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/vr/ - Retro Games

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The screen crunch in this game is absolutely horrific. I only played the GBA version before. I wasn't expecting the original to be this bad. I can't force myself to finish this. It's just tedious
big sprites at 224p = small screen space. It gets annoying at some points in dkc and its sequels but for the most part it's fine.
Phil Cartwright, one of the Sega Samurai tasked with spying on and sabotaging Nintendo-adjacent companies, pushed hard for a tight camera and unforgiving hitboxes in this game.
I swear people here find something new to complain about every day. What fucking screen crunch?
It's not as bad in 2 and 3. It's just absolutely obnoxious in 1. It's disappointing because gameplay wise 1 is my favorite and I was looking forward to playing a better looking version of it.

Also since we're on the topic of issues with the original trilogy, can I also complain about the save system? There's no excuse for how scarce the waves are. You should get a save at the begining of each world. For the love of god do not force me to play through several of the games hardest levels after finishing a boss to even get a save.

This is some of the most obnoxious game design I've seen. Both Mario Bros 3 and Mega Man (significantly harder games than donkey kong) have the common decency to give you a check point after finishing a major challenge. Drawing out the check points feels like unnecessary padding
It's tards screaming "you can't see what's coming!", which is really a mask for "i'm bad at a game". Kinda sad if you think about it. Especially since many fans of DKC1 can beat it in 1 playthrough.
Yes, because they memorized it. You can beat anything in one play through it you've played it enough. I can get through super ghosts and goblins decently well. Not because I'm some super gamer; but because I've played that game a ludicrous amount of times
The way saves are set up isn't fully thought out, on one hand you have a stretch of levels to complete following a save point, but the smarter way to do it is to beat the boss, once you're on the world map return to the previous area and save to keep your progress. So you have this stuttery progression for a casual playthrough. It retains most of the intended challenge by often putting save points towards the end of an area.
Yeah, the console wars were ruthless back then. Nintendo Ninjas pushed for feature creep in Shenmue, for example.
lmao neo /vr/ is a joke
Nah, he's just yankin' ya chain. Have a good Christmas :)
Don't you go back to the last area to save? I remember doing that and I also remember going back to the very first level to farm lives quite frequently. I didn't really have an issue with saves. These 2D sidescrollers/platformers are a little different. You don't need to treat them like other games. It's actually important the player runs through the levels multiple times. There are too many secrets and things. Plus, they are kind of short on content, so it's okay to pad it out a bit. The important thing is the game is fun to play.
What can't you see coming in Donkey Kong Country?
Zoomers really can't grasp this is how retro gaming worked, huh?
Super Mario Bros, Mega Man, Castlevania, Contra, Strider, Ninja Gaiden, Sonic, Metal Slug, Ghosts n Goblins, DKC, it was all memorization by replay. You weren't going to beat the 60 dollar game in 40 minutes you had to actually get good at the game and keep trying until it clicked.
do you think autismos are actually *better* at gaming?
you dont realize the entire thing is merely that they play over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over?

