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Friend ID Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScx82fFuZO5JSneihERecx5UKEJv42EGQKYZM3flPh_ERIa-A/viewform

>Friend ID Sheet:

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>/vp/ anything:

pokevious: >>57112376
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first for metalchads
what are metalchads running? Is it just 2 melmetals and 2 druddigons? doesn't seem like a lot of pokemon
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>checkmates your celebi deck
nothing personal kiddo
and its not even my final form since I'm poor
the rule of thumb is that the less pokemon you run in your deck the better anon
>lost to a guy who only played two EX Artis with an electric deck
i should probably go to sleep
Melmetal doesn't actually have a weakness so fire decks aren't good against it. only a mewtwo deck gives me trouble but if I had a mew then it's pretty even
fucking christ everyone in the event is running celebi what is wrong with people
smartest picucka ex player
what is this pokemon even based on
a dragon if i had to guess
tried MI Raichu + Zebstrika
doesn't exactly work when he doesn't have a bench
I feel like 8 pokemon is the magic number. 6 sounds like brick city when you get stuck with a hand full of sabrinas and blues and shit
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if this nigga gets misty its ogre
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>celebitch conceded on turn 4 when he seen the ninetails come out
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>would have beaten a celebi player who had literally perfect draws if my ponyta didnt flip tails both times it attacked
game is as frustrating as ever
based chuddigon op
billions must take 20 damage
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there goes all my coin flip luck for the week
I took new Ponyta out my Blaine deck. I don't care if it's technically better. I like the Blaine deck for it's consistency and whiffing coinflips make me want to bash my head against the wall
do you think we will ever get extra rare FA swimsuit support cards?
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>game starts
>opp sees my fire energy to his grass
>concedes before i've even played anything
>i'm playing flareon greninja
Stereotypical child's crayon drawing of a dragon
if you pick druddigon in wonderpick you should take 20 damage in real life
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Mewtwo mirror matches turning into a Mew race is funny stuff.
And done. Got 45 wins with Dragonite.
Yes actually
It's the compromise for getting coin flip cancer
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>farfetchd kills himself on my druddigod
post it
>have 12 pokflutes, open at least one every single day without fail
>still no sigilyph, literally the last diamond card I'm missing
make it make sense
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fuck outta here
I haven't seen a Pika EX since the new pack came out. Did they even get anything?
it only got dedenne since it can't use leaf
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poor guiy is playing anti EX
too bad im playing anti everything
whats your full deck?
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Here ya go
thats just the scolipede deck
To anyone with 2 FA Budding Explorer, I'll trade you one FA Leaf and a blowjob for both of them.
danke, im missing one more drud but I'll probably just point buy it since I dont care for saving them up
Do people really run Tauros EX? I don’t have the deck space in my deck for that
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probably gonna win this lol
>Tauros EX
Yeah I've got 3 of em
it's not even an ex dude
I can't believe this was actually just a unova booster pack the whole time
Serperior, scolipede, druddigon, volc (too bad he sucks), and beheeyem are my faves
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how does my opponent win now?
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Wtf all the current wonder pick timers reset back to their full
not on my machine
Thanks bro
Yeah but I’ve seen people run Mew and even Salandit in its place
salandit is based. he hits fat 70s against celebi
Oh no no no ahahaha where'd your electric energy go
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cute but its over
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No bully
>use Zebstrika
>use Giovanni
>attack the pokemon on the bench
>the extra ten points of damage doesn't count

Are you fucking KIDDING ME!!!!????
it's not an attack, it's an effect which causes damage
you should carefully read what Giovanni's effect does.
smartest picucka ex player
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ok lets see how this goes
i should be able to win
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> let me load the field with everything i need first turn
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he thinks hes not gonna get 1shotted lol
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if course i lost because he got every single card he needed in exact order and i didnt
>it's not an attack
it's because Gio specifically says active pokemon
dang so mew2 is still a problem, i have 1 mew ex so ill try out in your deck and see if it helps against the mew2 matchup
I'm telling you people have this game hacked
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>take a prize card as a move
when are we getting this in tcgp?
yes but he got literally the perfect draw
if I had mew I probably win, or if I drew another drudd to tank while my mother melmetal gained energy i could have won
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celebi decks lost like 90% of the time to this deck
it's an attack that deals 0 damage and also has an effect that lets you cause 30 damage to an opponent's pokemon
happy now?
I'd add 1 mew ex to your deck just to have a backup plan
Why do you think Blue says ALL of your Pokemon?

