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>The patch will translate the game from japanese to [language that is not english]
Anon... Did you accidentally click "Non-English Translations" instead of "English Translations"
There's only one available translation hack for the game so far.
>and no English patch
>the non English translations are straightforward translations
>The english ones are filled with internet brainrot to avoid "problematic content" and have "inclusivity" in current year
>whoever shall not conform will get cancelled like the Goemon translator guy
What game?
Hokuto no Ken PSX
It could be a lot worse.
Why not just play the original in japanese

I'd take the occasional inaccurate translation of "newhalf" to "glorious holy gendersaint who we must all worship" or whatever over people shoving in trashy sex jokes and references to random celebrities and random "funny" memes of the time. You got your own brainrot I think, if the rare "cancellation" of some hyper-fragile loser translator who can't survive without the reassuring feeling of being well-regarded by Xitter followers is the main thing that comes to mind when you consider problems in fan translation.
My point is, why do English translations have to confirm to outsiders? Why can't they be straightforward like Italian or Spanish translations?
Because they're mostly done by crazies
NEETs spend 60 hours a week consuming Japanese media but they don't want to learn Japanese
It's NEETs who spend 60 hours a day learning japanese
Not the ones browsing this board and complaining people aren't translating their nip games to English
>Goemon translator guy
who's this faggot
I think it's some ancient drama about a fan translator translating newhalf as "tranny"
It wasn't that long ago, it was what, last year?
It's okay bro woke is dying and not cool anymore you can say it's annoying now.
>"the fuck is this hat"
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>still crying about fan translations

Just stop. Embrance AI translation.
Are there any good ESL translations that are worth checking out?
How do you get the translate boxes to not overlap each other?
>ruins the entire aesthetic of the game with ugly black boxes everywhere
Yeah, I think I'll try learning nip instead
Burguer anon, this may come off as a shock to you but there are other languages out there besides English.
I wish I knew, that's the only issue I have with it. Happens pretty rarely though.
>Spanish (from Spain)
>Spanish (filipino)
>Spanish (Mejican)
>Spanish (Argentinian)
>Spanish (Colombian)
>Spanish (Chile)
and the list goes on.
English is recognized as an official language in a total of 67 different countries, as well as 27 non-sovereign entities. It's more relevant than your language, ESL. Even you are speaking it right now.
Burgers don't even understand other variants of English outside their own
Because this is an English website?
And apparently getting one letter wrong makes me an ESL? If you can't speak more than one languages you got no business making fun of others learning your school shooting language.

You people are so stupidly blind towards other cultures and languages it almost seems like you're being retarded on purpose.
I don't even live in burgerland. That's how fucking retarded you are.
Because it's the most spoken language in the world. Cry harder.
I remember when this happened back when Saturn's Symphony of The Night was translated into Brazilian Portuguese and Englishnogs were seething about it. Spanishbros were okay with it.

Total Iberian victory.
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>Breath of Fire - the only proper translation is bootleg russian hack for the GBA version.
>Breath of Fire 2 - the only proper translation is a fan retranslation made from the spanish fan translaton from the japanese original.
>Breath of Fire 3 - the only proper translation is russian fan translation again.
Thank god BoF4 got a somewhat decent english version. I would never beat any of these if I would play the initial english translation first. It's not even all that popular in Russia. We just kind'a have it.
>OP's point
There should always be an English translation before any other languages. When there isn't one, it's retarded and gay, seeing that it's the world language that can be easily translated to other languages afterwards. >>11279795

