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/vr/ - Retro Games

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What are your favorite collect-a-thons?
Street Fighter III 2nd Impact
Banjo series and DK64 for me. I wouldn't necessarily call Tony Hawk's Pro Skater a collectathon though it kind of makes sense
Sonic 3D Blast
Mario 64 isn't a collectathon
None they are a blight
>What are your favorite collect-a-thons?
Jet Set Radio Future

fond memories of Rayman 2 as a child
I was crazy about collecting chocographs in FF9. Like idk if I've felt that kind of joy since then.
Gex 2
Spyro 2/1, Ty 1/2, Rayman 2. Fantastic games.
Collecting every single star system in Master of Orion 2
It is. It's what set the standard for all collectathons to come. All the previous Mario games were linear, one level after the other, only objective was to get to the end of the stage. Collectathons introduced levels that don't end until an objective is completed and a collectible is rewarded. Progression of the game also became a matter of collecting stars and keys rather than just getting to the next level because you reached the end of the last level. It doesn't feel like a collectathon because it has objectives and because you have less collectibles to get, but collecting is still the primary mechanic to advance the game, and also all collectathons have an "objective" to get each collectible, they just don't always have a mission select screen.
>It's what set the standard for all collectathons to come
I wish. Each star has a different gameplay scenario with new challenges attached to it, even the boring ones like collecting 100 coins force you to explore the level which either leverage the knowledge you gained from doing the other stars, or give you knowledge that will be used for future challenges.

The other shit like Banjo and DK64 is just busywork. They lack the fundamental gameplay refinement of SM64 so collecting shit is just a lot of busywork.

I don't think that every game that's crammed with a bunch of collectibles is a collectathon, that definition should apply to when collecting shit is the driving mechanic of the game. In Mario 64, the driving mechanic is fluid 3D movement - that's the main thing that people get out of the game and what they love it for, collecting shit is just a means to let you explore the mechanic within the limitations set by the system.

All that said of course there are edge cases and even if you are convinced by my definition our intuitions are probably gonna differ about what's a collectathon and what isn't. Is Super Mario Odyssey a collectathon?(can I mention that on /vr/?) I guess by my own definition it shouldn't be, even if the game is literally spamming moons for you to collect at every corner and crevice
that bugs bunny game creeps me out for some reason, i can't play it
Pac man
m64 cause it didnt feel like a collectathon. thats what the newer modern ones get wrong.
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It's not. The goal of the game isn't collecting shit. You are awarded stars for missions, you don't collect them. They aren't hidden somewhere waiting to be found. When a star appears, it is very obvious.

Compare that to Spyro. There are collectibles absolutely everywhere. The entire goal of this game is quite literally to collect crap. And jewels don't respawn like coins. They are literally just there to be collected, not to heal you or give you a 1-up. The difference is subtle, but it is there. M64 is not a collectathon. Not even Crash is. it is a very specific genre.
Jet Set Willy, easy choice.
This makes more sense. Like imagine if Sonic Adventure had a few hates that required X emblems to pass through? Would that suddenly change the genre?

In contrast if you picked up rings permanently and there were gates thst required X rings it would change the genre because unlike emblem collecting its changed from s game where you just get to the end to a hunt.
Threadly reminder that the term "collectathon" is not retro and also could be applied to most videogames where you collect stuff to progress, from Doom to Shin Megami Tensei.
We used it when these games were out. Although you are right it's not retro. Nothing allowed on this board is retro. Too stupid to know what the word means and too stupid too yoo to change their usage of the word when they learn wrong.
The term 'retro' is not retro, nobody called these games retro when they released
DKC2 is the only one in which I really loved collecting, because there weren't too many things to collect and they were generally hidden in fun, clever ways.

Mario 64 does not count. I haven't played many others.
Stars end the level. If the stars were replaced with flagpoles from SMB 1, nothing would change. The fact that advanced areas are locked behind star count tests doesn't change the genre all by itself. SMB 3 was somewhat nonlinear too. Mega Man 3 lets you select from eight stages before giving you a second set of selectable stages. It's not that big a deal for a game to be structured that way.
Find me a 90s magazine scan or internet comment using "collectathon"
Spyro 1 and Banjo-Kazooie. I'd say Rayman 2 but you don't collect that much shit in it.

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