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I really enjoyed this game when it came out.

I hindsight it is flawed, but it had a great idea.
>I hindsight it is flawed
How so?
It becomes way too difficult later in the game, when the aliens start appearing. Enemies are damage sponges, hit really hard, and unless you have a peak build, you don't really stand a chance.

The trial and error of evolutions in the early game was fun. They should've kept with that sort of difficulty rather than forcing you to get top stats to progress
It can get grindy, which is fine, but the levels tend to be samey and can get monotonous.
Sometimes the areas feel empty and unfinished.
Late game is not as much fun as earlier.
It's a shame that we never got a 3D instalment of this game. Just imagine how much customization could be possible with a 3D engine.
Do you know it's the "remake" of a PC-9801 title, "46 Okunen Monogatari ~The Shinka Ron~ ( 4.6 Billion Year Story: The Theory of Evolution)?"
Yeah, theoretically, never played it though. Are there any significant differences?
The lack of invincibility frames takes a lot for people to get used to. It helps that the enemy barely gets any too though.

They're basically entirely different games. Different stories, gameplay, only a few elements are shared with them.

PC-98 game is a turn based RPG like Dragon Quest 1 with multiple different endings.
>Are there any significant differences?
MUCH more focused on the story.
FAR more religious (Abrahamic).
3 endings? LOL, no. 23 endings.
It's very certainly not as... platforming in gameplay. It's not action-based at all combat.

I say "remake," but they're basically different games. It's just, all the themes and what not are pretty much the same.

The older game is even more flawed than the SNES one, but it's still worth playing for its wild story. SNES game has a great basic game engine but boring level design; PC-98 game has boring everything... except setting and story.

Personally, I like them both but love the SNES game.
Look, I HAVE to find flaws in games otherwise I'm never going to become a YouTube critique, understand?
Did you know that game you like ... actually SUCKS!?
Thanks for reminding me that I need to go back and finish this.
It was my favorite game growing up. Sold the cartridge a few years ago for $200. Didn't realize it was so rare.
The idea of evolution was neat, but the gameplay itself was tripe and the whole game feels half-cooked.
Movement and combat both suck ass, in or out of water. There is very little reason to actually play around with the evolution system, since trying out the different parts just means you need to grind more for when you eventually get the best parts for that time era. And the grinding is just stupid, since every era boils down to making your way to a good grind point and then doing that one section over and over and over again until you can fully upgrade and go take on the boss. There is no sense of progression, just the feeling of being stuck until you get enough evo points to upgrade and move on.
A lot of the game feels like ideas they had at the last minute and didn't have time to fully flesh out. Like how there is an alternate "bad end" you can get if you side with the fish-king thing in the Final Ocean. Almost feels like they wanted more paths through the game and ways to find an end, but that's pretty much all that made it into the final product besides one more. Just like how the evolution system gives you a lot of different options, but the balancing makes it so it's only worth it to get the most expensive stuff. Maybe you were supposed to have more than 1-2 choices in final form for an era.
It's not horrible, but I've only bothered to play through twice and I really don't see myself doing it ever again.
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DO NOT play the official translation, it horribly butchers all the animals' names.
Play this instead https://cdromance.org/snes-rom/46-okunen-monogatari-harukanaru-eden-e-japan/
>here's your soundtrack bro
Rent free
Not gonna lie, yes, modern cultural traits that make life overall worse do live rent free in my mind

If you don't suck at fighting you can finish the game with any of four different major types of body, each with numerous potential variations. Most of the evolution in the game, even the major era-level evolution, is optional. You're totally right about the balance problems and the annoying way the game tends to funnel you into just a few optimal forms, but there is still plenty of room for non-optimal play. It's lame to have to artificially limit your power just because you like the way a particular body part looks or whatever, but actually doing that is still fun, if you don't suck.

It's just a game in which you have to be able to have fun while artificially limiting yourself. You didn't actually mention its biggest balance problem, which is that even tiny, cheap, insignificant evolutions fully restore health, effectively removing death from the game for any player who is willing to do a bit of extra grinding before entering dangerous areas.

I still love it. It's flawed but great.
EVO has fantastic mechanics but its level design is among the worst I've ever seen in any video game. There's almost nothing to it, no nuance in any level's platforming, exploration or things to figure out, and on top of that, half the areas are bare grinding zones.