>happy now?
No because you're still wrong, it's an attack that deals 30 damage to a creature on the bench.
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now that someone who doesn't get the perfect draw, I don't think I can lose
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he sent out mew LOL
gg boys
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it's the meta killer I'm telling you
it's the all killer desu, the only thing that really stops it is lucky first turn misty but that stops everything
Ah its a MTG player
In normal Pokemon TCG, they would just say "place 3 damage counters" instead to signify that it isnt raw damage and NOT affected by damage modifer. The concept remains the same for Pocket but the translation seems more literal.
nigga stop bloggin
i dont have access to them, but is the scolipede line with weezing good?
what could they add with johto that could stop mewtwo?
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go on
well, yes, it works differently from the tcg
I'm pretty sure Seadra works like a "normal attack" if you hit the active pokemon and ignores weakness when you target the bench instead, even though it's the same attack with different targets
If Giovanni didn't specify active pokemon it would work with zebstrika
I wish Blaine was a cute girl
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I'm having fun with this deck:

2x Staryu
2x Starmie
2x Finneon
2x Lumineon
1x Articuno EX
2x Sabrina
2x Oak
2x Pokeball
2x Misty
1x Pokeflute
1x Potion
1x Ex Speed
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Lugia but legends lugia
I hope they bring back legends style pokemon but I doubt it with the fast paced nature of the game
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how do we shut this game down
I'm sure TTar could one shot him and have more than 150 HP
Getting to TTar and getting enough energy is another story though
Houndoom might be good if dark
No idea what Umbreon will be like
how the fuck does this stop mewtwo
cant even read what this card does the way they autistically put it on there
Big basic mons are now 170 hp

