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What made Super Mario 64 such a special and magical game? What gave it the je ne sais quoi?
>It's mario64 spammer again
just shut up and play it. stop with these threads phishing for how to make hypothetical or analysis youtube videos. this board is so lame
Croc was light years ahead of this
If by "special and magical" you mean "ruined the series" then I would say either the camera or the camera
It's the first 3D platformer. No, Crash Bandicoot doesn't count, that's only 2.5D.
what is the meaning of je ne sais quoi?
Because it sucked in a good way
It has charisma like
Jack Black or Nicholas Cage
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Charles Martinet and Koji Kondo mostly

It's also a very impressive game in general considering where technology was in 1996. 3D was still fairly new (not counting SNES games like StarFox and Stunt Race FX) and for most people Mario just meant SMW or the SMB games. This was the first one that felt significantly more immersive, you felt like you were the one exploring the castle, Big Boo's Haunt, the sunken ship etc.

You can still see its influence in all of the other 3D Mario games, especially Sunshine and Galaxy. It's maybe not the most obscure or the most thought provoking game, but it doesn't really need to be
the music, the art, the UI, the levels and details.
i was never a huge fan of the game but my brothers played it a lot on the 64 back in the day so i saw it a lot and played around here and there.
>noooooooo stop discussing video games on the video games board!
why are people like this
It's French for "I don't know what", meaning it has something of its own that you appreciate but that you can't put into words.

In other words it's a synonym for soul.
Shinto magic.
Which subsequently it's also what drives certain people (soulless ones) really mad.
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>je ne sais quoi
More on-topic than Sega alt-history threads.
I agree
Continuum on DOS, Geograph Seal on the X68000, Jumping Flash 1 and 2, The Divide: Enemies Within, Floating Runner: Quest for the 7 Crystals
Even though the N64 was built by Americans from Silicon Graphics and they definitely helped assist in making this game.
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My schizo theory, and this applies to OoT as well, is the realistic doors. It's a feeling I get from the entire game, but the easiest example to narrow down is the doors. They're not big fantasy archways or magical automatically opening gates, Mario just has to turn the doorknob and walk through like everyone else. Like you can take one look at the door and understand that the devs knew what their real priorities were. The realism of the doors simply contrasts with the gameplay in a way that modern games simply don't understand.
its kind of like early 3d: the game. in the early 3d era there was a notion of like the 'virtual' reality being another place, not a rendering of the real world. it was like the world of abstractions. for example there would always be early video renders of museums or galleries - and of course now that things are 'virtual', sure you can fly into the hanging pictures
>He thinks Sillicon Graphics employees developed Super Mario 64
Do you also think Ati guys developed Super Mario Sunshine?
its the last game directed by shigeru, thats the real answer. mario was never quite as good again because he took a more top down role after this
martinet really added so much. I was just playing this yesterday and thinking without the voice acting, this game isnt nearly as iconic. gives him mario so much more character, it really is the "je ne sais quoi" aside from the obvious things like great controls, great music, great level design.
the movement gameplay and extremely high skill ceiling relating to it. That game and speedrunning go together well
I still remember when some retard was shitposting about this on here and now it's an unuronic well known meme for reddit users. 4chan remains the factory for all popular internet content.
I like old polygon graphics because they are live in their own geometric universe distinct from ours. They don't have the hubris of pretending to be realistic. They just exist as their own separate entity.
It's a strange game. It has a few enemies brought over from prior games, but it feels particularly not Mario. It's a lonely experience.
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n*gga just thought it sounded funny and found a reason to use it

Also mario 64 lives rent free in my heart and I won't deny that it's likely nostalgia etc

