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File: DTL-H3010 (2).jpg (1.56 MB, 3024x3024)
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What does the texture of the Net Yaroze controller most feel like? Have you found any other controllers that have the same texture?
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salty coins and milk
It's like sandpaper, destroys your hands
sandpaper>>>>>Cyanide>> liquid Mercury
bags of sand
Why do you keep making this thread?
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They feel like bags of sand
larpers gonna larp
Someone already made that joke.
he's selling them
No, I am not.
I am making the threads because I want to know and I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars.
Worst case scenario I will buy a Net Yaroze controller and then resell it for a loss just to be able to compare. But I don't want to do that if an anon who has one on hand comes along and say it feels exactly like XXXX.
Also I have searched Sony products like discmans, VCRs, remotes, etc for the same exact texture and had no luck.

It is not cerakote (99% confidence).
It is not rubber/plastidip (90% confidence).
Not a joke kiddo
I found this photo of the black analog controller in my research. I hadn't seen a photo of it before.

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