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Is there still a way to pass my Pokemon from Bank to Home?
Yep. Here's how:
>Open Google
>Paste your question in the search text box
>Click 'Search'
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>using apps to store Pokemon
>not just generating them whenever you want
My 'mons have history and provenance that give them special meaning yours are just faceless clone wars cannon fodder
>My 1s and 0s are more significant than your 1s and 0s!!!
Prove it
I sometimes actually enjoy playing the games with my bros from all the way back in middle school, while you sit in a dark room in your underwear making yet another failteam to ladder all the way up to 1200 in a series of battles you don't have fun playing and won't even remember in an hour
Yes, you can still transfer your Pokémon from Pokémon Bank to Pokémon HOME. Although the Nintendo 3DS eShop closed in March 2023, making new downloads of Pokémon Bank unavailable, existing users who had previously downloaded the app can continue to use it. Additionally, Pokémon Bank has become free to use since the eShop closure.

To transfer your Pokémon, follow these steps:

Update Pokémon Bank: Ensure that Pokémon Bank on your Nintendo 3DS is updated to version 1.5 or newer.

Link Accounts: Link the Nintendo Network ID used with Pokémon Bank to the Nintendo Account associated with Pokémon HOME.

Initiate Transfer in Pokémon HOME:
On the Nintendo Switch version of Pokémon HOME, select "Move" from the main menu.
Choose "Begin Move" to generate a Moving Key.

Enter Moving Key in Pokémon Bank:
Open Pokémon Bank on your 3DS and select "Move Pokémon to Pokémon HOME."
Enter the Moving Key generated by Pokémon HOME within three minutes.

Transfer Completion: Once the Moving Key is entered, the transfer will begin, moving your selected Pokémon from Bank to HOME.

Please note that this is a one-way transfer; Pokémon moved to HOME cannot be returned to Bank.

Given the discontinuation of certain online services for the Nintendo 3DS, it's advisable to transfer your Pokémon to Pokémon HOME at your earliest convenience to ensure their safety.
>Jumps to insults because have no proof

Concession accepted
Thanks, ChatGPT!
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NTA but I'm gonna try and fight for the side he's on.
sure, they're all just 0's and 1's at the end of the day, but they all have special meaning in our hearts. some of us have memories with certain pokemon that are attached to us. recreating those 0's and 1's to exact replicas, while possible, doesn't feel the same.
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I thought that the passing from 3DS to Switch was terminated on april
Here's something you may not know anon: when you "move" your mon across platforms the destination actually creates a copy of your mon there and the source deletes the original. Therefore your transferred mon is not your original but just a copy. Furthermore even saving and loading your saved game is jldoing that same thing between the console's cache and save game data. Sorry to shatter your fantasy but your mon is being recreated endlessly without you seeing it making attachment to it (or rather any of its poentially infinite instances) meaningless.
Is this legal?
That is sad.
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The soul (the non material part of the object) stays intact, come on man, we already resolved the Theseus meme ages ago
exactly this

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