mewtwo COUNTEREd
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Gets to energy faster
This one counters high energy
Add an attack somewhere that is guaranteed energy removal but only removes energy from basics.
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Another option
steelix ex takes 10 less damage for every energy the attacking pokemon has
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>No idea what Umbreon will be like
god I hope my boy gets an EX
but it'll probably be Ttar or Houndoom for dark types
cant wait for gen two
I really hope this isn't the option they go with
>just add more hp!
this is kind of shit power creep and bad game design
i pooped my pants
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>didn't even mention my boy
Friend code?
>my first crown rare since playing in October
always has my back i love that little goober
I'm guessing you're not familiar with the main TCG
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when they finally do decide to add support for steel type it's actually going to be unstoppable huh
>no weakness on melmetal
Who cares about some literallywhomon when you could be running scizor and skarmory
are they actually strong?
are they gonna be stronger than Chadmetal?
Any good decks with no coinflips that are not Mewtwo or Pikachu? My flipping luck is shit so I only get heads 15% of the time.
take the weezingpill
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Vaporeon Gyarados without the Misty's
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Kino era for Pokemon
fucking STOP
weezing and scoli are garbage
>beats the 2 best decks if you draw your combo in decent speed
what else do you want man he said no coinflips
you unironically have a skill issue
Dark type Ariados EX that steal energy on hit, or Normal type Lugia that sends cards back to the opponent's hand from the bench
t.Mewtink faggot
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Just use Zam bro
Doubt Lanturn's going to be anything but fodder stage-1 evolution Lightning/Water clone of an existing card, but I hope it's at least a good one
>can only have 15 decks
really nigga?
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they could try if they wanted
>yfw 3 diamond Lanturn and Lanturn ex
I used kingdra back in neo, damn it was good to land agility heads and scramble the bench with it. I'll be using it when it drops.
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>tfw your favorite mon is just going to be a shitmon with 50 damage tackle or something
What kind of things do you want to see in Pocket that aren't present in the main TCG? It's technically a different game after all.
This game would be a lot better if they increased the starting hand size to 6 or 7 and just deleted Oak
The player that hits Oak on turn 1, which can easily lead to another on turn 2, steamrolls the game 99% of the time
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Whenever I see these old cards it makes me sad that we never had an official way to play gens 2, 3, & 4 of the TCG digitally. The gameboy games stopped after the Team Rocket set and PTCGO didn't start until gen 5. The physical TCG was also at an all time low during these gens so very few local card shops had a scene for it. Literally an entire decade of the TCG that hardly anyone actually got to experience.
Xatu should have Jungle Totem but for Psychic, they need to make Mewtwo better every expansion
The only thing I have not seen in the tcg is Pokerus and I'm not sure how that would work outside of possibly reusing the Ancient Traits gimmick from XY era and if they don't want to call it Pokerus or reuse Ancient Traits they could always call it Hidden Ability
>triple energies dragonite
tcgo was around during gen 4 actually
only the very tail end of it. It had the HGSS sets but no DPP
Haven't battled since the expansion dropped. What is the new blaine decklist?
literally the same but you have the option to replace the ponytas and rapidashs with the new ones, gives you better odds of killing some problematic pokemons quickly but Ninetales is still the star of the show and can instakill Celebi EX with Blaine
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You can put Mew ex in it now.
I wish there was a way to take a screenshot of all your deck for sharing, at best you can set the viewer to 25% in the edito so all the deck appears in the screen but it makes it too small.
I run a melmetal deck with wigglpuff EX it's like this
>x2 Meltan
>x2 Melmetal
>x2 Promo Jigglypuff
>x2 Wigglipuff EX
>x2 potions
>x2 Pokeballs
>x2 oaks
>x2 x-speed
>x2 sabrina
>x2 leaf
Leaf+x speed allows Melmetal to retreat for free but I wish there was a stronger healing item.
Before someone calls me out with this >>57114644 i mean on phone, not on a emulator.
the UI is total shit in general, I have no idea why the default deckbuilding UI has room for 15 cards per row when there's only 20 cards per deck, or why you can zoom out and see a completely new, unfilled row
Maybe they were planning 30 cards deck at some point and then relented but then forgot to change anything related to that
that's a third party website anyway
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when i win, just know that if you thank me, you're basically rewarding me and thanking me for beating your ass, and if you don't, then i know you're seething over that loss, so you can't escape how pathetic you look one way or the other
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>put several anons with FA some days ago.
>They still don't appear in wonder pick...or maybe they did while i was asleep.
This sucks.
I'll never trust multi-energy deck again
It feels good every time. I want to get Celebi quick so I can go back to standard packs cause I'm 250 points from being able to pick FA Sabrina.
Would Leaf make a good wife
I know the pokemon cards will get powercreeped fpr certain
But will any of the trainer card get powercreeped?
>Only Gyarados EX and Pidgeot EX left for Mythical Island
Should I stop pulling and just try to snipe them in wonderpack? I don't care about FA
>I only have Gyarados EX and Pidgeot EX
Shoul I kms?
it already happened
leaf > x speed
lol the mewtwo EX deck really has no counterplay against Mew EX/Melmetal apart from hoping they have bad draws
>Moltres rolled all tails 3 turn in a row
Okay, fuck coinflipping. I'm gonna be the fag with Mewtwo now
You wouldn’t want to. Blaine decks stop accumulating energy as soon as you start attacking with Ninetales (preferably early on).
Just got this
Bird Up
Gyarados is actually one of the best exs in the game
Is there a reward for completing the mystic island pack?
I only need pidgeot EX
>don’t draw a basic until turn 6
>moltres flips 3 heads
Sometimes, the bird pulls through.
How do people even use Weezing Scolipede? I can't win for shit.
its a meme
dont fall for it
>alright enough of this meme deck, im switching to blaine to finish the event
>first opponent is starmie EX
oh bother
>didn't draw a rapidash or nineties until this point
Only won since my opponent's luck was shittier than mine. My ponytas took down one of his celebi since it got so many tails and he couldn't draw his evos. Took him 5 turns of coinflips to take down my ponytas. Won with a Sabrina at the end
>pull 2 immersive celebi and 3 full art serperior
Okay, I guess i know what I'm playing then.
you use the fact that you have 3 KO points and they have 2 because you 1 shot their EX with scolipede
