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Coming 2025, now with improved visuals and without Rock Paper Scissors!
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And who here played the original? Did you play it around release or emulate it later?
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It's also Casko's game!
I was loading every single psp game on my PSP. Too a while to fill a 128 gig card and it was more likely I finished or deleted a bad game.
The game was kinda mediocre, honestly.
Too many 'explore a bit, get forced event, reterat, talk a bit, get plot thingy that makes battle not hopeless' over and over.
Thatm combined with an RPS system, it felt less like playing a game and more going through ass backwards hoops to finish a story.
Yeah, I wonder how much they'll do to shake up the pacing.
Played the original a couple years ago and I'm currently in chapter 4 of CCC. It's super bare bones game-wise, but I'm mostly playing it for the VN bits, so it's alright.
No, fate sold its soul to the gacha devil years ago.
At this point there's more garbage fate media than good.
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>fate sold its soul to the gacha devil years ago.
This game was written before that, though! Back 5 years before FGO's release!
played it on a emoulator. i thought it was decent. played CCC as well and thought it was good.

defiantly will play as Caster in the new one.
I played past the first enemy servant, started having trouble, and then started using savestates. Imagine my shock when I found out the rock paper scissors gameplay was a sham.
Played like 15 minutes of CCC less than a week ago and couldn't even make it to real gameplay because of the writing.
Emulated and played a little bit, attempting to memorize the RPS patterns of the enemies tickled my autism
>because of the writing
Now that surprises me, generally people say they like the writing of the Extraverse games but hate the gameplay. What was your issue with it?
I think VNs are wasted on you.
Having a done an Extra playthrough recently and proceeding to then play CCC i can confidently say that they are about the same level in terms of games, although CCC does have general production quality that puts it above Extra in a lot of ways.
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>What was your issue with it?
I understand that the gimmick of these games is that (You) the player are a fate fan attending a regular Fate school until servant battles and then cosmic horror show up, but I couldn't get into the generic VN section and I couldn't power through it either. I chose Gil as my servant because of course, duh, but I didn't get to meet him.
Also walking in the school doesn't work right, you can't run diagonally.
The opening segment prior to meeting your servant in CCC is like 15 minutes.
I'll try it again, but if it's more rps gameplay (and not in the Pokemon variety) I will tap out.
If you couldn't stomach the opening then I wouldn't really recommend it
Fate? More like Faggot bullshit for queers.
the state of jrpg fags. go back to your pokemon LMAO
>but if it's more rps gameplay
They scrapped the rock paper scissors in favor of a card based system. There are some clips of it in the trailer in the OP.
Remember anon, you're were born from damnation
I'm curious what they will do with the ost. No way it's even a quarter as kino as OG Extra, right?

I’d be surprised if they did all that much with it except some remixes. The snazzy jazz soundtrack is definitely part of the charm.
>Generic card game instead of rps
Wow that is so much better!!!!
No thank you
>generic card game
They’ve shown like, a few seconds of the UI. How could you possibly decide it’s generic before you even know how it works?
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I wanna try Archer for the first time but I think I love 'mamo too much not to play her first bros...
I did and I remember loving it at the start and thinking I'd play it twice more with the other two servants, and absolutely fucking hated it by the end.
Nasu was always a feminist cuck with an effeminate faggy writing style obsessed with male humiliation.
I keep playing the fan-translated PSP copy and forgetting to continue it because the combat system is fucking stupid.
Sounds like Record is a slight upgrade but without doubt they'll be charging $60 for it so... I can wait for a decent sale unless Record physical copies come with some real nice preorder bonus shit but I doubt it.
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Having a villainess desperately trying to be a cute housewife is just too good of a character gimmick to pass up on.
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>but I think I love 'mamo too much not to play her first bros...
Tamamo and Nero both are so great in Extra. It really is the best version of their characters where they are both serious and comedic while being highly plot relevant. By comparison the FGO versions of OG Nero and Tamamo are very flat.
Even tho I actually like the old gameplay, changing it was definetively a smart move as I just can't see this game selling at all in the modern age with that weird-ass combat, curious to see How that card system will actually work out
doompsters are truly the most brainded kind of individuals ever, acting like Fate doesn't get content outside the gacha anymore
Samurai Renmant for example, came out not too long ago and even got a update
The old og just got a remaster right now too
I'm surprised they didn't quietly kill it.
Fate/Extra is the only Fate game I ever played. Never watched anime. This is a day 1 purchase for me.

That track, which starts at 1 min, will be on my repeat for some time when the game comes out.
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Tamamo was fantastic in CCC IMO, made me fall in love with her all over again.
>Extra gets an anime it's shit
>Extra gets a new game in the states after a long while, it's musou shit
>Extra gets another musou garbage
How will this game be cursed? What Nasu autism is he going to put into this?
Oh yeah, by Extra I guess I meant Extraverse. And her CCC outfit is so snazzy!
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>And who here played the original? Did you play it around release or emulate it later?
I emulated the original a few months ago.
Played it twice; the first cycle I used the female Hakuno and Nameless, and the second time I used the male Hakuno and Nero.
The atmosphere as the weeks pass in-game, the OST and the conversations with Nero and Nameless were the best aspects in my opinion.

I started a 3rd cycle with Tamamo a few weeks back, but I don't think I'll be able to focus on it too much for the time being.
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>The atmosphere as the weeks pass in-game, the OST and the conversations with Nero and Nameless were the best aspects in my opinion.
Also the NPCs of course. Many of them stood out to me; the classmate who stands close to the blackboard in Hakuno's classroom and is friendly despite the ongoing GW, the couple that ended up facing each other with the girl losing her marbles after killing her bf, the archery club member who lasted until the 5th or 6th week, the girl that had no servant during the 2nd week, the girl that talks about flowers and the meaning of their names near the church, the guy who frequented the shop and lasted until the week after he ate one of the special sandwitches.
I hope the remake doesn't drop the ball there.
>Samurai Renmant for example, came out not too long ago and even got a update
It got many in fact.
It has like 3 DLC stories with new servants, and the 3rd one came out about 2 months ago or something like that.
>Also the NPCs of course
Agreed, in spite of how some people tend to laud CCC as just better "Extra" there is something more somber about the whole atmosphere and journey in Extra that CCC can't replicate.
Don't bother replying to schizos, its a waste of time
>Schizo because not a Fate tranny
FSR kinda sucked tbqh
My big letdown with it was that you were mostly stuck playing Iori the whole time rather than getting to play a bunch of Servants like you do in the Extella musou games.
not even that but the endings suck and the gameplay is monotonous even with iori. i guess that's all musou games. I haven't played a decent one. garbage genre tbqh.
>boring story
>horrible lore written by author who got deluded by his fans that his world building is good
>boring characters, none can hold candle to origin FSN
>gameplay is literal rock paper scissors
Every retard who says game is good should read a book and play an actual rpg
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I prefer the Extraverse duology to FSN.
I assume it would be pretty easy just to populate the halls with those same NPCs and give them their dialogue, the remake should definitely be able to do that. And obviously narratively the NPCs are a huge part of establishing the greater events of the grail war, so I see no reason why they wouldn’t.
Every fate fan I have ever met has been severely mentally ill. There is no bigger red flag that a person could possess
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I emulated it back in 2018. I learned about Tamamo from FGO and liked her enough that I needed to know more. Liked the story, gameplaywise I was actually keeping my own list of patterns to keep track of the RPS shit, but around week 5/6 I got tired of that and cheated the rest. It's not a good combat system...
Still need to check out CCC - especially now that I grabbed a Vita for giggles so I can actually play it on a Sony handheld
no, after playing f/go for years coping that it would eventually get better i got disillusioned with type moon stuff in general.
i did play extra way back in the day on psp, it's an alright game.
Wait, it's actually coming out?

