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>here's your controller bro
Looks nice, how is the dpad?
I've made due with worse.
Surprisingly good
>here's your controller bro
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Is it anything like this?
just stab them with it when they win and you'll stop losing.
Swinging this by the cord could end any sleep over
trust logitech to make the crappiest pads.
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No thanks, I brought my own.
Hated this thing.
They should have used touchpad tech to make a drawing tablet for the snes. It would have been compatible with Mario Paint.
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rotary dial phone/controller
Best controller by far. Wish I hadn't fried it when first learning about powered USB hubs
hori existed back in the ps1 days?
Been around since the early 90s at least from what I remember
I've been looking for that. Last time I lend you my stuff OP.
how did that happen?
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Just a universal power supply on the highest setting instead of whatever it needed. I don't remember exactly why I got it, but probably was for my Gameboy Color and I noticed it would fit on a USB hub.
>play game with one of these shit controllers
>start button doesn't workd
>try all the face buttons, doesn't work
>try shoulder buttons, doesn't work
>it's dpad left
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I'll take it over this.
The worst controller I've ever touched.
D-Pad is about as bad as it looks.
Notice how there are multiple 1 and 2 buttons. It works as expected, the controller only has 4 functional buttons, even though it has 10 in total.
See that led in the middle of the controller? It's not a led, it's a blinding laser aimed directly at your eye
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seen some games having special configs for these but never had one myself
wonder if they were any good
Hurts my hands just looking at it...
The 13 year old girl's controller of choice
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And what Namco game requires this fishing reel mechanic?
Mmmmm, mercury poisoning
It's even called "wingman" ffs. This shit was designed for P2.
I'm so glad we're past the age of DirectInput where every controller would have its own button order and games would expect you to know what "Press Joypad13" is supposed to mean (On the other hand it also means that PC controllers have been shackled to the Xbox 360's layout/button count since 2005, which is pretty damn sad)
I remember this one, you had to sit on it and the way you wiggled controlled your movement.
Made by Frenchmen for Frenchmen.
>there are multiple 1 and 2 buttons
What the fuck?
Iconic. But really, these weren't very durable.
Imagine trying to play a game with this thing...
>(On the other hand it also means that PC controllers have been shackled to the Xbox 360's layout/button count since 2005, which is pretty damn sad)

I hate this when it comes to emulating systems that had more than 4 face buttons. Makes finding a decent controller that can act as an all-in-one a bitch, and even then you would need to repeat buttons because XInput does not allow for additional face buttons.
I had that joystick. It was actually pretty good.
I had one (the Epyx-badged version). It was comfortable to hold, but your index finger would get tired quickly due to how stiff the trigger was. I found a variant years later with a looser trigger and it was a better experience.
R and L would get stuck in on mine during gameplay too
Looked exactly the same but maybe it was a newer model because I remember mapping all 10 buttons independently on emulators
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Hori existed since the Famicom days
theyre the 4 decade champs m8
>Le Stick
they're ok. Made for stuff like descent but kind of a PITA to control I think.

was made for R4, ironically sucked so much that neGcon supported tons of games yet this jogcon only ended up supporting this, RR5, and one other game IIRC.
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Someone should make a "my ancestor.." meme with a Logitech f310 looking at a statue of this
oui oui monsieur
>start and select are actually more 1 and 2 buttons
holy shit
>even then you would need to repeat buttons because XInput does not allow for additional face buttons.
Couldn't you just bind the extra buttons to the shoulder buttons?
I hate how there's no unique controllers anymore, it's all just shitty xbone copycats.
Yeah, issue is if you want to give the controller analog triggers, it's a bit messier then to do that, though doable.

But I would have been fine with that. I would have been fine with what is basically a PlayStation or Xbox dual-analog controller with six face buttons even if buttons "C" and "Z" are just remapped to either L1/R1 or L2/R2.

... but nobody seems to do that anymore. There were a few no longer sold controllers like that, but nobody seems to be making one like that anymore. Any one I have found has SOMETHING missing from the standard dual-analog controller design. The second stick, the second set of shoulder buttons, the shoulder buttons are there but not analog, etc.

Only one I found that comes close is the FLYDIGI Vader 3/4 Pro, problem is on top of the rather off button placement, it's also expensive.

I just want a controller that will be a all-in-one for emulating pretty much any 3rd to 6th gen system. It's those consoles that had six face buttons which throw a wrench in that, otherwise a modern dual-analog controller would work.
Why is it shaped like that?
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Strangest thing I seen on here in awhile...
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Well, if you've never heard of that controller then it's about to get even stranger.

That controller was meant to be used with a modem accessory for the Japanese SNES along with, a software cartridge called JRA-PAT to bet on actual horse races, yes with real money.
It's essentially an upgraded version of the NES version of the software, the software of the NES version of the modem came on these card-like carts instead of the usual Famicom cartridges.
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That's what the CX78 is for

Jaguar controller vindicated
I doubt the Jaguar controller was designed so you can enter bank credentials easier.
Nothing is unique anymore. Just look at smartphones, computer parts, UX design. Everything sticks to a certain look because it's cheap and it sells.

You can dial OG atari's Sunnyvale number and call them on it, all you hear is the weeping ghost of Jack Tramiel in hell
I don't think we had those controlers here on this side of the pond.
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no virtual boy? niggers
Fucking NEWFAG.
>pass me the marty, bro
Ive held one of those before. It actually feels realy good. Never played with it though so I don't know how responsive it is.
>puts on the virtual boy
>here's the controller bro, i'll try to tell you what to press based on what only i can see
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no thanks, I'm good.
*crashes your submarine with no survivors*
It was the best controller of its time.
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My original two sticks never broke. Then again, I never owned Activision Decathlon at the time.

Someone probably thought it would be funny to switch L&R in the code to the shoulder buttons.
In the end, everything becomes crab
Lucky. Mine broke within a year, forcing me to ask my folks to buy me a variety of equally cheap 3rd party replacements. Some lasted awhile, though most of them also broke within a year or so. And no, I didn't have Activision's Decathalon either lol.
>How's the dpad?

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