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What games can compare to King's Field 2? It is one of the greatest games ever made.
Shadow Gate
King's Field 4 improves on it in pretty much every way, oustide of a few questionable decisions like weapon durability and having to wait real time to repair or upgrade weapons, but weapons never actually break so this can be completely ignored. KF2 walked so KF4 could run, it is a masterpiece of level design.
it's the worst KF game you poser faggot, even Eternal Ring and Shadow Tower are better than this trash
KF2 is a certified poser-core slop, KF4 is also poser-core because that one is actually a good game but to it's misfortune most of it's modern ''fans'' are posers, but KF2 is fucking garbage my theory is a bunch of fags played it for like half an hour and noticed how the world was ''open'' compared to KF1 or the start of 3 and 4 and this alone was enough to impress these drones thinking ''it's just like my dark souls!''
3 and 4 are better in every way
These games have always been supremely boring with comically bad combat. They were 3D dungeon crawlers, that was their gimmick, and that’s it. You’re a poser for pretending to like any of them, because if they were actually these incredible amazing games, they would still be making them. These are the perfect examples of games that have aged like skunk assholes in tropical heat. Literal game.com tier garbage.

>muh graphical limitation atmosphere

Who fucking cares, that wears off in minutes and then you’re stuck with the absolute slowest number cruncher game ever fucking made lol. These games are fucking braindead.
>because if they were actually these incredible amazing games, they would still be making them

Yeah you need to go back to /v/ with phrases like that
if people can jerk off to trash with far worse gameplay like Ultima Underworld, Daggerfall and even Morrowind then why i can't jerk off to King Field?
oh yeah forgot to add Arx Fatalis to the list, that game plays like fucking shit yet /vr/ contrarians insist it's better than Dark Messiah lmao
It's pretty terrible all around like all From games until they finally discovered Zelda's targeting system
>10 seconds to turn around your own axis
>It's pretty terrible all around like all From games
those two ship horror games are decent even if they have the dumbest controls ever
KF4 is good once you get used to it, i was a zoom zoom faggot like you when i fist played it i got mad and throwed a tantarum and deleted it, then after a while i gave it another chance and it amazing, i also did another playthough with qol patches (fast turning speed, 60fps, fixed analog controls...) and it was great
sorry but Echo Night fucking sucks, very boring and bland and the shitty ''19th century'' setting was terrible, the PS2 game was even worse (possibly the worst Fromsoftware game)
Kuon is the only good horror game they made
You wasted your life playing and pretending to like these games for nerd cred from anonymous fat lards on the internet. Thats the gayest possible action anyone in this world can take, think about what you are for a minute.
King’s Field fucking sucks, bad. It always has. There was a very brief moment in time where a 3D dungeon crawler was novel and that era is LONG over.
Everyone who says they actually enjoyed moving at 5 inches a minute very slowly swinging a weapon at amorphous blobs is such a huge insufferable lying faggot, and for what? Why even fucking lie? Be real with yourself, these games are liquid shit.
I like the methodical pace of King's Field. My only gripe was the floor with the fucking teleporter maze, I hate those.
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>There was a very brief moment in time where a 3D dungeon crawler was novel and that era is LONG over.
>Le vidya are Le aging!
tell us zoomie what's a good retro first person ARPG according to you?
By “methodical pace” did you mean “slower than molasses in December”?

It is baffling to me that people can dupe themselves into digitally watching paint dry just because they think it will sophisticate their narrow interest.
Number one, I’m in my 30s.
Number two, you’re in your 30 or 40s posting the same Mazda commercial gif at anyone who tells the truth about these commercialized programming exercises you worship just because they came out during your formative years.

Pretend to like these games to random anonymous retards on the internet my man, you’re such a sophisticated curator of video games LOL.
Been playing KF1 lately and it's better than I thought it'd be. Seemed like it'd be unbearably slow but it kind of works.