EVO is proof that weak level design alone can ruin a game if it's bad enough.
i've played through that game like 50 times. i recently learned from lurking /vr/ that the original computer version has a overhead 2D perspective instead of side-scrollling. i haven't had a chance to play it yet but i plan to.

i love this board
Based fellow EVO autist.
i like the bird form. when the game gives you the choice to evolve into a mammal i love that you can just be like, nah i think i'll remain a flying armored dragon. i know there's a secret dragon form from eating the green crystal but the basic bird form with heavy armor is just as good or better. i only wish that the secret forms could be used more frequently or for longer periods.
every game has flaws. yes, also your favourite games and mine. pointing them out shows you're a well adjusted and levelheaded individual. fellating them is a sign of immaturity and blind tribalism.
Sounds good enough for cartoony prehistoric game. Vibes are conveyed pretty well considering overall simplicity of it's BGMs.
You know you can just say you like something. You don't need to do this middle of the ground, self deprecating bullshit.
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>he doesn't possess the knowledge
its nice that someone found the n64 rom
because otherwise, its the ugliest gamecube game of all time
You don't get it anon, that 40 second loop is all you hear for most of the game.
That would be fine for a cutscene or dialogue scene, but constantly hearing it level after level is torture.
>muh old game has flaws
Just say the difficulty increases and you didn't feel like getting better at the game
No thanks.
No skin off my back, just know that the official translation doesn't reflect the game in the slightest.
Huh, I'll try this
is it any different from EVO aside from the TL
No, the game is the same.
It's insanely grindy
This may sound pretentious as fuck to say but the SNES version is a better game, but the PC-98 game is a better EXPERIENCE. You don't forget the PC-98 version, it's fucking wild man, it starts as a fish eating other fish and becomes the plot of an SMT game about saving the souls of all life on earth.
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>i recently learned from lurking /vr/ that the original computer version has a overhead 2D perspective instead of side-scrollling.
E.V.O. is cambrian, bro.
>it is flawed, but it had a great idea
I feel like that describes most Enix titles in that era.
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>4.5 billion years worth of in-game time.
Is there any other game with as many years as E.V.O.?
The progression is grindy as fuck.
The levels are literally straight lines.
The bosses are incredibly tedious
Little variety in animals
Barely any action. Not an RPG
The game should have continued on after Bulbox
>tiny, cheap, insignificant evolutions fully restore health, effectively removing death from the game

That is, unless you go for the very specific "early human" evolution in which case you're permanently locked out from performing any evolution.
The human form arguably isn't that good either.
Primal Rage was the better dino game
heh, buttmunch
>tiny, cheap, insignificant evolutions fully restore health, effectively removing death from the game
>That is, unless you go for the very specific "early human" evolution in which case you're permanently locked out from performing any evolution.
Nah, you can still evolve back and forth between pygmy and normal size.
I'm sure it's fine.
They couldn't even translate "Tyrannosaur" right.
But this is not just a dino game.

its really inconsistent.

some of the character and creature design is very clean, and some is atrocious. Some of the scenery and environemnts are gorgeous, and some are borderline insulting

>level design
some tell a great narrative as you traverse them, some are so obtuse on what to do or whats happening that its easily WTF.

30% amazing, 70% horrible monotony

some great ideas, many cases of cheap death with a brick shaped learning curve. The grind wouldn't even be so bad if the death didn't come so frequently and with a loss of so much points.
But you knew what it was.
I like the mistranslations. Adds some charm.
I like that. Gives me time to think and the reward feels good when you get there.
Did you play it for longer than 5 mins? It's absurdly repetitive.
Is that so? I recalled it having no evolution options available once you hit humanity.
That, or the evolution cost was too prohibitive, compared to just changing a dorsal fin back and forth.
>But you knew what it was
Sure, now guess what the "Kulaselache" is.
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i played this back in 2022 and no dude you're absolutely right, by the time i made it to the end with the aliens and the boss that has a bunch of different forms of life i was so godddamn DONE. when i finished it i told myself i'd never touch the piece of crap again. but the body parts and the main theme were stunning. extremely flawed game that i will probably play again, but not now. FUCK THIS GAME WITH A RUSTY NAIL
Who cares. Do you really learn the names of extinct animals from an snes game? Just relax and enjoy it. Or patch it and keep a log of all the creatures. I don't give a shit what you do.
The whole point of the game is encountering a variety of prehistoric creatures so I'd say their names are a pretty big deal.
It's pretty good but I'm docking it two points for no sexy devil.

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