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/vr/ - Retro Games

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Top Gear 1 is better than Top Gear 2
I disagree but I understand why someone would think that
both mogged by top gear 3000
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Outrun if he shitty
Shut the fuck up /v/ermin
Top Gear 1 OST is literally 16bit eurobeat

*21st century prog rock
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>put on hard to play more planetes
>nuclear engine 7
>boost 7
>car goes so fast that you can't make a turn
10/10, Man of culture
They were both really good.
Are there any other racing games like top gear worth playing?

i like 3000 the most.
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All these console Outrun clones without actual scaling are shit. Only Lotus 2 on Amiga is decent and Road Rash games on Genesis, if you overclock. Play the real arcade scaler games

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