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I want to be the rich kid nobody likes. Should I make this my next conquest?
Buy a Neo Geo CD or Mini instead
You've probably already succeeded at the "that nobody likes" part so now you just need to be rich. Everybody hopes you fail(because they don't like you)
You will never be an AES
The only way you'll ever be able to afford an AES collection is if you are an Arab oil baron or a Colombian drug lord.
Go with the ASP and call it a day if you want official hardware. You won’t be getting the best experience with a 35 year old stick that comes with an AES
>The only way you'll ever be able to afford an AES collection is if you are an Arab oil baron or a Colombian drug lord.

I have never once seen a Neo-Geo AES sold in a retail store anywhere that stocked games, back in the day. The only way I knew how to obtain one (if I had the money) was through various different game magazines that would have mail-order advertisements for companies like Chips & Bits, GameDude, Tommo, Die Hard Gamers Club, and stuff like that. It was crazy seeing AES carts priced anywhere between $120.00 to $300.00 per game.
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CDZ was a Japan import, no wonder it cost $499. They should have made the CDZ the original console instead of going with a fancy case and a 1 speed CD drive...
Also Virtua Cop and 2 Light Guns for $79 is not a bad deal on Saturn.
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As a collectors item, it is cool. It has an interesting place in that generation of consoles. But many of its best games can be played on other systems, often sacrificing a few frames of animation. See >>11503496. Metal Slug, KOF, Samurai Showdown, Fatal Fury all came to the Saturn and PS1. Those versions were significantly cheaper too. So is ultimately up to whether you care about it being a conversation starter?
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You can get an MVS console for a few hundred on AliExpress and they sell MVS games for like $40-70 a cartridge. They even sell CD control pads, they are the Neo Geo mini version with microswitched sticks and the USB C switched out for the correct adaptor.
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Here is the controller mod.
>back then
I want to be the rich kid nobody likes
>right now
I want to be the stupid kid nobody likes
Hey hey hey, don't leave politicians out of that list! Although some of those barons and lords might be politicians too...
god damn, neo geo carts are xbox hueg
>Neo Geo cartridges 4x the price as SNES/Genesis cartridges
Really puts into perspective just how much more stuff you were getting.
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>The only way you'll ever be able to afford an AES collection is if you are an Arab oil baron
Not only did he do that, but he bought the company as well.
Such behavior is nonsense.
Ask yourself a question: are you a weenie or a real hotdog?
I have all of that except the memory card.
>>>11503487 (You)
>>>11503494 (You)
>>Neo Geo cartridges 4x the price as SNES/Genesis cartridges
>Really puts into perspective just how much more stuff you were getting.

I'm trying to find more mail-in order magazine ads that feature Neo-Geo AES prices. I swear I remember seeing the price for Metal Slug 3 AES in some advertisement, being listed as a $299.99 (USD) game. I am impressed at how fast Neo-Geo could port their AES library over to the Neo-Geo CD.

More AES prices.
>More AES prices.

Posted the wrong page. This is from the same advertisement. It's a two page spread.
Most of the main-in companies would advertise AES, but would usually have some notation about calling them for prices and availability on AES cartridges. I would imagine that the majority of AES consoles sold in North America (as well as the Neo-Geo CD) were purchased through magazine order forms or mail-in retailers. The only Neo Geo hardware that I ever saw sold anywhere at retail was the Neo-Geo Pocket Color. The MVS arcade cabs were all over the place during this time period.
>I want to be the rich kid nobody likes
Here's what you do. You get some fun, expensive toy like the AES, which makes the other kids want to come over. Once they come over, you'll act entirely disinterested in said toy, instead demanding that everybody engage in some other activity, typically one which involves you getting to boss everybody else around. Right at the end of the play date, you finally agree to turning on the stupid old AES, but the other kids only get to watch you play for about five minutes (their turn is coming, but it's your house + your rules, also they'll mess something up if you don't show them how to do it right) before their parents start arriving to take them home.
You're not a kid, stop seeing yourself as a kid. It's revolting.
>your wife's bull
>and the guy she told you not to worry about
just make your pfp a frog meme, invoke kek and pay someone to play poe2 for you. that should do it
You... asshole... This hit way to close to home.
As long as you remember to give away last year's lame old toy to a random friend no matter how mad your mom will get before moving away for mysterious reasons
$500 back then was like $1,000 today
imagine paying $1,000 for a console that only has fighting games (and none of them are Street Fighter II)
You obviously know nothing about the library.
There are multiple series of fighting games
>Art of Fighting
>Fatal Fury
>Samurai Shodown
>King of Fighters (every single fucking year from '94 to '99)
>World Heroes (2 even had the Jet version)
and that's not even mentioning others like Breakers and Nina Combat
t. faggot who reads wikipedia and consoom video essays on jewtube but have never even touched an Neo Geo MVS cabinet.
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You mean this one in my garage with all these roms?
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Yeah, fighting games may be a feature but they are less than 1/3rd the library and like half of them are just sequels from a few series. Neo Geo has so much more to offer.
>Capcom button layout
That's an MVSX, Anon. Is not the real thing. You haven't even played a quarter of that ROM set, and you're missing out on games like Blue's Journey, Zupapa, or Spin Master. Just because you spent some cash on a ripoff and downloaded some ROMs doesn't mean you understand MVS and its catalog. If you go to a library, you've gotta read everything you want; you can't learn by osmosis. Same goes for video games.
Is like if you say you are a womanizer because you have fucked plenty of trannies but you haven't touch a real woman in your whole life.
>17" LCD
>6 button layout
>cheap plastic instead of wood
You shouldn't show your face around here ever again.
>I want to be the rich kid
You are 43 years old.
Blazing Star and Metal Slug were the reason I bought an AES.
i will always be a kandi kid :3
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fucking disturbingly grim
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>tfw you'll never play Virtua Hamster for 32X
>>tfw you'll never play Virtua Hamster for 32X

The ROM for the Beta is out there. I've played it. It sucks. That 32x list is full of games that were cancelled, or possibly reported as being in development but never actually were?

> Alien Trilogy
> Casper
> Clayfighter 2
> Kingdom Far Reaches
> Lost Vikings 2 32xCD (what?)
> Midnight Raiders 32xCD
> Primal Rage 32xCD (this one did get released, but Chips and bits listed as a 32x-CD game)
> Rayman (there are screenshots of this one)
> VR Troopers
> Virtua(l) Hamster
> Wirehead 32xCD (a lot of reported 32x CD games in development)
> Wolves of Moordeth (never heard of it, ever)
> X-men (well documented cancelled game, made by Scavenger)
> Zorro (more like Zero)

That's a lot of vaporware that never materialized that was listed as games for sale. Chips & Bits always had listings for games that were never released. This is a company that would put up ads like this in GamePro, EGM, GameFan, Gamers Republic, Next generation (I think?) , they would run ads in almost every North American multiplatform gaming magazine back in the day. Going back to the early 90's up to about the early 2000's.

Spot Goes to Hollywood for the 32x was also cancelled.
You forgot about Alien vs. Predator. Now that's a prototype i'd like to see.
Correct. Specialty retailers like Toys R Us or Funcoland/Electronics Boutique had the console bundles back then, but they only ever carried a small handful of AES cartridges for sale. Outside of Japan, it was a mail order or import shop thing.
>You forgot about Alien vs. Predator. Now that's a prototype i'd like to see.

I was only listing all of the cancelled 32x games in this old magazine advertisement:


But it does also list Alien vs Predator for the Ultra 64... as well as Top Gun: New Adventure. Robotech: Crystal Dreams is a pretty well know cancelled N64 game. Doom became Doom 64.

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