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>PS1 looks something Japs would of made
>PS5 some over-dramatic sci-fi theme after they got bored of black brics of plastic
>would of
Designed after Atari XEGS.
Designed after Atari Falcon.
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The PS1 looks like a CD player. Guess it's not that surprising, as a Sony product.
>don't look like a box
>Atari XEGS
I kind of see it.
>Atari Falcon
I have no idea what you're talking about, but it would have been a better design philosophy than what we got with the PS2-PS5.
nope, ESLism
This thread looks like something a brown ESL retard would've made.
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>PS1 looks something Japs would of made
Americans made the gray brick console first.
Sony bought Atari's Microbox Falcon design when the company went south.
I like the design of the PS2. It evokes the image of the monolith from 2001. I think this was a very good way to set the stage for the 21st century. Visually speaking, the PS2 is just so commanding and ahead of the crowd.
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As a Sony fan who is sad that they're now a californian corporation... Fuck it all
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>would of
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The Sega CDX is the most CD Player looking console.
I heard that if you remove the plastic things the PS5 has on the sides, you get better cooling.
>nope, ESLism
Completely wrong.
Mistaking the sound of a word for its spelling is typical of people who speak english as their first language.
ESLs almost always learn the written form first and the pronunciation last.
ESLs also tend to spell words more deliberately than americans so they wouldn't pronounce "have" as "of" in the first place.

The Atari Microbox 030 was a home computer that was shown off at various trade shows around 1992-ish. This was back when Atari was still developing home computers instead of consoles. But it was cancelled in favor for developing the Atari Jaguar instead. After Jack Tramiel's Atari went out of business, Sony purchased the patents for this case design and used it for the PS2.
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is there another one of these lists?
>black BRICS
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I've heard before that the original PC Engine CD-ROM2 disc drive is a rebadged CD player, hence the exposed music playback controls, but now I can't find proof of it.
Only the S in BRICS is black.
I don't get why 90s design gets so much love. It's 80s design, but shit roundish and black.

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