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How do Magnets Work? Edition

>Tumblr Tag:
>DA Group:
>Dropbox (alternate archive)

This thread is for the growth of artists and those who draw for fun. If you’re going to give critique, please do it constructively. Rude or blunt critiques won’t help anybody.

Requesters are free to request what they wish, but avoid bumping your request every half hour as it’s only going to put people off; try giving it a few hours or more.

Please provide references in ONE image, especially when requesting something outside of the Pokémon universe. If you request something from the old Drawthread or a separate thread, COPY & PASTE the actual request instead of posting a link.

Also, be mindful that requests are done at the discretion of the artists, not on a first come first serve basis.

Please remember to save any piece of art you like from these threads, as we may never know when the archive will start deleting images again. Artists can and are recommended to post their works on other outlets for archival purposes.

Previous thread >>57009967
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Requesting more yabba edits
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Requesting Elphaba and Glinda from the Wicked movie as Pokémon Trainers with Elphaba's Pokémon being a shiny Mismagius and Glinda having a Jigglypuff, with Elphaba and Glinda being drawn in the style of the Pokémon games and anime.
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Requesting Electabuzz doing Thunder Punch with a detailed fist of knuckles and veins on it
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Requesting a festive Murkrow - wearing hat, in a present or made of gingerbread etc etc
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Requesting Reshimom blowing a raspberry
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requesting a redrawing of picrel but with Green/Leaf (her LGPE version) over the blastoise instead the glasses guy
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requesting a slightly younger version of the Galar youngster (the one in the middle), in a greedent costume
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>>57101566 Anchor
>>57061619 Requesting Aldith dressed as a sheep
>>57074661 i just would like to request some cute maractus art
>>57057739 Requesting Bugsy getting chased by a Kuwagamon
>>57014512 Requesting a Corvisquire carrying a happy Vaporeon
Annoyed Typhlosion based on this https://i.imgur.com/n7rVRNP.jpeg
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Requesting this image with a cute Dragonite. The trainer/pokemon they're laying their head on can be whomever you want.
requesting a blonde dawn and a linoone hugging
Holy shit incredible; thank you so much! (Vap request)
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Requesting Pic Related in space, observing and interacting with tiny galaxies floating around it.
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Requesting the team aqua quintuplets and the team magma quintuplets in an awkward mixer (multiple blind date)
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Requesting Ground Miku meeting a blue-eyed Hex Maniac in a desert. The Hex Maniac is pointing at Ground Miku and shouting 'Behold the Kwisatz Haderach!!!'
Did Penny forget to teach Flareon Fire attacks?
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Requesting any loli/shota-like character or pokemon posing for a picture with Fentachu
Requesting Cynthia kicking a crucified Lucas in the nuts with Lucario being next in line to give him a punishing punt like that one Kamen Rider meme photo
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Requesting Petilil wearing Bianca from Black and White's goofy Hat with a smug face receiving a Flame Charge from a Zebstrika like it was nothing.
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I want to request art of this silly avocado dragon.
I've seen it in fakemon threads and I just... really like the design.
requesting a horn version of this
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Requesting Ghetsis doing the Gendo pose
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Wallace dressed as Wallace.
Not OR, but this is hilarious. Good job.
Now we need a cheese pokemon.
Requesting a holiday hearth scene, with a Pokemon of your choice sleeping by the fire
Requesting Indigo disk kiki getting wedgie like this image.
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requesting pixiv redgy being serious and stoic while looking up at the rain like vegeta,with pikachu at his shoulder doing as goku
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Again, requesting Miror B moonwalking away from a defeated champion of your choice. Ideally with a Ludicolo or Blacephalon styling on the defeated champion's ace as well.
An alt evolution of Milcery could work
Beyond amazing
Bumping the thread
Ask on >>>/int/
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Requesting this but with erika pls
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Requesting kono dio da but zoroark
>>57110744 (You)
Nvm someone already did it
In that case a different pokémon
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Requesting Rance (picrel) petting a typhlosion
Requesting Penny and Peonia wearing (skimpy) Eevee and Pikachu themed bikinis respectively.
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back in November, someone requested that people sketch their favorite locations
I made a quick sketch, and said that I would come back to it and complete it one day
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so I completed it
and finished on a Friday afternoon, no less

happy Friday, anons
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Requesting Winona flying with her pigtails like this. Animation not required but would be appreciated if possible.
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Requesting Lance as the Riddler. Extra points if Lance says "Riddle me This!"
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Requesting this but with the Treasures of Ruin.
Bumping this request and the thread
Love it

Seconding this one!

I haven't been here in a bit, did the AI thread drive out a lot of the girl requests?

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