My dumb ass purchased a chinese turbo everdrive clone and any time i run a game for longer than half an hour the tiles completely glitch out. I don't have any other games to test out, so I'm worried this scam everdrive just fried my pc engine. it runs perfectly fine but the graphical glitches always happen around the 30 minute mark. I'm also using a genesis model 1 power supply, so that might be an issue too.Am I doing it wrong /vr/?
>>11503581Could have spent zero dollars emulating.Let this be a lesson to you.
Buy cheap, buy twice.
download more RAM
>>11503581maybe it's overheating?
>>11503581you are probably using the shitty 10 cent SD card they provided with it with corrupt data.Wait until an amazon sale or something and buy a 5-pack of sandisk 8gb cards