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Anyone for a comfy Spyro thread?

>favourite game
>favourite home world
>favourite level
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>favourite game
Spyro 2
>favourite home world
Autumn Plains
>favourite level
>favourite game
Spyro 1 but that is the only one I played
>favourite home world
Magic Crafters
>favourite level
I will do one for each homeworld how about that?

Stone Hill
>Peace Keepers
Cliff Town
>Magic Crafters
Wizard Peak
>Beast Makers
Tree Tops (overall favorite level)
>Dream Weavers
Lofty Castle
>Gnasty's World
Twilight Harbor

Should I play the sequels? Should I play Reignited?
Spyro 1 because it's a straight to the point collectathon with no bloat. And you know collectathons with no bloat are fucking rare... Rare...
>home world
I gotta say Summer Forest, the combination of its visuals and music is just otherwordly
Oh man I don't know, too many to choose from
Yeah you should play the sequels but for the love of god don't play Reignited
>favorite game
Spyro 1
>favorite home world
Evening Lake
>favorite level

>should I play the sequels
>should I play reignited
Probably not.
1, Artisans, Dark Hollow
Best level is where you get to smooch the fairy and she gives you mega flame breath. Also nothing will ever top the final room in Gnasty's treasure room where all the fireworks go off and explode into purple gems.
The only two dragons I struggled with in Spyro 1 were Maximos (Dry Canon dragon where you need to glide around the cliff corner) and Jed from Tree Tops where you need to do the ridiculous unintuitive hypercharge circuit.
>Jed from Tree Tops
That level is fucking bullshit but fun when you know the routes
this is the correct treetops experience.
>favourite game
spyro 2
>favourite home world
evening lake
>favourite level
crystal islands
>Should I play the sequels? Should I play Reignited?
Yes, in my opinion they are peak comfy platformers, even if 3 is the jankiest because of all the side characters. Reignited is ok. Not great not terrible. You can clearly see that the first game in Reignited got the most love, the other two felt like an afterthought.
>>favourite game
Spyro 2 Gateway to Glimmer
>>favourite home world
Autumn Plains
>>favourite level
Breeze Harbor or Glimmer
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>favourite game
>favourite home world
I want to say Autumn Plains, but Summer Forest is king. As a kid I was obsessed with the idea of taking an underwater route to get to another area. Same reason I loved Tomb Raider.
>favourite level
Aquaria Towers cause I was also obsessed with areas flooding with water and the final area was just mindblowing to me. The fact that underwater swimming wasn't a slog like in most other platformers really enhanced it.
>The fact that underwater swimming wasn't a slog like in most other platformers really enhanced it.
There was something peak comfy about the way water looked in 2 and 3. I don't think any other platformer managed to make me like water as much as Spyro did.
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The levels in Spyro 1 are consistent with the theme of their hub world. Artisans are all grassy and village-like, Peace Keepers are rocky and dry etc. Then in Spyro 2 the first levels once you get to Summer Forest are Idol Springs and Hurricos, respectively which have no connection to summer at all and feel very out of place.
>respectively which have no connection to summer at all and feel very out of place.
The thing about Spyro 2 is that the levels are connected between themselves but not with the home world. For example Hurricos is set on the mountains you see in Idol Springs or how Zephyr is in war with Breeze Harbor so the NPCs in one are the enemies in the other. I always found that neat.
1 (and it's not even a contest)
To be fair, I like all of them in all three games. I guess Evening Lake from 3 felt somewhat special to me (even though I can't really pinpoint the reason as to why).
Damn, this is a tough one. I could easily name half of 1's levels here, starting from all Dream Weavers ones. I dunno, I guess I'll name Haunted Towers because the SFX of THAT ONE FUCKING DRAGON in the hidden part of the castle haunted me for days and I was trying to figure out how to get into that hidden part as a kid.
>Should I play the sequels? Should I play Reignited?
It's fine to play the sequels, but be aware that 2 and 3 are very different compared to 1's simplicity and if you're not a big fan of "devs make a sequel to platformer and main addition of the new game are mini-games that have nothing to do with platforming" then you will probably enjoy the sequels less than original one.
I'm fine with existence of Reignited if it allows newer players (who are allergic to retro games and need modern graphics in every game for them to even bother) to experience original Spyro trilogy, but original versions still hold up just fine and I'd rather recommend them over remakes.
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So, just to check, don't bother playing Enter the Dragonfly because it's rushed incomplete horse (or should I say dragon) shit but A Hero's Tail is actually ok to play?
Enter the Dragonfly is so bad in some regards that it's funny/charming, A Hero's Tail is just plain lame. Enter the Dragonfly at least attempted to have the same tone and feel to it. Enter the Dragonfly is just a shitty Spyro game, whereas every game that came after it isn't even Spyro at all anymore. Also go find the 2 hour youtube documentary on the development process, once you understand what the devs went through maybe you can forgive the game for what it is. Or at least understand why it ended up this way. Oh, and this game is great for fucking around and hunting for new glitches btw
>Enter the Dragonfly
It's ugly (yes, even beyond the cutscenes)
It's filled with bugs (who doesn't know about famous one-minute speedruns) and framedrops
It has only 8 levels because the game was rushed for winter holidays, but none of the levels tries to be unique (you've seen all those world themes in previous Spyro games by now)
Different types of dragon breath was a decent idea for the main gimmick of the game, but devs didn't even bother to do anything interesting with it
>A Hero's Tail
As long as you don't treat it as a Spyro game. otherwise you might as well play Legend of Spyro trilogy. Its formula is completely different to original trilogy's, even if it features the same characters and same "gimmicks" (same abilities, collecting gems, doing minigames and getting McGuffins for them, etc.).
its even more fun knowing that last dragon is easy to cheese.
there was gonna be a gimmick in 2 that was dropped halfway into development that's basically what
said. the levels had themes that tied each other together e.g Idol Springs and Colossus, Skelos Badlands and Crystal Glacier, etc.
>Favourite Game
Spyro 2, the king, the peak of comfy perfection
>Favourite Home World
Autumn Plains
>Favourite Level
Breeze Harbour