but you have to draw 2 complete evo lines and a way to switch weezing out so if you don't you lack the damage to beat good decks
Either I'm unlucky or the deck is way too slow. And Weezing is too frail to wait for Scolipede.
>get friend req from player with JP name
>cards in WP are in English
sneaky motherfucker
I can't stand Celebi decks, how to stop them ?
How do you get 3 metal energies for Melmetal if you have to run water and fire energy because of Druddigon ?
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>opponent's face when my blained up rapidash flips heads
Moltres ex Arcanine ex. Celebisexuals shit themselves.
Without opposing EX Tauros is the worst card in the game not even memeing
I feel this anon.
haven't been red carded ever since MI came out
i've been red carded more now than i ever was before
I did lose to a Gyarados
Nothing you can do about a turn 1 Misty that fully loads it up
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I just noticed, the energy pool type is visible from the start of the game. You can tell what kind of deck your opponent is playing before picking your starter
Same except it’s Primape for me
nice numbers but also in most cases I don't think that knowledge will do you much good
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he was checkmated anyway but the universe deigned to spit on him too
I actually saw someone run a cool deck with this and regular Pigeot because until it evolves the opponent doesn't know if they should build their bench to counter the normal bird or to have an empty bench to avoid getting one shot by the Ex one.
True, things are still so simple here it doesn't change much but at least a type disadvantage could clue you in on putting a lower value starter in front first so you can build up something in the bench
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>see two serperiors on my wonder card list
>use up hourglasses on both
>choose middle
>both top right
I'm so glad I don't get pants-shitting mad over games anymore but... fuck...
I just pick where the card originally was. Usually works out for me
Same, but the nu Magmar is appreciated just casually threatening 110 damage
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Your saying it like that's a bad thing.
The Blaine deck is so tight with energy per turn that using the new Magmar is a waste.
imagine winning a tournament with this
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I'm convinced god packs no longer show up in WP regardless of card rarity. It was too much, they had to shut it down.
I NEVER pull the card I need with Blaine holy fuck. if I have vulpix, I only pull rapidash. if I have ponyta, I only pull ninetails. if I need Blaine, I don't have him. if I have Blaine, he's not enough. fuck this meme deck I'm going back to mewgod
They show up. They’re just weighted to be rare. Doesn’t help that the game seems to arbitrarily decide which packs to list for wondertrade. A valid god pack can be skipped over as a wonder pick just because the game decided to do so.
I had this card or at least i saw it IRL
Where's the incelebi? Help bros I don't wanna open these packs anymore
Holy shit I'm retarded and forgot pic
i am really really really not looking forward to the upcoming 5 win streak emblem event
You need to have like 6 cards to build and combo off it to kill one pokemon, have fun
Top left
Watched a tournament the other day where this exact thing happened to the streamers Celebi. New Eevee is scary.
Hope you hit your head when getting in your car
Why would you ever go top left??
I've time travelled from the future, top right.
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Starmie + Greninja still kicks ass.
Sorry you have to have at least >70 IQ to play this game
Top right chads are sniggering.
>first blue
>third fucking leaf (GO AWAY)
>still no Budding Expeditioner
I just want to play Mew EX...
Do you guys not have a life, I normally just stop once the battles stop giving trans tickets.
Tell me that coins are rigged for new shit without telling me that coins are rigged for new shit.
>try to make memedecks since I want something new
>realize I don't have the cards to make them
>go back to M2 spam
>Do you guys not have a life
I don't
You are on 4chan what do you think?
I love this fucker
Shit's so bad I'm using Pokedex and Scope just to hit deck requirements
lol no
do you think trading will be worth the wait?
I faced some cool tech where the guy brought back chatot to my bench using pokeflute, then dragged him him to the active spot using the pidgeot passive to get his last point. Yet again it's just a free sabrina each turn.
There's some strong synergy between pokeflute and pidgeot EX too so a deck with both regular and EX pidgeot would probably work quite well. Somehow I have two of the EX one but none of the regular so I can't try it out yet.
if i finish it now then i dont have to do it later
>play event
>cant draw a single oak, pokeball or a second basic mon for 5 straight matches
is this fucking game trying to get me buy packs or what
I've failed getting Aero ex from WP like 7 times in a row now and several of those times it was in top left. Maybe I should give that a try myself the next time
>play off meta deck since I want to have fun
>lose lose lose
>switch to cancer mewtwo deck because losing sucks
>win win win
I can see why people would rather play the cancer deck than try some off meta shit in the event.
No. We already have discordtrannies abusing wonder pick with bots farming godpacks. There's no way they'll make trading abusable, so it's gonna be completely shit.
I tried off meta and every time I needed heads I got tails
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>Reading explains the card the card
>No EXs?
ugly ass coin
Yeah you can tell they wanted to include the gimmick but not commit either to a real EX killer card.
40 + 80 does not even one shot most EX cards, and for the energy it takes to set him up, you're better off using an actual EX card, it's just as good against other EX and it actually works against normal cards too. Unfortunate, something that hard counters meta decks and loses against creative decks would have been great for the game.
good one
What are general tips for making a good deck? Other than to use one color + colorless mon if needed
I think they'll have such a hard time introducing trading without ruining their monetization that 6 months from now we'll still be talking about the fabled upcoming trading
If you use Erika you accrue bad karma. Celebi isn't an issue it's having 140 more HP thats makes it broken
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There were cards like that in TCG, but I guess it's too soon for them to commit to anti meta
are ex cards and all its clones that give out 2 prizes also cancer in the real game?
>Choose a very strong basic EX card that's instawin as soon as it has enough energies
>Pick another card in the same color that lets you attach multiple energies per turn (lilligant, serperior, misty, moltres EX, gardevoir)
>Fill the rest of the deck with a random assortment of trainers and items
You're now a tournament tier deck builder
mew ex should be able to copy moves from both benches
It flips tails, though. It always does when it matters.
luck is a skill
We’ve got two issues:
>Celebi can effectively double its HP
>M2 became more consistent
It’s going to be a ROUGH format for anything that struggles to move quickly and/or hit that 130 HP break point.
That happens in every game to me, and not only with Celebi.

