I'm enjoying this more than Bloodlines.
how easy is it to run on a modern PC?
>>11502873GOG's version works fine for me.
It falls off hard toward the end, just like Bloodlines.
>>11501626How do you make it work? I keep coming back every couple years for a playthrough and the combat gameplay is godawful, even with the cheesiest builds I could find online.Some enemies like that Nosferatu with the Berserk Scythe weapon just whipe my party or get one-shot by me no matter how I build. And fuck the final boss, he is a pain in the ass even with a fully optimised party.
>>11503740Same as every other RTWP game, you pause and micromanage a lot. Turn off the AI ability use or they'll burn through the blood reserves in one battle and then go frenzy.RTWP was a really shit system, and I dunno why it was so popular back in the 2000's, it aged like dogshit.
>>11501626I always consider playing this one but it just seems clunkier compared to VTMBHow much roleplaying is there compared to VTMB? It seems like you play pre-made characters and have to follow a more linear story and the combat doesn't look great to me
>>11503769There is non. Game is a railroad.
>>11503753The worst part about the system in Redemption is that you can't give commands to each party member while you pause and then they execute them; at least not according to my knowledge. The first few times I completely misbuilt my party, expecting them to smartly use whatever disciplines I drop in the quick bar. They use randomly whatever disciplines they feel like. Even with the auto discipline disables, they still tend to use disciplines, just a bit less often.When building your chracter you basically need prior knowledge of the game. I gave all the thaumaturgy tomes to Serena, which is pants on head stupid. Christoph needs to learn lure of flames and drop firerain with maximum efficiency on enemies so you can run through each dungeon easily, or at least with less reloads.I usually dump all of my points into manipulation on Christoph until he has 90, buy a ring of manipulation and then I just savescum and buy and sell items at a profit for infinite money. The earliest possible point for that is Vienna, which sucks, because they dump the worst enemies in the game in the second dungeon on your ass. I hate the Tremere chantries. You play as Brujah, and Brujah frenzy easily. Tremere cast fire and lightning, which make you frenzy. Afaik there is no counter to that except for cheesing Presence (Awe) on them to drink them dry and keep your blood supply up. Other than the money cheese I have no idea how you are supposed to equip your party properly with good gear. At best you can otherwise afford 1 set of decent plate armor in the dark ages, and that's just before that segment ends.This game would probably have been a lot better gameplay-wise if it had been turn-based. I want to control all the characters at once because they behave so stupid and get this sense of panic when things start going wrong because I can't switch between all characters fast enough to give them sensible commands. Urgh. And yet the atmosphere, music, and writing keep me coming back.
>>11503769It's nothing like Bloodlines. It's much more similar to Neverwinter Nights, but with a proper party, with the MC being Brujah and others coming from all sorts of clans.It's a janky old game, but the story's concept is really cool. You start as a crusader in the Dark Ages, get embraced, then eventually stuff happens and you fall into torpor. Then someone discovers your corpse in modern day NYC.... The Dark Ages part is not just a silly intro, it's one half of the game and has unique party members and stuff.Roleplaying wise, there are 3 endings depending on your humanity score.>There are a total of 50 possible humanity points to be gained in the game; 10 each for five correct choices. There are a total of ninety points to be lost through incorrect choices, seven which lose 10 points, and one which loses 20.
>>11501626People only like Bloodlines because of the trash cover whore
>>11506863Bloodlines has a lot of good waifus in the game itself
>>11506863People like Bloodlines because they get immersed in Santa Monica. Then stay that way until the infamous sewer level.
>>11507168Sewer level is not THAT bad, it's just a slog and depending on your build a hard slog
>>11507168Sewer has fun puzzles and platforming, I actually don't hate it. The combat isn't so bad either unless you're a melee character without stealth or Celerity. Or if you've done something silly like building a character with no combat stats in general.Ming's temple at least in the vanilla game punishes you hard if you're not stealthy because enemies constantly respawn.