I bought it on release in the US, beat it multiple times, beat CCC without understanding a word on release in Japan, went through the first 3 routes and am now in chapter 6 with Gil.
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I have a lot of screenshots saved from throughout my first 3 playthroughs of CCC and how far I've gotten in the Gil route and yeah the game has tons of great character moments
Yeah, it's releasing in 2025. They haven't said beyond that, but it has exited development hell.
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Can't you say this about basically any anime fanbase? I feel like most people who obsess over some show or game franchise are severely mentally ill.
>I feel like most people who obsess are severely mentally ill.
ftfy, no need to thank me
It’s still unclear to me if they’re adding/remixing content story wise or if it’s just the gameplay they’re shaking up. I’d love some CCC references
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>I’d love some CCC references
Ask and ye shall receive, anon.
>first, discombobulate
>next, discombobulate
They had me at this:

Overall I am completely underwhelmed by any new trailers but I am cautiously hyped for this.
I love the cyber look with the magic circuits as it gets going.
I'm enjoying CCC so much more than Extra. I like that you don't have to grind at all and can just go go go.
Or maybe I was playing Extra too autistically, because I remember that I always fought the regular mobs until I had the full sequence of moves unlocked.
I'm an oldfag that played the original vn and watched the UBW/Heaven's Feel/DEEN tv show and movies. Never understood the lazy cash grab games after original fs/n. Why make saber but red? Really?

Also the holy grail is kind of a really shitty artifact if you think about it. Just a glorified sacrifice pit that MC has to stop every time. It doesn't really grant miracles or anything. Just kills a lot of people localized genocide style that all the other mages do on a smaller scale to gain power anyway.
On the cover of the original version of Extra was Nero (Saber but Red) Rin, and Nameless, AKA FSN Archer. The Extraverse being completely removed from FSN was a gamble, so they covered their bases by having a bunch of Extraverse versions of FSN so if someone who played the VN saw the box art they’d be like, “Wow, I wonder what all my favorite FSN characters are doing in this spinoff title!” even though they’re all different characters.
The Moon Cell (Extra’s version of the Grail) actually isn’t tremendously evil, the Extra spin-offs Extella and Extella Link are post-epilogue where the MC wins the Grail War and uses its power for good.
The grail got corrupted but it can do miracle. Being able to create copies of the souls of dead people (servants) is a miracle in and of itself already. Fate is basically a tabletop system where the days are divided into phases (morning, night, etc...) and characters like Gil and Kirei are the GM's NPCs. Also there are iterations of it where the grail isn't corrupted (like Apocrypha).
I do agree that I don't like recent TM works though. I might still try this out for Casko.
I'm sure there will be some nods towards CCC stuff. Would it be amazing if they were hiding the entire CCC game from us and it's actually in there, waiting to unlock if you beat the Near Side route? Yes but they're never fucking doing that, they will absolutely make it later if this sells well though.
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>I like that you don't have to grind at all and can just go go go.
There's a few sequences where I was grinding but in hindsight I'm not sure why. It has no sections like Extra did where you can fight the enemy servant early for 3 turns and you can in theory win instead of the battle auto-ending if you grinded THAT hard.
>because I remember that I always fought the regular mobs until I had the full sequence of moves unlocked
I did this in both games because I knew move data carried over to other playthroughs so I wouldn't have to keep playing the guessing game after beating it with Saber
>Why make saber but red? Really?
That was literally what the game counted on, for you to think it's just a lazy palette swap of Seiba, only to actually play the game and find out Nero is nothing like Arturia at all personality-wise, being closer to a female Gilgamesh.
>No, it's uniquely true solely for fate
Anon, you are clearly not that old if you think Fate is uniquely like this, or you've only ever interacted with fandoms online and not in the real world.. Every generation of otaku has a work with an utterly cancerous fanbase.
How do you reply without sounding mad?
Your dad.
Well they did admit that Nero was supposed to look different but got turned into a saberface because Takeuchi wanted to draw more Saber.
I just noticed that this filter looks horrible in screenshots. I swear it looks fine in motion, it really smooths out the sprites and the text.
There's enough excess of card games on Steam to presume a game that's been in development for over 5 years won't have anything unique.
sure if it has english tl
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I prefer this one
Nta but it's obviously aping Slay the Spire, we've known this since the game was first announced. Which I mean, if you're going to do a card battler, StS is arguably the best one to copy.
Because the PSP isn't a fucking crt, it's an LCD screen. There shouldn't be a filter.
Now I wonder what Archer says. I've never played him, so I don't even know what his personality is like on the extraverse.
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He's mostly the same character, when you meet the FSN Archer there are slight differences besides costume.