Island is always top left. Apex is top right.
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Yes but also no, in the real game you have 6 prizes which means knocking out 3 EX mons (which takes around the same time as knocking 3 non ex in pocket) or a combination of non EX and regular EX. But anti meta always was a thing, the current charizard tera actually rewards having less prizes, pic related rewards playing against UB, and so on.
I guess whoever created my character sheet decided to put all points into other skills.
FA doesnt work when the card text takes up more than 50% of the vertical space
Electric sniper deck, actually got 5/6 wins but they were against 3 waters.
>Greninja line x2, Zebstrika line x2, new Electabuzz x2
>Pokeball 2, Research 2, Flute 1, Speed 2, Gio 1
Only electric energy but I'm thinking it might be worth the risk to run water. Just get out there with your snipers and pick off the most dead things, ezpz.
man i wish ultra beasts had a retcon and just became anomalous rare pokemon but not considered legendaries
Playing Misty should count as energy for turn, dropping regular energy locks you out of Misty and vice versa
Blue actually saved my ass and forced his articuno to retreat with leaf
In fact mew EX is probably a better tauros in all situations
Our "trading" will just be crafting from other digital TCGs. We can reduce dupes to make a new currency, which can be used to trade(craft) new cards.
Oh and I had a potion to heal the chip damage from articuno's first blizzard so I would of died without that and blue
Is this serious
He's seriously retarded, yes
This is the worst luck I've ever had in a match, both melmetals in the last 2 cards. Still won but come on.
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You won't be able to search specific users or cards for trading
You'll get a randomized list like Wonder Pick and if you see a card you like, you can make an offer with any card you own.
If the offer is rejected, the trade listing is removed from your randomized list
In the backend, the trade list isn't even real players but a randomly generated list that heavily favors generating low value cards. Whether the trade offer is accepted is RNG as well
That's likely going to be the case, think Wonder Trade from the original games but with cards instead
Another idea. The trade system works exactly like wonder pick,first having to pick 5 cards you'd want to trade. You get the same offer system you propose, except you have to wonder pick from the 5 card options of the other player.
So it's confirmed people are cheating with coinflips right?
Fought a Japanese celebi player, and out of the 9 coinflips.... he got 9 of them
>uuummm that's possible it's just very low odds
Shut up no it's not. He got perfect flips on all 3 attacks he did.
They're gonna remove the boosters after a certain amount of time right? I need to get a Sabrina
that's possible it's just very low odds
(You) are assigned to make 3 new full art waifu trainer cards for the next expansion
Who are they, what are they wearing, and what pose are they striking
One of them will become an exclusive Gold shop playmat, coin, and card sleeve
Who do you pick
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I love this deck but I feel it's gotten a bit power crept.
Just got bullied by a charizard deck and I feel like it's too slow now that other top decks got faster.

