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Talk about racing games.
I know you people read this board so please translate those hundreds of pointless messages in C1 Racing Battle for me.
It says: Nigga u gay, play Gran Turismo 4 instead.
Anon, these OP pictures are not making it any easier to spot this thread about racing games at a glance.
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This is now a Burnout thread
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I wanted to like Spec II but I can't. It's not a problem of the mod per se but apparently the GT4 Online Beta it's based on. The AI sucks ass, it's way too retarded and slow. I don't know if it can ever be fixed but you have to gimp yourself A LOT to make it competitive, and in certain tracks the AI is unable to keep the cars within the track limits. The actual mod changes are good but it's all for naught with that AI.
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Hell yeah, brother!
Did they have to make this game look like the driver is depressed to the point of seeing a less colorful world?
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The helmet's visor obscures the image. It doesn't have that problem in other views, and that view wasn't even in the OG GT4, the mod added it.
That is gay
That is REALLY gay
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This is now actually a Tube thread

seriously tho did these tube games hold a candle to FZ Wipeout etc? ?
Were the Initial D games wasted potential, Vroombtos?
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Is this easy or ball breaking?
The original arcade one is better.
the original arcade roms runs on xbox hardware when you add the extra ram, pretty neat but freezes on me sometimes
regular xbox version is identical except for how it loads iirc
Use Mame. It works flawless.
mame is for faggots only
why are modern helmets' visors so narrow?
If you say so. But at least we're enjoying our good old games.
learn japanese lazy
it is literally just the windshield, if you look to the left you can see a tiny bit of the environment with the normal coloring
They have pit crew people telling them if someone's behind them so they can focus ahead. In a race a millisecond of looking away can prove fatal.

>captcha: GTHD
I've unlocked Pocket Mode in Moto Racer (PS1) and it's some F-Zero X shit. The average speed on speed bikes is around 360km/h.
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that game was translated a month ago
Would anyone perchance wish to play an online session of Outrun 2006
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it's both
I would but I'm on the other side of the world
That's not a problem unless you're on wifi.
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What are the best off-road racers? Sega Rally feels sublime, but doesn't have a lot of tracks (short music selection as well). Other rally games I've played have a lot more content, but are either the embodiment of understeer or the embodiment of oversteer. What's the best one, truly?

Sega Rally also isn't actually about rally lol
Why is the scenery reflection on the hood moving backwards?
2D: Gaelco's World Rally: Championship and World Rally 2: Twin Racing

3D: Assuming you are looking for an arcade and not a simulator:
- Colin McRae Rally 1 & 2
- WRC: Rally Evolved
- Sega Rally 2006

3D, not-(so)-retro:
- Milestone's WRC 3 (for the contents)
- Milestone's WRC 4 (for the looks)
off-road challenge of course
Yeah it's hilarious
I like to race in GTA against the police by getting a few stars and trying to drive to the other side of the map. Pedestrians and traffic are all random if you're under four stars so it becomes more of a race 'n chase game. Very dynamic and fun especially with bikes
>What are the best off-road racers?

all I can thin k of is Super Off Road and Big Red Racing

yes I know it's not what you're looking for
>thought I bought a force feedback wheel
>get home with the box
>plug it in
>"hmm why am I not getting any force feedback???"
>it's actually a "vibration feedback" wheel
I'm so fucking retarded.
What did you buy? A shitty wheel? You should only buy real hardware.
lmaoing at wheelfags
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Yeah real hard...ware.

I regret my purchase.
Reposting in this thread; Late PAL release. It's a good pick-up-and-play racer with little commitment needed. It was probably under development as a proper rally sim but with the PSX market dying, cut short and pushed out the door as an "arcade" release to excuse the lack of depth. I recommend it if you've never heard of it before.
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>I regret my purchase.
I understand your feeling. I bought a shitty wheel once. Never again.
Been playing this game since 2002 and I never knew there was a shortcut through an airfield
the g29 is completely fine though?
It's not the best, but it's pretty decent. I use it for GT7 or F1 games, it does the job pretty good.
>doing the 15 track continuous at Flagman 4
>overtake 90 niggas in just 7 tracks
>game goes "whoops you weren't supposed to do that fuck you"
>remaining 10 rivals spread thin across the remaining 8 tracks
>manage to catch up to the first guy in Floral Village
>go through all of Milky Way assuming I'm building a lead
>slow down a bit to not crash in the Times Square corner in Skyscrapers
>second place rival was right behind me all along, speeds through the corner and overtakes me instantly, impossible to take back the lead in the small and wavy remainder of the track
>second place
Bullshit t-b-h
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Man why does this meny design look so much like Burnout Revenge
Probably because it's the same universe.
Finally finished GT2 A-Spec 100%, lads, tried using as many new cars as possible though way too many of them are rewards for the manufacturer challenges. By then there's really nothing to use them on.
I just canny believe it
Does A spec have the F1 cars yet? How does it compare to vanilla 2/3/4?
Fixed misplaced engines/opponents, some races are longer/in different tracks, but the main draw is a new Like The Wind event in endurance (40 laps for 40K credits) and a lot of new cars from the time. No actual F1 cars but a lot of prototype low riders, the JLOC car, a bunch of racing mods for existing cars from JGTC, but otherwise it's a vanilla experience. I heartily recommend it.
I finally re-learned Ridge Racer and got four trophies in one session. I don't know why I never tried this before but basically you either accelerate endlessly and drift then immediately fight against the spin out, or you hold the gas and press the brake at the same time during turns to various degrees with a grippy car. The weird Italian car got me first places consecutively with its traction. I used to hate that car as a kid.
who the fuck keeps making these threads
please use pictures of goddamn racing games next time, thank you
Played the GC version and enjoyed it a lot. Career mode particularly.
Set it up without in-game data (without opponent names/energy) for a simcade experience.
Opponents getting nervous and crashing is a nice touch.
how does vroom feel about cart racers?
Pseudo 3D racing games >>>>>> MODE7 racing games
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okay but what about "pseudo 3D" that also uses mode 7