The PSP did actually have a bilinear filtering option but it looked fucking terrible unless you were using the psp to play a PS1 game.
nvm, found it
Yeah, I was already using the filter for the PS1 games that got PSP remakes like Persona 1 and FFT and I'm used to it, but I guess it doesn't make much sense for games that just came out directly on the PSP.
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Unless they rewrite the story, there will sadly be no secret Gil route in the Extra remake since in Extra's canon, Gil was banished to the Far Side of the system because he was too powerful to be summonable for the Moon Cell Grail War and was guaranteed to win. We'll have to wait until they remake CCC, if they do.
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From the same scene
What does the yellow text above text mean?
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It's playing on the concept of Ruby Text to help with pronunciation of complicated words

Instead what Nasu is saying is
>plain text
What they said out loud
>ruby (yellow) text
What they actually mean if you read between the lines
How's the quality of the fan translation for CCC?
At the end of the day you can't polish a turd.
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Suprisingly good, the only parts that feel overly localized are when Jinako talks and honestly, I'm not sure how else you make that shit work. It's the Neptunia problem, when you character talks like an internet memelord in Japanese, but said memes and slang only really exist in Japan, you basically have to either do pic related, or have pages of TL to explain what the fuck the characters are talking about. Outside of that, everyone sounds in character, the actual translation itself is accurate, etc. They clearly put in the work with how long it took to do.
Don't know enough Japanese to tell if they fucked up anything, but the script makes sense, I think I only saw 1 typo, and there's no political stuff or retarded memes added besides having to localize Jinako, like that other anon said. And honestly it's not even close to the level of that Neptunia picture.
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>And honestly it's not even close to the level of that Neptunia picture.
Yeah I know, I just thought I'd point it out
No wait shit, it's the other way around. I'm pretty sure they said the part in ruby text out loud, and the text below is what they mean.
nothing like a goddess calling me master/husband
I accidentally spoiled myself like a fucking retard.
I was looking into starting a new Fate Extra + CCC playthrough with Archer and I saw that Gatou was in the original Extra too, but only if you choose Rani, I had thought he was an original character from CCC.
Anyway, that got me curious about Kiara, so I went to look her up on the wiki to see if she was in Extra too, and I had also missed her, and her description was like "...and she's the real antagonist of Fate Extra CCC", no lube, just completely spoiling her on the second line of her description. I honestly was not expecting that twist at all, I thought I had just missed an SG event and that's why I didn't get them all before she "died"
Pretty fucking retarded of me, because I'm probably pretty close to the reveal since my last save was in front Melt's relief.
Unless you do the CCC route, you never find that out because in the Normal route, Melt kills her and she accomplishes nothing
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Yeah Gatou is route-exclusive, you never even see him otherwise. Same with Lil' Ronnie with Vlad.
Were you not aware of Kiara from FGO already?
I'm opposed to gacha games on principle.
I’m just surprised you haven’t seen any images of her floating around online if you’re into Fate. She was pretty popular.
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>I’d love some CCC references
CCC was already planned while Extra was in development. Here's a reference in the original game.
A better example is Kiara is directly mentioned in Extra.
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"In summation..."
>D I S C O M B O B U L A T E
Even if you didn't play FGO I would at least read the story.
She was infamous for her transcendental sex attack.
I mean, yeah. Turning into a planetary giantess and pleasuring yourself to climax using the entire earth as a sex toy is one hell of an attack.
This looks fucking good is the story as good as the VN?
Not really, but it's fun enough. It's also not connected to FSN, it's an alternate universe.
It’s quite good. I prefer it to FSN personally.
I’d say Extra isn’t as good but is still really damn good and CCC (the sequel) is better.
I like the Extraverse (Extra and CCC) more than FSN. The setting is more interesting, it’s not structured like a dating simulator, I like having a self insert MC rather than just being along for Shirou’s ride with limited control and having multiple Servant options is awesome.
which servant if i'm going ccc?
why does fate extra record feel like SMT V
i wonder if they're going to do the bait and switch for the remake as well. not gonna lie that switch hit pretty hard that I tried searching up the first protagonist on the wiki to get barely anything. ;-;
Extra is...a perfectly competent game in its storytelling. CCC however I would consider one of the best PSP-exclusive RPGs ever made in terms of its story.

I would suggest NOT picking Gilgamesh for the CCC route, save him for the True End which while it's possible to get on a first run, is basically impossible without a guide because the game won't give you the in-game hints on the obscure shit you're supposed to do to unlock it until NG+
Forgot to say, the reason I think Gil should be the one used for the CCC route is unlike the other playable servants, he knows a lot more about what's going on behind the scenes in the main plot. He chooses to say nothing at least partially because he wants to see if the team is smart enough to figure it out without him spelling it out for them, but also because he knows BB is only playing with kid gloves because everyone is in the dark right now.
this true end sounds like complete ass
Nah, it's definitely the better ending. The Normal Route just...ends, and in a way that feels really unsatisfying too, like there's a piece of the puzzle missing that you never found.
The Normal/Servant endings "just end" because it isn't the ending. It continues back into Fate/Extra proper, and the Servant endings show what happen after Extra's ending.
what was fate extra's ending?
from what i've heard, it's even shitter in gameplay than CCC so i don't want to play it
I enjoy him being voiced by Kentarou Itou
Doesn't Gil have some degree of omniscience he can tap into at will? That's one of his skills, right?
nasu gave gil everything
If you don't play Extra for context don't even play CCC. It doesn't really work standalone if you don't already know the characters, the lore, and are invested in them.
It's more that the rest of them got a minor memory wipe, he didn't because he isn't even supposed to be summonable, Gil is effectively a glitch in the matrix as far as BB is concerned.
>I would suggest NOT picking Gilgamesh for the CCC route
Oh wow I fucked up there, I meant don't pick Gil UNTIL you do the CCC route. Though truthfully, you need to beat the game 5 times to see every ending (all 4 Servant Endings + CCC Ending which has to be unlocked separately)
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Also...put some time between playthroughs or you WILL burn out. I did Saber-Archer-Caster back to back to back and while I got a lot of great screenshots out of it, I also after a point was just fast-forwarding through all dialog not being said by my servant and thus wasn't unique.
I know that's what happens, but a lot of it felt unsatisfying to me. Especially since you know that you didn't actually fix anything.
Nothing gets fixed in the CCC route either. BB fucking dies, and she's the Sakura that actually loved you. Your Servant gets deleted unless it's Gil. You abandon the Holy Grail War for a life on Earth with White Sakura, so who knows what the happens with Twice and the Holy Grail in your absence. It absolutely screws up the plot of the original Extra. Although, I do agree you should be able to fight Kiara in some capacity when you are on track for the Servant Endings because the BB fight is anticlimactic.
Pretty much good advice for most games with extra paths anyways. Specially long ones.
>It doesn't really work standalone if you don't already know the characters, the lore, and are invested in them.
This is why I'm hoping we'll get a CCC remake after Extra Record if it does well enough.
Lemme guess, you're a homosexual castrated male with intestinal parasites? Also not an rpg.
What are you on about, Extra and CCC is spin off RPGs you incompetent moron.
>I'm hoping we'll get a CCC remake
Do not.
>Niinou also wants to remake Fate/EXTRA CCC. But nothing has been decided. It is quite the lewd game, so he wonders what the best way to go about releasing it nowadays would be.
it's not even that fucking lewd
there's no nipples or anything
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Barely censored Secret Gardens of underage girls really won't pass the ethics departments of today. You might be able to get by on the Switch, but Sony and Steam curators would throw a fit.
You say that but is it really that lewd though? I just went through it for all 4 servants, and aside from Passionlip and Meltryllis's outfits which they could always use the FGO redesigns if need be, the only thing really lewd is Kiara's Noble Phantasm (which again, they could just use the FGO version of Heaven's Hole). Yeah there's Punishment Time but PT already censors itself, and the Secret Garden images already don't let you see anything. I think people overexaggerate how sexualized CCC is. Yes, Nasu was very horny when he made it, but it only comes out in a few places.
More importantly, CCC is a game kinda begging to be remade. Unlike Extra where they more or less got to do the first time around what they wanted with the game aside from some cut endings, CCC was plagued with delays and money issues so big chunks of the game were left on the cutting room floor, like how there were supposed to be 3 more Alter-Egos, and Suzuka-Gongen was going to be a key character in the story. I believe Nasu said Nightengale would've debuted in CCC too, and the reason Liz was the area boss 3 times was because one of those times it was supposed to be her.

