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I've never been into the Final Fantasy series or RPGs in general (until lately) and for the hell of it I tried FF VI for some reason. Holy shit, I'm getting into it, but question:

Should I get the pixel remaster? When trying it out, I downloaded the ROMhack that restores the censored stuff and other things, but I just hate playing on my computer. I would have had a second sitting with it but I just didn't feel like moving my work computer at the end of the day and hooking my personal one back up to my monitor to continue playing. The pixel remaster is on sale now, and I could put it on my Switch and be comfy, but I wouldn't get patrician eroticism like pic related. Are the quality of life features worth not having booba?
Holy fuck, I mean FF VI, but you get my drift.
Literally no one but you can answer this, but surely you can find a way to play the original game that isn't at your PC. Thank god I'm free of this "apply 4 patches to 7 versions of the game and then read the wiki article before playing" brain disease
If I had bought a Steam Deck instead of a mechanical keyboard and a book light/magnifier and an art book of erotic photographer Gregori Galitsin, this wouldn't be an issue.

I may just figure out a comfy setup for my PC to complete playing it. I guess cooming is important to me.
You've already downloaded and started playing it for free, I can't imagine portability is worth putting money down for it, especially for an arguably worse version.

PR is shit
just play on a smartphone you dummy
Only you can decide whether perceived "comfort" trumps paying for a game you could play for free, and with badly redone graphics to boot.
Just play the original SNES Final Fantasy III version. Don't fuck with ROM hacks or remasters or anything. Mild censorship and some translations errors be damned - it was considered good enough back in that state to make the top 10 of two different magazine top 100 lists and was beloved by pretty much anyone who played it.
Anon, I think you misunderstand how important cooming is to me...
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i dont understand. if you played it old play it old. itll look like you remember... if you new... play the remaster so we dont have to hear how shit you think 30 year old graphics looked.
I think I'm gonna get high and keep playing the ROMhack tonight, actually.
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This is the only ROM hack that matters, every other text hack uses it as part of their magic elixir: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3813/
>but the translation!
Here's a dirty little open secret: RPGOne was an amateur translation disguised by decent hackwork, TWUE was full of shit by being derived from theor work early on and RHDN losers with the free time to watch the Legends of Localization series dogpiled him with hacks meant to outdo him but he just simplified his hack and kept insisting that he was 'the guy', and every single text hack is just them passing around the QoL elixir and implementing their own highly autistic blend of LoL lessons (one stupid bitch, the first who flipped off the TWUE guy, insisted that she didn't NEED to know any Japanese, everything is already out there ready to be compiled and surely that's how one beats Ted Woolsey and TWUE -yes, this hack was subtitled "Retranslated," and of course it was not submitted as a translation because hacks get more visibility than translations which on RHDN was mostly non-English shit, and it soon got karmically buried by others who thought the same). It devolved into a race to see how much QoL the next hack could do, forgetting that the people who want to play these old ROMs just want a good translation and don't want to play something that feels more like a rerelease; TWUE won out solely by autistic attrition, promising "MAJOR UPDATES!" after each text hack but it was always an incredibly minor thing to bump it as a recent hack, effectively gaming RHDN's system.
The only hack that had any hope, the shining pillar of all of this, was GBA Text, the voice of reason that just cut the bullshit and acknowledged the professional retranslation. Except the author was guilty of the same shit TWUE was doing to stay relevant in RHDN's search results.
TL;DR RHDN was a trashheap and their community fostered this, people gave up and said fuck it and went for the first hack they see which was usually TWUE.
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As much as I dislike the entire situation and everyone involved, I will say if you absolutely must play with a """""retranslation""""", TWUE does win out solely because it actually offers the option to keep the QoL+Bugfix shit to the barest of minimums, which most other hacks do not. If only the GBA Text hack did the same, I'd wholeheartedly recommend that one instead, but alas.
There isn't much difference in the versions of FF6. There are some graphical and audio differences, and a bit different translation, but it's mainly the same game. It's not like FF5 (with missing job) or FF4 (with completely different mechanics and new dungeons) between various versions. If you want to play FF6 Pixel Remaster on your Switch, go right ahead.

It's a SNES game from the 1990s. They weren't exactly pulling out all the stops in the dialogue or plot here.
The GBA text ports should, by every reasonable metric, have been the ideal way to play the SNES versions, but they were so mishandled by their esl authors.
>I downloaded the ROMhack that restores the censored stuff and other things, but I just hate playing on my computer
So get an emulator on a device other than your computer. For the same price as buying FF6PR, you could just buy a controller for your phone and use it to play all the emulated games you could ever want to.
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>wikibro's SMRPG retranslation that sensed the same thing was about to happen due to some adhd-raddled zoomer and left preventative addendum guidelines that basically equated to "don't pull a FFVI on this game."
This is the most soulless way to enjoy old video games.
Why? It's not touch controls, with a physical controller it's really no different from playing on your computer except that you get the benefit of greater pixel density from the screen being smaller. In a lot of ways, I prefer how 2D retro games look on my phone over how they look on my computer monitor.
You didn’t beat the game
Rom hacks are for people who take estrogen

I would agree with this but I really don't like the evasion bug. It makes an easy game even easier, and it's not what the developers intended. If there's a romhack to fix just that, I would suggest applying that and that only.
It does, but not by THAT much. I'd say the worst thing about it is that it gimps Shadow, who's supposed to be a physical evasion monster. With the bug fixed, he can achieve max Evade, and so be invulnerable to physical attacks, same as Mog and Gau. Interestingly enough, Strago, Relm and Gogo can also achieve this.

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