Does seem like all the combat essentially turns into a game of grab ass where you just constantly strafe to stay behind the enemy though.
I like a lot of video games, Anon. In fact I've been trying to go out of my comfort zone and try out new shit, it's why I played through Armored Core last year and dabbled in the first King's Field, I gave up on the teleporter maze floor but I may try the sequel.
>avoided my question
if are self aware your favorite games are fucking garbage and you don't want us to find out and laugh at you then why be a hypocrite mocking other people's favorite ''bad'' games you faggot?
How's the Shadow Tower game for the PS2 btw ? i was thinking of picking it up once i'm done with KF4
You’re a fucking loser dude. Pretend to like this horribly shitty game, I don’t give a fuck, it’s your gay life.
better combat but inferior level design to KF4
don't even know what he said because my filter is working. i guess for all the right reasons it's working lol
i fixed /vr/
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Sadly it doesn't really capture the original game's tension because you'll be DROWNING in supplies soon enough, and each level is seperated and accessed from a central hub so navigation is also a lot easier. Also firearms break the game. But I had fun with it.

Good job
haven't played the original on the PS, but ...
really now ? why it feels so weird ?
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well it's not that bad, there is that much ammo for them lying around. However the thing is you can repair them and get ammo by using up other items so if you want to you can basically almost exclusively use them

You need to play the original Shadow Tower though
>ass stab
>ass stab
truly, enthralling gameplay
It's a slog.
nothing really quite does it like KF2.
>You're a poser because you like a game I don't like!
No it's actually just a good game and I like it you retarded monkeypox ridden cock gobbler.
KF4 is pretty close. It starts out seeming very compartmentalized but the sheer number of areas and how they connect together makes it into an almost anthill as well.
For an even bigger sidegrade check out Germs.
>target mob
>1 2 2 1 3 4 1 5 3 1 8 6 1 7 F1 1 F2 F5 1 Shift+0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Not as enthralling as MMOs
KF are all good games, but only KF2 looks like shit at first glance. Well, it looks like shit even at second and further glances but you get used to it thanks to big immersive world. So in the end all KF games are good, period.

Speaking of true garbage.
Shadow Tower Abyss - okay game mechanics but game itself is mishmash of bullshit locations slapped together out of the ass of the developers without a vision behind it.
Eternal Ring - not even a game, just empty shell of technical demo of the engine.
Arx Fatalis clears all these games
Could you imagine a new KF released today that plays just like these games but with modern graphics? Could such a game even actually be a possibility? I can't imagine any dev would dare put out such a game nor would it have an audience.
The only reason I have an interest in these games is because its From and I liked Souls. I do not know for certain if I would like these games. KF4 looks like the best one for sure though but not sure if its because of its graphics or not.
Eternal Ring is better than KF2 you poser faggot
kf sucks
This isn't your discord server, zoomie troonie, nobody here is trying to impress you.
go back to r/Fromdrone
Go back to your discord, tranny faggot. Nobody here wants to impress you, in fact, I hope you stop taking your aids medication and die so I never have to read a post written by you ever again. That's how much I care about impressing you, you aids ridden tranny subhuman.
What a weird lie. What in that post could you possibly have filtered?
Discord trannies raided the thread
Also the weirdest lie they ever told is that they are women
stfu this game is better than ocarina of time you faggot
black coded autism itt
Those games have depth beyond the rough edges. King's Field just has rough edges
>Those games have depth beyond the rough edges
the watared down Skyrim is better than all of these, that is my response to your statement
King's Field has always been 3D Zelda 1 with easier combat and infinitely better maps. I would love to see FromSoftware make an earnest attempt at King's Field 5 but Miyazaki said they would need to get Zin on board for it. Zin seemed to care about these games very deeply and clearly put his heart into them. I think that classic King's Field gameplay would feel uncanny with modern FromSoftware style graphics. Imo if they added some sort of speed stat, detailed animations, and one or two intractable systems (some sort of build variety but nothing too complex) it could be very groundbreaking
I honestly just cannot see a newly released KF doing good. Not with this style of jank combat normies would pan it on first site. Only the actual handful of diehard KF fans would even be interested. It would have to go in a different direction entirely in regards to combat.
Theres like 5 fucking console KF games, 2 Shadow Tower games, and Eternal Ring. Thats 8 games in this style, not counting the PC remake of 1.
Shadow Tower 2 came out 21 years ago you fucking knobhead.
Why aren’t they still making snail pace hallway simulators? They would do so much better if they went back to the instead of souls games.
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>pretending to like these games for nerd cred
Nobody does this
This never happened in the history of ever
You're an actual retard
People simply like things you dont like
There are two camps of people who like kings field:
1. The extremely tiny minority who played this in their formative years and have nostalgia for its weirdness. This is maybe a thousand people at most.