Curators have far less power than they wish they did because the people who look to them for recommendations are people who already agree with everything the Curator says.
how the fuck do i beat passionlip
Equip the Dustcloud of Osiris or whatever it's called and use when she's going to use her NP, it negates the instakill effect. Rani literally told you she made it to counter Passionlip's crushing power.
i already beat her
my issue was more with her weird ass patterns
>generally people say they like the writing of the Extraverse
You should stop talking to Nasu's fart sniffers
Extra is.... I have no fucking idea what Extra is. Sci-fi and magic doesn't blend at all. This is why Shadowrun is so unique: magic and sci-fi shit are distinctly seperate from each other but compound on how fucked the world is
>You say that
I didn't, it was Kazuya Niinou, the director of Fate/Extra and CCC.
Yes and I don;t know why he said it considering CCC came out in a post-CERO era. This isn't like all those games in the 90s where because they were made before 2002, there was never a rating system for them and it caused content to be cut in re-releases. This game was like 2013, it was made under the draconlian guidelines CERO exists with. It got a rating of D, which is their equivalent of M. It came out back when Sakurai was bitching about CERO being up his ass for content in Smash 4. CCC is not lewd enough to earn a Z rating, so what would change?
In the Fate Extra timeline magic is dead and has been replaced with technology.
Yeah, magic just one day disappeared from the world and they had to invent super tech that kinda sorta replicates it, much like how magecraft in the main timeline is a cheap knockoff of magic.
Not really? True Magic is so fundamentally different from magecraft comparing them is an exercise in futility. One is derived from enforcing your will on reality at a cost to a very limited degree based on some esoteric theorem. The other is outright manipulating reality.
>BB fucking dies, and she's the Sakura that actually loved you.
White Sakura also actually love you, BB is literally born from White Sakura love for you.
>You abandon the Holy Grail War for a life on Earth with White Sakura, so who knows what the happens with Twice and the Holy Grail in your absence. It absolutely screws up the plot of the original Extra
They don't delve into it much, but they mention that time on the near side of the moon reset because the far side whimey timey bullshit, so Fate/Extra should start all over again with a second copy of Hakuno.
Code Casting/Spiritron Hacking isn't the same as magecraft tho? They are just hacking the virtual world they are in.
>Code Casting/Spiritron Hacking isn't the same as magecraft tho?
When everythng is computers to the point of reality and virtual space being almost indistinguishable then it's basically the same thing.
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Nta but let me explain how this works in the most geeky, stereotypical nerd of my generation way possible.
Magecraft is what a Wizard in D&D does
Magic is what Gandalf does

Like in Fate, when a Wizard casts fireball, he had to prepare the spell mentally, he has to fundamentally understand how the spell works, there is often a set ritual involved, everything has to go a specific way. In that aspect, Magecraft is no different from science, it follows the scientific method. Because when you don't, your writing comes across as inconsistent.

Magic, aka what Gandalf does in LotR, does not have to follow those rules. Magic isn't something you DO, it is something that HAPPENS because you willed it so. He has power over the world and thus the world is willed to change by his presence, granted the Gods give him the permission to do so (Gandalf is actually only allowed to use like 1% of his power, 2% as The White because the last time an angel fought the forces of evil at full power, it scourged an entire continent of life and thus is too dangerous for the mortal realm to be used, see the Silmarillion for more info on that). Magic is the realm of God, the power of the miraculous given form.

That is the difference between what Rin is doing when she shoots finger bullets, and what Aoko is doing when she uses the Fifth Magic. Also, a lot of this shit is just how magic works in 90s WoD, which is funny because Arc is a character in VtM.
cursed image
It's a cute little cameo from the VtM writers, I didn't mind.
>get Jinako's house flashback
someone fucking kill me
this is too real
Yeah she definitely has the saddest backstory of any character in CCC, and it doesn't even feel like pointless melodrama, it feels like a real person.
>get trapped in the reality of eternal pain
>it's actually better
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so i'm at chapter 6
Cease this turd worlder behavior immediately.
phones are just small computers
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Why did they give Rani an atelier hat?
>start NG+ with Gil as female Hakuno
>he kills me when I say I can't think of him as my servant
i should've expected something like that
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the female protagonist is so fuckable in the remake.
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Always has been
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Because pic related
I haven't played Extra in several years now, was Tamamo always rapey?
>Team Rocket auditions be like:
>gilgamesh was a counter force and god project
>I never told anyone the story of my birth
did i just surpass enkidu in being close to gil
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she's just a bit forceful
She literally rape Hakuno (regardless of gender) in their sleep in Extella....
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Sex with Nero in 4K...
unstoppable duo
now we are
my protagonist powers have failed me
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In the original Extra? not particularly because you're the first non-shit master she's had in a long time and she doesn't want to ruin this. In CCC she's more comfortable around you since she already knows you.
Anon pls, turn off your ui when taking screenshots.
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This happens during the final week of Extra after defeating the SE.RA.PH attack program during her E Matrix. Tamamo is certainly a lot more wild with you on the Far Side during CCC, but that's because the SE.RA.PH isn't breathing down her neck there. She knows she can get away with loving you on the Far Side (and after defeating the SE.RA.PH attack program on the Near Side) without any consequences.
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i was waiting for this scene
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Hakunon ass....
she's got curves
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I think I love Tamamo-no-Mae
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Been tricked by a fox, have you? Welcome to the club.
>Tamamo trying to cuck herself
this is hilarious
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No trickery involved, I don't think so at least
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I was just making a fox pun, anon. Please learn to read the mood.
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>Female Master
>Female Servant
Yup, it's gaming time
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>Male Master
>Male Servant
Yup, it's gaming time
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Reminder that the reason you have Gil's memories when sleeping, while never outright confirmed but VERY heavily hinted at, is your original servant on the Near Side was Clae
Wait, isn't that CCC, not Extra?
Nta but it is

