Are there legitimately *any* retro games which are the pinnacle of their genre, but aren't 6th gen?It's hard to think of many, if any.
Yeah, there are, what kind of question is that? Like 2D platformers definitely peaked before the 6th gen
Obviously. Behold, the peak of the text adventure genre.
>>11557510In fact, I can’t think of any genre that did peak in 6th gen. Maybe third person shooters.
>>11557552>3D fighting gamesDead Or Alive 3>3D mascot platformersSonic Adventure 2: Battle>extreme sportsJet Set Radio Future>3D shooterStar Wars Battlefront>traditional WRPGStar Wars Knights of the Old Republic>mascot racerSonic Riders Zero Gravity>board rpgDokapon Kingdom>horrorThe Suffering>western platforming game (action-adventure)The Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time>monster battlerPokemon Emeraldjust some ones off the dome
>>11557510Versus Puzzle games peaked well before 6th gen.This is true whether you're a Pon Panelist or prefer Puyo Puyo.
>>11557510Shmups and 2D fighters.
>>11557568>sa2b was the peak of 3d platformersits not even decent
>>11557568Wtf is a board rpg? Also>Sonic Riders Zero GravityNon-retro fag
>>11557719Zero Gravity is on PS2A "board rpg" (nonce word) is one where the world map resembles a board game like a party game but it's an rpg
>>11557701it has the best physics of any 3d platformer, can be played multiplayer, and has the most content and different game modesits level design is superb both aesthetically and mechanically
>>11557724It was released in 2008. But thanks for the info.
>>11557546I absolutely fucking hated everything about that game. It took me a million tries to get a babelfish.
>>11557731>abloobloobloo2008blooNot that anon, but you really need to work on your reading comprehension skills.
>>11557510>6th gen?i already forgot wtf is 6th gen. 2D PSX games the peak of 2D and 2.5D graphix. on PC, it was HOMM3... and some RIVEN shit.
>>11557568>>monster battler>Pokemon Emeraldwrong. that's Crystal. or the Gold/Silver remake.
>>11557660>This is true whether you're a Pon Panelist or prefer Puyo Puyo.Puzzle Bobble 3X was peak.
>>11557792Puzzle Bobble 3 is definitely my favorite Bob Puzzler but I don't know if I'd call it the GOAT.Easy, easy, easily in the Top 5 though. No doubt.
>>11557510Nobody thinks that other than nostalgia driven zoomers who legit never played anything else, and honestly, are too young to really know about this gen anyway in depth since it isn't widely emulated and are going by "i love y2k vibes" shit and watching youtube vidsIt is a funny phenomenon that the 30-40 year olds who made up this board prior to 6th gen inclusion, almost nobody considered it the best gen for any ever, other than FPS which isn't as popular here as other genres, and yet we were still young and relevant gamers when it was current being 10-20 something, so you can't even say nostalgia wouldn't play a factor, it's more just objectivityI'm every bit as nostalgic for Kingdom Hearts as I am FF6, but FF6 is a better game, etc.
>>11557881Some of you fags need to get a damn blog, or at least post your shit on facebook or something because nobody fucking cares.
>>11557897Go back to discord.>>11557881Based and true.
>>11557510>people who have never played fighting games competitively or with other humans in real life>having opinions on fighting gamesplaying arcade runs doesn't mean you know anything, because nobody plays this game and never did
>>11557568>The SufferingBased alert!
>>11557910The backstory of the Japanese fighting game boomers that everyone dickrides came from Vampire Hunter.
>>11557568Culdcept > any other board game
>>11557919>hurrr fighting game boomersbro if you're not at least a 90s kid you never witnessed an era where people played fighting games until the 2010s go back to /v/
>>11557929I never have and never will listen to anything someone who uses 5 ellipses posts, perhaps try GameFAQs
>>115578816th gen censorship here was so bad the mods deleted and banned Doubutsu no Mori threads. So how would you know if people literally weren't allowed to discuss the games?
The 3D-beat-em-up-then-upgrade genre (or as some called them, God of May Cry likes) lived died and peaked in gen 6 that's for sure, it's also the peak of gaming.
>>11557910I like playing it against my sister.She can never remember what it's called, so she calls it "The Game with the Mummy in it".
>>11557932i'll never listen to someones opinion of retro games who was born in the year 2000, fr fr poser, you didn't live it
>>11557919I don't feel like I came away from this with a greater understanding of its place in Japanese fgc history, which is disappointing. I wish they had at least glazed 2 more (mai febarit).
>>11557910I played this for the first time against my boomer uncle 7 years ago; we're both super into fighting games and he's a capdrone who grew up going to arcadesI loved Darkstalkers 2, Darkstalkers 3 was okay, but I hated turbo mode for both, it makes the game spastic and decreases the skill factorI think Darkstalkers 2 is one of if not the greatest traditional 2d fighting game (or, hell, "2d anime fighting game") of all time.Why do you countersignal it as if you don't like it---projecting?
>>11557971OP posted a 2013 compilation that nobody played.
>>11557952I'm sorry I guess I didn't make myself clear, I am not going to bother proving my age to someone who has nothing to show for his decades on Earth but head trauma induced brain damage.>>11557964Well maybe it doesn't help either but have Nuki's story about Daigo
>>11557978Also I guess I misremembered how much of this stuff happened in Hunter or Savior
>>11557789Look it up you useless nigger
>>11557975I played it
>>11557980what's the counterexample
>>11557978funny commentary guy is funnyimagine what would have happened to daigo's career if people just collectively decided to learn how to crush stall
>>11557978I'm not a boomer, did people really talk shit about you for playing SFA over SSF2T?
>>11557924never heard of it
>>11557568>3D shooterDo you mean 3rd person shooter? Even Doom was technically 3D.>traditional WRPG>Star Wars Knights of the Old RepublicThat's not even BioWare's best RPG. Baldur's Gate II was before this and was much better (not that I dislike KOTOR, but BGII is just that much better).
>>11557510RPGs (Ocarina of Time)
4th gen was the pinnacle of many 2D genres. You have some rare very nice looking ones on 5th and 6th gen like SOTN or a handful of Vanillaware games but it's not even a contest, between Mega Drive, Super Famicom and PC Engine, no other gen can compete in terms of platformers and general action sidescrollers. Modern 2D games are a love letter to that era. Well, and late Famicom era as well, but really, 2D didn't really get any better afrer some of the greatest of 4th gen, it was the peak.
>>11559159>Do you mean 3rd person shooter?yeah>That's not even BioWare's best RPG. Baldur's Gate IIyou're just suggesting another game that also gets shit on
>>11559612>you're just suggesting another game that also gets shit onI’ve also played both. BGII is an all around better game. It has more to explore, more customization, more quests, more characters, better writing, faster combat, and one of the most fun magic systems ever.KOTOR’s main advantage is the setting and the 3D graphics, but the latter forced them to make it much smaller in comparison.
>>11557510Kirby 64
>>11557568holy coal
>>11559671>>11559689this was such a shit and ugly game
the best fighting game is quite obviously soul calibur 2