defensive, faggot ESLs that knowingly come to an exclusively English-language website then complain about it and troon EFLs trying to be special snowflakes by defending those brown faggots
SMT Devil Summoner has a fan translation in the works. Spanish first aftet cracking the psp port, and the English translators begging to get the cracked version after the Spanish translators
Iberia won
>Romhack description in English
>Romhack's content is in fucking dutch or russian or something
To make Americans seethe
Nice bait m8.
>what are the /int/, /bant/, and the German, Spanish, and some Slavic and Uralic language threads that occasionally appear on /b/.
Probably just so they can post it on an English-language romhacking site. I have no issues with those people. It's kykes like >>11282210 who force their foreign faggotry up at every occasion they can.
GO fight in a duel and kill each other, vile dipshits.
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>Samsho RPG gets translated
>in French
Angloids can't stop losing huh
Are you aware that english originated in England?
lol no
All this seething and anger against people who know like three languages and screaming that they should've translated to English instead. All that time and effort when you could've learned japanese instead
give me 5-10 years of your lifespan to be young again and master japanese just to play a game or two real quick
Just learn nip
maybe in 15 years when the next generation of zoomers finally realize the N64 is garbage and focus recompilation efforts on PSX so these retarded overlays aren't necessary
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>inferior port gets translated and nobody touches the others. And if they do, nobody cares by then so it takes a billion years to finish.
>in 15 years when the next generation of zoomers
You mean gen Alpha
Zoomers are a specific generation (1997-2012), not "anyone born more than 5 years after me"
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>Densha de Go 64 is translated instead of Densha de Go Professional Shiyou
Not like you really need to know nip to play these games but still, if you're gonna translate one of the 5th gen games why not translate the best one?
The world does revolve around the English language. It's why you choose to be here.
How many of these games are there
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There's no way you can make whining about random fantranslators not catering to you look cool.
Learn Japanese and do it yourself or stop whining
This one's funny because SNK is popular almost everywhere BUT anglophone countries, and then they whine why this got fantranslated in other languages first instead
The bottleneck in translation usually isn't the translator, it's having a programmer who can reinsert the finished script back into the game.
The programmer's abilities will generally dictate which games will get translated, and some programmers only know how to work with some systems.

Also, however many posters there already are in this thread telling people to learn Japanese, there is now one more.
Learn Japanese.
If you care enough about Japanese games to get into arguments about them on the internet, you care enough to take the ~3 hours needed to memorize hiragana and katakana.
Not only can you (You, the person reading this) do this, if it isn't, like, 9 PM, you can probably do it today.
Kana alone is enough to play a fucking shitload of great retro games, and by the time you're done with them you'll be ready to move on to harder stuff.
>that can be easily translated to other languages afterwards
It's always better to translate from original language, translating a translation will lead to inconsistent and inaccurate translation
>translating a translation will lead to inconsistent and inaccurate translation
Translating directly from Japanese also often leads to this kek.
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>look it up thinking its going to be spanish or french since the anime is popular round these parts
>either way it would be better than japanese
>its chinese
Why don't you speak Japanese?
OP is always a faggot. Hard to speak with a cock in your mouth.
You will never be Japanese, Paco.
For Anglos the idea of learning another language is too intimidating
>we should eliminate all translations, including Spanish and French
That would get rid of a lot of the thirdworld, here. Now we need to get rid of wifi.
Ethernet cables aren't expensive
People learn new languages purely for economic reasons.
People in Norway or Denmark don't have to learn English to earn a living, they just do it to consume English-only media. You could do the same to consume Japanese-only media
You really can't use European countries in this case because a fuckload of PAL games had different languages to pick from that weren't english.
>PAL games had different languages to pick from that weren't english
And games released in the US are in English
The point is they still learn English to consume the media that isn't translated in their language
Just fucking suck it up and learn. It's not hard. Tons of people do it. Quit whining.
And yet European countries have a lot of people who learned English almost exclusively by playing English games. I met a lot of people who said this. And that's literally the same for generations of weebs learning Japanese, hell some people literally do the same fucking thing for Chinese with wuxia novels or Korean with manhwa. All way better time spent than calling people shitskin brownoids and then telling them to translate things for you in the same breath
And yet Paco certainly knows Japanese more than you
I'm surprised it wasn't Italian, wasn't First of the North Star huge over there
I learned a new language purely to play video games as a kid. I'm learning another language purely to read untranslated manga. You're probably gonna live another 40 years, do something or stop complaining. Anyone can learn a new language if they actually want to.
What Ai tool are you using?
Retroarch's AI translation, you just need to set it up within retroarch (set up the language and url and bind a button to AI service)

The only issue is that you'll have to deal with the rest of Retroarch's bullshit.
My father learned English from Beatles songs
I'm fine with translating from Spanish, French, Italian translations to English. Doesn't have to be directly from Japanese (as long as those translations were already accurate).

