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how do we bring it back
there is no going back. please buy the new ps5. the ocean will look realistic. this is the future you chose.
you cant bring back sovl once it is gone
>no sora
I wouldn't even consider myself a huge fan of this particular gaming gen but this image got me for some reason.
It kind of feels like the last vestiges of what I consider retrogames. Or maybe it is where it feels like that transition to western game dominance begins.
>No faggots
You even got a cuck in there too.
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Sorry bro, there’s no turning back
fuck i wish i kept the version where an anon added master chief to this image. and i can't for the life of me remember what the thread was that it was posted in
He doesn’t deserve to be there.
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found it just for you faggot
Where the FUCK is Sora!?
Just make gamecube games, anon. Everything else has been done, endless n64 hacks exist, especially sm64. Whats stopping you from making the next huge gc hack? Exactly.
I think I just want to pass away. Live hasn't turned out worth it at all. I'm a incel loser but I think I've lived enough.
Of course he doesn’t. That anon is a fuckin idiot.
The point is, you cunt, that clear water beach stages were highlights in 2000s games like Sonic Adventure, Mario Sunshine, Final Fantasy etc. Halo didn’t have that.
you can't, anon, even if you could replicate it. be glad that you lived through it if you did
>Halo didn’t have that.
thank you for confirming you're a fucking retard that hasn't even played the game you seethe over
Halo CE does have a beach area. It is less vivid, saturated, but it is still has color and is pleasant looking.
wow the nostalgia
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wrong board, weirdo.
Don't worry too much OP. Over the next 20 years, video games probably won't even exist unless you're one of the upper class. Everyone else will be pod junkies working 16 hour days to go home and heroinsleep while a tube drop feeds them the optimal nutrients to stay alive and keep slaving away.
What did I do
>he never spent an hour driving a warthog around the beach on that early level with his bros, and seeing how far you could get out into the ocean
I do agree that MC is sort of against the spirit of that image though
incels and their dystopia fantasies are some wild shit.
There was something great about the early 6th gen. It was new and exciting. A new chapter awaits.
The industry needs me but I'm stuck wage slaving
You have great ideas for new games?
Halo is the face of the apocalypse that ended the era of colorful videogames. Most of that game is gray. Fuck Xbox and fuck Microsoft.
You fucking cocksucker.
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homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was
Not ideas, more like visions, bits and pieces, good patterns, bad patterns
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Play Genshin OP, has plenty of nice beaches
>post Chrono Cross and Tidus
Unaware retardo
Remove the Chrono Trigger 2 faggot, literally a 5th gen character with 6th gen chads.
Tbf, you can say the same for everyone in the pic
The shadows are all completely wrong except for Sonic's
Even Mario?
>controversial 64 sequel to Mario faggots
It’s 2024, nobody goes to the beach anymore, trust me I live in Florida.
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Palm Beach fag here, you're wrong.
I tend to see a ton of people past Lucerne Ave visit there. Literally the only good thing about this shit hole downtown area.
it was a fun one
I'm black and I go to the beach all the time
I think he just means games with an island aesthetic
You don't, you'd better play those retro games.
You know you can just play modern games that have sun and beaches in them?
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i never realized it until you spelled it out for me just now
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All those games are mid and this aesthetic is overrated.
kasumi from DOA would be a better fit fampai
>6th gen
good thread
xbox is dreamcast pro
I haven't been to the beach since 2003. I was playing Golden Sun on the first gen GBAs under the bright Florida sun, in one of those old folks neighborhoods where all the houses look the same. That trip was also the first and only time I ever saw an ice cream truck and I got one that looked like Sonic with gumball eyes. Childhood memory kino
Based lower poly Serge
That's bullshit. Windwaker, Sunshine, SA , FFX and Chrono Chross had a very vibrant color palette that still feels warm and refreshing to this day. Halo literally is just grey, dark blue and dull green colors for the vast majority of the game. It probably was the cause of the drab colors in most 7th gen shooters.
Xbox is Dreamcast Lite.
>paid Internet
>only a handful of Sega games
>no portable connectivity
>fake screen on controller (first model controller only)
>gimped Dreamcast ports
Mario Sunshine is peak summertime gaming, though.

>Red Chinese garbage
Chief is just there to fuck with them and then take them downtown.

