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>Beat the game
>The side content becomes impossible to play because everybody hates you
Yeah it's cool like that, also
>>Beat the game
lol not with that camera
You can't be filtered if you beat the game
If you didn't do the emergency and taxi missions you didn't beat shit. You do them at the start.
Keep us posted, OP.
Damn this looks bad.
No one played GTA 1 and 2 for a reason. Craptastic control/camera.
You can tell they kept this one in the build for emergencies.
Funny to me how this looks great and vice city looks stupid when it's after this one

Reminds me of how V looks stupid compared to IV
Only one that's near impossible is ambulance, in Portland especially. Portland is hellscape anywhere near St Marks with the shotgun spawns.
>this looks great
That pic is the demaster.
they added a bunch of cloth creases to his leather jacket texture which makes no sense. The people that made this should be killed.
But they make the game easier
>britbong vampire afraid of sunlight
Easier than what? They don't make the game easier because you try going to St. Marks after killing Salvatore and doing that shit.
it really pisses me off that they botched the remaster trilogy
what an awful thing to do ffs
Man the remaster looks so hilariously bad. It just feels like a crappy HD texture pack, those that when they're made by a fan you can only think, well, he didn't know any better. But they did it for real. As an official release. And they wanted people to pay for this.

>No one played GTA 1 and 2
The telltale sound of someone born after 2005.
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>the remaster looks so hilariously bad
>*smiles in Grove Street Games*
Fucking idiot
wait wheres the pajeets, how do you explain all the egregious typos
>I'm a zoomie
Cool admission anon
I remember when I got this on Christmas 2001 and found out you could use the old camera. I thought that was the coolest shit.
Slob Dylan in the bottom center/right
they're a floridian studio, they outsourced a lot of the work to an east indian studio however
Real talk, is GTA 3 worth playing? I've always been told to skip 1-3 and start with Vice City.
It's alright.
Not enough songs imho.
It's my favorite of the 3d GTA games. The right balance of arcade design and is full of humor.
Yeah the radio was definitely lacking tracks, good thing the game is so short you don't really notice it unless you always switched the station when you get in a new car.
Absolutely, but every time I return to it after playing SA I found the controls frustrating, I really don't recommend playing it now if you played SA recently because it'll feel like a massive downgrade, play something different and come back to III later, it'll be more enjoyable.
I think RE3 decompilation has free aim and stuff, I intend to plug in an Xbox 360 controller just because it's supported.
You'd need to print out the map of the city as it can't be accessed in the game if you want to play the original version. I think they've added the map in the "definitive" edition.
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>flipped the ambulance over 5000 times even when driving extremely carefully with the analog triggers in the xbox version
>mfw the few times i wouldn't a patient spawned in some spot where they couldn't reach the ambulance and i was unable to progress
I genuinely don't know if you were meant to beat Paramedic in this game. Best taxi missions though.
you just had to keep trying, even if y'get fucked
You endure the controls for the best music, GTA radio peaked with the ballad of chapped lip calquhoun by sideways hank o'malley and the alabama bottle boys, in fact it was so good they kept playing it on loop.
>team of 30+ people cant do an unreal asset flip themselves
turns out redoing a shitload of textures and models takes a lot of time. idiot.
>not doing as much side content as you can as early as possible for hideout pickups
just play gta 2. gta 3 is basically bad gta 2 that had potential to be great, but they lost it for muh cinematics, and rest is history
If only they had two more weeks they might have redone the 5 on the fire truck.
>Real ta-
Stopped reading. You're a zoomer and you shouldn't play classics like GTA 3.
>Part III
No it's GTA III. You only call it a part of it's a direct continuation of one long story like Back to the Future. Stupid cunt.
GTA 3 awoken something inside me
i want asuka to step on my balls
Asuka and Maria need to beat the shit out of me.
>>11392876 >>11392881 >>11392904 >>11392925 >>11392938 >>11393257 >>11393568
I've been playing it for a few hours now. Feels very gamey. At one point I had to set the controller down when I noticed that there was a car pile up I didn't start, and later people were fighting each other in an ally, then an ambulance showed up and resuscitated the dead people and drove away. It looks dated as fuck, but god damn is the attention to detail top notch. The game started very quickly, within minutes I was doing mission. Very arcadey. It's even got a top down camera view, very cool.
asuka my balls
they make the game easier because you have fuck you money after completing it, completely trivializing the missions that ask you to gather money beforehand, such as Bomb da Base and The Exchange
that's just shitty design from rockstar and not my problem since i'm a high roller
any mechanic that punishes noobs for being poorfags and blocking them from moving on in the game seems like a recipe for a bad review, but it doesn't impact good players at all. no wonder they turned it into the asset acquisition part in vice city, then dropped the money requirements in later games
I have GTA3 on XBOX and PS2
PS3 was crap but that might have been just the age of my console.
For me GTA3 is like DOOM.
I like the console versions the most.
I have spent a lot of time on youtube documents.
And I have finished neither of these games.
I remember drinking and smoking and being depressed the last time I was playing GTA3.
You always have fuck you money in GTA3.
Rockstar had a goddamn money printing machine with GTA5 online.
It's basically impossible to not have fuck you money in GTA3 unless you're a retard like DSP buying out the gun store every single time you die and never exploring the map at all
but drinking and smoking, rocks
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it kinda does, honestly, once you can manage to control it
they never cared about the quality of pc/ps3 ports, let alone remasters, money was never an issue because retards would buy gta anyway.
Negro, I rushed out to buy the game on release day after playing the PC Gamer timed demo
yea this line was hot, especially because first asuka nonchalantly says that "maria is all tied up at the moment"
REAL TAWK frfr bruh
Turismo is the hardest mission in the game
I don't get it. Qrd pls?
They're trash. Even at the time people knew they were trash.
>By Boba Fatt
stopped reading
It's a word play. Asuka says that Maria is "all tied up" which is a term used to say that someone is busy right now. And that's nothing there. However, then you can hear Maria begging Asuka to let her go to bathroom because she has to pee. So now it turns out Maria and Asuka were playing some bondage or BDSM games before and when Asuka said that Maria is all tied up meant that she is actually tied up, like literally, with rope, tape, chains, handcuffs etc and not just busy as it was just implied before. Literally lesbian BDSM.