We metalchads need some good supp9rt next month
Scizor ex will save us trust
If they remove the boosters they will render the cards unusable anyway. Unless you just want to fap to it by having it in the dex
uuummm that's possible it's just very low odds
Just wondering if they're gonna make FOMO shit where you have to trade or hope for a re-run
Any galvantula decks out there?
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What's the point of this now that there is Leaf ?
It's not a supporter.
Some mons only have 1 retreat cost
That sounds about right. Celebi and Mewtwo are what the meta evolves around so far. And it's common sense that stupid fast energy flow gets you an overall advantage.

But just experiment and play the way you want to play. If you don't want to go meta then pray to the coin flip gods and try to meme the meta to death. That works too.
not using up your one (1) trainer card that turn
>1 retreat cost mon
>use with leaf for 3+ retreat cost
A bit sarcastic but it's how 90% of the decks you face in versus are built

>akshually the items and trainers in my mewtwo EX/gardevoir deck are carefully chosen not random at all
This applies to both meta and tier 2 decks with few exceptions like Pika Ex, but even then they can run Lt Surge + Raichu for late game
I still say the opponent should get a point the moment an EX hits the field or bench. Playing two EX Mewtwos and an EX Mew on the first turn with no energy should NOT be a win condition.
>full art immersive VR-ready microbikini marnie
>microbikini iris
>microbikini chicken
>play ex
>opponent gets one point
>knock out ex
>opponent gets two points and wins the game
unironically sure
also meme decks will pop up that play all 3 ex in their hand from the start and they lose the game immediately
You can play two X-Speeds on the same turn for the exact same effect AND play a supporter. They're both still great, and it depends on the deck which one is better.
(You) are no longer assigned to make 3 new full art waifu trainer cards for the next expansion
I'm not THAT butthurt. An EX kill should be one point if that idea passes. You'd just get the first point early.
>fags will whine about EX until the end of time
More reason to metafag I guess
I love making salt
But yes, it's actually shitty to have to stare down 3+ EX mons before you draw your first card.
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release me
Stadium cards in this format should definitely not exist.
It'd be funny, though
I still say you should stop being such a little bitch. Some cards are better than others, either deal with it or fuck off.
fighting chad when is our time?
The fix is having matches go to 4 points
i used to hate on yugioh's autistic detail to card effect description but after reading a bunch of pokémon cards i honestly appreciate it now
I only have 1 but I wanted to try it with pika deck when I get the 2nd one
Maybe an electric version of Weezing Arbok is in order, but who can be electric Weezing? Other than Weezing. I guess Mew EX, but that thing is good everywhere so it's no fun. The only other electric tech to play with is paralyze, which is almost the same as Galvantula's ability anyway. Maybe water electric? Galvantula trap and Greninja ping?
Marnie in her gym uniform, in a way you could see her butt. Special attention would be put on making her butt look appealing.
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No reason to even get one right now when the alt art will be a promo next month
>Blaine deck user wins against a bricked meta deck after losing 9 games straight to Mewtwo and Pikachu decks
>"just beat [meta deck] with my blaine deck this deck is so good I'm so good at this game I am having so much fun even though I'm F2P isn't that cool haha"
If it was so good and fun you wouldn't have to announce it to everyone everytime you get a win, pipe down
Split the difference and say galv/gren/mew maybe?
You mad?
Pocket doesn't have place for stadiums in the battle board.
One x-speed + leaf gives melmetal free retreat
Maybe, that's 12 mons so you really have to have great utility on everyone because there's no room for extra tech assuming another 4 slots are taken up by research and Pokeball. So 4 more slots, probably no need to Leaf because retreat is 1 across the board, so maybe Sabrina to stall, Giovanni isn't necessarily useful here, potion might be helpful in a few cases, and x speed allows for some free pivots. Then the strat is to just tank with Mew, trap dying mons with Galv, whittle and finish with Greninja. Speed and water energy means that you can pivot and play Galv or Greninja accordingly, and probably a few times you'll have energy on Mew. Might be cool but it's squarely in the homebrew category.
There's an empty space to the left of the active Pokemon where they could go.
I can fight cheese with cheese just fine.
It's just that the cheese is too raunchy as it is.
>>57115297 (me)
Or galv surge, trap a tank and then kill it with MI raichu
Fuck you'll definitely need the Expedition buddy... 6 Greninja 4 Galv 2 Mew 2 research 2 Pokeball 2 Budding 2 Sabrina?
Me Raichu is great, I might run 1 new and 1 old so I can pick between blowing my entire load and damaging the bench. Raichu hitting the bench makes me want to go back to Greninja and continue to target the bench... Lots of cool things to play with
> 5 games in a row where my stage 1 mon are in the bottom 5 cards of my deck
Holly shit
I got 3 on packs instead of the cards I want and now its even worth less. Fml
>It warms its body by absorbing sunlight with its wings. When its body temperature falls, it can no longer move.
>Druddigon lives in caves, but it never skips sunbathing—it won't be able to move if its body gets too cold.
A dragon combined with a gargoyle and an Agama lizard

In this case, a reverse gargoyle, when the sun rises it comes back to life and remains paralyzed at night.


