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At this point, Luke Skywalker was still just a farm boy. That's why he favors his homing missiles over his lightsaber.
The inside of the sandnigger vehicle filtered me as a child
I haven't played this game in ages, I remember enjoying it though
I remember this game being hard as fuck
These games filtered everyone. Well except maybe Super RotJ, that game was surprisingly manageable outside of the bullshit final stage.
Never got into these games, the IJ one included; they're stressful and generally unrewarding and un-fun. Design-wise they feel like something modeled after the most buckshot-style arcade gameplay possible, but even more frustrating since there's no infinite credits to make up for it.
lulz I miss this about old licensed games. The liberty they took to squeeze a whole game out of two hour movie always made for absolute vidya kino.
You don't have the lightsaber yet in that level.
Yes, because Luke was still a farm boy. That's why he uses his homing missiles here instead.
Yeah, I’ll never forget when Luke went to go search for uncle Owen and aunt beru and he had to fight a giant sandworm while doing 50 backflips firing hundreds of homing missiles from his blaster. George is the master.
You’re thread is hilarious op, people are laughing there is just no engagement on this shitty board.
Well, cause his T-16 is in the garage getting fixed otherwise he'd be blasting all the womp rats with that instead. He's obviously not going to just use his dinky blaster to take out a whole flipping sarlac monster.
And yet he still never got those power converters from Tosche Station
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Well in the end they would have been useless since the storm troopers probably blew up his skyhopper anyways. I think the most impressive thing is that after he finally does find Old Ben he's able to lie to a Jedi and make him think imperial troops slaughtered all those Jawas. He's got too much of his father in him.
I always hoped we'd get games in this style about the newer movies too.
Including his pathological hatred of sand?
This one looks nice to me
Super ROTJ was so fucking weird, half the levels were stupid easy, the other half were ridiculous bullshit hard.
Get good fag, these are the best SNES games ever made
The second ewok village level is the only difficult one in that game outside of the death star escape
He did want to join the Imperial Academy.
Once you unlock Solo the game becomes a bit easier, i never could make it past the 1st death star level
My dick was hard.
he doesnt even have a light saber until obi wan gives him his fathers
and no idea how to make one without jedi training of his own
some of the best star wars games too
look who has a light saber now
vwoosh vwoosh
Super Star Wars kicks ass. Never could get into Super ESB though.
That game is hot trash.
I have something better to do than listen to you.
I couldn't stand the slowdown in ESB's first platforming level. It's been about 15 years since I last played it so I forgot if that's the level it starts with or not.
Wtf is your problem, dude? I'm trying to engage in a polite discussion and then you come along.
I have never managed to beat a single one of these games, not even as an adult.
well it's because you need to smoke some crack, faggot
I liked ROTJ because you could play as Slave Leia and whip enemies. She had a Mai Shiranui-tier ass you could see for a frame or two when you did her spin attack.
I miss LucasArts.
I miss Star Wars.
Me too. It’s never coming back though.
SotE is such a comfy game.
You know, I never consciously noticed before how perfect they got the animation of the walker in this game and I must have played it for dozens of hours as a kid. That is completely dead on to ESB.
SotE takes me back to the mid 90s SW revival with the Trilogy.
But yeah, it's times that are not coming back. We were lucky to have lived through it.

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