Fucking this.
Should've recommended BotW at this point, at least it's an actual console video game and looks better
literally just go outside nigga
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this hardcore. Meatheads ruin everything it's all white cope and self insertion. Every single shooter developer has always told me I would never get hired, but I proved them wrong.
Indy devs and AA studios have been trying believe you me. You don't remember the influx pre-pandemic

the list goes on, I was actually hired at a studio remaking a classic, but the funds mysterously disappeared and we were out on our asses.
how do I live in a place like this for free and it also has wifi
Can we get IDs on these? Sick of just replaying the same two games for the tropical vibes.
The aquarian age and the new root race will come my friends......with time.
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>wind waker was rushed and unfinished
>sunshine was rushed and unfinished
>sonic the hedgehog had a rough transition to 3d
>ffx is good but getting rid of the world map was a terrible choice
>chrono cross is much worse than chrono trigger
I went to Hawaii with my wife something like 10 years ago now and I still think about it all the time. I need to get out of this frozen hellscape.
Seeing Ty the Tasmanian Tiger on here is a surprise.
I got them from /v/ thread made last 2024-09-11 on /v/
Which one though?
Oh, caring about /vr/ rules now are we?
>poorfag problems
move to Russia or China if you want free™ Internet
>>ffx is good but
At least that's one place where I get why it's so goddamn expensive to live there. It's overcrowded and they basically built all the properties they can. And on top of that everything has to be imported as there's basically no room for farming. There's a reason everyone says "I'd live in Hawaii if it wasn't so fucking expensive"
al gore banned those
>>sonic the hedgehog had a rough transition to 3d
the whale blew people's minds
It is interesting just how common that summer beach look was in the very late 90s through the mid-2000s.
>That trip was also the first and only time I ever saw an ice cream truck
It's funny to me that ice cream trucks are still a thing, I'd think parents would be too afraid of them. Nevertheless, most afternoons I hear music coming from one near my neighborhood.
Compared to everything else out there, can anyone really think of bad shit happening from a kid going out to the ice cream man?
>inb4 that one serial killer
Yeah, in like the 70s
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"It seems in your anger (and because of le capitalism bad), you've been constructing an idyllic view if the past that never truly existed,"

"No it was alive I felt it!"
Spent 9 weeks there this spring/summer for work. It's wonderful, but the lack of veggies and population density is enough to make me happy to be home.
Link not being at the same angle as the others really bugs me
Didn't realize Halo upset so many people here
I'm kind of indifferent to it
>men only want one thing, and it's fucking disgusting
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Sorry for small image
You should be sorry
It's an okay game(outside of the Flood missions and the Library), it just doesn't really fit in with the whole crystal-blue water summer vibes the other games in the OP embody.

There's like one beach in that entire game and it's not as clean and aesthetic as the other games' beaches, which either make up all of most of their respective games.
SA1 only has one beach level
If you replace that literally who on the far right next to Tidus with Master Chief, it will all come back.
It has the ruins of a submerged tropical civilization which are next to the beach. Plus, you play that stage as several different characters in that game so you come back to that beach over and over again. You're only in that beach section in Halo once.
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We don't have to bring anything back, there's so much good retro stuff yet to play for all of us to enjoy, if we started playing all of the titles we're interested in right now, in years we'll all probably still be playing, with a lot of titles still left to go. The current video game industry's mostly awful, with few exceptions, and it's expensive, I don't see why anyone would hold onto it so much now.

I'll play /vr/ for the rest of my life and I'm happy.
>It has the ruins of a submerged tropical civilization which are next to the beach.
??? idk what you're talking about but it's not SA1
I explained it poorly but it definitely was part of SA1:
This is how i envision Smash Bros Melee 2 on the Wii.
Hope you're not thinking of moving to Hawaii, it's a shithole outside of the tourist trap areas and the locals openly revile and torment non-natives
ok. you're still picking and choosing what you get mad over. SA1 has as much beach as halo 1 does.
Don’t reason with tiktok aestheticfags
>2 small sections of beach in Halo that's mostly a drab grey or dark blue like in the Library vs. an entire stage and an entire setpiece in the story visited by 5 characters. Not to mention the final boss is literally a water monster.

You're the one picking and choosing here if anything, but you definitely are coping and seething. Keep on doing that. It's funny.
You became Cranky Kong, who represented the people who insisted that games in the 90s and onwards were shit compared to the games of the 70s and 80s
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But what if seventh gen had water?
>"n-no ur seething"
i'm as cool as a cucumber. i'm not the one shitting and pissing my pants over an image because you don't like one of the characters.
You're so cool and collected, you are randomly accusing random people of malice in their reasoning when they give it to you and imagining them as "pants shittingly" mad. Totally not mad at all that someone dare question why a game with basically no beaches is on a picture about 6th gen games with beaches.

