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File: mega drive.png (154 KB, 1131x460)
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Why did Sega insist on making the Genesis backwards compatible with the Master System? If they didn't include the Master System hardware, they could have made the system a lot better with the YM2151, more colors, dedicated PCM chip, etc. Imagine how much better ghouls 'n ghosts would be if you had the actual soundtrack and not the garbage yuji naka slapped together in a week
In theory it's a good idea, did wonders for PS2. Problem is nobody had Master System anyway.
It was probably cheap enough and wouldn't make a difference in budget design.
>how much better ghouls 'n ghosts would be if you had the actual soundtrack
It could be much closer to the original as is,
At least it's nice to play the MS library with a MD flashcart these days.
Backwards compatibility was a good idea. Sadly Nintendo didn't try to do the same thing with the SNES.
>yet another sega what-if thread
this place needs more generals, one sega gen, one nintendo gen, one sony gen, one emulation gen, the multitude of threads with little variation, if at all, is obnoxious.
It’s among the slowest boards on the chan, it really doesn’t matter.
What you are saying is mostly nonsense. The only part you are right about is more colors. Like how exactly did you get it into your head that master system compatibility had any effect on the sound hardware besides including the psg?
>take out master system hardware
>more budget to spend on using better sound hardware
NTA but its pretty obvious
Master system compatibility mainly effects the vdp. Having a separate sound cpu was pretty standard for sega arcade hardware so the z80 had reason to exist outside of master system compatibility.
I agree. Especially a Nintendo board first. It would clear out soooo much shit.
SEGA knew that the Master System was fucking awesome, that's all.

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