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Stellar Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

Previous thread: >>57040848

Old /tcg/ pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Ge95YuMA
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Is she tho?
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I don't want dark patch to go...

is this a time for fire?
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Reject modernity, embrace classic cards

Also evil team cards when?
Was plasma the last time we had them?
We should be getting a Team Rocket set sometime next year.
Holiday bundle: 12 packs for the price of 2.5
It was. We've had cards related to the teams since, but not any pokemon owned by a team.
oh cool, Ill get it just for the coins. also the promos will be nice to look too as Im playing chien pao and being board wiped by drago
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cool looking dude you got right there
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it seems like glass trumpet/normal is taking the slot of the new patch..
would say grass needs it but ogerpon+energy switch sorta does that.
a dragon one that works on any energy would be really nice, especially now regidrago will be gone
How do I best get back into the meta of I know the rules etc but not about current cards? Grinding using a single deck? Switching between a couple of them?
Just look up popular decks and see what ya like, don't overthink it
Guess you're right. I'll just netdeck something off of justinbasil
I'm new and wanted to know if cards eventually become unusable after a certain period of time. For example if a new series of cards come out will cards from say 5 series ago become illegal? Asking in regards to PTCGL.
look at da letters on da cards
used to be a mess before but nowadays we have regulation marks (letters). There's only ever 3 letter in the current standard, and the first one rotates out every year (spring) to make room for the next letter. Current format is F-G-H. Cards with D, E, or no letter (intl marks started with D) are no longer usable in standard format, but can be used in Expanded (up to(down to?) B&W cards), Unlimited, GLC, draft, and any other formats as long as agreed upon by everyone playing.
champions league tomorrow

what are you hoping gets revealed?
If reveals normally happen it'd be cool to see more of the trainers' pokemon. I would think that's the set after prismatic, right?
If they reveal rocket pokemon they better look evil
Another Pokemon owned by Marnie and N. And maybe Arven and Ethan, too, since they were teased before.
Since ACE SPEC already came back, I can't really see any new gimmick cards making a return. Though I guess we don't have a Prism Star/Amazing/Radiant Pokemon equivalent for the next format, so maybe that.
Do you think the Rocket Pokémon will be in the trainer's set or they'll be two separate ones? I'd like to see a Trainer set and an evil team set. So Giovanni's Persian/Nidoking, Ghetsis' Hydreigon, Cyrus' Giratina etc.
link to scheduled stream?
N's reshiram and Rockets ratatta would essentially both be trainer pokemon. Giovanni will get named ones but there'll probably be a bunch of generic "rocket" grunts
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Here's the japanese order of new expansions, 'battle partners' is the trainers' pokemon set
Not sure what 'hot air arena' is. if it's a smaller expansion it'll probably be bundled with the English team rocket one
Rocket set is probably a special smaller set like 151/paldea fates/shrouded fable. They can milk the nostalgia enough with it so it wont need to be bundled
It's likely the opposite. The 'enhanced expansion packs' are the smaller sets like paradise dragona or dedicated themed ones like 151, so hot air is likely the smaller one
>collector retard set
>gimmick set
>genwun set
>incoming 30th set
>probably shiny special set somewhere in between
when will we get a real expansion?
when Z-A releases
After team rocket there'll be 'White Flare & Black Bolt', take a guess that's themed after
so it's all filler until the new game and possible remakes, got it
On to GLC it is then
I have become addicted to PTCGP...
I will say it is nice to deal with two metas with obviously best decks
certainly better than one
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This is new I think
It not letting you get an item kinda sucks
budew counter or ability lock stadium
It's a nice quick relief I can pick up for 10ish minutes and laugh at the RNG sometimes
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Wtf man
Stellar mons < You are here
Trainer pokemon (rotation set)
ZA stuff when that releasees

Expect another gimmick like trainer mons to tie over until gen 10 after ZA sets. They might continue doing megas after ZA like how vmax lasted all the way through to PLA releases
Doesn't seem very worth it compare to celebrations? Unless you wanted the coins or stamped cards
We knew of this card weeks ago
God I wish they'd reprint Silent Lab
Day 1
Day 2
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please consider the following deck and give me input lads
>2 exeggcute (original)
>2 exeggutor EX
>1 exeggutor (island)
>2 farfetch'd
>1 mienfoo
>1 mienshao
>1 pinsir (considered switch to tauros (island) but I really want to remain faithful to the RNGods)
>2 potion
>2 erika
>2 leaf
>2 poke ball
>2 professor's research

serperior is broken as fuck and isn't even rare, what the fuck were they thinking

