what the fuck happened
why not just emulate it instead?
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>Umbreon stumbles forward for five minutes to bite a mon
>Mon stumbles around for five minutes in pain
>Repeat x1000 until you beat game then die of old age

Yeah, good times...
oh what the fuck? I remember it being like £30, now it's like double that.
Pokémon Tax. The older games are super expensive because everyone wants them, and tards are willing to pay that price.
That and they were on consoles nobody gave a shit about until zoomers grew up and said that the Gamecube was underrated. Now prices have gone up and it's unlikely they'll go down unless you get lucky at thrift stores or yard sales.
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I would if I had the roms, anon. Or burn it and play it on a hacked wii instead
>have both games
>gamecube fucking died
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>game has actual animations instead of hop hop Double Kick
Say it ain't so!
>Game takes 3 minutes per attack instead of 3 seconds.

I sure hate actually playing games and that's why I love Pokemon Colloseum.
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