How were you about to lose in round 6 then, Clae is one of the only servants besides Karna that could fight on Gil's level (back when Extra was written)
Probably for the same reason Tamamo is somehow weak despite being a literal god thing
Well, they're not Gil's to begin with. It could only come from one guy. And he can also be a berserker
Tamamo is weak specifically because she's only 1 of 9 pieces of herself. Clae is not the same.
That doesn't make sense. If Gil was banned because he is too strong, then so will Clae. Also, the whole "dreaming a servant's past" was explained to be impossible in the Moon Cell in OG Extra. Also also, from what we know about cut content, the only Berserker planned for CCC that was cut is actually Nightinagale.
finished the CCC route
i was promised something better but it was tedious and paired me up with the fucking worm slut
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I never understood why the extra games try to pair the MC up with characters other than your servant (Rin/Rani in the first game, Sakura in CCC)
Do people actually care that much about wormslut?
You pretty much end with your servants in OG Extra anyway. If anything, Rin and Rani get cucked in all timelines, because there is no ending where they get the Hakuno they know (real life Hakuno is a different person).
I know but why even bother with some of the scenes focused on Rin/Rani? Some of them didn't feel platonic whatsoever to me, it's just weird how they build that kind of relationship up only for your servant to end up with you in the end anyway
>Do people actually care that much about wormslut?
Nurse Sakura's bugs are just digital, at least.
>How were you about to lose in round 6 then
Enkidu probably takes a big hit to his power on the Moon Cell vs Earth because his power stems from his connection to the land.
Without his coherent mind he is just a maddened clay golem. Still super powerful but not at the level where the MC can do a good job controlling him.
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Finished my first run a couple of days ago (Tamamo/Rani) and am about half way through my second run (Archer/Rin). I miss my fox wife so much. Decided to properly get my ass in gear and learn how to draw because of Tamamo, and I'm also gonna comm a ton of pics of her.
>Also also, from what we know about cut content, the only Berserker planned for CCC that was cut is actually Nightinagale.
That's talking about cut characters that would've been part of the story. Clae was the servant you had in the Near Side story that you have no memories of, you never would've seen him.
>Also, the whole "dreaming a servant's past" was explained to be impossible in the Moon Cell in OG Extra.
And yet it happens. When you dream they're not actually Gil's memories, they're from the perspective of someone else who was there with him. But there's only one other person that knows Gil so intimately that he would know of these moments.
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Nasu does, he's always had a soft spot for Sakura because she's based on his sister (tbf so was Rin, but Sakura was the sister that was actually nice to him). To put it simply. CCC was specifically his attempt to get people to care about her because the HF route was not very popular back in the day.
The funny thing is, even ignoring BB who is an entirely different character who merely looks like Sakura, Nurse Sakura doesn't act like the original either. So even if people care about Extra Sakura, they still don't really care about the OG one.
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Oh yeah, that does actually make sense. Enkidu probably would be nerfed in space.

Berserkers only suck if the master is incompetent, otherwise the sheer power from Mad Enhancement can do a lot. That's the difference between Heracles and Arcueid.
While Gatou is a bad master, comparing him to Illya is a bit unfair, she is a walking mana battery. Most mages won't be able to power Heracles the way she did.
Illya isn't just good because she's a battery, it's also because she's highly compatible with BAHSAHKAH. Gatou has almost zero compatability with Arc.
>because she's based on his sister
He's never outright said that afaik, what he said was, "I had two older sisters growing up, one was bratty and liked alternate being bullying me and being nice, and the other would constantly dote on me" which people interpreted as "oh, it's literally just Rin and Sakura".
male or female hakuno for gilgamesh ccc route?
I went with male. Disregard hoes, bros for life.
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Forgot pic
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For me, it's:
>Hakunon and Nero
>Hakunon and Nameless
>Hakuno and Tamamo
>Hakuno and Gilgamesh
But honestly, there's no wrong pairing. Both versions of the protagonist have amazing rapport with their Servants. For instance, I love doing the CCC route with Hakuno and Nameless for the seigi no mikata kino.
it makes her interactions with gilgamesh a lot cuter where hakuno looks more like a man being bitched
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>they don't sleep on school tables anymore
Soulless remake
why are there two beds in Tamamo's room anyway
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You two just started your relationship. Keep it classy.
I never got that argument, Hakunon is basically Gil going from "how could anyone find someone like you attractive?" to eventually saying "ok fine, I guess you're cute in a kind of ugly way"
The saving grace of the Extra games is the handful of cool servants it gave us, and the Musou games it spawned, but even then I wish they came from a different part of Fate. The Moon Cell setting sucks. The Extra gameplay sucks. The servants it has that aren't cool fucking suck.
One is for sleeping and one is for sex.
>t. FGOfag
Being pretty for a mongrol is the best you can hope for.
Hakuno repeatedly trying to show up Gil with cash is something a woman would do
plus the amount of offense she takes
Enkidu probably can't replenish his clay in the Moon Cell, so several of his abilities such as his regeneration don't function properly. His Transformation skill and base parameters are also heavily influenced by his master and compatibility, so Hakuno may have left him with like Cs or Bs across the board on stats. Gilgamesh is so powerful because he'll always have his entire treasury no matter where he goes or what the status of the physical treasury is.
The game hyped up Gil as this cheat servant but he kind of sucks. Tamamo is the superior cheat servant.
Gil is better but he takes longer, what he has going for him over Tamamo early on is he's nowhere near as fragile.
gil can't even skill spam and farm mp like casko can
>thin leo is going to be super hard
>know the arena battles with servants are purposefully jacked so you have to just hold out
>stomp him after a few unlucky losses with Casko's ultra sun god tier curse-stun mixups
no wonder this shit is labeled EX
CCC's servant endings feel like the real ones
Arena boss fights are trivial with Tamamo because they are limited to three turns. All you have to do is spam Aphotic Cave on actions you can't see to survive.
Time to play with Archer from Extra through CCC.
because like hell am I going with Nero.
>archer has the room chairs all stacked up like his summoning in rin's house
maybe it's because i've been leveling strength and have the patterns already preunlocked as per NG+ but holy shit does archer beat the fuck out of people
idk i got my first ending of fate extra ccc and i feel disappointed. ccc i was expecting was going to be like near side and far side tsukihime in which the far side is more psychological and deals with the characters which I guess is KINDA true to a point but CCC just felt more of the same from extra. idk maybe I won't feel as disappointed doing the CCC route but the fact that the story is literally just
Extra -> CCC -> Extra was a huge disappointment. everyone still dies. there's like no development, shit just feels like a speedbump. like I'm really annoyed that some of my favorite characters in extra were given a chance to survive but dies like a bitch. doesn't really feel as good tbqh.
The sense of futility is very Nasu. I'd say CCC's strongpoints are the characters more than anything else. It was so much fun to have them actually be near and interact with each other. I didn't expect to be best bros with Leo or to admire Julius as much as I did. Even the servants feel a lot more personal.