The guy from the OG Far Cry would have been a more sensible FPS candidate for that 6th gen water feel since the entire game takes game on an island in the Pacific.
Pitcarn island. Filled with inbred pedophiles but the British Government gives them millions of dollars a year to live there.
Because it has a population of like 30 people, all you need is 31 people and you can literally stage a takeover of the Government, since it's literally has a voting system run by the British Government.
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>Chrono Triggered fags seething at Serge
fucking lol
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Ys VIII had it since it takes place in a tropical island, does that count?
The late 90's and early 2000's had a lowkey obsession with beach settings.
Some say it was just because games and CGI in general got powerful enough to render water effects but there was shows obsessed with it too, MTV annual coverage of Spring Break is a good example.
I think if gets trendy again it will carry over to games as well but first it needs bring it back to movies, tv series, cartoons and coverage of beach events
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Even if beach settings get more popular again it won't be the same.
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Go outside and go to a beach they never went anywhere>>11248581
>and the locals openly revile and torment non-natives
That's every fucking island community ever, the northeast has them too. They all think they're fucking special because they were born there and guess what? Unless you're part of the native population of Hawaii whose land got stolen from them, someone in your family had to move there first before you got to claim yourself as a true islander.
Of course this ignores that a giant chunk of its population are East Asians/SEA who immigrated there only 100 years ago anyway.
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If you want to pay US$700 for a PS5 Pro to play your US$70 disks that come with a download in it, instead of just having the video game on the disk, so that you can fill up your 1TB drive with a few titles that you have to delete and download from time to time in order to play more modern slop full of propaganda, that's padded, bloated, for the sake of being long and boring, go for it.

I'm sticking with the good stuff.
and the 60s and the 70s and the 80s somehow beaches disappeared in recent years
>both PSM and OPM ended right when PlayStation just began going to shit
kino timing
it's funny that you guys think anything good is ever going to come back and that the world isn't just slowly descending further and further into darkness with each passing day.
"native" means being born there
I loved those mags
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Some stuff didn't age very well
The native natives would disagree
i don't know if that's a case of not aging well. virtually everyone had reason to be wowed by the PSP. there was no reason to really doubt it. one could argue going up against the DS was going to be tough but this was also at a time where sony was completely dominating with the PS2.
Calling the launch lineup amazing is nonsense. The PSP never managed to have an amazing lineup at any point. It was nothing but B-tier games at best, mostly being churned out by outsourced developers, that ended up feeling like gimped console titles.
Seapunk ain't going anywhere
it's a science fiction game set on a TERRAFORMED FUCKING METAL RING DUDE. The game was actually pretty fucking colorful
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how hideous
Anon, how many times do we have to tell you, this is /vr/
the games are already made and there, go play them
is vomit colors and nigger culture version of vaporwave

a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
"a native of Montreal"

late Middle English: from Latin nativus, from nat- ‘born’, from the verb nasci .
Ultrademon is white. Yes, it is a punk culture
I've never played Halo or CoD but I thought CoD was the reason everything was brown for a generation.
Anon, you know what I mean when I say that, let's not play semantics here. The people whose land was stolen from them.
Land wasn't "stolen"; different people moved in and overthrew the old order. You're mixing up your historical revisionism in the wrong place.
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>Land wasn't "stolen"
No treaty was ever signed thus making it an illegal annexation under the law as native land can't be annexed without a treaty that accepts the ceding of territory. When McKinley tried to bring up a treaty that would make it official, Queen Lili'oukalani petitioned congress to vote against it which they did, as the treaty only received 40 votes and died in the Senate. The act violated US law, the Blount Report of the time found it to be an illegal annexation, and thus the land was stolen as control of it was never willingly reliniquished by the people.
NTA and I'll bring up something stupid:
(From the movie Lilo and Stitch) Lilo's favorite performer is Elvis because he was her dead parents' favorite singer but wouldn't actual Hawaiians hate him by being "one of the americans that invaded us"? It's something that comes to my mind sometimes
It was a big deal when he came there, and he spent a bunch of his own personal money restoring historic sites, not just the Arizona memorial.
What are you talking about?
Have you seen a lot of beaches? Many that I used to love travelling to a decade ago worldwide have gone to fucking shit.

Either due to trash and pollution or stinky indians and chinks.
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>google it
>"Seapunk is a subculture that originated on Tumb-"
>Chrono Contrarians seething over their superiors
It was actually Twilight Princess and Brawl
And on top of all that, don't forget what they did to Maui (excluding of celebrities' property, of course).