do you realize "gamers" who do "muh blind playthru" are generally playing games based around games they have played for 30 years?
that's why they sucked.
The difficulty instead of being fair was "just memorize all of the bullshit that happens each level".
I'm more a fan of the legendary difficulty of the halo games. CE you can beat on legendary while barely dying if you're good at fps games. It's not random unpredictable bullshit, you can react and play through everything first time.
>that's why it sucked
>No it doesn't matter stuff like Mario or Zelda are long runners shut up
It's fuckers like you why Ace Attorney has a mode in which the game plays itself. You're scum.
>bringing up Halo shovelware from the getgo
Man, I can no longer tell if the rule change brought shitters who want to bait using this rhetoric or if it's actual zoomers who grew with shitty casual games.
no one beat the first zelda on nes without nintendo power or their friends telling them what to do, it's an objectively poorly designed game that requires bruteforce and memorization. It wasn't until link to the past on snes when zela was actually a decent game. There's a reason barely anyone cares about the original.
Mario I never cared about.
just because something is older doesn't make it better.
I'd love to see you do a LASO run on halo if you think it's too much of a casual game.
I grew up with a snes and a bit of the nes, but I'm actually objective instead of retards that drool over older games being his huge test of skill, when 95% of them were just bruteforce memorization like a school test.
what is screen crunch? I never noticed anything weird when i played it
so screen crunch is some weird zoomer term for disliking 4:3 aspect ratio?
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then don't? you can't relive the impact it had in the 90s anyway because at that time it was groundbreaking. Now it's only a piece of history.
>t. someone who played it when it came out
now I get what you meant. I played it in the 90s, I played it in the 2000s and later on emulators, I played it with friends and I talked about it to friends IRL and to people online, and you're the first person that complains about it. Nobody else had ever a problem with it, I didn't even notice it.
I guess it's a skill issue if I ever saw one.
i hope you never play wipeout
Everybody is mad but you're right. Games were constantly improving and evolving clear through to the 7th generation.
That's why Concord is the perfect video game, new games are always better than old ones.
I hate zoomers. I really, really fucking hate zoomers.
for sure.
Too many people have made playing older games their entire personality for some reason, to the point where they engage in stupid mental gymnastics to justify bad opinions.
I bring up halo having a better difficulty system than some game where you have to memorize the level entire level beforehand, and one person already assumes I'm some zoomer that hasn't played any older games kek.
I appreciate the classics for the groundwork they laid out, but it's true that a lot of them were basically homework and padded out something that didn't need padding.
Good luck convincing any normal person that something like zelda or metroid on the nes aged well.
>person already assumes I'm some zoomer that hasn't played any older games
and you havent, all games on this thread are insanely easy and most popular shit ever.
if you cant play the top 10 of console i cant imagine your trash opnion on less popular titles.
I've literally beaten all of the games mentioned in this thread with the exception of wipeout.
You're grasping for straws because you're a retard and you know I'm correct.
>new games are always better than old ones.
I said "clear through to the 7th generation". Please acquire reading comprehension.
I cannot wait until the xBox 360 is retro enough for this board. :)
Yeah, I've never liked this game. I played through it to see if I was wrong a few years ago. I wasn't. This game is not pleasant to play. It's dark, it's crunched, and you can never tell which monkey you're controlling.
It's not about being easy, it's about needing to die a few times to memorize what's going to happen so you can beat it, it just feels like artificial difficulty
I'm not talking specifically about DKC, I still play that game once in a while and I often beat the first minecart level first try even when not having played for months or years. Idk if my reflexes are good or the level is just burned in my memory though.
But many platformers suffer from this thing OP is talking about.
Just play Yoshi's Island OP. If you want a more streamlined DK game try Diddy Kong Racing or DK64. Sadly there doesn't seem to be a widescreen hack available yet. Can't say I've had this problem myself but w/e

It's not, but DKC is a bad example imo. It's no where near as bad as say Mega Man & Bass on GBA or SMB Deluxe on GBC. The only other SNES game I've heard complaints about is MM7, and even that's not that bad imo. If OP wants a wider screen there is DKCR, but it's not retro
>Mega Man (significantly harder games than donkey kong
This is b8

>The difficulty instead of being fair was "just memorize all of the bullshit that happens each level".
It wasn't
You can memorize all you want, if you don't have the actual skill you won't be able to beat games like Contra
Most of the rest of the games the anon mentioned were more casual

>Gaylo on Legendary
Ok this is another b8 post
This is b8

>The difficulty instead of being fair was "just memorize all of the bullshit that happens each level".
It wasn't
You can memorize all you want, if you don't have the actual skill you won't be able to beat games like Contra
Most of the rest of the games the anon mentioned were more casual

>Gaylo on Legendary
Ok this is another b8 post

Ok this is samefag territory at thsi point
>it's about needing to die a few times to memorize what's going to happen so you can beat it, it just feels like artificial difficulty
You didn't beat the games
Stop LARPing
It's not about memorization, it's about skill
You can memorize all you want, you're not gonna have an easy time beating Contra(Arcade) on 1 credit or Contra(NES) with 3 lifes

That's why shitters like you punched in the Konami code or quarter fed an arcade machine
>Yes, because they memorized it. You can beat anything in one play through it you've played it enough.
This is massive massive copium.
Clayton Chapman addressed this on a video.
Old school players played video games far less than you zoomers ever did.
Last year I played through DKC1 through DKC3 for the first time in like... 15 years. I had played them a ton as a kid, but not since. I remembered the worlds at a "high level," but I had totally forgotten the layout of each level of where enemies were placed.

