>>11526795>wind waker full of chibi children>semen demon midnawhat else
>>11526795iirc, and Im not joking, Miyamoto specifically asked for her to be like that so you can have something to look at while you play as Wolf Link
>>11526808You could just fap to Cremia and not some fucking imp.
>>11526795>I'm BLOOOOOOOOOMING!!!
>>11526795>What the fuck was Aonuma thinking?knot the thot
>>11526845both are sexy
>>11526795That he doesn’t want to make this shit and he wants it to be over with.
>>11526845Giving Midna a human body form was a mistake.
>>11526845>>11526862I'm not a gnome/midget file however the human one looks weird like her nose and eyebrows...Something weirs about her.
>>11526795Probably about pears.
>>11526795It went something like this.
>>11526812We also have Miyamoto to thank for this. He wanted to add "sex appeal" to the franchise.
>>11526845Human Midna is sexy as fuck, looks like an arab hoe 100% hard smash. I will never understand Imp Midna enjoyers.
>>11527151Ya it's just hips and ass, every women has them
>>11527476Midna had the largest canon breasts of all Nintendo ladies, until the robo-waifus from Xenoblade 2 happened.
>>11526845I've always preferred human Midna, but I'm a legfag. What bothers me is I can never tell if the black areas on her body are some kind of skintight shadow pseudo-clothing, or if she's running around mostly naked under her shawl. Fanartists are split on this, too.
>>11527151She never did it for me because she reminds me too much of that weird meowing ghost boy from the Grudge. >>11527469It never sat well with me how he hijacked and corrupted Dinosaur Planet into a Star Fox game like that. I don't think the game or the franchise ultimately benefitted from it.
>>11527669The only fanartist who really matters decided on the former, and that's good enough for me.
>>11527958Fair, but I'm not convinced. The glyphs on her thigh going over the black on her leg, and the fact that she's wearing a loincloth, are pretty strong indicators that they aren't clothes.
>>11527525Human Midna, my love. She is so beautiful in her human form.
>>11526795holy shit I just started replaying this yesterday, I always found the noises and moans she did while riding you kind of arousing
>>11526812fucking based miyamoto
>>11527525>Midna had the largest canon breasts of all Nintendo ladiesI believe this is incorrect by a pretty large margin.I think the actual list for the /vr/ era goes something like:>Syren (Kid Icarus) (Not only the biggest but also topless)>Valentina (SMRPG)>Candy Kong (DK)>Great Fairy (Ocarina)>Gruntilda (Banjo-Kazooie) (The sexy game over version)>Lorelei (Pokemon) >Vaida (Fire Emblem)>Midna
>>11528013We need a size chart to settle this very important question!
>>11527978Is she the only cursed/transformed character in fiction who looks better in her human form than her monster one?
>>11527978The only thing we are missing for a great life is a confirmation that Midna has pointy ears in her true form. Her head is always covered by a hood in official art, so all interpretations are just that.
>>11527469Do you think he approved of Candy Kong as well?
>>11528070miyamoto is a furry, yes.
>>11528070the only thing miyamoto approved of from rare's design was donkey kong's tie, which he insisted on
>>11528097Isn't the tie from the Game Boy game?
>>11527476>arab hoe 100% hard smashThose women are inbred.
>>11528013>I believe this is incorrect by a pretty large margin.its not even accurate in her own game
>>11528578Renado was a faggot for not hitting this at full force.
>>11527476Human Midna is hot, but Imp Midna adds cuteness to the equation, plus she appeals to those who prefer pearshape bodies over hourglass. I wish the designs had been two separate characters, honestly. Knowing that Imp Midna isn't her true form ruins a lot of the (non-physical) appeal for me.
>>11526795Someone post the page from the official manga where Midna kisses Link
>>11528581>that faceNo he did the right thing tubby
>>11526795I thought it was going back to the roots of the series where there's a spooky/horror element diametrically opposite to the bright openness of the overworld, like in the original first game (my favorite) with the catacombs providing the uneasy tension inverse to the adventure in the overworld. I think the Twili and Werewolf concepts provides the dichotomy to the mundane life of Link.
>>11526795Midna thread?
>>11526795He was thinking:>I have no originality and I want to cravenly copy of OoT, but I'll throw a nod to Okami in there, some bloom filter and a bit of Studio Gibli animu bullshit to try and hide the bankruptcy of my creativity.
>>11528662is that Midna's cervix?
>>11528578Telma is actually who Aonuma likes, not Midna, OP's thread is misguided.https://youtu.be/au4ZGt1MReAmt2s?t=136
>>11528091The Kongs are practically human, so they’re not furry.
>>11529260I was thinking... Can monkeys/apes give footjobs? They don't really have feet do they?
deformed midget form for the nonces, true form for the rest of us
>>11529280She can work your shaft with one foot and cup your balls with the other.
