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/vr/ - Retro Games

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Wow this game needs to be fixed.
The pixel art and towns are 10/10 but damn the dungeons suck ass. So repetitive and bland looking. If this game were made today the dungeons would be half as long and the game better for it.
That's literally BoF I and II though.
It's every jrpg that isn't 70% cutscenes. OP is like someone complaining thst all you do in a racing game is drive in a circle.
I played through BoF3 last year and the only problem with it is that 4 is better
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Unfortunately the game is completely unsalvageable. All you could do is turn it into a comfy looking screensaver, but even then, I'd much rather look at 4.
3 really is a case of relying on grind and excessive random battles to pad out 99% of the play time.
Not that 1 and 2 are free of that either.

I'd rather just play 4 which is better rounded and also the best looking of the series.
What's better than one Nina?
>but damn the dungeons suck ass
welcome to the breath of fire series
Imagine making a game series where the combat is so bland that you have to add an autobattle option and even then it's STILL tedious without access to fast-forward via emulation.

Sad because aesthetically speaking the series looks great and the stories are above average by jrpg terms.
the game is a flawless masterpiece
Maybe you're brain is the problem.
I didn't need fast forward and enjoyed both 3 and 4. I enjoyed most of 1, but those last few dungeons sucked
>whoa bro, you don't eat shit? maybe you're tastebuds are the problem!
Thought you'd enjoy autobattle so you can watch your tiktoks zoomzoom
Is there a mod or code or something that will speed up the glacially slow text speed? Fuck this game feels like it's running on molasses. Even BoF 1 and 2 feel faster.
I wish more JRPGs used the bow hunting animals on the overworld for food mechanic. It was fun and soulful
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>If this game were made today it would be better

Absolutely revulsing opinion
The pixel art is soo good though

Which more games had that artstyle
This is fantastic desu. I cant wait to play it

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