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For me its Super Mario World with SMB3 sprites
/vyt/ when?
Is there a reason this site doesn’t have a general internet/youtube/social media board?
>SMB3 sprites
I dont see them in this image
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For me it's Super Mario World with SMB sprites and a Plus Size Peach.
I’m sorry about your severe mental illness.
I'm happy about your severe basedness
What's the point when she doesn't look like Peach at all
who gives a fuck if something makes my dick hard it's good regardless if it's actually good
kill fatfags
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I will never understand the hate SMW's sprites get. I think SMW has the best artstyle in the classic series.
I'm playing Super Mario World right now, only problem is I jumped in directly after Yoshi's Island. The game looks ROUGH in comparison
Because we already have /hm/ for faggots
pure autism
They look like Nintendo only had 3 months to port the game over from NES.
Someone took Peach's original SMB1 sprite and made a fat joke out of it. Don't ask why, 'cause I don't know.
reddit humor hack
I wish they had an area on that lone island in the top left.
holy based
Those are SMAS sprites.
>replacing the cool dragon coins that tie into the dinosaur theme with some generic "A" coins that mean nothing
>using the leaf as the cape power-up as if it's interchangeable with the raccoon tail power-up
>using a regular P on the balloon instead of the elongated P that hints toward how it will expand Mario
Disgraceful and soulless.
Everything else looks good, though.
that's what happens when you compare launch titles with games that came out 5 years later
It's still an edge case. SMW looks like it was brought over from 8 bit and Yoshi's Island had extra hardware on the cartridge that brought the game up like an extra 30% of a generation for the aesthetic
Me either, it's timeless. Talentless hacks will call it programmer art but their proposed resprites are always terrible.
>16 bit sound effects mixed with All Stars 3 shit
Utter waste of effort. Go all the way running World's music and sfx through a 3 filter or don't go at all.
Weird innit? A YouTube/e-celeb board would help clear out the boards
What is?
My guess is that it would be ground zero for harassment/doxing campaigns.
The spam from introducting it would literally kill /v/ which is what drives what little clean-ish traffic this site's got left
>that fucking pillow shading on the balloon and the enemy
Fucking awful, not even going to bother looking this up.
I did and there's pillow shading everywhere
mods wouldn't enforce it so what's the point
You know why.
and it already exists.
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>pillow shading
So if I wanted to make a thread about how I feel bad for Gamesack Joe because his girlfriend left him and his best friend left him, that I should do it on /pol/?
>replacing the cool dragon coins that tie into the dinosaur theme with some generic "A" coins that mean nothing
Those are "Advance Coins" from Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 for the Game Boy Advance family of systems, Anon.
The color palette in Yoshi's Island sucks hard as does the game itself. Looks like gay water colors.
Based. Actually a really good hack despite the fat fetish.
real risk it would become a raid central and a liability for the whole site in the same way /pol/ already is and /r9k/ used to be
Gay as fuck desu

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