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>Old gens
>Difficulty is implemented by blocks in straight route lines
>New gen
>Timmy learns he's not prepared when his level 15 starter is BTFO by a lv 50 mon in the Blue Catfish Lake.

So why do open world is bad again?
Timmy beats level 50 mon anyways, and now the rest of the game is irrelevant.
This. Every large level jump is accompanied by higher level wild mons too.
Based if i am not a Gary Stu/Mary Sue within 10 seconds of starting the game, It's game over.
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As opposed to before where…the entire game was irrelevant?
When in gen 5 does this ever happen?
I was always under leveled. You'd have to grind for a long time
I hope they have level scaling soon
Level scaling is an objectively shitty mechanic that makes every game it exists in worse.
What's the benefit of an open world if the bosses don't scale with your level? Sure, you can challenge yourself to beat the third gym leader early, but then that just means the second gym leader is going to be even EASIER.
The benefit is that Game Freak doesn't have try.
>put levels in game
>proceed to put mechanic in game that renders levels pointless
OK but I was looking for an actual answer instead of ESL nonsense.
>open world game
>get some challenging bosses

>linear game
>get zero challenging bosses
>I want every area and trainer to feel the exact same!
No. Level scaling is shit and soulless.
>walk to high level area
>catch something
>steamroll early areas
When does it get hard?
The teams would scale, and ideally at least the ace is slightly above yours. Also this >>57110668
A linear game can have challenging bosses with a proper level curve. This version of an open world game can only be consistently challenging if you follow a guide to fight the bosses in order, otherwise you'll end up being overleveled for any bosses you skipped.
>The teams would scale
So you make levels and all sense of progression utterly pointless. Cool!

>A linear game can have challenging bosses with a proper level curve
Retards like you think gen 5 has a “proper level curve” when the result is >>57110257
Levels are still milestones for new moves and certain evolutions.
>yawnfag posts his hundred-hour grinded pokemon again
Range ban when?
Huh? I didn't say anything about Gen 5.
I hope he does the post where he cries about throwing a Lv8 Clefairy against Blue, then gets caught when he lies about which floor of Mt. Moon it was obtained.
Which become completely pointless when my opponents also get new moves and evolutions at the exact same rate.

>valid arguments are still valid even after I screech at the jannies to remove them
Who knew?
>endless flamebait and thread derailment
Doesn't the postgame Teal Mask have a ton of battles against first-stage mons
Yes. Pokemon are the same, but the levels are increased.
>”why didn’t they make the game linear?”
>because it creates bad game design such as *example*
Grow the fuck up.
There was no example of bad game design caused by linearity in this thread, though.
That has nothing to do with the game being linear though, that's just from grinding EXP for hours with Lucky Egg like a retard.
You being autistic and grinding on wild Pokemon for dozens of hours is not bad design.
>y-you grinded
Post your trainer card to show your playtime.
I don't get it, do you want to be overleveled? Why do you care so much about level disparities anyways?
Just do the math, there isn't enough EXP in the game to get that high without grinding against wild Pokémon or using a Lucky Egg.
Pre-3DS games are bad because you can be overleveled, but level scaling is bad becuase then the enemy will match your level.
Are you guys really discussing the difficulty of a toddler-tier game?
>do you actually want the mechanics in he game to matter?
>do you actually want to have meaningful progress?
That's not what level scaling automatically means though. It could be as simple as (base) + 5x, where x is the player's badges. They wouldn't be forced to match your level.
Yawnie automatically assumes whatever makes your argument sound the worst because he's a twat.
pretty much, if you end up accidentally "sequence breaking" (quotes since there's technically no forced path) any "earlier" content you come back to doesn't scale up to match you, so it just becomes a checklist
i dont think there should be scaling down, but scaling up should have been present
>game bad because i'm a high level
>game bad because enemy is the same level
Which is it?
Why would I not use Lucky Egg?
Because it's a crutch that does nothing but make the game easier. By the same logic, why wouldn't you fight all the bosses in level order?
>games like gen 5 are bad because there’s no difficulty
>level scaling is bad because there’s no meaningful progress
Nothing about this is contradictory or difficult to understand. Open world games are able to accomplish difficulty and meaningful progress.
>Open world games are able to accomplish difficulty and meaningful progress.
Then why was Scarlet and Violet so easy?
What meaningful progress is achieved by fighting Lv20 enemies at the end of the game because you just happened to skip the second gym leader?
>Because it's a crutch that does nothing but make the game easier
So? It’s not my job to balance the game.

