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few games earn the title of 'soulful' but this is one of them.
Is sequel any good
First game already sets up the bar pretty high
When I was a kid this game felt so mysterious to me. I liked the unlockable costumes a lot
Ovverated, average licensed stuff
And it still is the first actually decent superhero game instead of a beat 'em slop reskin.
Pretty much more of the same, levels overall are worse, but the good ones are really good.
Name any superhero game of the era that's just as good or better. Pro tip: you can't.
>"Surf the web, surf the web!"
Superman 64
It's not bad. It has some very poor framerate though, and it loses some of the charm and tricks of the original e.g. the fog. So levels in cities sometimes seem a little meh.
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Spider-Man was so effortlessly cool back then
>some of the charm and tricks of the original e.g. the fog. So levels in cities sometimes seem a little meh.
I thought the ground levels were amazing, they packed so much atmosphere in them, nothing in the open world games comes close to making me feel like that
i recall one in particular where it felt like the skyscrapers were about 50 feet tall at best. It just didn't have that feeling of being really high up in the sky, swinging around.
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From what I remember half the levels were on the ground with low rise buildings, and the other half were the regular skyscraper levels that didn't have the Doc Ock fog but still had a void or LOD fog for you to fall in, implying the same height as the first game
nah. purely as a game yeah it's not that great but as a realized licensed product it's excellent, I can't think of much before that absolutely nailed the zeitgeist of a property like neversoft spiderman.
It's soulful, but the combat blows. Bosses just straight up ignore combos and you have to cheese most fights and I'm also a scrub that's never been able to defeat the last stage.
This game is what got me interested in Spider-man and eventually into comics as a whole.
The game was best in the indoor office stage where you had to rescue kidnapped civilians. Other combat heavy and swinging stages weren’t as fun.
yeah i guess you're right. i do remember some level with a bunch of cranes way up in the sky now that i think about it.
the doc ock chase is alot of fun, most fun swinging in the game.
The best spiderman games, it felt like a love letter to the comics and the animated show, this is the game all the spiderman games must measure up with, the closest one was either enter electro or ultimate spiderman.
Instead of the movies adaptations i wish they would have continue with this universe, i loved the extras and the collectibles and really loved how this series, tony hawm and the x-men 3d fighting games would cross promote each other to the point spiderman was a guest in both games, the ps1 era was the best era for the web crawler.
>The switch you idiot!
I can't beat Shocker
the really cool thing about the game is that it feels just like a playable classic spidey comic, the spider-man games that came after this adapting the films or take place in their own continuity like insomniac's can't match the classic marvel comics feel
Don't overclock the emulator. Pull the boxes towards you when Shocker is in the way. Also do yourself a favor and play the pre-9/11 version.
Yes, Spiderman 2 is a bad game.
It takes place in Silent Hill
Classic. I've beaten it countless times and still throw it on all the time just to fuck around in the different suits
i thought these narrations were so cringe as a kid hearing an old man talk like this in a modern video game
but decades later i now realize this is the peak of sovl
Yeah it feels like a proper colorful yet real comic universe, the only other Spider-Man property that felt that way to me is the 94 animated show, everything else feels like a generic real world + "oh and btw here's Spidey", even when it works like in the Raimi movies

I think the only thing that'd be neat in the PS1 games is a joke side level about dating Gwen or MJ or getting photos for JJJ as Peter, Peter's private life is a big part of the comics and it's kind of overlooked in these two, it doesn't have to be part of the main campaign it could be a side thing like the Xavier challenge tutorial levels

You could make it a stunt swinging level like the scare ride sections in the SM3 game or the girlfriend tracks of Outrun 2006

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So good
I recall every boss goes down with web balls most easily and without resistance or way to block them so you are the best off just spamming them as long as you have enough webbing saved.
Perhaps the only section in game where the webs actually stick to something while swinging.
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>the plane scene in the hanger
>the sandman chase
>the hammerhead fight
>the skyscraper guns shooting you out of the air
>the long cylindrical area where the screens and electricity shock you before you reach Electro
>no fun collectibles
>>the plane scene in the hanger
kek that one took me awhile and the insanely bad framerate did not help
>the long cylindrical area where the screens and electricity shock you before you reach Electro
That was not even a level, just trolling. All the other levels had something going for them or were just copies from the first game (bank hostages -> hammer hostages).
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Hey, wait... So, the GameCube is a cube, and the Xbox is a box... What's a "station 2"?
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MJ's big mommy milkers
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>the fog
It's cool the way they took a limitation and turned it into something pretty kino
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I always wondered why Neversoft didn't make the sequel they did such a good job with the first game
Persona 5 with the RPG segments replaced by an open world with SM2 PS2 swinging mechanics + Neversoft's love for the source material and mission structure would be the peak Spider-Man game. It would never happen though, because Sony would get weird about things as soon as they clue into dating being a mechanic.
Too busy doing Tony Hawk's Tuah
What are the differences between the PSX, N64, and Dreamcast versions?
The biggest difference is that the N64 version has no actual cutscenes and almost no voice-acting. You get "comic panels" instead.
And the N64 version scraps what-if mode... as a kid, I desperately tried to get to it which ALL the guides talked about. But nope. We didn't get it.
Probably just best to play on Dreamcast I guess
Not necessarily. The cutscenes are a bit fucked up despite the updated graphics. The PSX version is generally the best.
>The PSX version is generally the best.
>Venom glitch
I mean, if it's someone's first time playing what's worse a glitch they're probably not going to see or desynced custscenes? Probably the latter. If they've already beaten it and cutscenes don't matter, then yeah you're right.
I own the Dreamcast version, but I play the PC version mainly.
Why there are no MODs for the PSX?
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>"Toe, toe, toe, OW!"
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It's not "as" good as the OG... but it's good. It feels like an expansion, does some cool things, like a lock on system, and a focus on stealth, it's level design isn't as good as the OG though, so it fails to truly improve upon it, while remaining a good experience for what it is. I also appreciate it's darker atmosphere overall, it's cozy to play.

It was one of the first licensed titles that was a genuinely good video game, and a good proper representation of the source material in a video game, similar to NES Batman, it's excellent still.

Enter Electro overall suffers the most from it's frustrating moments, something the OG lacked, or at least had way less of. I'd say the camera is way worse here, as the levels and bosses don't feel like they're built around it properly, even if they added a lock on system, it's not enough. I couldn't get past the plane level as a kid, and it's still hard, same goes for Sandman, there are just a lot of parts I dread when replaying it, even if I still find the overall experience to still be good.

MJ's so sexy, /vr/os...

As far as my experience goes, the Venom glitch didn't really happen on real hardware, just older emulators, when I played it on my PS1 I never got this glitch, I did on ePSXe, but when I went to DuckStation I stopped seeing it yet again, maybe it's just luck on my end, but it's my experience.

It did get a mod recently that adds the PC and Dreamcast textures to it, which I find to be nice.

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