Can we please just focus on English translations so that we can all play some games together?
>>The only issue is that you'll have to deal with the rest of Retroarch's bullshit.
And the obviously garbage translation.
It really is the fucking "good times create weak men" meme IRL, huh
The US has dominated global economy and now Anglos don't even entertain the idea of picking up another language. I wonder if it's going to change once China becomes the defacto number 1 economic power in the world, and whether Muricans will keep refusing to learn the future lingua franca much like the French do now
>The Romans should learn Gaulish :D
> black merchant
Fucks' sake, the woke always finds a way doesn't it?
But only Murricans think theirs is the only language in the world.
I still remember some guy in a forum long ago baffled because a french guy played a game in french even going "what kind of alien language is that"
They learn English because they're forced to in school you dipshit.
Why do you think you need to be young to learn a language? Are you that much of an adult failure that you can't get off your arse and do something new with your life?
The issue with AI translation isn't that it's obviously garbage. It polishes the turd it shoves out which deludes people into thinking it is any better, but it's just the usual without any of the tells that would let you glimpse it fucked up allowing you to look up what the game actually said. It's enough, but it does detract from the games.
>Why do you think you need to be young to learn a language?
Neuroplasticity is a real thing, yes. You learn languages better as a child than as an adult.
What a load of horseshit. If that were true nobody would bother to learn Japanese.
Making excuses is a thing too, yes. Never improve, right?
Do you think japanese games were ported overseas to different languages for free, you retard?
Ok dickhead, of the total amount of people who have learnt some Japanese how many do you reckon have a job that's in any way related to it? I'd be surprised if the answer was 1/10. Japan simply doesn't have the economical influence to make their language an attractive asset in the job market. Their chief export is their culture and media, and even they don't always bother to export it as evidenced by this thread. Nobody's career is being hindered by a lack of knowledge of the Japanese language. Having made this point, it should be clear that the idea that economical factors are the only thing that people consider before learning a language is silly.
>of the total amount of people who have learnt some Japanese how many do you reckon have a job that's in any way related to it?
Way more than weebs. People who translate material like manga often buy and scan the original assets themselves when they do that, which obviously involves money already. Even learning the language just to move to Japan is already an economic matter, since they want to live there.
> People who translate material like manga often buy and scan the original assets themselves when they do that, which obviously involves money already.

If that was a sure way to turn a profit it would maybe help your case. The fact that it isn't only proves mine further.
>It's only economics if it involves profit
You claimed that economic incentives are the only things people think about before setting to learn a language. Given that premise, then yes, making a profit is important. It'd be great if you understood your own fucking argument before making it, bellend.
"Economic reasons" means engaging in the economy with work or transaction. It ranges from something a simple as buying things at a convenience store to being the owner of a business. Just because you think it's only the latter doesn't mean it is, you midwit.
So what? If you're making an argument starting from so broad a definition just to make it as sweeping and nonchalant as possible, then you might as well say that pepople learn languages for "living-their-life reasons."
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It depends on the work in question. If the game is nothing but "problematic content" then odds are, you aren't going to get translators with a need to correct it, they'll just avoid it like the plague.
Pic related, the MC of this series is a rapist. You can't sidestep that part, you have to be ok with translating a game with that kind of person being shown in a semi-sympathetic light.
>living-their-life reasons
Still involves economics unless you "live" eating and drinking whatever you can find in nature in the middle of fucking nowhere, in which case good luck. Knowing Japanese won't help you much then.
Rance is based tho. Who wouldn't love him?
Eroge translation generally doesn't have the problem other translations do because it's mostly degenerates translating for the sake of other degenerates. Why softball the content, you know what the sick fucks consuming it are into.
At least it usually helps pave the way to other languages due to the hacking part of things being figured out
Wasn't the translator of Rance 3/4/4.1/4.2 an outspoken feminist?
Yes but she kept her personal opinions and her work separate. /vg/ doesn't hate Maria because of her translation work, everyone agrees her translations are good. /vg/ hates Maria because despite being a regular poster in /hanny/ for years, she up and leaves to work for Mangagamer, takes with her the translation of VI she finished but hadn't released yet, and effectively held its now official english release hostage so that people would buy the official english release of Beat Blades Haruka first. That is why people hate Maria, for being a backstabbing cunt, not because of he translation work.