>By the same logic, why wouldn't you fight all the bosses in level order?
Because I gain an advantage from beating bosses out of order and I don’t know ahead of time which bosses are which levels.
"Skip" implies you did so on purpose, and that you didn't genuinely miss it because the game requires a guide to not trivialize it.
What advantage do you gain from beating bosses out of order, exactly? The reward of fighting a weak boss later on? Doesn't sound very fun.
level scalling do not fit in pokemon games because you have actual pokemon that are meant to be caught early or late in the games
So, when you happened to stumble across a Lv20 gym leader for your 8th badge, this was a rewarding experience for you?
i defeated the johto league with pupitar in HGSS
pokemon has no difficulty
That already went out the window in SV. You can catch anything in the ovverworld whenever you want.
as an aside, why the fuck are pupitar's base stats 10 points lower than dragonair but the other two stages are equal for both
>why the fuck are pupitar's base stats 10 points lower than dragonair but the other two stages are equal for both
Gamefreak doesn't want to overshadow KANTOOOOO
I'm done arguing, these guys are great trolls
Your concession has been accepted and relevant posts have been saved for future reference. See you again soon, same time tomorrow?
>What advantage do you gain from beating bosses out of order, exactly?
Levels. TMs. Saving time not having to backtrack to the map.

The meaningful progress is that I can fight the gym with my lv60 instead of a lv20.
So you intentionally overlevel and grind. Should have named yourself “liar” earlier.
Why do you want to fight a lv20 boss with a lv60 team? Doesn't sound very fun or rewarding, just sounds boring, just makes me wanna... makes me wanna... yaaaawwwnnn...
No, I think you've gotten enough attention.
Damn, is defending XY’s difficulty that easy? All I have to do is accuse people of grinding and intentionally overleveling? I’ll keep that in mind next time.
That doesn’t make sense. You waste more time grinding for the higher level boss and backtracking and beating earlier ones. It would be faster to just do them in order and gradually level up.
You can beat any pokemon game without grinding
Except it isn’t true in XY. You don’t have to do those things and it’s still lended to being overlooked without even trying to like you’re saying.
>You waste more time grinding for the higher level boss
Who said anything about having to grind?

>and backtracking and beating earlier ones
Who said anything about backtracking?
>Except it isn’t true in XY
It isn’t true in BW either. What’s your point?
>who said anything about [things I’d have to do according to me]
Yes it is. You don’t overlevel by playing normally like in XY.
Where did I say you would have to do those things?
Define "normally"
>like in XY
Nope. You have to grind and intentionally overlevel.
You literally talked about backtracking to previous bosses and using lucky eggs
You may disagree, but six mons.
No you don’t. Even a full team still overlevels.
> Even a full team still overlevels.
Only if you grind and intentionally overlevel
Or if you make the gamebreaking mistake of leaving EXP Share turned on.
I turned it off, used six, and was overleveled. Played the same way in BW and was leveled way more properly.
Let's see that Hall Of Fame data, then.
Someone asked you first. I sold all my Nintendo shit years ago. Go ahead and call bluff if you want, but my experience is a shared one in the community and is verifiable, while yours is fanfic tier that actual warrants demands for proof.
>Someone asked you first.
Who and where?
Why the name “Blue CATFISH Lake”? Are they embracing animals now?!
I know this thread is full of people that don't play the games but have you ever actually opened a Pokédex before
Neither of the people involved in that exchange are me.
Post screenshot of proof of that within three minutes or else that’s a lie.
shit i didn't see this until now fuck fuck i can't make a screenshot that fast shit fuck AAAAA i ran out of time i'm a fucking failure :(
Trainers should maybe scale upwards if you overlevel but not wild pokemon
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This game is awesome! I'm sorry /vp/, but y'all too bitter fr
>and was overleveled
Because you grinded and intentionally overleveled.
Progression in Pokemon feels good because of how your monsters grow.
That gives you your sense of progression even if the bosses are scaled to badge counts and the like.
Do you grind playing games like Dark Souls or Elden Ring?
>Progression in Pokemon feels good because of how your monsters grow.
My monsters aren't growing in any meaningful way if my opponent's monsters are also growing at the same rate.
Difficulty is a meme, it's Pokemon. Either the AI is broken and/or uses competitive strats with perfect stats or it's easy.