Kill yourself.
summer is just about ovah~!
And thank God for that.
I guess my summer vacation is over...
seapunk started with a tweet about someone having a denim vest with seashells on it instead of metal spikes. Tumblr had some good music back in the day, and was pretty good for porn.
I read it somewhere and idk how it was exactly but wasn't it mostly if not entirely because of light rendering? Something that got lost in the modern era because of "realistic" lighting.
On topic, a certain type of lighting (forgot which one) is the reason many low-poly, low-res texture games from 20-25 years ago aged gracefully and other games...didn't.
Is it okinawa inspired?
Do you even think before you post?
The answer is an easier one:

How many graphic engines were in 1998-2002?

How many graphic engines are in 2011-2024?

There is your answer.

Unreal engine 3.5 and backwards: GOOD

Unreal engine 4 and 5: BAD.
You're my enemy. We're already in the "Age of Aquarius".
"All will be ever as it was."
the grass is too drab
Kind of surprised no one posted Echo the Dolphin yet.

I call this the Aquarian Age/Atlantis aesthetic. New Age Occult ideas that permeated throughout media at the time, copied and refrenced without people understanding it other than the "vibes". These "vibes" are meant to have an unconscious influence on you in one way or the other.

>There we read that the New Cycle involves the manifestation of a new element, unknown until now, but described over and over again by HPB in terms of “water,” “waves,” “tide,” “flood,” etc.

>It is well known that the two symbols for Aquarius in astrology are (1) two zigzag lines, one over the other, representing waves, (2) the “water bearer,” a man pouring out water upon the Earth. The very name “Aquarius” is AQUA-rius, “aqua” being the Latin word for water.

>That is in Western astrology but in the ancient Indian Vedic astrology the significance and meaning of Aquarius are almost exactly the same. Called by its Sanskrit name “Kumbha” – which means “water pot” – it is strongly associated with altruism, humanitarianism, idealism, creativity, imagination, philanthropy, social reform, service, mysticism, spirituality, philosophy, elevated thinking, unity, universalism or universality, harmony, synthesis, non-dogmatism and unsectarianism, and the breaking down and dissipation of dogmatic and traditional forms and structures.

Not retro, but the new Yakuza games capture the sunny beaches/blue waters aesthetic pretty well since they take place in Hawaii. They just announced another one where Majima wakes up with amnesia and decides to become a fucking pirate king, complete with olde timey naval battles
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Once something innovative to the public happens, it tends to lose it’s charm over time.

We’re older.

Games aren’t a creative outlet anymore unless you’re on the art team.
turn on your tv, take the game, put it in your console, turn it on
No, we were mocking at your poor attempt to get more suckers into your dogshit PS1 RPG, by latching it with the 6th gen controversial beachkino.
I'll give it to KH autists to finally put you fags in your place, because if no one else do it, who will?
The sovl...
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>Level 2
Why do you never post the other half of that level huh?
actually the other "half" of that was the friends we made along the way, literally
this thread has inspired me to finally play and beat super mario sunshine. something about that picture just makes me happy and i'm going to start the week with a happy game instead of playing depressing, melancholy shit like i usually do. the game seems to get a ton of hate but i rented it once back in 2003ish and i loved it for the few days i had it. time to finish what i started. cheers.
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Hawaiian anon here, it's all true
They should include DiCaprio in the picture, he's a vidya character too!
hope you have a good time anon
Holy seething
I've been full schizo NEET for several years but this year I spent the last week of summer going by train to a resort town. Walked a ton but ended up finding a cozy beach. It was still pretty populated even though it's September but in the morning it was not half bad
More importantly I found a reason not to end it. I wanna go next year for sure, and more important than that I've learned to go looking for little pieces of heaven like that, which I didn't think existed for me as someone without a car or even a bike

