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discuss /vr/ shoot em ups. post scores and webms, etc.
been trying to 1cc pic related for the past few weeks. my favorite of the raizing shmups
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A solid choice anon. You should also get the OST too. A solid banger in it's own right.
Before anyone asks, "Battle Garegga" is a reference to an attack from the robot Combattler V.
Played through the Raiden series last year, had a blast.
Battle Garegga is the best shmup I've played and nothing else comes close. I only play other shmups to take a break from Garegga.
this bait only works because of how dedicted actual members of baba yagawa's coven are
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How the fuck did he kill that boss so quickly?
Must be some specific autofire setting, right?
If I could do the same I'd have this run in the bag.
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this game is pretty tough
I feel like I'm finally having fun with this game, especially when it occurred to me that I could just not shoot in a part I had difficulty chaining. Still have no idea how to beat Stage 4, but I'm getting there, I guess.
Not really if you have good fundamentals, you can clear this in like 5-10 attempt, it's pretty long though
it really does have an amazing ost
the soundtrack is half of the reason why i want to keep playing the game
i cant even post one or two good tracks all the music in that game is just so good
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okay, but for me? it's the blue shot with the yellow-purple guy.
Darius gaiden extra version is 30 years old this month. Go play this game (on 2p side so you have a 28 marathon stages)
wait a minute is that the trick to making it easier? i thought that was just a raiden and gekirindan thing
It's not easier but longer.
The extra version got a built in autofire so really more comfy than the original darius gaiden
From the thumbnail, I thought that was a single, huge ship.
Yes, he’s using autofire. Unfortunately he never mentions when he does in his comments either.

>in before, autofire isn’t cheating

Never said it was, but you should not mislead people as it does make these games easier.
I mean it's obvious I don't see the issue, all the weeb stg players use it to each his own.
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This one is my favorite
Dangun Feveron.
sick strat. I can chain that part on a good day, but I'm totally gonna do this next time i'm playing and just don't want to deal with it lol
He does mention using it, but he never explains his settings. Now I'm seeing no autofire runs kill the boss just as quickly and wondering if I downloaded some inferno version of the game
Have you actually beaten it?

The game looks deceptively easy.
But it has lots of randomness and sideway/bottom movement, large hitboxes, and rolls are significantly less helpful than bombs and a bad roll can kill you.
Yes I beat it, even got a soft-lock near the end in some game center, 1943's final stage is much more difficult than anything in 1942.
never heard of it. ill try it out soon
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i can only get 3 levels into garegga before losing all my lives but heres my score

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