A princess and her dragon, good combination
I think the celebi deck is balanced tbqh.
Sure, I went 9/1 so far with it, and only lost because I drew celebi Sabrina Sabrina Giovanni Giovanni Erika Erika speed speed but still.
Perfectly balanced.
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Can someone post a surge decks that actually works
>50/60 packs into the new pack
>0 mews received(either rarity)
I wanted the mew avatar...
mew ex doesnt even count to that mission
I got 2 in my first 10 packs, but I don't use them. I got 0 Celebis, though.
>didn't give me thanks
Celebi fags deserve to get their favorite ice cream be contaminated with human waste
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Hang in there, you'll get more chances in a few days.
Friendship with chatot is finished
Given how fast meta decks collect energies you can't even afford to spend one energy and one turn on a card that won't be used for anything else afterwards, it's a nice trick in theory but with the state of the game it's unusable
Wait until you start rolling 1 head with 6 coins 3 time in a row
how much longer should i wait for all the sweaty tryhards to finish the event?
Getting thanked by Celebi/Mew2 fags makes me feel violated
>January: Trading added
I wonder if they'll make trading really expensive or if traded cards just won't count for the missions to collect stuff.
you'll be able to drag the board slightly to the left or right to see cards removed from play or stadiums i'd wager
and the poke balls are right above them.
I hope they give enough hourglasses that I can pull 20 packs of the new set like I did the mini set. That was nice.

Guess I'm saving hourglasses starting now.
>no date
Yeah, sure lets say um.. Jan. 34th
Skill issue.
>I wonder if they'll make trading really expensive or if traded cards just won't count for the missions to collect stuff.
I'd wager that they might add a dust cost to trading. i seriously doubt they'll let us choose directly what card we want in trade. I'd think it will be rarity for rarity and random. which will really suck for trying to get needed cards.
Pretty sure if we ever get lost zone it'll be shown in the graveyard too
You can drag cards into that space too.
>Pretty sure if we ever get lost zone it'll be shown in the graveyard too
ahh, you know what, that makes sense. they'll just have a separate section in the discard window.
I genuinely enjoy battling on the shitter, go figure

It goes by faster if you concede as soon as you get a shit hand too, play when you have an advantage
>7 day login
That means they're giving 36 hourglasses + 4 packs each day?
I wish Ultra Beasts had a retcon and got forever removed from the franchise. Paradox too.
dedenne and zapdos, it's fun
No. It's cumulative.
>fire kills grass and steel

fire is too good
>Want to play a Blaine deck
>Still have 0 Blaines

I'll just have to craft him, but goddam. Trainer cards are the hardest to pull
Yeah, it was too good to be true...
>5 win nightmare
Oh shit, not again...
>Just got bullied by a charizard deck
Add in a mew in there
That + New Year's is still free shit.

What is the best druddigon deck? I've loved this guy since I used him on my team in white
>I'd think it will be rarity for rarity and random.
Oh boy, I can't wait to trade in Aerodactyl EX and Gyarados EX back and forth 20 times until I finally find an 11 year old boy who put in Mew EX because he doesn't like pink.
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Uh... Misty, Lorelei, Staryu

>Cynthia's outfit, Marlon's pants, a singular transparent cape
>Handstand, splits, falling over
Probably Druddigon Greninja. Depends who you ask if running fire energy is worth it or if you just run Drudd, Ninja, and Mew and let Drudd tank while Mew hodls energy and Greninja throws stars.
>Oh boy, I can't wait to trade in Aerodactyl EX and Gyarados EX back and forth 20 times until I finally find an 11 year old boy who put in Mew EX because he doesn't like pink.
well lucky(?) for you, they've already basically said that rares won't be tradable (at least at launch)so we'll get to trade 1-3 diamonds at best as they iron out the kinks and get player feedback.
Probably just using him as a tank while you ready Gyarados EX and Greninja. He slows down Aggro decks pretty well because they won't want to slam their Ponyta into his reflected damage and Greninja can potentially finish off stuff they retreat that he roughed up. And Gyarados EX can just win the game once you switch him in.