Also Sora and Master Chief don't belong in that pic you retards it's about tropical themed games, which those characters games are not
>what is Destiny Islands
Chief no, Sora yes.
>what is Destiny Islands
a 20 min tutorial area
Thank you. This is guranteed to mind rap /vr/ losers.
Cool goalposts, but I've reached them even if you decide to move them ex post facto. KH1 also has quite a lot of the islands in cutscenes and the islands are present in most, if not all, of the other games.
>it has a tropical (tutorial) level so it fits!
>if you disagree it's because you moved the goalposts!
ok, bro
The game is largely associated with that area and invokes the same feelings throughout, but you can cope and seethe all you want :)
>invokes the same feelings throughout
Have you played KH1? After Destiny Islands it doesn't have any tropical themes.
You can. You need two things - actual developers who love their craft and no "politically correct" pressure on them to make things they silently hate.
The soul is still there, otherwise nobody would see the difference between the games of times gone and today except graphics.
The beach and tropical setting don't need to specifically be present throughout the entire game. It's still a "beach" for the most iconic part, and associated with the games enough for people to add Sora in the first place. Not only that, but the area evokes childlike wanderlust, dreams, and adventure which permeate the entire series. And they return there very often throughout the games, retro and beyond.
You're twisting yourself into knots here. The most iconic part of KH1 is Hollow Bastion anyway.
> the area evokes childlike wanderlust, dreams, and adventure
It's only a beach. It more just evokes childhood with it being more of a nightmare just before going to Traverse Town.
> they return there very often throughout the games,
It's only playable in 1 game unless you count the box rooms from CoM.
That's just the association, KH really is about a few kids from an island before Nomura went full Nomura.
>Kingdom Hearts is about something other than Kingdom Hearts

What the fuck does that even mean? KH is just a straightforward young hero's tale told through basic themes of friendship and rivalry that win out over selfish desire for power, basically every Final Fantasy plot also. Sora and his friends are just on an island as a visual metaphor showing them isolated from the "world" which gives more thematic weight to them wanting to leave and explore.
The Islands are still recurring and have a very strong association with the games, else nobody would have thought to put him there.
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It's nice but something I miss more is futuristic places and virtual reality aesthetic
Chrono Cross is an actual tropical game unlike Kingdom Hearts
We can't. Be gratfull you can still play them on OG hardware and on CRT if you want.
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Why not put both MC and Sora and keep the chrono cross guy?
someone should add DOAX, skies of arcadia, a Wave racer, maybe Outrun 2 chick?
We still have plenty of those, the problem is that their design often looks awful now
oh and Vice City's Tommy
All of then are 6th gen guys, like the actual original image, and some jarpig fag tried to shoe horn his psx rpg in it.
Unholy arresting
Gonna add some literal who fag from Baten Katos next?
You're really mad about this huh.
nigga this shit was satanic
Isn't that the island that a bunch of redditors talked about taking over?
Isn't that the island that a bunch of redditors wanted to take over
Sorry, I didn't realize my first reply was posted
>...Agreed, Sonic.
(in continuation)

The use of water symbolism is to prepare the masses (and the youth most importantly) for the upcoming Y2K Aquarian Age. Dipped in virtual/digital primordial waters, giving birth to the almost completely atomized new human --- the millennial/zoomer garbage generation we have today.

>Often in dreams, large bodies of water (oceans, lakes, pools) symbolize the unconscious. As with bodies of water, we often see the surface, but cannot easily see into the depths. Also, the vastness of the ocean symbolizes the vastness of the unconscious mind. Jung observed long ago that the unconscious mind was much vaster than the conscious portion. His insight has been confirmed by fascinating developments in neuroscience, where new technologies, such as particularly sophisticated MRIs have enabled brain scientists to see that the unconscious processes in the brain dwarf the conscious mind in magnitude.

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what happened to soul
Game Developers are a bunch of robots nowadays
They're already halfway to being AI themselves in spirit
Water levels are the worst
Actually they often good
high-performance bedding?
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
>>wind waker was rushed and unfinished
>>sunshine was rushed and unfinished
>>sonic the hedgehog had a rough transition to 3d
>>ffx is good but getting rid of the world map was a terrible choice
>>chrono cross is much worse than chrono trigger
Your rough and unfinished transition was a terrible choice.
Real answer: development teams continuing to increase so there's less personal touches, more marketing, trend following and producer/committee meddling as these games need to sell more, technology has stagnated to diminishing returns, less technical limitations in certain aspects like size means solutions to certain problems will result in less weird creative choices

There's probably more but this is just off the top of my head.
Says the guy seething over CT out of nowhere lol
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>nuh uh that one doesn't belong, y2k beach aesthetics are 6th gen only! PS1 instantly died after the dreamcast!
From now on i'm going to post the Chrono Cross variant in these threads just to make you mad.
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I hate Zoomer so fucking much it's unreal.
going to guess this thread was a total shitfest going by the stupid topic and number of replies
Because that was worth the bump.
bumping because of this stupid reply
why is blavatsky suddenly relevant?
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my outside does not look like that
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>Pitcairn Island
Looks comfy.
I thought injuns didn't practice land ownership. Did reddit heckin lie to me, /vr/ros?

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