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There's such a fucking uncanny quality to the depiction of Raccoon in the early games. It's this weird dream scape fusion of Japanese back alleys and signs paired with American style streets and architecture remembered from memory, but all the little details are "wrong".
That's the magic of retro. It was drawn from the imagination.
It's cozy as fuck. I'm playing through them like I do every October and the streets of Raccoon is the best setting in the whole series
Is that upscaled?
that some kinda fan remaster? just played through this YESTERDAY. its not even close to how it actually looked. there is something like too much hd bro.
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PC version has 640*480 backgrounds, OP's pic look like that x2
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Dayligh tversion
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and I think this is an unused angle
based autumn cozyman.
I used to think it was perpetual night time in RC.
>horror game
It's dark because the swarthes of fires in the city block the sky with smoke.
Try not being a pussy
those lighting effects are horrendous
It's not about if I'm a pussy or not, these games are specifically designed to unsettle and terrorize and startle you. THat's the very definition of horror game. If you consider a horror game cozy, it has FAILED as a horror game.
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you sound like a pussy
yea if it's your first time playing them. I know these games like the back of my hand.
what is the ultimate version of RE?
So what happened on these alleys?
When you return with the Hose there now everything is blown up.
Depends on your criteria and/or who you ask. Out of the official PS1 versions, the non-dualshock Director's Cut is widely considered the best (though it's easier than the original longbox US release)
Deadly Silence.
Has cool stuff like the knife being a button like nuRE and a hot costume for Jill.
Also some first person camera shenanigans.
You can also poke Jill's butt.
okay I'm sold
horror is a theme, whether or not it made you 'scared' is completely irrelevant
Not retro and the DS looks like utter shit compared to PSX
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>that goofy font on the store sign
If you didn't come to party
Don't bother knocking on my door
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Fucking how?
I'm sorry what?
horror games involve the relief and build up of tension. typically you'll have the player endure medium stress for long periods of time with a short shock of intensity which will then be followed by a respite in a safe area. the relief and safety people in safe rooms gives them the cozy impression.
Like, how did that car crash into the roadblock like that? There is no road behind it. Does it have a flux capacitor inside?
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I wish real cities looked like this
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There is a road
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Western setting, Asian drivers
Your father is increasingly aging into the weak bitch he always was.
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RE2 and 3 aren't scary. So yes, comfy.
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I unironically use RE1/2/3/0 longplays as background noise when chilling out.
cozy is subjective
simple answer
I played this on a plane and an Asian guy giggled at me
you already are a weak bitch, pussy
>crash into the roadblock
The cop car was parked there AS a roadblock, it just got fucked up by zombies.
RE2 and 3 take place between 10 pm - 4 am
RE3 takes place a whole day before
Wth, why? Did they use someone’a face to make clouds?
The cops used their cars to create barricades, you see it in the intro.
Probably did it to fuck with anyone who noticed it. This is still when Resident Evil still tried to be an actual scary thing to experience.
Maybe a background artist just wanted to put his waifu in the game

One of the bg artists also signed his work and put his name in 2 of the backgrounds
Authentic wide American style city streets would be too hard to render. You'd need multiple camera angles just to show the player running across the street or else have to zoom out too far. In CG cutscenes Racoon City looks American but all the pre-rendered in-game stuff does not, but it's probably just because as I said drawing American size streets would be too difficult. Much easier to draw the streets and alley ways as relatively compact.
Gameplay also has to be considered. Streets aren't too big so zombies can't be dodged too easily
Also a good point
It's 5th gen at its 'finest', low quality plastic looking pre-rendered garbage. You can see the same problems in many titles including Final Fantasy 7
If this were released today everyone would think it was done using some cheap AI image generator.
I think it looks great
The reason it wouldn't be accepted today is more meta:
- people would assume it's some indie asshole trying to recreate old games
- people would assume it's AI even though it's not
- if made by a proper company (not indie) people would bitch about old graphics "dis game isnt worth 60 dollarz!"
I miss the "American media and culture as seen by the japanese" vibe of these old games. Nowadays they just hire westerns to check if they got everything right or to outright write their games, fucking disgusting.

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