Am i doing something wrong or the game just controls like shit? Also why is there a cutscene every minute?Not even a Treasure hater, i like their games but...
Grab bitches and punch them until they drop all their money. You're playing the game right if the sound is a 50/50 split between constantly hearing that "ora" sound when she punches and "refulecta!" to deflect attacks. Other than that just shoot enemies like normal.
>>11557068You don't. This game is shit.Before anyone calls me a hater, since Treasure seems sacred here, go play Ikaruga, also made by them. It has the dual-type mechanic, but good.
>>11557068Grind the cavern level at the start until you get 999 money, then go to hidden store on the top right to get the homing laser.There you go, the game is now fun.
>>11557068Did you read the manual?
>>11557068>playing the inferior playstation version
>>11557068Beware if you are playing the English PS1 version. Working Designs ramped up the difficulty.
>>11557068>playing the PS1 fart
>>11557106Found the disgruntled Working Designs shill.