With that said, gyms/trainers/etc. should level scale in the open world games so things are appropriately leveled. Teams should also appropriately adjust based on the level they are fought at as well. For instance Brock as 1st Gym would have Geodude/Onix, as the 7th Gym he would have Onix, Golem, Kabutops, Aerodactyl, Omastar.
I am gonna be honest, I enjoyed SV more then SM, SwSh and XY by a bit for this, but it being a memory leaking buggy mess, complete with Move and Dex cut and worst of all a story that fell apart for me the moment the DLC came out and decided to focus more on the feelings of an entitled NPC then the actual important interesting story bits severely handled my enjoyment. I hope at least that ZA will have more polish, but I doubt it will be better.
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The game should bend over and let me assrape it freely no matter what team or strategy I use, even if it's a single Magikarp who only knows Splash.
It's my game. I bought it with my money. My rules.
With enough X+healing items and Tackle you very well could
Little Timmy is a FAGGOT!
they put restrictions on that
Open world is fine in concept, SV's problem is execution, SV's open world is too small and often doesn't feel like enough work was put into its art direction.

Each zone of Legends: Arceus felt more carefully and purposefully designed than any part of SV's open world, Area Zero and Mesagoza are the only non-DLC parts of SV that actually feel about right for what they're supposed to be.
What fucked Kieran's story for me is that Teal Mask forces you to go along with Carmine's retarded idea of hiding your encounter with Ogerpon from Kieran even though both of you know how much it would mean to him

It's like she's trying to turn him into a school shooter and you're dragged along with this clearly horrible idea

Kieran feeling like he should own Ogerpon is a bit much, but your own claim amounts to "well Ogerpon chose me because I helped it -- after willfully and knowingly excluding you from the opportunity to help it even though I was supposed to be your friend, so it COULD have chosen you if I hadn't dicked you out of it for no reason"
...i think you have autism
That's what happens anyway in a linear game, moron
The 7th gym leader is a much higher level than the 1st one (even tho it doesnt makes sense lore wise), which is a fixed linear version of level scaling
Having them scale is the exact same but you can do the gyms in any order
Bullet Seed
Bullet Seed
Bullet Seed
boomers will never admit open world is the better format
>titan scaling
its stupid fucking easy, just have 5 different versions of each titan, corresponding to 1st thru 5th titan fought, and have a variable in the bg that counts how many titans were fought.
>variable is set to 0?
Use the level 15 titan
>variable is set to 3?
Use the level 45 titan
>variable is set to 4?
Use the level 55 titan
Levels not exact, but they do well enough for a romhack ig
there should be 2 difficulty options
1 that doesnt scale
2 that scales with better enemy teams and items
its that shrimple
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Single battle format for the story is the biggest thing hampering the difficulty of Pokemon
>That's what happens anyway in a linear game
Thanks for agreeing open world games are better.
I think even GF is realizing this considering how Indio Disk was all doubles.
or just have one difficulty option without scaling because scaling is objectively shit
enemies should always scale 50 levels above you so we can finally have some difficulty
It works in your example because the world is zoned for specific levels, and thus progress is blocked off based on the relative difference in power and your own means of cheesing shit and abusing the mechanics as much as possible. The problem is most open worlds aren't like this (or at least not anymore), they all go for either the Oblivion approach where the world matches your level no matter where you go so you could be at the endgame area and fight a bunch of goons with twigs, or they're "open" world in which you can't actually go anywhere until the developers decide you can go play in the next area.

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