Story wise, it's better than extra but that's not saying much when extra barely had a story to begin with.
Honestly the miseryporn in CCC was a little too much. All his other entries weren't that bad about it (dunno about anything after Extra though, I literally only seen tsuki and fsn). The characters were great but then they just die off and it feels like I didn't spend enough time with them as I wanted... fuck shinji's a cool kid.

I don't know maybe it's my fault but I prefer Extra because it's just a tournament arc where it's already brought out that "you lose you die" that's it. CCC you have some hope but then they all die like flies and you're just like....wtf.
don't even get me started on how post extra CCC has jinako still be a fucking neet after surviving all that.
you dont remember far side tsuki being dfilled with the most soul sucking endings?
as far as im concerned extella doesn't exist

I don't think the deaths are that bad because everyone goes out with purpose and a smile. Made me feel like they really were my homies and we were fighting for something important, even if we might never see it and no one will ever know. The student council of the moon cell's far side existed. We were there. Nothing will ever take that from us.
>The student council of the moon cell's far side existed. We were there. Nothing will ever take that from us.
based and paradox of spiral pilled
Some of them were already dead, anon. BB was just delaying the inevitable by dragging them to the Far Side. Jinako is just a bitch, though. You're right; fuck her.
She was the most realistic character in a nasuverse work ever
>Archer: Fuck them kids, man
im sorry, what the fuck
>Gatou raving on about gods
should've gone rani with tamamo
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Every single person I have ever met that enjoyed fate has been some weird discord sex pest/groomer with an IQ of like 30
cool story bro
With so many strong servants, why was Gil singled out as too much?
No but he can also simply do way more damage with his skills unless Tamamo is really high level. Also, he can just ignore the last 30% of a boss's lifebar, which means every boss fight only has 70% of the hp they normally do.
Nero is fun in Extra/CCC, unlike in every work after.
No, it's literally all of them. Last encounter I had with one they were grooming a black kid into becoming an alcoholic and cross dressing and fucked them. Like this is just common stuff among fate tards.
He said it himself
>"You will joing the Moon Cell's Holy Grail War." That's the situation I was placed under.
>However, I was too powerful. The Moon Cell doesn't desire the strongest Master, it desires the one who remains last.
>The outcome would be assured with me. I was never suited for this Holy Grail War. Thus, I was sealed away in the Far Side of the Moon.
Keep in mind he's only lvl 1 at the start because he was sleeping for millenia by his perspective. If he joined in the Near Side, he would've started round 1 at like level 60 and swept everything.
Have you tried talking to fans in the real world and not online? That's like saying everyone who likes DBZ is a mexican who obsesses over Gohan Blanco fanfiction.
>Have you tried talking to fans in the real world and not online
Yes. If you go to a con it is even worse.
>That's like saying everyone who likes DBZ is a mexican who obsesses over Gohan Blanco fanfiction.
This is true.
>Yes. If you go to a con it is even worse.
What cons do you go to? It's never been the case for me. Maybe it's just because I'm older (37) and was part of the original Fate fandom but I don't see the thing you're talking about.
cool story
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>What cons do you go to?
Various ones in the NY/Philly/NJ tristate area
>Maybe it's just because I'm older (37) and was part of the original Fate fandom but I don't see the thing you're talking about.
I am 34.

It has always been a disgusting fanbase because it is rooted in VNs and gacha, and the content at its core is pretty unpleasant. Like this is how you get people like this:
Like the two universal constants between these kinds of people is new vegas and type moon. Like you're not gunna see falcom fans gooning together while cutting themselves and drinking vodka, but I reckon there's like a 75% chance of encountering this any time you interact with the fate fandom. At some point this cannot be coincidence.
>rooted in VNs
Of course a franchise that demands you read something will attract some level of autism but I don't see why that's a bad thing, it gatekept the Fate fandom for over a decade.
>and gacha
Please don't confuse the mass influx of people who only came in after FGO started from the original fandom. We don't like them either.
>I have fucked way too many teenage girls as is
>Of course a franchise that demands you read something will attract some level of autism
I am fairly certain it is the content of the material which attracts these people.
>he thinks people read stay night for the extremely poorly translated sex scenes
What, chuunishit? That attracts teenagers more than anything, which makes sense since most of us who are older were around 16-20 when FSN came out so that was right up our alley.
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>What, chuunishit? That attracts teenagers more than anything, which makes sense since most of us who are older were around 16-20 when FSN came out
What percentage of people at your school were goth/emo kids? 1% maybe? It's not something someone is automatically attracted to. Like when I was in high school I liked inuyasha and chobits and gundam.
...are you a woman?
Learning to accept your own death instead of running away from it is a core part of CCC's narrative, that doesn't make it bad storytelling, it just means you disagree with it.
I just had to ask, when you brought up specifically Inuyasha and Chobits.
Unbased behavior like this is what leads someone to become a fate fag
90% of people I talk to today that are still fond of Inuyasha are women. And 90% of those only really watched for Sesshomaru
I think that's why it works so well.
You're not the only one there that is absolutely turbo fucked (unless you count the endings where you get saved)
The Moon Cell is in the Moon and Arcuied is essentially the Moon's living incarnation/avatar.
you know that doesn't begin to explain how she's functioning as a berserker
plus, she tears a hole in the moon cell's reality
>the girl you didn't save tries to drive a wedge between you through food cucking
>finally get access to unlimited blade works
>leveled magic alongside defense to C since I hear Caladbolg relies on it
It can't be
holy fuck
I mean, Jesus Christ.
Archer just took a massive shit on Gawain with it
They stole the gameplay from chrono ark?
That's how you keep your bitch in line, Tohsaka
Slay the Spire
Everyone says it but it reminds me more of Slay the Spire. And that might be just because StS was the most popular and successful card battler indie game which as I said before, if you're going to copy someone else's homework, might as well copy the ones that did it best.
>. And that might be just because StS was the most popular
In a recent interview they actually straight up admitted to copying StS (and a little bit of Baten Kaitos). lol
hakunon is rough on him
elephant on a cat rough on him
i love this
>Sci-fi and magic doesn't blend at all
Nah, they can mix fine. See: Demonbane
I had no idea Nameless has a unique CCC outfit too. I don't think I've ever seen it before.
why the hell don't she and jinako get along
hakunon is such a little bitchy neet
Is there any conceivable way for Archer to ever win against Karna outside of gameplay?
time for several minutes of hakunon shaking her plump ass
you can take emiya away from shirou but you can't take the shirou out of the emiya
is that persona 3 akihiko
hands off my bitch, bitch
Snipe his master. His armor is just that bullshit otherwise since it blocks magic too.
Don't know how many ways I can say it, if you're going to shamelessly copy then might as well copy the best.
Yeah Melt actually has variation based on your servant. If it's Nameless she falls in love with him instead of you. Oddly this doesn't also extend to Gilgamesh.
>However, I was too powerful. The Moon Cell doesn't desire the strongest Master, it desires the one who remains last.
I get that he's saying the MC wants people to struggle and not have too lopsided of a match, but that ignores 2 things
1. There is not a single round you go through in Extra that's just straight up fair, EVERY week there's some fuckery going on that you have to circumvent to fight on an even level with the other master. Even in week 2 when it was the Servant acting on his own, you almost got poisoned.
2. Some people did just sweep every match anyway, Gawain was all but invincible his first 6 rounds.
Chuunishit and the goth/emo mindset are like oil and water
>Gawain was all but invincible his first 6 rounds.
stomping him with archer was so fucking cathartic
>with an IQ of like 30
Debate #rw_typemoon on twitter then.
Shirou seems like the obvious explanation
>Please don't confuse the mass influx of people who only came in after FGO started from the original fandom. We don't like them either.
>bishonen male with dog collar kneeling towards a woman
This post >>3612048 has a point after all.
still fucking clueless, aren't you, shirou
i need to see that last one
>Lancelot with the Dump Truck.
Or anyone with a good enough riding skill honestly. There's a reason why Kintoki likes the Motorbikes.
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Why is this generic girl wearing a sexy garter belt?
Bigger than average tits, a nice ass, and a cute face?
She is a 7, an 8 in good clothing.
after playing through ccc 3 times, normal route is better
fuck sakura
Yeah, the CCC route is kind of just there. I think what killed it for me is we're forced to pick White Sakura instead of BB. Throwing the rest of Extra's plot into the trash bin—including your Servant (unless it was Gilgamesh)—just to live on Earth with her just feels really scummy, too. The game has to bend over backwards for White Sakura. It's like Nasu didn't learn a goddamn thing regarding people's complaints with FSN's HF route and just thought people wanted Sakura but pure.
i can't believe he planned to include more sakura faces in it
for fuck's sake, three was already pushing it
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I recommend reading FoxTail after you have played Extra+CCC with Tamamo, especially so if you like the fox wife. Seeing the plot of CCC go completely off the rails and have even more Sakurafaces is an interesting experience, and it gives us Tamamofags some great lovey-dovey content.
I will, even if I'm really starting to dislike Sakura in general. She's like a walking tumor on things.

