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I have a recurring nightmare where it’s Christmas 1996 and instead of an N64 or PlayStation I unwrap my presents to find a Sega Saturn with copies of Nights and Mr. Bones.
Why doesn’t Sonic let him in out of the cold?
It's sonics wine time
Bwaha nigger the only reason my parents got me a 64 over saturn was because it was still cheaper. Sega is retarded
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Imagine a superior counsel being cheaper than a 2 year old one
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>me looking at Cream
That was my 1996 christmas, only no Mr.Bones. Instead, Virtua Fighter 2 and Virtua Cop.
Very few regrets.
is it canon that Sonic is culturally xtian and also literate?
Sonic is literally shounen Jesus in SA2. Firstly, Shadow is basically this anti-Christ figure. Secondly, Genesis 9 tells the story of the Great Flood's aftermath, where God makes a pact with humanity and signifies rainbows as a sign of this covenant. This ties into the lyrics of City Escape, since where we left off in Sonic Adventure 1, an enraged deity flooded the world as revenge for a corrupt world filled with greed and genocide (said deity was however defeated). The City Escape lyrics describe Sonic promising to free the audience from fraught and uncertain times, provided that you "trust in what you can't see" and follow Sonic's rainbow. The exact lyric "Follow me" is uttered several times and is a very didactic command.
Plus, Sonic is the messiah as seen in the Echidna tribe's murals in Sonic & Knuckles
Cream the bunny? Don't mind if I do!
who fucking cares
that's funny as fuck
Shadow himself is given more Jesus allegories as the series goes on though, he even got crucified for humanity's sins in 06
I was a 'kiddie game' type player (still am) and even though I loved my PS1 to death I wanted N64 and the Dreamcast really bad during the late 90s/early 2000s
Shadow becomes a coredeemer after conceding in SA2's end that Sonic is the ultimate lifeform
meds now
Can you explain why the ultimate lifeform prototype was a lizard and then became a hedgehog?
>after conceding in SA2's end that Sonic is the ultimate lifeform
I don't remember him saying or doing that
Gerald was obsessed with the Echidna tribe, thinking their insights could help build the ultimate lifeform and thus a cure for his granddaughter's AIDS. The Biolizard was based on the Perfect Chaos mural while Shadow was based on the Super Sonic mural
During the final boss Shadow will say this after a while
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Like shit was still 100 bucks more than 64 when it came out
Got a screenshot or a video?
He found out why Tails likes going to the park by himself.
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Why is there so much Xmas media in a country that is overwhelming not Christian
> what is the reason

Aside from nips being huge westaboos?
It's a cool foreign celebration and also a huge income for merchandise manufacturers, so of course they'll celebrate it, as well as Halloween and St. Valentine

It's not exclusively Japanese thing, although I believe they don't have their own version of magical winter man that breaks down into people's houses, like other countries do (Yuki-onna is more like evil character). So they borrow one from the West.
For me, it's puffy
Japan is a US controlled satellite state.
Sonic's character is partially based on Santa in the way he's meant to spread joy. Plus, the boot colors, obviously. I think the only piece of Sonic media to actively explore that idea was the Adventures cartoon and I am 100% sure the creators didn't actually know that fact about Sonic and it was just a coincedence.

>There. Problem solved.
Drop the red pills on the matter please
I also had a nightmare that I was born after 2001 and was a faggot
Mr. Bones was my favorite kusoge on the sadturd
There's so much to unpack on this image.
Sonic being at home (while canonically he doesn't have a home), drinking alcohol and reading a book (which is judging by its size, should be a Mega Drive game manual or something). All that while ignoring Tails outside in winter, maybe Sonic just gtfoed him outside and took his home over
You realize that even the first Sonic games were inspired by DBZ, right?
Did he look tales in the eyes as he shut the curtains? Canon answers only.
I'd like to think they're just remote-controlled, he pressed a single button without even looking away from the book and proceeded to be jolly on that warm, cozy Christmas night
Sonic isn't shounen Jesus in the first two games
That's crazy because I'm enjoying N64, psx and Saturn this holiday season. Sucks to be a console warrior
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>I have a recurring nightmare where it’s Christmas 1996 and instead of an N64 or PlayStation I unwrap my presents to find a Sega Saturn
I mean, that's not too bad...

>with copies of Nights and Mr. Bones.
...oh, I see. That's fair.
Super Sonic was introduced in Sonic 2.
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at least you didn't get this POS
Christmas is pretty much a universal non-secular holiday now and can be celebrated both religiously and non-religiously. Generally it's just a time for family and friends to come together.
Imagine being the poor bastard who got Panzer Dragoon Saga instead of a PS with FF7.
Couldn't be me.
And Star Wars
They just shoved in whatever pop culture thing they thought was cool

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