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Why was the sequel so godawful?
I think you meant threequel.

EWJ2 is just fine, git gud.
Villi People is more interesting than any gimmick stage from 1.
All in all 2 is the better video game, though it's still perryslop. 1 has amazing atmosphere and all but gameplay was never Jim's forte, it was the presentation and the humor
I'd love a game with modern design sensibilities and fast pacing with jim's design and atmosphere.

In fact I think a lot of people would.
The only good level in first game is New Junk City, it gets progressively worse from there. And even that one is fucked up, I've spent 40 minutes on it as a kid trying to find my way to the boss then beat him.
Some later levels get on Battletoads tier of cruelty and not enjoyable to play.

2 has way less problems with difficulty balance (excluding bomb balloon bullshit). Better moveset and controls. Better humor (arguably, first game is just a tiny bit too gloomy to my tastes). It's just an improvement. You don't like it because it takes so much improvement from first game and feels too different.
I prefer this than the first game.
Because they focused on the SNES as the lead platform. The original focused on the Mega Drive as the lead platform, and they were able to take advantage of it's better hardware capabilities that way, which meant a far better Mega Drive version of the first game, at the expense of a far worst SNES version. But Nintendo didn't like this, so they had to focus on the SNES for the sequel, to the detriment of all other versions of the game. It's a clear and plain example of the bottlenecked SNES hardware holding back everybody.
Console wars fried your already limited brain
Also both SNES and MD versions of 2 are fine. The 32-bit versions have fucked up controls.
>Some later levels get on Battletoads tier of cruelty and not enjoyable to play.

I have never finished Battletoads (though I've tried) and was able to get through Earthworm Jim (SNES) on a single rental as a kid. I had fun the whole time. I think it is a good game.

The sequel did not work for me though. That's another one I've never finished, and it wasn't because it was too hard.
I just remember those puppy levels being such bullshit.
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>Redeems the franchise
What? The game is much better than the second one
>Better animation feedback
>Better level design
The only thing that's worse are the animations. I think animations on the level of the first Earthworm Jim could only be found in SF3.
Puppy love sucks.
People have their tastes.

I find 2 to be overall more enjoyable game in almost every aspect, but I think we all can agree there were never more than 2 decent EWJ games. 1 and Special Edition. The other two games on N64 and GBC are unplayable and boring.
And by redeeming you mean sending it back into unexistence because the fact it saw the daylight is unforgivable, as worms should stay underground.
The gimmick levels (most of the game) are cut content from the original. There was enough content there that they decided the could make a quick sequel with it, so they slapped it all together with a few new action platformer stages so it wouldn't just feel like a minigame collection.
It's not? 2 is great. What the fuck are you on about?
How the fuck does anyone like the sequel more?
EWJ1 had core platformer gameplay and a damn great at that - multidirection whip that doubled as grappling hook +hitscan weapon + gliding + great jumping mechanics with ledge grabs. Almost every level exploits these core mechanics but mixes them up (in underwater tubes you navigate a sub, in pete's sake you use a whip to guide the pup, level 5 is all about hitscan mastery hitting tiny fast enemies, Buttville starts with a hardcore gliding gauntlet. Sure Andy Asteroids can suck my ass but its nothing compared to fucking Puppy Love.
EWJ2 has a bunch of godawful gimmicky levels like digging through the tunnel for 3 hours, carrying the bomb in pseudo-3D, cow level that sucks, awful, badly made office and giant kitchen levels, and reverse Buttville, and Puppy Love that gives you cancer. The mechanics have taken a hit too, the snot thing just isn't anywhere as fun as the whip and Jim looks contripated all the time. I will agree that Villi People is great and one of the classics of videgaming though.
>platformer gameplay and a damn great
Not really, it's typical Perry style wonky hitboxes and land detection.
EWJ1 is fun with problems. They are however problems small enough that they don't stop me from thoroughly enjoying the game.
2 is....I did not enjoy 2. A lot less platforming and a lot more gimmick levels, and Puppy Love makes me want to kill myself.
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>How the fuck does anyone like the sequel more?

Because different people like different kind of gameplay. Shocking, I know

> in underwater tubes you navigate a sub

The only good part of that level is when you don't navigate a sub. Imaging having glass bones and be tasked to bring a cup of coffee within 20 seconds.

> in pete's sake
Even worse than Puppy Love

> Buttville starts with a hardcore gliding gauntlet

Equivalent of modern indie developers who think that making everything out of spike walls is a good design and adds to challenge. Not sure if it's better than final level of EWJ2 though.

> digging through the tunnel for 3 hours
Only if you have no idea where to go (which, admittedly, you wouldn't have in your first time playing). Once you know, it takes about 3-5 minutes to reach the boss.
Both games kind of suck honestly. Loved them as a kid but even then I knew they were poorly made but really close to being great. Seriously, if they had just a little more talent and made the game 10 percent better it would have been a classic
iirc it was made with leftover ewj1 ideas
so we got a bunch of new gimmick levels and that was it
>just finished my 46 minutes of daily work-from-home data entry
>order some doordash
>order a new coffee tumbler on Amazon (to be delivered 3 hours later by drone)
>well, what now?
>ah yes
>plug "Earthworm Jim fucking my neighbor Bob Smith's wife" into my AI simulation program
>unzip to the sight of 1:1 realistic images of Jim pounding my neighbor's wife
>enjoy my doordash covered in semen and go to bed
The future is darker than you could possibly imagine.
Lorenzo's Soil is actually the best set piece in any EWJ game ever. If that was a "left over" from 1, well...
>western devs create a decently likeable videogame protagonist
>Immediately shit up the character's franchise after it gets popular
Honestly, I think both are overrated and have aged like a bag of milk.

You're finished.

Another day, another victory inside your head. Great to be you.
> western dev

But it was Doug Tennapel, an artist, right? He created Jim (and even earlier, Evil the Cat). It just happened that video games were the medium where these character gained height of the popularity. Hardly anyone cares about comics or illustrated books except video game fans. Tennapel himself didn't like animated series, although that was the second best thing that came out of this series.
>Tennapel himself didn't like animated series
It was basically Earthworm Jim: The Lost Levels.
this is very optimistic
maybe, but just wait for 2033
lolrandom humor: the game. Yes, the first EWJ was very wacky, but 3D took it to levels so stupid and cringe that it was embarrassing.
>Imaging having glass bones and be tasked to bring a cup of coffee within 20 seconds.
kek, get this man on board for EWJ4
>free pager offer
anyone here have it?
when I first heard about Sega wanting games to be too hard to beat over a weekend, I immediately thought of the EWJ1 submarine. that was a brick wall for us when we rented it.

it really pisses me off that EWJ has such good core gameplay but the developers didn't have enough faith in it to just let you enjoy it. those god damn gimmicks.
The second one is as good as the first one. Which is to say it's pretty fun and a wacky experience but it has some really annoying levels. The games are just bonkers.
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Any deaf/lip readers can tell us what he's saying?

I tried to make Billie and Fin, her brother to look like Andy and LeyLey in AI but couldn't get the art style right. I'm sure someone more capable could help me complete this meme.
Literal definition of style over substance, the exaggerated animations and the desire to have wacky settings, weapons and levels make the game extremely janky and generally not that fun. To be fair, the first game also suffered from this, but the sequel really amps it up.

>The other two games on N64 and GBC are unplayable and boring.
In that order, lol. 3D is almost unplayable even compared to early N64 games, and Menace 2 the Galaxy (even the title is cringey) is playable but so pointless and boring.

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