You're not a real 90s kid if you didn't go through the ritual humiliation of being unable to beat this game.
Yeah I did that. But I've gotten good since then so I should probably go back to it and beat it.
It’s a goddamned nightmare playing this in single player.
I believe I got into the mid 40's, close to the last level in the 3rd grade. The game wasn't as difficult as many people make it out to be. no password since its not doable that way anyway since you need your inventory for the latter levels.
but I did beat it as a kid in the 90s
>>11277116you really want a second player for this game
>>11277124 Are you him?
>>11277116I didn't know it was beatable growing up. I just assumed it was a have fun and get a high score game.
>>11277117Same, it's on my list this year for Halloween
>>11277116I would generally play until the giant baby and then quit, on rare occasions I'd go as far as the ants or the tremor worm boss. Having gone through the entire thing as an adult I definitely made the right choice as a kid, cool game but it becomes an annoying slog a 1/3rd of the way through, and the ants/tremors are the only later levels that held any interest for me.
>>11277161>I didn't know it was beatable growing up.Same. For the kind of game it is it's incredibly long. I could barely make it past level 20 on a good day and you're telling me there's 50 levels? Insane.
>>11277116me and my brothers made it to dr tongue once and game overed on a marathon session. as an adult it's not that hard just long and annoying.
>>11277116Me and my bro only could make it to the mid 20s during our rental. We've got it and played it since, but damn it's hard af and takes some serious commitment to beat.
Is this game better on SNES or Genesis? I've always assumed it's a Sega Genesis game, but I'd be interested to hear if people were more fond of it on SNES.
>>11277341I only ever reached the castle level with the wolves and the cool dies irae music. The giant toddler and the ayy lmaos sucked ass.
>>11277916The Genesis version is better because its soundchip better lends itself to the spooky-wacky soundtrack that the more orchestral SNES audio.
>>11277117You won't beat it. It's too damn long and the passwords are useless in the late game.
I never knew of this game back then. There were many games I didn't play and not even know of.
>>11277916It's better on SNES and it's not even close
>>11277916SNES has more buttons so you don't need to do button combos. The Genesis has it at a better resolution so the radar is viewable during standard gameplay.
I didn't like this game. I didn't find it fun. Does it even have an ending or is it one of those arcade games that go on and on and never end?
>>11278510>Does it even have an endingSpeedrun with all victims is an hour thirty. That is insanely long. Regular full play throughs seem to be around three hours.
>>11278510It has a final boss, yes. It's just extremely grueling. Mainly because the passwords wipe your weapon inventory, so trying to "continue" on a lot of stages will just fuck you. You basically have to do it in one run.
>>11277916The SNES version has a flamethrower.
>>11277117Beat a good game instead
>>11277128It is a great co-op game for sure. You can’t say the devs didn’t give you a lot of value for your money with the length and difficulty of the game.
I beat the game as a kid.It just took untold hours of grinding the final set of stages password till the rng was kind and let me get through that STUPID final hedgemaze.
>>11279004i respect your dedication m8
>>11279004The worst thing about grinding this game is the RNG regarding neighbors. Sometimes the game just spawns a monster on top of them at the start of the level and you're fucked. You can master the mechanics but there's nothing to do about neighbors getting rekt. Is perfect play (all 10 neighbors alive) even possible, at all?
The stupid snekoids ruined me as a kid.. It took well into my adulthood to know they even had a weakness.
>>11277116im a 90s kid cause i called the game gay and avoided it cause even back then, playing as retarded kids killing disney zombies is fuckin lame.rented vectorman instead.
>>11278160>dies irae musicHOLY SHIT. I never know that. Thanks.
I kept getting to Level 24: Warehouse of the Evil Dolls with only one neighbor, who died almost instantly once they appeared on screen. I used SNES Game Genie to beat the rest.
>>11279282It's possible. It just requires both stupid RNG and utilizing some exploits for certain neighbors, like killing bosses while standing in a place where the neighbors don't load yet.
>>11279282It's possible to save everyone. I had the top score on the leaderboard for a while in that new release that was bundled with Ghoul Patrol. I had to save everyone, get every bonus, visit both secret maps, and farm kills for my score. You have to know these maps very well to pull it off, like knowing which maps you should have speed shoes equipped before entering. Map 28 requires an exploit to save all 10 victims, and there are a few maps where evil doll positioning relative to the victims can fuck you over if you're not careful. Super Nintendo version is definitely best for an easier time thanks to the flamethrower. It makes short work of the first boss, and the remaining fuel helps with the final as well.
>>11278474The Sega version doesn't support the 6 button controller right? It's weird considering the controller was already out when the game was made.
>>11277116>ritual humiliationThis is the first time that buzzword makes sense to me.
>>11277916genesis with a 6-button controller.