If you want to actually run the fire energy and sometimes attack with him, then swap the Gyarados for Flareon. The deck has a decent matchup vs other meta decks EXCEPT Celebi who Flareon solos.
Or Druddigon Greninja Gyarados EX if you don't have Mew. Same concept, but you build up Gyarados instead and then just go buck wild when you hit 4 energy. Needs Misty and Leaf. Similar vibe to Dragonite decks tbqh.
>Who are they
Shauna, Sina, Tina (from Masters Ex)
>what are they wearing
Nothing at all.
>what pose are they striking
Doesn't really matter at that point.
>Who do you pick
>Nothing at all.
No, wait, I was wrong. They are wearing shoes.
Phew, that was a close call.
I've been changing cards in the 2x Slab slot, putting Potions and/or Red cards there. I had one match vs Gyara/Vaporeon that I won, but it was really interesting because the opponent kept his hand empty most of times.
Good taste.
>we'll get to trade 1-3 diamonds
That's literally all I care about to trade please, plus it means the no reroll no alt farmers win out
>need a stage 2 mon to not be too reliant of luck going your way with coinflip
>can still get fucked over if you're unlucky even with said stage 2
>Nearly instalose on Blaine deck since Ninetales with a Blaine boost one shot Celebi for 2 energies
>Celebi is decently bulky but still get one shot by a Metwo ex Psydrive and Serperior 110 HP is pretty low for a stage 2
>There isn't ay top meta deck weak to grass and even fighting deck can use mon that aren't weak to grass
The deck has weaknesses and is far from OP. The deck is kinda like a mix of Mewtwo ex and Misty deck.
I don't have one
>gyarados ex
I don't have one
My pulls from mythical island have been shit. I did an immediate 10 pack pull and have nothing to show for it. No, I don't have a celebi either. I guess I'm just picked until I get better pulls
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It's not the best deck for sure, but it has what feels like an unfair matchup against basically every other midrange deck. If you're not playing a hyper aggro deck that can win before they set up, or something that sets up to one shot everything in the late game, then Celebi decks will just destroy you as they shrug off damage with low retreat costs+Erika while matching your mid-game damage, and threatening to scale into crazy late game damage.
If you want to play something more slow paced you really need to be teching in something specifically to counter Celebi decks.
Then just play Druddigon with Greninja and Bruxish, fire energy optional. Might be cool to get Druddigon online but it sucks ass hitting a wall of fire when all you need is one water to attack, but this deck comes with a good wall, and good synergy between Greninja and Bruxish, with Bruxish threatening 90 when combined with Greninja. Supporters and items up to you but I think it's notable to say you can skip Misty if you want. Might be some value in a free power Greninja or Bruxish but she flips tails most often, takes up 2 deck slots, and stops you from using another supporter. Up to you.
>still 20 genetic apex packs away from my Sabrina
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Not very dedicated to your waifu, are you? She would be not happy.
got those other 2 thots without even trying, thats how easy they are.
It's annoying how EX card completely overshadow all the others.
Mew EX is straight up a better kangaskhan for what kang was used for, more HP, lower retreat cost, can be brought back with full health with budding expeditioner to transition into late game.
If you let it die the opponent gets 2 points but your next card is probably an EX anyway so it makes no difference.
charizard is still good, i think every damn deck in the world not running him is an overreaction
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This is extra funny because all of those Lightning Pokemon are in the upcoming Bonus Picks.
Would volc be good or overpowered if it only trashed 1 energy pet attack?
just did a 10 pull and got Erika


fc for anyone still trying to get her or finish a play set
I think misty is ruining the game
>not celebi
Erika is a pure maiden. Pls no slander
She has a deflowering fetish.
Meta is fucked. Pikachi is "fair" except not balanced compared with other decks and celebi lol. Just a gayer misty
If he only dumped 1 but had an errata that disallowed attacking the active pokemon I think he'd be more balanced but still usable. As he is now I can only get off one Moltres powered attack to surprise kill a benched basic, then either Volc sits and tanks a killing blow or he gets hit and you can pull him back with speed or Leaf and then you have to do something else, or have something else ready. He's been working for me in Moltres Arcanine decks, but it's hard as hell because Volcarona line is 6, so all together it's 12 Pokemon. Arcanine works like normal, Volcarona is basically a glass cannon for a sneaky final point.
sent lil bro
Misty can lead to instawins but the odds aren't in their favour. Mew2 and celebi on the other hand make it unfun 100% of the time
>Meta is fucked.
>Blaine and Koga are prevalent
Seems fine.
if you want to replace the slab slot I strongly advise you replace it, at best, with fossils, though I think slab is better than more fossils. potion is a card that you aren't guaranteed to play, and this category of cards is held to a much higher standard of quality in this deck, since it clogs your hand every time you see it, so if the toil isn't worth the reward you should just discard it. red card is more reasonable and I've dabbled with it, though even then I would play 1 at most, and again I don't think slab would be the card I'd cut for it.
in general, if you understood slab's utility go ahead and experiment with alternatives, but if you think it exclusively as a card you play and move on, I urge you to play more games with it and to think about situation in which it could be useful, because you need to know the utility you're giving up in order to properly evaluate a card change.
She deflowers you but isn't deflowered herself yet

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