>>11557243Nope that's the NEOGEO
>>11557243It could have been, but in the end all major fighting games were also ported to the PS2, not to mention you could play the PS1 ports on it.That controller didn't help also. An official Saturn-like controller right on launch might have helped, if they wanted to sell the DC as being fight-oriented
>>11557284The neogeo sucks because it only has shitty SNK games. Even the N64 is better for fighters because at least it has Smash bros.
>>11557508this, I'm not sure why I'd play an SNK fighting game over SSB
>>11557243i was looking online at dreamcast game prices. they were worse than the saturn. like sonic adventure 2 is somehow a 250 USD game these days
>>11557512Cope harder Paco. SNK fucking sucks.
>>11557517>CoPe HaRdEr PaCo SnK fUcKiNg SuCkS.Nope, I disagree on the part about the N64 being better for fighting games. Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, SFC, PC Engine, and maybe also the 3DO are better picks for fighting games.
>>11557541Yeah I agree all of those consoles are better than the N64 for fighting games. But my point was that even the N64, with its pathetic line up of fighting games, is better than SNK's entire library.
>>11557541>PC Engineit has a high quality fighting game library but it is pretty tiny
>>11557243its fighting game library is very impressivelot of homebrew ports of atomiswave games too
>>11557591How about the Sega Saturn, though?
>>11557514To each their own, but when you say this it makes me feel like I'm listening to a person who has spent their whole life drinking nothing but Coca-Cola asking me why the would ever possibly want to drink water.
>>11557659SF is water. KoF is toilet water.
What's with this fucking anon who only uses the subject field to make low quality threads? either inflammatory sentences or stupid questions. Fuck you.
>>11557284>Nope that's the NEOGEOJapanese Sega Saturn
>>11557508>>11557514>i like fighting games>i dislike snk and like smashOpinion disregarded, you've never played fighting games zoomer
>>11557243>The King of fighting gamesIt was, until SC2 came out on every console
>>11557825>the singular anon who uses the subject field