>>11526795he answered this question in an interview: https://vocaroo.com/1lcA3UW8cFdb
>>11529526Zach? Is that you?
>>11529352but their "feet" are hands
>>11529260that's such a massive cope
>>11529713Yes. Therefore extra grippy.
>tfw no short bottom stacked smug gf
>>11527525>>11527117she's like a female hentai squidward.It's the lips that look weird, she looks good in >>11529340 .>>11528578I need a Telma gaiden doujinshi, when she's young and fucks men around with a hot as fuck body.
>>11526795Literally hired 2 hentai artists to help concept TP and it's long running manga adaptation. Both are older females.I kid you not.
Loli Midna > Imp Midna
>>11526795>I rill giva u proper macoru zeruda on the rii and gamukyube>but on rone conditionu...
>>11531521The panel that made all the non-vanilla trannys seethe
>>11528565Nobody mentioned your love life, Cletus.
>>11531539I'm hoping the rumor remake is TP but it's the WiiU Tech Demo fully-realized and adapts nearly everything the manga introduced.It'd be the perfect remake and hopefully wash away all the glaring flaws the original release had.
>>11531548Eh, you're hoping for a whole lot in today's gaming industry. It would have to go through (((localization))) and they would absolutely do away with any form of overt or covert romantic themes as straight romance physically hurts those people.
>>11526795Let me explain:>Link turned into Wolf - has a huge knot >Midna - a huge princess turned into a small imp >small imp takes huge wolf knot Prease undasta...
>>11531572I don't geddit
>>11528954How about you get inside and tell us?
>>11527479It's also casually not wearing any clothes in public.
>>11531494>women get elfish hero twink who turns into a wolf>men get shortstack imp who turns into an arabian princessthere's something for everyone here. it's like beauty and the beast where both are both beauty and beast. a stroke of pure genius
She's a fucking onahole
>>11531548It was listed as "remake/remaster," so probably just a remaster, very, very probably the TP and/or WW remasters they already did for Wii U, ported.
>>11526795We can never talk about the game itself always the imp ass
>>11533005I'm still pissed we can't ride the Spinner freely.
>>11533007Same. The perfect traditional 3D Zelda exists in TP it’s just held back by stupid unfun design decisions like that, and the intro, and the wolf sections.
>>11533012Ball and chain rocks though, I think that may the best hammer-tier item we've got in all Zelda games.Again, bit of a pity it's not used to its fullest but even in TP there's glimmers of greatness there.
>>11533005Favorite dungeons in the series from what I remember.
>>11533070Same. Best designed dungeons Nintendo ever made by far.
>>11533005Do you want to talk about how link turns into a furry instead you dumb faggot?
>>11533198No bitch I want to talk about the actually fun parts of the game like the world, combat, dungeon design, NPCs, etc. For example, I think Lake Hylia and the mini games there were fun and the game only gets really great once you get the Zora Armor.
>>11533202>NPCsI like that there's some random NPCs in Castle Town who will recognize you as the guy who's been fixing everything and thank you for it if you talk to them late in the game.I like the resistance group. They don't do much that we see, but it's nice that there's other people out there trying to help instead of leaving everything up to some random kid.I like King Bulblin's moment after your last fight with him.Little details like that help the world feel more real, and your quest more meaningful. Other Zelda games have stuff like that too, but I still think TP does it best.
>>11533202TP's Zora tunic design kicks so much ass. It feels like they actually took a little extra effort to help explain how it helps Link breathe underwater.
>>11533202I used to use action replay to infinite rupees so I could use the golden armor all the time because it looked so cool.
>cute little snarky female character with sharp teeth >teases you when you get too full of yourself>but also raises your spirits when the situation is too dark>inevitably helps you reach your full potentialit's crack cocaine
>>11533005That's why we call it an "impasse"
>>11528914What the fuck?
>>11534381We all want one thing.
>>11531516there are some heroes left
Confirmed: OP is a furfag.
>>11528070he wanted some american hip hop artist representation
>>11529340>heh im one of you>im definitely not a "nonce"
>>11527469pretty sure this was made by the gaijin at Rare for the Dinosaur Planet game and was just carried over completely intact.
>>11526795What's the appeal of a bum on a 3-foot tall person? It's like you guys wouldn't take a second glance at Midna if she was as tall as an adult and had the same proportions.
>>11538291lolis but better
>>11526795They were thinking..>not>reteo
>>11531516Jesus Christ what a fucking weirdo!
>>11535906Kek. Good one, mate.
>>11528070Nobody approved of that
imagine slapping her little imp ass
>>11539326replace the s with p
>>11531516Giga based. If only he wasn't so against stories.