I have to say, Fate/Extra is pretty alright for a Fate spin-off. It isn't as indulgent or nearly as ridiculous as FGO, it's not too fanservicey like Prisma or Strange Fake, and it actually tries to tell its own story, however barebones it was, in comparison to just another fucking grail war. This isn't counting Extella of course. CCC did a lot to redeem the original and add on to it.
Yeah, Extra being so somber and mellow is a far cry from all the usual chuuni shit Type-Moon pumps out. I'm actually a little bit worried Extra Record might try and be too "epic" with its additional story content, but I'm keeping my hopes up since the original director is heading the project. Extra being a melancholy personal journey with your Servant is what makes it so great. CCC does a great job of mixing things up and showing you what kind of people your fellow Masters are, but it also reminds you they are people you will inevitably have kill and use as stepping stones.
It's just now occurring to me you straight up murder two fucking children. Sure, one's a digital ghost but goddamn.
Story wise, CCC Karna is without his armor and his master is almost as bad as early Extra Hakuno. So, he is super gimped.
Only if you play Female Hakuno + Archer. She love male Hakuno if you play Malekuno + Archer.
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>fuck sakura
Don't mind if I do!
Rho Aias is actually an insanely good protective NP that can block Enuma Elish at its non-world ending output. He doesn't have his armor, so his spear lacks the god killing properties it would normally have, meaning it's way weaker.
Considering he's about as strong as Gawain, who was fucking invincible before you figured out his weakness, that's still not gimped by much.
>Considering he's about as strong as Gawain, who was fucking invincible before you figured out his weakness, that's still not gimped by much.
Nah, he is as strong as sunless Gawain. In Foxtail, Karna fight sunless Gawain and lose. In the Extraverse, the difference in masters is ultimately the deciding factor, and Jinako despite being a decent hacker, she is ultimately a very bad master.
Kinda forgot how much of a tsundere female Hakuno can be. And how much of a womanizer fuckboy Extraverse Nameless is. kek
nani the fuck
Hakunon's dynamic with Archer and Gilgamesh is some really great character shit. No wonder they're shipped a lot in Japan. I can see it.

and extra shirou being a total whore is fucking hilarious
Doesn't Karna also job to Violet?
imagine if avenger was a servant
and you won the mooncell HGW with him, the weakest servant as the weakest master
i just love avenger
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>the weakest servant as the weakest master
You can already do that in Extra, though. It just isn't Avenger.
she is easily the most broken one, what the fuck
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bro your merciful sky?
That is actually useful?
It was dogshit in CCC
it's not in ccc because you just end up spamming polygamist castration fist
in base extra her bestial sky ability gets upgraded to merciful sky which increases the power of her next curse by 4 times
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Story and gameplay segregation. Tamamo is canonically weak as shit. She isn't joking when she talks about the power of love with you.
she has an ex rank magic skill
she is OP as fuck
I was always kinda under the impression that when BB dies, her data would go back into Sakura to save her since she's slowly dying in the CCC route and thus would be whole again.