in b4 someone tries to larp claiming "that's not mode 7" not knowing any decent emulator can prove it is
Lotus 2 had all of that without any Mode 7
>Colin McRae Rally 1 & 2
2 is best since it has head-to-head races
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Rally de Africa and Rally de Europe plagiarized Sega Rally, down to the HUD. The soundtracks in these game are sick too. de Africa's music is like if Jet Set Radio was about a safari, while de Europe has more of what you'd expect from Sega Rally. I highly recommend these games.
colin mcrae dirt is best
>colin mcrae dirt is best

which one? and it's not retro btw
nevermind then. but I like dirt 2. as far as the rally games go I would say 2 is also the best
great for casuals. I took a date to dave and busters and we played a kart racing game. girls like dat shit
I never played it. I like Rock n Roll Racers though
I liked Midnight Club's shortcuts
Is Flatout not just redneck Burnout Revenge?
>in b4 someone tries to larp claiming "that's not mode 7" not knowing any decent emulator can prove it is
Fuck off nerd. When people say "mode 7" they are talking about specific bg rotation and scaling effects. If the game engages mode 7 technically but doesn't use any of those then it doesn't belong to mode 7 discussion period.
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Depends. They are excellent arcade games to play against your friend sitting side by side at a twin machine with ffb wheel and manual shifter controls and shittalking each other. They are much less interesting playing solo. They are shit when playing with a controller because the controls are too dependant on ffb wheel to feel any realistic and the game feels too simplistic without one. At this point Battle Gear 3 or any of the Tokyo Xtreme Drift games would be much better.
It's a Fast&Furious game without the license.
and RBR modded if you want as much realism that it still makes sense
Any Outrun 2006 tweaks that fix the godawful handling on the Outrun tuned cars? They're unusable on a controller
Are you using the dpad or an analog joystick?
Analog joystick
I exclusively drive OR cars, works on my machine. I recommend adjusting your deadzone and sensitivity.
I react on time just fine, the fastest OR tuned cars like the Enzo simply can't make the tight turns like Skyscrapers or Cape Way at any sort of useful speeds no matter where you position yourself, how early you start drifting, or how hard you tilt during the drift, it physically cannot make the arc at high speeds without hitting the wall.

My main is the OR 328 GTS since it can handle most of the game fine but it's still very iffy in these tight turns, and I'd like to see it but more consistent or the Enzo but usable.
rad racer used to be a big deal
Wipeout 2097 / 3 content is being ported to the Wipeout Phantom Edition open source PC port
We're getting there

btw whatever happened to that Ridge Racer Type 4 reverse engineered port that was in the works??
Top Gear 2 uses mode 7 effects to create the turns in the road
Still ongoing.
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Found this on related tweets, is it any good?

>Doesn't have licensed Mötorhead music
lmao fuck no
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Thanks to the anon who recommended Rally de Africa. It's no Sega Rally but it's soulful jank-kino
>The Pajero handles like shit
Oh come on
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Fuck yeah. Phantom Edition is so good and smooth I really struggle to go back to the originals so this is great news.
It's basically like a Model 2 racer that never was, it's actually very good. Fucking GOOD LUCK trying to run it on anything though, VM or hardware, it just barely holds together long enough to finish a race before crashing.
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has anyone tried gran turismo 4 spec 2 on hardware/opl? does shit just work? like not jank or anything?


it should not look like this right?? lol. might try it been thinking about a gran turismo 4 play through for a while cant be arsed doing the gt3 endurance events.
>Denies enjoying a kinoid racer all because he jobbed to shit looking ui
I suck at these more than regular raci g games. Powerups filter me.
Vertical head movement is negligible and bigger opening means less protection from debris in open cars. Visors in NASCAR or sports cars with a closed cockpit aren't so tiny.

Also there was some really fucking tiny openings on some relatively early full face helmets.

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