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I love pre-super mario bros famicom games.
Am i a fucking hipster? I don't ever see any love for these older famicom games, all the zoomers online just hate on Ice Climber because of muh controls
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So, why do you love them, anon?
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Namco put the famicom on the map pre SMB. Without them Nintendo might not have even survived those first couple years in Japan.
Namco seemed to love jumping onto new platforms
Ok to be honest its mostly that i like playing games to understand where they fit in gaming history, and i think a lot of people leave these games behind because they think of the NES/FC as something that didnt exist until it was a thing in the US.

But also theyre just cute little games. I like cute games, single screen platformers, early arcade games etc. Early 80s famicom feels like Atari but with more polish.
They had a favorable licensing deal with Nintendo when they began publishing famicom games, and these terms were not extended when their licensing contract expired. Nintendo offered them the same deal that all other devs received. This is why they moved on to PCE and later PS1 as their preferred partners for console games. They really helped jump start 3 amazing consoles. They may not have published many Dreamcast games, but Soul Calibur 1 really was the killer app for that console.
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i didn't expect such a rational response, and now you have me curious into playing those shitty ol' games, myself
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Not that Anon but there's a guy who owns every single Famicom game and made short videos about all of them (one of the reasons being that a lot of games were not documented at all and you couldn't find any information about them online), so if you're interested in old games you've probably never heard about or want historical context for some games I recommend his videos:
I enjoy his videos, but I really wish he'd speak a little faster. Setting his videos to 1.25x speed helps things, at least.
He gets better at this the further into the project. He speaks faster and with more energy in later episodes
Maybe, I basically just default to 1.25x every time I watch anything from him.
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i'll bookmark it straight away
Also, this is just the playlist for cartridge games. He's currently in the middle of documenting Famicom Disk System games too
Lode Runner is a fun game. Never really cared for Ice Climbers, it's cool but I get bored of it pretty quickly. Hipster would be Vectrex, Odyssey, Vic-20(used to be muh speccy but that got corrupted by normies).
>all the zoomers online just hate on Ice Climber because of muh controls
What's wrong with the controls? Tbf, with ice climber you don't get the full experience if you didn't play it in two-player mode with a friend while drinking hot cocoa.
This guy is done? Damn, Chrontendo is only up to 1990 and he’s been doing this since like 2011
For me, it's Super Chinese and Valkyrie no Densetsu
What's the definitive version of Lode Runner?
Famicom lode runner is shite compared to all other ports, you don't see the whole map, the screen scrolling is retarded because it doesn't keep your sprite in center when scrolling but starts scrolling when you're close to the side so you can't see shit if an enemy is going to hit you head on
Fuck the FC/NES lode runner, literally any other contemporary version or later ones are better
The Legend Returns/Mad Monks Revenge and its remaster has the most features while generally sticking to the general formula - the remaster is free - look up mad monks revenge definitive edition. My only gripe with it is the mechanics are not as snappy as some other versions
DS version(not retro? It's a remake of a retro game, even has old sprites mode. Sadly needs a translation patch) is a nice port of FC/NES version of LR and championship LR that fixes the shite screen scrolling issue by giving you a minimap with enemy pointers on the second screen so you can actually see what you're doing
Game Boy version(hyper lode runner) has pretty snappy gameplay, I like it
My personal favourite is (nonretro) the GBA version, it has the cutest sprites and music, the snappiest fucking digging/collision mechanics that makes it really fun and smooth to play, it's japanese but menu is either all english or pictograms so you don't need translating and it fixes the screen issue by either giving you a zoom out button or you can just play with permanently zoomed out screen if you toggle it in options.
The only extra feature is pushable blocks(only lr with this puzzle element afaik, it's pretty fun and leads to interesting puzzles) and a secret enemy that you can randomly uncover when digging and drops additional optional treasure for better score - it's funny because it's a bit faster than other enemies and out you in a tough spot if you uncover him while trying to escape from other enemies
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A lot of people must be familiarized with these games thanks to the pirate NASA consoles. At first I didn't they could compare to "proper" games like Contra or Life Force. And it's not as if I have exactly changed my mind, but I now think they have their place. They're a good option if you want to play for small periods of times instead of spending various days with a game. They often don't have endings, so you just put the game and go as far as you can. And there is a charm in their simple and clean graphics.
The controls are perfectly fine for the kinda game Ice Climber is, I guess zoomers just want everything to control like mario
Jeremy Parish's NESworks is also a good series
It was all downhill after super mario bros
fucking hate that little prick that's why everything sucks now
god what a piece of shit he is fucking hell, give me back my black void single screen arcade ports complexity is a devil's tool
would recommend Jeremy Parish's NES works as well
sorry I can't read

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