Spyro 2 is host to one my favourite comfort Let's Plays as well. A small youtuber who now streams to a handful of people, but perhaps had more traction back in the days when simply having a Let's Play of a game uploaded meant you were pretty much guaranteed to get a fair amount of views. The internet was not yet fully saturated and over-bloated with gameplays of full games (relative). It was a blind playthrough, which is also somewhat rare nowadays, if not disingenuous nowadays. The guy's personality was one of the most relatable and likeable of anyone I have seen online, and I have my comfy little circle of autists to visit and revisit. His comments on all the neat details of the game and genuine reactions are pure gold. Captures the energy of time far gone into the past. The same channel did a Majora's Mask LP, which helped solidify my affinity for this one sided parasocial friendship or appreciation or whatever you might call it. My own experiences with Spyro... What's there to say, sunny mornings of youth, dreams that would borrow from these wonderful worlds... I remember the first time I played Spyro 1, which I probably didn't even know existed due to the non-numerical name scheme... My cousins brought it over and I played briefly with my cousin until they left and it was just me, trying to figure out the first level, wondering why there weren't any orbs, and sensing a pretty vastly different feeling to this entry. I remember when my cousins departed to go back home and took their copy of Spyro 1 with them, I remember the perfume smell of my female cousin left on the pillow, and feeling that innocent childlike sorrow that accompanies the departure of things you love. To this day I have still yet to play through all of Spyro 1 or Spyro 3.
The feeling of back then can never be fully recaptured, but now and again I'll boot up Spyro 2 and go run around in Breeze Harbor, or else listen to the soundtrack on youtube, remembering these days and all these accumulated memories. What a masterpiece of its time. Thanks for reading my blog.
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>favourite game
Split between Spyro 3 and Spyro 2
>favourite home world
Winter Tundra or Evening Lake
>favourite level
Frozen Altars
Thread theme
i like spyro hes neat

It's weird how pretty Spyro trilogy is. It still holds up today with how unique it is aesthetically

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