I think there might be something to be said about the music. Despite the limitations (or perhaps ironically because of it) the music strikes me as neither generic nor "tryhard" (for lack of a better term.) A few instruments in each track arranged to be catchy and memorable, sometimes seeming to be greater than the sum of their parts. I wonder if the time was a high point in Koji Kondo's life based on the distinct qualia the music evokes.
Bob omb battlefield, the crackhead slide theme, Snow level theme, castle/overworld theyre ALL good. Off the top of my head only the flying cap theme kinda sucks and that was intentionally short and annoying

It's third generation Super Mario. It's a launch title. It's basically open world for its time. It defined an entire genre.
Nothing else like it when it came out. And it wasn't too ahead of its time. So
Perfect Timing
I do not know what
It's the best example of the dream-like 3D visuals of the time, fully explorable. It's what the kiddos refer to as vaporwave nowadays.
Player autism. It's the same reason why they play it today.
Yes, the doors help a lot with gamefeel.
A lot of genuine insight in this thread. Bookmarked for future reference, as I'm currently at work on a surreal vaporwave free-roam platformer with a 90s polygon aesthetic.
My biggest complaint with recent Marios is that they're too familiar and comfortable. The haunting loneliness was part of the game's appeal.
The range, complexity of, and control over movement options was what made this game great. It was fun just to move through the world in different ways: diving, long jumping, triple jumping, kickjumping, wall jumping... It all felt fun in ways that later 3D Marios failed to capture.

I also liked the variety of ways you could navigate through levels, and how the levels were a bit more open and allowed for approaching them in different ways. There was often more than one way of "beating" or navigating the level. Also, the variety of stars was fun (some were puzzles, others platforming, collectathons, boss battles, etc. -- unlike repetitious Sunshine stars) The challenges themselves felt worthwhile (unlike Odyssey). The secrets were fun to discover and made the world more rich (unlike 3D World which often just granted an extra one up for finding a secret)
it was an early 3D game, but it had actual fucking controls
thats literally it
it wasnt muh atmosphere, or muh liminal subliminal whatever dumb zoomershit
it was literally just a 3D game, in a time where 3D was new, and the controls werent absolute dogshit
go play croc. THATS why SM64 was well received. there was no competition

that other fags right
just go make your autistic videoessay already
you jest, but the sad part is that someones actually braindamaged enough to not only think thats a good idea, but someone even more autistic might even unironically do it
Have you ever played through Wet Dry World and felt this eerie feeling? That's the emotional aura in effect. Wet Dry World has this unfinished, beta-esque feeling of incompleteness. Like it was a test build that was slapped together into a course at the last second.

Truth is, WDW is a simulated human brain. Not in the traditional sense, but similarly to how people have made calculators in Mario Maker, and computers in Minecraft. I don't remember it exactly, but it had to do with the shifting water tides.

Another thing that hints into this is the brain diagram found in the stage, which was probably put in there as a reference point for the developers when making this.

Super Mario 64 is, at its core, and insidious and evil work of human creation, a twisted experiment made to test the bounds of technology. It's horrifying.

Every copy of Super Mario 64 is personalized. Nintendo's experimental AI adapts and subtly creates a slightly altered version of the game tailored specifically for you, appealing to you subconsciously in ways you don't even notice, as well as attempting to mess with you and study how you react to it.

Have you ever played someone else's copy of Mario 64? Have you ever felt like something was just a little bit off? That's why. That's how.

This is much more than just simple experimentation with procedural generation, however. There are many layers to this, and some of them are more sinister and malicious than others.

The secrets of the game are probably hidden within a single, personalized copy of somebody. A copy hidden from the masses by Nintendo to cover-up the truth about their experiment. Think about it. What if the ROM that Nintendo uses for all the Virtual Consoles and shit are all the least-personalized ROM, that way they can cover your tracks. What if the ROM that is uploaded to all those pirate sites were uploaded by Nintendo, that way people wouldn't be able to replicate the personalization? It's messed up. This shit goes DEEP.
good shape, colors, sounds, controls
of course, nintendo's yakuza just uploaded different mario 64 roms on all fan western fan sites in the early 00s

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