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just how is the remake/remaster?
damn I need to take my time writing lol
Bad, and they removed the original version from being sold on all platforms. So now it's a must pirate.
On PS3? bad
On PS4? worse
Remake? Sheeit. Who here playing San'Dreas on they SteamDeck?
It's actually good, they released a huge patch that fixed it up completely. It runs a solid 60fps and looks amazing, no performance issues.
I don’t play ooga booga games
I bought keys recently to complete my collection on steam
it still looks fucking weird though
you always could, should and still can download a modded build from the steam guides
>fixed it up completely
bitch of a stretch
Its in a better state since the recent update but I still wouldn't call it good.
very bad way to play the game. Vice City is the only one I would recommend from the Definitive edition.
they added in the color filters and the ability to toggle them on or off, they propped the games up to 60fps over their 30fps originals, they fixed a mountain of bugs and glitches, and they look a lot better visually.
>propped the games up to 60fps over their 30fps originals
the game's physics are tied to framerate, there is no "fixing" for this
>and they look a lot better visually
come on
Still looks like plastic dolls.
They "fixed" it, but it still looks off.
Just pirate the original
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fucking hell, masturbation is destroying my brain
Still censored yeah?

If you even have to ask, you're a retard. Just LOOK AT IT
they fixed the framerate to 60, if you like that sort of thing you can admit that. even if you're gonna be a "bitch" about graphics. (they do look better)
of course
Vice City specifically will never ever get an uncensored re-release, and I'm not even talking about the Dixie stuff, but the Cuban and Haitian censoring that's integral to the main plot
>they fixed the framerate to 60
lmao no, swimming and car physics are still fucked
In the original if you mod the framerate, yes those are fucked.
I never touch these remakes. even going back to when they put san andreas on the original xbox and pc they couldn't help but make terrible changes. things always get removed or censored. it's never worth it
From the perspective of loving the art direction of the original games, am I the only one who thinks that the "classic lighting" just doesn't fit the remakes? It worked for the originals because of their simplicity, but something about it on a game with sharper and more modern graphics just doesn't fit imho.
how to mod the xbox version?
What, you mean the warm, sunny orange glow or the cool purple night skies? Those are great and should always be in. That's why they made them in the first place. Their exclusion added to the soulless (and not in the buzz word way) feeling of the remaster.
Really, REALLY shitty. Avoid.
My issue with the remasters are entirely centered on their lack of updating the animations for characters and cutscenes. They didn't even bother to update all the assets. So it really does end up being like a highly modded version of the original. I hate the updated character models too, they just dont fit the voices I feel.
Wait even the Xbox version is censored?
being able to break the game by drinking 5000 sprunk cans will never not be funny to me
Xbox has better graphics, and visual effects, but it's missing a few songs from the radio because Rockstar didn't renew their license to use those. I think every rerelease of San Andreas (and Vice City) has been missing another song or two or three.
With vice city you can add the music back in w custom soundtracks. I don’t have a copy of San Andreas in front of me but I’m assuming it has that feature too. So that’s not really a big deal. I thought the anon meant they censored stuff from the game.

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