So you read a review 10 years older than you instead of playing the game.
Actually the 4 off road missions are harder.
Turismo is only hard if you put it off until the end but even so you can afford to switch cars twice if you really need to.
No one cared about GTA until 3. Keep seething hipster.
i was really into the original. it was the first time you could run down pedestrians with a car and smear their blood on the road by tapping the brakes. i didn't mind that it was 2D, it was still revolutionary.
It is nice qhen you aren't self medicating
>it was the first time you could run down pedestrians
holy zoom zoom
Its popularity was the only reason it even got to 3.
Stop being such a disgusting zoomer on my retro video games board.
Ahem, git gud (GTA 3 paramedic is easily the hardest side activity in the 3D games)
are you retarded?
not only were they both pretty popular on PC, but a lot of kids i knew had the PS port of 1
god damn, I cannot beat this race because all these people are shooting at me around this one corner. the car doesn't even catch fire it just explodes when they go bang bang bang.
must have took me 70 some odd tries, but I finally beat the race. that was some bull-shit. GTA3, rough around the edges.
They played for 10 minutes because they heard you could steal cars and kill people, then they stopped playing once they realized how shit the games actually were. It sold on shock factor alone.
GTA Part III HD Remaster : Definitive Edition 3
youre just clueless
You fucking retards. Utterly clueless and ignorant but still arrogant enough to think you have the right to share your asanine ill informed opinions with the rest of us. Sums up your generation.
>Start over
>Everyone loves you!
>It sold
so.. mission accomplished? they sold the fucking game that later made... another game. what kind of stupid logic you have?
The gameplay was terrible and its shock value was the entire selling point. GTA didn't have anything resembling good gameplay until 3.
the game that ruined the gaming industry forever
bullshit. gta 2 had gameplay elements, like reputation system that was never since recreated. when gta 3 especially came out, major complaint most people i knew had, including me, was: where the fuck is reputation system? why im locked up working for one gang and why the fuck they attack me with shotguns now? why can't i kill other gang to fix my consequences?
It makes the jacket look like spandex
Holy freaking retard. GTA 1 was HUGELY popular. Part 2 was admittedly a bit of a flop.
gta 2 was what zoomers would call today a cult classic or sleeper hit. game didn't sell... because everyone pirated it and played it
>At one point I had to set the controller down when I noticed that there was a car pile up I didn't start, and later people were fighting each other in an ally, then an ambulance showed up and resuscitated the dead people and drove away.
Living, breathing world is le bad?
It's more what happens when you play it a few more hours, and you look under the hood to discover what is happening. The other drivers have shit ai and might crash into one another pretty commonly, and when you see a model of car you imediately see another one behind it or in front of it, very repetitive car generation. Ect I could go on.

Feels very "Super Mario 64" of the GTA games, it's pretty dated after a few days of play. Probably blew everyone's minds once upon a time.

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