>the anti sweeper god
forever treeful of eggs for me, either the old EX or the tropical eggs depending on whether you're rushing or setting up. So yeah give me your thoughts.
wrong tcg dude
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More cards with Colress in the name.
if that happens this card will be board wiping until it rotates
Funny that its existence already proves that there will not be any Colress for the next 2 years
I mean they can still print more Colress cards, just have them be really shit.
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>mfw my opponent tries to play an Item after I attack with Budew and I have to remind them
There are twelve days until 2025. Is it pure hopium that PTCGL will have a fully functional Expanded format in the next two weeks?
Lol, lmao.
>Trainer cards for colress' pokemon
>Want to play colress' magnezone
>Get dabbed on by kyurem
>colress mon that stops bench damage
>gets blasted
>get frosted because of your own counterplay
>taking four prize cards in a single attack
luv me some hydreigon
'ate manaphy
not racist jus don't loike 'em
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surely we'll get another like him right?
In this day and age?
in this upcoming format?
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machoke blocks dusk line
Dusk line would need a basic that does that, a dedicated counter similar to jirachi. Otherwise half the time they're going to snipe your machop before you can even evolve it.. which isn't hard for terapagos using noctowl
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I've been playing pocket, and now I'm wanting to play some casual games of the real tcg with my family. would these be a good purchase? is the price okay?
Seems fine to me, don't think there'll be any insane inbalance between decks
I don't care what people say, I'm gonna run Kingdra ex.
I'm experimenting with Palafin ex through Switch and Tera Greninja through King's Ordering Frogadier to evolve
Anyone have an Archaludon ex decklist?
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I'm not going to get anything good, why do i keep wasting money?

I bet I won't even get the Gengar eraser. FUCK
yeah u dumb
30 more mins. News probably won't be until mid/end of stream tho.
So who's going to Birmingham Regionals in Jan?
>stallax on stream
the worse match you could pick to show
He won, stop crying bitch
yeah thankfully the dude conceded so the audience couldn't be forced the watch that snooze fest
Nice, a coin tosser enjoyer mirror
if i get something good i will quote you and call you a faggot for 20 days straight
the zard and hydreigon match makes me think zard will just start using fez as a bench sniper against anyone playing budew for easy damage

no clue what you're talking about
the pokemon champions league that going on right now in osaka
Anon is likely talking about the match here >>57107905
itembros...we got too cocky
Any interesting matches?
I haave regidrago fatigue.
its been kinda meh so far. saw some dengos that were both playing budew which could have kept item locking each other
One of them would KO the other Budew first tho
new cards tomorrow
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Battle Partners pack revealed.
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Irida promo for Expanded Battle events.
I wonder how many Trainer's Pokemon we are going to get. Would love to see Steven's Metagross/Aggron.
Holy Iono and Lillie
Steven's Metagross and Marnie's Grimmsnarl are pre-built decks that release around the same time as the set in Japan.
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bruh an amazon worker literally opened the blister, stole the boosters and sent me the empty packaging lmao
Oh that's cool! Looking forward to it being shit.
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Point and laugh at this anon.
it's fine, they're refunding me and they also gave me a $5 voucher for the ''inconvenience''. I can't believe this shit though.
what's wrong with pokemon cards that make people act like monkeys?
It's essentially gambling, and everyone knows gambling brings out the inner chimp in people. I'm honestly more surprised they didn't steal the marnie tin and the boosters inside that, seems much more valuable since she's every faggots waifu.
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Hello, sorry I'm a scrub and retard.
I'm looking at this card https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Glaceon_VSTAR_(SWSH_Promo_197)

It says this was available in the Glaceon VSTAR Special Collection, but when I watch openings of that on Youtube it's not in there, instead there's two other Glaceon cards in that special collection, the ones you see on the front of this box here (see image).
Can someone help me? Where do I actually get this, then outside of Crown Zenith packs with a super low chance? Other than just buying it as a single
>booster art that's not 5ban
never thought I'd see the day
If you want the crown zenith version you just buy it online, it'll be less than whatever you'd spend going through packs
Also there's a collector general
Oh right, I get it. I think I just didn't understand that it's literally the same cart but only the Crown Zenith version comes with that art, my bad.
Didn't even notice, but it looks so much nicer.
log-in bonus
>all the cool trainers they could pick
>they pick fucking HOP
No shit pocket won
How can ANYONE play this game with this GARBAGE avatars
One, everyone knows that yes, but two, it is kind of impressive how much better just being able to have pfps based off the card art is
Creatures was definitely right taking that from master duel

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