>>11279701it absolutely does. i had pic related and it was fully supported. even when you go into the options screen for button layout, it recognized that a 6 button controller was in and the pictures for the layout were different.
i remember using game genie to beat this, but something that always irritated me was that the tremors worms apparently leech health when they "do damage", so even being a purple monster and trying to punch them down took forever. i never ended up learning what the legit strategy was to defeating them. also wtf with the tourists turning into werewolves? is that preventable? does something trigger it?other than those two things, the game was pretty fun and awesome. i must have been autistic as a kid, because i remember using the infinite ammo to mow EVERY. SINGLE. BIT. of the level thats just mushrooms/plants, which was fucking massive. i loved all of the little score bonuses you could get for doing dumb shit, like throwing footballs to the players, and extermination bonuses.
It's a hard game.
>>11280336>the tourists turning into werewolvesI never figured out a foolproof way to avoid this either. Sometimes speed shoes were enough, sometimes it felt like they changed the second they appeared on screen.But>throwing silverware kills werewolves in one hitalways made me smile.
>>11280336The tourists are on a level dependent timer. The timer can be as short as 8 second for some levels, others approach a full minute. The only way to prevent it from happening after the timer runs out, is to get a mob of 6 monsters following you before you approach the tourists. Tourists count as a single sprite, werewolves count as two. The game can only have so many active at one time, so the mob of six monsters prevents the tourists from changing, since the extra sprite from the werewolf would exceed the memory limitation. You have to use this exploit on only one map if you hope to save everyone, the rest are possible by standard play. The worms are definitely a pain in the dick, but it just takes some practice. One monster potion is enough for a single worm, otherwise you're best off with the bazooka and plates.
>>11278662If you don't want to play the whole thing in one sitting, the game gives you time to pick enough weapons if you start from level 37. That's how I finished it.
>>11277119Genesis/Mega Drive version>>>SNES version
>>11282478Why do you say that? I have both, but I have more time in the Genesis version.
>>11282836No stupid ass censorship by Nintendo of "pansies R us" America or Europe, and more character sprites found in-game.
>>11282940I too love 30% of the screen not being the video game and a shittier ost
man I played this a few hours ago after not touching it since the year it came out and I just witnessed a man with a chainsaw kill a baby. wtf nintendo
>>11277116for me it was the sequel, herc's adventures. i didn't know i had to bring the cow to the fat lady, because all the information was given in english without any subtitles
>>11277116>get to giant baby level>aight its time to head out
>>11277116I saw an ad for it in a video game magazine and asked my dad if I could get it and showed him the ad, and he said no. He probably thought it looked stupid or something, so I never actually got to play it.
>>11277116>ritual humiliation instead of humiliation ritualWow you pinheads are starting to get very creative with your posts.
>>11283461I never knew this game existed. It kinda looks good. And it kinda doesn't. Also I had no idea the game would be worth so much. Holy shit.
>>11278538Why would someone play this game for three hours? It's a bunch of repetitive bullshit that isn't even fun in the slightest.I didn't like this game, but i guess that might be due to the fact that I heard people swear that it's one of the most fun games for the SNES, and that it rocks. I had high hopes for it. Then when I finally played it, it's repetitive not fun bullshit.
seeing your total kill count at the end was incredibly satisfying.
>>11279686I know a bonus stage puts Werewolf Tourists in a completely unreachable spot, so there's literally nothing you can do to save them. The only compensation is that there's a Giant Baby who makes up for the loss once he's been shrunken down and rescued.
>>11277116i have this game :)i didnt beat it yet thou maybe this year
this is another case of the "rental-proof difficulty" turning a potential purchase into a one-time rentalmy brothers and I were able to get to the mid 20s, and assumed we were near the end of the game. in any case, we had played past the fun and weren't particularly interesting in getting further.
>>11286014Has no one ever sat you down and explained that not everyone in the world thinks and feels exactly like you at every given time?
>>11288241Hey dicklicker, you don't have to reply to my posts. You can always see me post and then choose to keep your fucking mouth shut. That's always an option too.Like, what the fuck are you talking about. I expressed an opinion. Who the fuck when they express an opinion goes out of there way to say "I realize not everyone might agree with me."If you see me post in the future, keep your fucking mouth shut and don't talk to me. I dislike you and your shitty personality and your stupid comments. Fuck you.
>>11288323Nta, but you’re a huge fucking faggot and a fat nigger. The only people more disappointed than you are with this game is how disappointed your parents are for raising such a joyless nothing person.
>>11288323I remember some years ago when every forum post by some people had to start with "In my humble opinion". And then they'd be like "IMHO" and "Again, IMHO" further along in the posts.What a bunch of loser faggots.
how many of you played the sequel
>>11288361I only played it recently, but I’m going to find some time to beat zamn first then this