Also, a woman translating Rance isn't that odd when you remember that a woman wrote Rance 3-7.
Holy cope
Economic power doesn't mean anything in this context. All that matters is cultural soft power and military power.
>The issue with AI translation isn't that it's obviously garbage
Sorry, I meant obviously garbage to anyone who can actually read without the translations. Of course people who rely on translations will call them good, they can't tell they're horrible except for the occasional time where they can't make sense of the context.
splains a lot
>Learn a whole language to play a videogame bro
Fuck that. Get a job, weeb.
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I say the same thing of fan translation as I do of academia. If it's true that everything is political, and thus everything has a political interpretation (and yes, this is true), then ignoring this fact will cause you to cede your territory to people who accept it, and want to promote their politics. If your "side" wants to preserve something, then it have to engage in it and say, "yes, art is political, and that's why I will use it to promote my beliefs and my values and not yours".

AI translations doesn't fix anything, it's a form of sticking your head in the sand. What you need is actual translators that believe the same as you, and enough of them that they're simply too numerous to cancel.
>inb4 we do more important shit in the REAL world than to engage in stuff like that
Ok then don't complain when all things culture-aligned are ceded to the other side that clearly has no intent in keeping things neutral, you let this happen by your refusal to engage.
If anything I agree with you, so I wouldn't inb4, but it is very annoying that only English fan translations and official translations that don't use an English translation as a basis seem to suffer this shit, unable to translate the text as-is, shielded by nebulous "muh localization".
It only really seems to be a problem videogames have though. Manga is generally accurately translated, anime for the most part is accurately translated, novels are held to extremely strict standards in translation. Live action movie subtitles are generally accurate, though sometimes there's wonky translation (like how in Godzilla Minus One they kept referring to the experimental plane as a jet fighter, except the Kyushu J7W Shinden wasn't a jet fighter, it didn't use a jet engine).
Now it could just be that younger people care about videogames more and that's why there's more radical people in translation than other mediums, but I don't think that's it. I think it's more that videogames kinda aren't taken seriously as a medium outside of its ability to make money so when shit like this happens, broader society won't care because they don't see it as a medium that's part of their cultural landmarks being messed with.
so? that's a stupid ass excuse. just admit that you're lazy and dumb
> novels are held to extremely strict standards in translation.

lol no

>Live action movie subtitles are generally accurate

Not when translating to other languages. When I watch movies in English subbed to my language I'm always amazed, well, I used to be amazed at how much they get wrong. Now I'm just used to it and don't even pay attention to them anymore though it's always odd in the theater when the audiance is laughing before the joke happens because they read the sub ahead of time and as it turns out the sub version of the joke misses the point and is not even remotely funny compared to the original joke
For some reason, disc based games tend to be harder to translate. Be It because It uses some weird encryption, compression or check. I translated games back in the early 00s and ALWAYS found discs to be a pain in the ass, special mention to Square's PSX games
>lol no
Have you tried reading actual literature? It is. When I read Roadside Picnic I was genuinely impressed at how well it translated from the original Russian, as has everything that's been translated by Antonina Bouis since she's considered the best Russian literary translator in the english language. Or Adèle. Or Brotherhood. Or The War of the Poor. Or a bunch of other French works I could keep listing.

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