2. Tryhards who think they are vidya curators for pretending to like From’s old fantasy games for perceived credibility in the fat losersphere. This is 99 percent of people who say they “like” kings field and think it’s “fun”.
Thats nice. I'm the 3rd camp that just likes video games. You're a fucking weirdo. You dont need to have played a game when it came out to enjoy it today. Video games do not "age." Video games are not milk.
What’s your favorite part in kings field. Describe it to me.
The part where you piece together that you found your fathers grave
Fuck you dagger fall is amazing, you can go chuck a fuck up a ducks butt, cuck nugget. Uu is also great, they are very different things that should be enjoyed for different reasons.
>5 fucking console KF games
Pilot Style is half an hour long.
>Eternal Ring better than King's Field II
Absolutely not.
It would be competeing with Kingdom Come Deliverance and For Honor. I think FromSoftware could easily pull off something cool if they pooled in their best talent in house. Something slower, more tactical. They have been chasing profits for years now though
>pretending to like these games for nerd cred
>Nobody does this
hello anon allow me to introduce you to social media
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Try the longbox version.
>a high elf in the forest told of a blue light that came down from the sky and struck the island
King's Field looks like the fake video game you would've seen on a 90s television show
Thats why its good
No one expected the Souls games to be successful, yet they were. Timing is everything. Sometimes just releasing a quality work - where you could tell the developers gave it there all works, especially if it's released just in the right time to fulfill the right need of the consumers.
souls games?
I've been thinking about it a bit more after seeing that retrospective on the 4th game the anon itt posted. I still maintain my opinion but perhaps that style of combat could work today with tweaks. For one it would have to be fast pace there is no way people will want to play an FP combat focused game where it feels like you are crawling through molasses. So I guess I could imagine something like KF4 but with much faster paced movement that retains the same single attack then wait for the stamina to recharge. Also strafing and movement would have to be modern still. So no shoulder buttons to turn.

So it wouldn't look anything like Skyrim and it would feel really simple but I bet it could be fun. It is FromSoftware so I would trust them to make some jank first person RPG but in the modern era better than really anyone else.
is it just me or is this game like really easy by dungeon crawler standards? plus the maps trivialize exploration
I was the same way. KF2 feels a lot like Dark Souls in terms of interconnectedness and level design, and 4 does the same thing but a lot better. If you enjoy the Souls games for the level design, definitely play those two games. KF1 is more reminiscent of Wizardry in that you're exploring multiple floors of a giant tomb. It's solid in its own right, but it's lacking the cohesiveness and variety in regions that the later games have. KF3 is the most expansive, but because the mechanics are so simple, it feels like the core gameplay lacks the depth to prop up such a large game. They also fucked with the hitstun on enemies (it may have a kind of pseudo-poise system but I never bothered to test it), which makes the combat a bit more frustrating. KF4 is kind of like 2 and 1 combined in a way, since it has all the cohesiveness of 2 but you're exploring one giant structure like 1. The way the different areas loop in on themselves is nothing short of genius though, if you pick one to play then definitely pick 4. The first Shadow Tower is kind of cool too in that it's sort of like if the Tower of Latria from Demon's Souls was an entire game (in terms of atmosphere and level design), but the extremely unforgiving durability system and tight resource management can be a bit too much.
>stare at a tree for 10 minutes to watch fruit grow
this is the worst thing I've seen in a non-MMO in a while
If you're curious about the series, I highly recommend playing Pilot Style!
It's a mini-RPG that's about an hour long and does a solid job of introducing the series's tone and mechanics. By the end, you should have a pretty good idea of whether you want to play the rest of the games.
How do the games compare to Hexen? I really like Hexen a lot would I like King's Field?
Hexen is an FPS at heart while KF is a dungeon crawler at heart

But you'll probably like it
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It has edge of your seat combat and a gripping story that will make your jaw drop. It’s a machine gun of interactivity that never lets up. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, your palms will sweat. It’s the greatest video game ever pressed to a compact disc. It’s better than anything that came before or after it, under-appreciated in its time except by true electronic video amusement connoisseurs such as myself.
The worst thing about this game are all the Dark Souls posers it attracted who simply pretend to love this game. They’ll never appreciate it like I do.

Three words:
Moonlight. Freaking. Greatsword.

‘Nuff Said.

There is literally no way you will be bored, download the cue/bin and play it right now.
King's Field is dogshit and you're a retarded fromslopper

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