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your boy's a pedophile
First starter I ever used in a Pokemon game so this is very special to me
Go back, discordfag
>everyone I don't like is from discord!
Discord is a breeding ground for pedotrash, its reasonable to assume that anyone slandering the Cydnaquil line is a Discorder projecting
>Flames not blue
Another missed lay-up from Gamefreak.

Video link related, congrats though OP!
>projecting your projection
damn that's meta
>being a faggot
Why are you like this?
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I really like the purple flames from Gen 2 personally, wish they carried onwards.
takes one to know one
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Yeah would've been preferable, least we got Hisuian-Typhlosion
noice, your child came out black instead of white
mine also came out the same way, guess we are cuck bros now, hell yeah
all cyndaquilfags are cucks
The flames go really well with the body color
fireGODS we won
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a boring GET but a GET nonetheless, checked
You sure do act like one though, same mental age of 10 year old as the retards in the saborcord
i wouldn't say that. remember the 56666666 GET? 7 repeating digits is more than 6 anon...
Did you really forget about the >>55555555 GET
Octs is better than septs
sharty ≠ fire type
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>everyone I don't like is from discord!
hisuian typhlosion really got that "Im gonna rape you" look pinned down
wait im retarded, that's a typhlosion win because he's a rapist and the GET said "gotta rape em all"
yeah okay fair enough touche
doesn't change the fact that rapeGODs run this place
no you got me there, fair play
Year of leal service wiped away by one furfag at GF baka
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congrats, good luck on finding the others.
I got the others, like a few years ago at this point, so it's nice to have the whole trio
Oh I misread the OP, still nice.
Do you know how many attempts/ how long it took?
No idea on actual SRs, but I think I got the first Chikorita in early-mid 2021 after a few months of on and off hunting, so probably around 4 years, give or take. Keep in mind I've been doing these SRs pretty infrequently
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how many resets?
i mean as a pedo you can find child girls anywhere, even here.
just like every social site, it is much easier in the early discord days compared to now.
couldn't tell you anon
don't worry, won't be using a pixel for my next phone, used the 3a for a good few years then I got the pixel 7 and have had to deal with replacing it twice (couldn't replace it with something different on the plan I'm under)
>as a pedo
t. yphlosion

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