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What happened here?
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*taps the sign*
>Twitter/xitter take
and its trashed.
>forgetting about Majora's Mask
>Luigi's Mansion Beta
And if we're including 3rd party Nintendo console releases,
>Double Dragon II, the Revenge
>Chrono Trigger
Are you shik? I can't imagine anyone else saving that.
The eco-fascists got their way and eliminated all fossil fuels and excess carbon emissions, but by the time everyone realized all those greenhouse gasses were holding the greatest ice age in Earth's history at bay, it was too late and the planet froze over.
Nah. Its more likely that after hundreds of years, another Ice Age started to creep in, and a major nuclear war happened between several or more nations, thus making it worse.
Nintendo handles dark topics brilliantly, Sony wishes they could do the same. Instead they just ham-fistedly use mature themes to promote political propaganda.
kek, this shit is the worst with kirby especially
reeks of insecurity
Coincidence in graphic design.
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>Level 5 Shiver Star, whatever happened there
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>no Super Metroid, especially the Ceres Station area
"Global cooling" used to be the big climate doomsday panic. After that failed, they moved on to "global warming."
The spongebob meme started here (/co/ and /v/) btw
>they just ham-fistedly use mature themes to promote political propaganda
>Mother 3 and Final Fantasy VII out of nowhere
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What happened here?
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samus went there to eliminate another batch of metroids
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Likely just done to create mystery, but the people working on this game were also seemingly fans of Neon Genesis Evangelion due to >>11559396 having this.
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I see...
Majora's Mask is pretty upbeat honestly. You go around solving everyone's issues.

The only thing that doesn't end up solved in the Deku Butlers son.
Have you tried talking to the NPCs on the night of the last day after midnight? The swordmaster who hides trembling in his closet? The farmer girl who wants to make her little sister drink alcohol so she won't suffer?
>being this much of a fanboy while bringing Sony out of nowhere
He’s right but replace Nintendo with all video games. They’re just toys for children and man children.
Everyone left Earth for a three hour tour, but somebody forgot their fridge open. They'll be back, it just takes a long time to build a FTL ship out of coconuts.
It doesn’t matter.
>somebody forgot their fridge open
Yeah, being temporarily scared shitless because it looks like the moon will crash is a pretty normal response.

Then Link saves the fucking day.

Pretty upbeat in the end considering the massive celebration they all have afterwards in the credits.
We are currently in an ice age.
>Everyone left Earth for a three hour tour, but somebody forgot their fridge open. They'll be back, it just takes a long time to build a FTL ship out of coconuts.

This is actually sort of what the Forgotten Land game is about. Everyone left Earth in 1992 to migrate to Dream Land and abandoned earth completely. It fucks up the Shiver Star 'lore' though.
Proof? I'm interested in this.
If Majoras Mask is upbeat because the hero wins in the end then theres literally no games that arent upbeat? Even shit like Shadow of the Colossus ends with the hero saving the girl even if he dies so it can be argued that its upbeat.
Spec Ops The Line
It's been pretty cold lately
So much for global warming
>You go around solving everyone's issues.
Those get undone and their issues return every loop.
end of the game they're all solved, retard
That is a remake only thing. Link never goes back and solves everyone's problems, they stay unresolved so you have to pick and choose who to help if you bother to want to help anyone.
nigga the final credits scene
Bro, you don't save Romani from the Ayy probing during that last loop then she stays never saed. The creepy soul mask bonus scenes are just situations that would resolve on it's own.
nta, but not really. We're in an 'interglacial period' according to heckin' love science scientific definition spergs meaning we had an ice age, now we're living in the aftermath and aftereffects.
Honestly, no one in the west really knows, climate has become politics and politics here is shit.
majoras mask teaches you an important lesson
It's impossible to make everyone happy without time travel

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