>looking for revenge for his brother>joins you on a few missions>you save him every time>you do all the heavy lifting>he gets passive aggressive with you>he fucks up an assassination>you save him>you then fix his fucked up assassination>you do all the heavy lifting running the town>he gets more and more butthurt because he's not doing his job and you tell him that>eventually sells you out to the mafiaSo what was his deal? Am I supposed to feel betrayed by this tagalong who never pulled his fair share? Am I missing something?
I thought he was supposed to be your partner, kinda like a robber version of Miami Vice, but then he stabs you in the back and I was like WTFThat part sure was shit
He was Filipino?
>>11557464He looks like a long legged pissed off Puerto Rican.
No dad, mom's a coal burner
>>11557454cause he was a jealous nigger who thought he shoulda been in charge or at least a 50-50 partner instead of a number 2 man. after diaz was killed. it seems like he just got jealous of tommy taking over and thought that should be me. but he was a useless low down negro. thats why
>>11557454His colors are white on purple. The white denotes his naivity and the purple reveals that he is arrogant with ambition and an independent streak. That said unless you know that purple is the color of death because it replaced black due to system limitations then him being a poisonous and toxic person would fly over people's heads until he started being a bitchass nigga.
>>11557472Fucking kek
>>11557464i misread that part too kek
lance's irony is that his role is just tommy's right hand man in the grand scheme of things, even though he had more reason to want to kill diaz than tommy ever did
Play the prequel, it explains why he's such a shit
>>11558234Not really, he was always shitty
>>11558367Yes but it explains why: he's a coke head
>>11557454he looks like Kiryu lmao
>>11558234let's POP
>he got fooled by LancelotLance Vance DanceLast Dance For Lance Vancehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPvyuhZsJ9c
>>11557464Took me a second
>>11558402Kiryu wears grey and red.
Even as a kid I thought the part where they put on the cop uniforms and Tommy says it’s tight around his dong and Lance was like “oh yeah…. me too” was funny
the prequel kinda tries to imply that lance is just bitter about always being number 2. He was number two to his brother his whole life who in reality was the number two biggest guy in VC behind Diaz. It doesnt come across super well if you dont play VC directly before and in VC he is just a badly written character.
>>11558649It also shows that he's a cokehead which goes a long way towards some of his irrational decisions.