What are some RPGs that require no grinding as long as you don't run away from most of the encounters?
Most WRPGs
>>11283863Secret of Mana
>>11283863San Andreas
99 percent of RPG's don't require grinding, except for things like early games where you can't possibly beat enemies at a certain point without leveling up. Certain versions of Y''s are like this in that you can't even damage the boss at a lower level. If you feel the need to grind, it is most likely the fact that you don't want to understand the mechanics and just want to win every battle by spamming attack
The vast majority of jRPGs after 1991-1992 don't require any grinding
>>11283863Skies of Arcadia is a good example of this, except the part where you NEED like 180k gold and have to grind for it. Combat wise no grinding needed
>>11283870I feel like you need to grind magic levels at least in Secret of Mana.
Honestly most big iconic story-driven jrpg's have like zero grinding. The games are almost never hard enough that you need to walk around in circles and grind mooks for 3 hours to beat a boss. If you kill everything from point a to point b while trekking to the next objective you'll almost always be right where the dev intended for the boss fight in terms of power level.>>11283951 You don't even really need to understand the mechanics that much honestly. I beat Xenogears recently and I had no clue what most of the stats do. I just had basic knowledge of how deathblows and infinity mode worked.
>>11283863Technically, virtually no RPGs outright require grinding, and many are speed ran without any. In practice, there's just a few RPGs I can think of that the average person can beat with absolutely no grinding.Defining no grinding, I would say that's not going out of your way to take random encounters specifically for EXP or gold. It's not an exercise in literally avoiding any source of experience as you play, and is instead a natural progression as expected from most players. You take fights as they come up and continue progressing through the game.SMRPG is easy enough and has enough forced encounters that most players shouldn't require grinding fights to finish it. Chrono Trigger is set up similarly, in that enough random encounters are forced on you that you shouldn't need to grind to complete any boss or dungeon, and there's no real difficulty spikes where you'd need to power up.In the same vein, Chrono Cross awards you levels for killing bosses and only minor and finite stat increases for random encounters, so grinding doesn't really give you much. FF8 is the poster child of no grinding because grinding doesn't really reduce the difficulty of the game much due to level scaling.On the other side of the coin, I was playing the original Phantasy Star the other day and at the very start of the game and some times thereafter, you're expected to buy an item in a shop that requires you to grind to afford it. There's no chests you can get to with the cash in it, so the game absolutely expects you to go out and take random encounters until you can afford it. I'm sure there's probably a few other old RPGs that a similar restriction which hard gate your progress beyond cash or a level check.
Sengoku Rance not only has no grinding, it has no experience. All of your characters just gain one level at the end of each dungeon. Piff, paff, simple as that.I do recommend this game, it is very good and very beginner friendly. There are a lot of special protections that are put in place during your first playthrough to make sure you can't get stuck.But I don't recommend seeking out RPGs without grinding, because the issue with RPGs without grinding is that you can get stuck.Games that force you to grind are bad. I know, I've played them, I don't like them either. It's rare, it sucks, it usually takes like an hour or something. I do it while working out or on the toilet or right after I wake up when I'm groggy.What is worse than that is a game where you can't grind. Grinding is your tool as the player. It is a very, very powerful, last resort option. Grinding is your nuke. You do not want to be in the kind of situation where you have to use it, but when you are in that situation, you are grateful to have it.Grinding is boring. Being stuck and not being able to grind your way out of it is miserable. It means choosing between starting the whole game over, or giving up on it entirely. It's the kind of thing that can completely sour your opinion on a game you're otherwise in love with.Required grinding is mostly, MOSTLY asterisk asterisk asterisk a boogeyman, at least in the SNES/PS1/PS2 eras. Getting stuck is not. If grinding is like a fear of flying then getting stuck is like a fear of car accidents.Rather than trying to avoid games that have mandatory grinding, I would recommend playing games that you are so interested in that you would be willing to play them even if they have a little mandatory grinding. Most of the time, they won't. Sometimes they may indeed have just a little. You might get really unlucky and they'll have a lot. But the odds of that happening twice in a row are basically zilch.
>>11285721That's the game that's about raping people, right? Yeah, fuck off, no, I'm not playing that. Kill yourself you fucking degenerate piece of shit.