I did die quite a bit, but I also beat all 3 games without game overs or continues. Stop complaining.
Also, my favorite genre is SMW "kaizo" romhacks. I probably play ~5 hours of absurdly difficult SMW romhacks every week, so my platforming skills are pretty good.

tl;dr this is definitely a skill issue on your end
Shut the fuck up Zoomer
>no one beat the first zelda on nes without nintendo power or their friends telling them what to do
Yeah they did, you scrub
>Good luck convincing any normal person that something like zelda or metroid on the nes aged well.

With Zelda 1 that's trivial. With Metroid, yeah might be tough.

Anyway, you seem like a bad person. Don't say 4chanbot things like "kek" and then accuse others of making something silly their entire personality. And stop sharing such boring, depressing justifications for your inability to enjoy things that some other people are able to enjoy.
Has anyone backport a the GBA content to the SNES versions yet or does Microdick have to force those european hacks to dig for their old shit again?
Microshaft doesn't own the Donkey Kong IP bro.
No they didn't.
>And stop sharing such boring, depressing justifications for your inability to enjoy things that some other people are able to enjoy.
it's the other way around actually, I was told I can't enjoy liking the difficulty on a different game better because it was "too casual" compared to games before it.
>Anyway, you seem like a bad person
Are you 8 years old?
forgot to include >>11263741
>I'd love to see you do a LASO run on halo if you think it's too much of a casual game.
I know you love to swim in shit but I'm not into coprophagia like you and your ilk.
but how is it screen crunch if its the original version?
here's a comparison. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODEzEJfDb6U

the gba doesn't show more so i don't get what crunch the OP is talking about
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I mean, this is literally one of those "Sonic was never good" threads we often get here, all the same exact arguments, but with Donkey Kong Country. Is this due to the rule change and all these younger players getting filtered and not being willing to learn? Is it YouTubers? What's going on? Why is it that suddently a bunch of classics are bad because "It's... LE DIFFICULT."

I'm also seeing this a lot with Crash Bandicoot, though that one's 3D, though it's quite similar to Donkey Kong Country, anyways it's always those same arguments, people suck and don't own it.
is the same issue as playing the lion king on snes, sprites got made too big (not really just made look big) while the background just shows a bit of the screen so is kinda hard to play.
From outsiders it looks like the player is bad even to good players seem that way but in reality is simply bad game design to make the game look better, take the difference between lion king snes and megadrive, megadrive version shows you way more of the screen with same size sprites even to the ones that played the snes version the difference is crystal clear.
Fair, there are cases where screen crunch is BS, but not every time, all of these titles are 4:3, of course we can't see what's coming as well as we do now, we got used to seeing things way ahead, though SNES Lion King is a bit of an extreme case I'd say, and yes I'd definitely pick the Genesis one over it for the resolution alone any day, but for DKC I don't think the screen crunch's an issue.
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Alright, I suppose the GBA version does give you a bit more visibility on the sides.
Is it worth it though?
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One of the few sane opinions I've seen on retro gaming. I'm 42, and honestly as much as I played tons of games growing up they were more of an acquired taste than something fun.
The only one doing mental gymnastics is you because you can't concieve that there can be more than one type of difficulty that is good, that not every game should have the same kind of difficulty
(which is typical of shallow modern gaming mentalities, since these days everything is the same safe streamlined design, anything slightly different is deemed "bad design").
That and you can't accept either that you simply aren't a good enough player, again because the game was designed at a time when 2D platformers were the number 1 genre which meant that players were expected to be good at them because they played them a lot, and at a time when challenge was the entire point of video games (another concept which is alien to the modern "good design" standards).
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With a colour patch? Yes.
gbc version, right?

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