Panzer Dragoon Saga.The early dungeons are somewhat conventional and have random encounters, but no grinding is required whatsoever and isn't expected of you. Many of the later dungeons have minimal to no random encounters (including the final dungeon).Much of the latter half of the game is just giant boss fights with no trash mobs. Again, no grinding is required or expected. It's awesome.Don't give me any bullshit that you don't own a Saturn. It emulates just fine.
>>11283984Skies of Arcadia requires a bit of grinding at parts. But the bigger issue is that the encounter rate is absolutely insane, especially on the Dreamcast version.So it's a bit disingenuous to say there's minimal grinding when there's a random encounter every 5 steps.
>>11285721You already had me on the fence and then >>11285726 really sold it to me. Thanks for the rec anon!
>>11283863chrono trigger has literally no grind. You can beat the entire story normally.It also gets my vote for best jrpg of all time.
>>11285809this but earthbound, chrono trigger is a close second though
>>11285949The final section of Earthbound, you're fucked if you don't grind. Same with the Dino world, the first boss, the street sharks, and the police station. Some of these involve a small amount of grinding, but grinding nonetheless
>>11286091never grinded a single time in my EB playthrough and avoided most enemies and beat everything including the final section easily.jeff items make the whole game simpleyoure just retarded
>>11285397Phantasy Star also forces you to buy and expensive vehicle or two later on and I'm pretty sure you just gotta grind out that money. Same with Breath of Fire. You need to buy TWO items, almost back to back, that cost 65k. The first one you get a lot of help from nearby "side quests" that drop a lot of cash, but the second item you just gotta earn on your own. >>11285949You have to grind to get through Frank in the beginning.
>>11286113>what is managing equipment and inventorythere is NO point in EB where you have to grind if you have triple digit IQ, holy shit
>>11286117Sorry, nope. You cannot survive the intro without grinding.
>>11286119>t. so stupid I cant even play a (very) simple jrpg correctly
>>11285726Only some of the sex is rape, lots of it is consensual. Also it's genuinely a well written VN on top of an engaging strategy game.
>>11285726You know where you are right?I hope you get raped.
>>11286923Cool it a little, Mel.
>>11283984>>11285747Arent you punished for escaping the battles?
>>11285726>5 (You)s alreadyit became so easy to bait people
>>11283898You gotta grind swimming for one mission
>>11286098If you rush into the arcade and challenge Frank at level 2, you'll get your ass kicked. You do have to grind another level or two. Agreed on Jeff though.
>>11283951It can be hard to define grinding. Some games have such high random encounter rates that simply fighting every battle as opposed to fleeing some means there's a decent chance you'll reach the next mandatory boss fight at least slightly "overleveled."
What RPGs DO require grinding? I never played one that required it.The only time I grinded was in Dragon Quest III, but it was optional, I trained a goof to upgrade her to Sage.Then training in Pokemon, also optional.
>>11289040I mean, Dragon Quest I is 90 % grinding.
>>11289040You have to run from or otherwise avoid every optional battle to not grind.
>>11289295No wonder most isekai anime are inspired by it.
>>11289040Pokemon nuzlocke challenges.
You've had enough XP. It's time for you to leave.--Suikoden
>>11289295You only have to grind DQ1 on subsequent playthroughs. Your first time through when you have no clue where anything is you're going to naturally be strong enough to fight the Dragonlord.
I don't remember everygrinding in both Star Wars:Knights of the old Republic games
>>11289560The map isn't huge and you'll figure out where to go soon enough. You have to grind.
EarthBound. Easy as piss even if you do run away from everything.
>>11283863Rhapsody : A Musical Adventure
>>11283863I don't recall ever having to grind even once in Panzer Dragoon Saga. I like that the combat there is more about actually paying attention to what's happening on screen. >>11283984I'd argue grinding a little bit helps with the 2nd and 4th bosses (senitel robot guy and the executioner). Otherwise yeah, even if I found the two heads on that one island kinda challenging, I wouldn't say I needed to grind to beat it. >>11287094Yes, but the punishment is rather minor - your character becomes known as "Vyse the Coward", some potential crew members will refuse to join you and some random NPCs will insult you, but unless you're going for 100% completion it doesn't really matter. The ship battles, although fun, are really easy with the right upgrades so not having every crew member isn't a big deal.
>>11286091>>11286098>>11287227I grinded for the first boss in the arcade and I found Magicant a pain in the ass, but that was about it.
>>11286098I guess I played on my own and didn't read walkthroughs or strategy guides. Maybe if I'd learned about the heavy bazooka like that, the end would've been easier.