I don't know, the gimmick they had planned for KingProtea sounds neat (she would periodically destroy sections of the level if you just stuck around to grind) and it appears with the remake they're putting in the kinds of wild ideas they wanted for CCC stage gimmicks but didn't have the time or money for.
>I believe Nasu said Nightengale would've debuted in CCC too, and the reason Liz was the area boss 3 times was because one of those times it was supposed to be her.
In Foxtail Violet forms a contract with Shinji so she probably would've been Area 5's boss.
Are levels like, actually a thing in Extra? Considering the world follows more videogamey rules, I can't tell if leveling up is just an abstraction to represent how you and your servant have bonded better, or if you are literally getting stats up as you fight and that's why each round is higher level than the last because the other servant has been leveling up too.
>Considering he's about as strong as Gawain, who was fucking invincible before you figured out his weakness, that's still not gimped by much.
He is, Apocrypha shows how strong Karna is when he has a proper master and the dude is insanely strong.
too trash and boring for me to reach his parts, honestly
Melt explicitly brings up how she drained people enough to become Level 999 so yes, levels are an actual thing and it's why Shinji just treats it like a videogame before he dies.
Well let me put it this way, there's a reason people compare Indian mythology to DBZ.
My problem with Sakura is she's, I don't know how else to say this, misery bait. It's pretty explicitly "oh woe is me, don't you feel sorry for me and my suffering?" Something that Carnival Phantasm makes fun of by saying she intentionally plays it up for sympathy points from everyone.
She didn't even get it the worst in the Nasuverse.
Angra Mainyu did.
Hell, she isn't even the character the suffered the most in Stay Night. That honor belongs to Archer.
>Went through a literal eternity of endless despair and misery
>Wasn't even given the decency of going insane
>Even in the route he's saved, he's still fucked because there is no freedom from the contract he made
>she has an ex rank magic skill
Her Curse Art is WAY too limited in comparison to other casters and lack utility. EX rank doesn't mean much, when it's an EX rank in a mediocre skill.
Yeah but you're supposed to feel more sorry for her because she's a girl. Which is kinda sexist but that's clearly Nasu's intent, that a girl suffering is more tragic.
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I was going to just post 7 meme arrows in a row with no text because you know what I'm saying, but the system thought it was spam
that's just her purposefully gimping herself
she is capable of way more but doesn't want to
being rendered a cripple by your family and friends, forced to look at the town you once lived on with a single eye you can't close, and cursed to to be stuck there until whatever immortality thing they placed on you wears out is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse
>being rendered a cripple by your family and friends, forced to look at the town you once lived on with a single eye you can't close, and cursed to to be stuck there until whatever immortality thing they placed on you wears out is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse
but he's not a sad helpless girl :(
You have to remember that Nasu grew up reading shoujo manga because they were hand-me-downs from his 2 older sisters. And shoujo loves pulling the "a girl suffering is the most tragic thing ever" card, melodrama around women fuels that genre.
If they don't keep this song, then Nasu is a hack fraud.
Why does Tamamo look so good in Takeuchi's art style?
Eh, I think what made Nasu stand out back in the day was that no one else was really doing "shoujo writing from a guy's perspective"
Nasu is a feminized male
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>Game where you can pick MC gender
>The female MC is cuter than all the waifus in the game
Why do they keep on doing this?
She's not cuter than Tamamo
What does this have to do with /vrpg/?
Fate/Extra is an RPG
Hakunon is unintentionally cute

Because the game is an RPG?
What makes it an rpg?
Well if you think JRPGs are RPGs then it follows all the rules of one outside of only having 1 party member.
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she gets mogged by cas-ko and liz
Berserk did with its Golden Age arc. There are probably other male authors inspired by shoujo manga too since you have a lot of classics back then (Sailor Moon, Clamp stuff, Rose of Versailles, Glass Mask etc...).
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I don't get people who say "omg Liz is so much better in CCC, if you only played FGO you don't know the REAL character!"
I've played both. Yes, Liz is less irritating in CCC, but she's also a turbocunt in a way that she's not in later works. No, her going, "oh, my heart is all doki doki~" does not redeem her in my eyes. As all 4 servants say when we finally get to the fight with her, she is ultimately the most irredeemable kind of monster because she can't even conceive she's done anything wrong.
Her Curse Arts aren't all that great for direct battle. She makes up for it some with some elemental magic and hexes, but her EX rank means she's better at more subtle, supportive actions. Her choosing not to make much use of it doesn't mean she's some kind of secret awesome Caster. She's still canonically very weak. EX rank in a skill doesn't necessarily mean it's broken. In canon, all three of the primary servant choices in Extra are average to below average and you have to train them up and give them bonuses.
>EX rank in a skill doesn't necessarily mean it's broken.
Nta but it means it can't be quantified in normal terms. Which in 99% of cases means that parameter is really powerful. Tamamo has god-tier support magic, it deserves to be EX rank, but how useful is support magic in a war where you're fighting 1v1?
>Something that Carnival Phantasm makes fun of by saying she intentionally plays it up for sympathy points from everyone
That's because it's a gag series. It's not like that's how Sakura actually behaves. She doesn't really play it up hardly at all in Stay Night until she tries to latch on Shirou in Heaven's Feel, and even that isn't really to a comical degree. Sakura is way overplayed in spin-offs, but her character in Stay Night really isn't that bad. She's misery bait, but she's also a prime example of how the magecraft world and its almost alien morality victimizes those who aren't meant for it.

And? That's not really the point of their characters. Sakura lives in an ongoing tragedy. She lives an abused, dependent life that is a series of awful events strung together by a magecraft-induced haze. Angra Mainyu, much like most servants, has his suffering in the past. There's no need to mourn for him or pity him because his life has already ended and he is merely looking back on his past through the lens of the modern era he finds himself in. Yes, he suffered far more than most people — Sakura included — but his time is over. That's one of the overarching themes of Fate. The past is in the past and Heroic Spirits had their lives defined in bygone eras. They're relics meant to serve as warnings or guides as records of humanity's success and folly. Just because some village peasant suffered worse in the past doesn't mean Sakura's ongoing trauma isn't real. Archer is the same way. He's a cautionary tale and a prime example of what overenthusiastic, blind idealism can do to people.
>That's because it's a gag series. It's not like that's how Sakura actually behaves.
Yeah obviously, but CP is based a lot on how the fanbase of the time perceived characters, it didn't happen in a vacuum.
It's less that it's god tier and more that she has extensive knowledge of her niche area of curse-based magic. The entry for the skill calls out that it's good for amassing fortunes, some kinds of divination, and currying favor. Given that it's based on esoteric methods and hexes, there's no guarantee that her stronger spells are even practical to use in a war setting. Yes, EX can mean very powerful, but it also refers to niche cases and excelling at specific aspects of things.
>The past is in the past and Heroic Spirits had their lives defined in bygone eras.
I mean, Gil is alive in the modern day, with a flesh and blood body, so he's a wierd exception.
Yeah, choosing to incarnate is an attempt at having a second life. Some servants refuse the idea because they're comfortable with their story as it was writ or their wish doesn't involve needing a do-over. There's a reason that Heaven's Feel ushers most of the servants off the stage pretty early or puts them in secondary roles. It's the part of the story that exemplifies the struggle of the modern day characters and breaking away from the yoke of the past.
>Some servants refuse the idea because they're comfortable with their story as it was writ or their wish doesn't involve needing a do-over
Or in Gil's case, it just kinda happened by accident without his intent.
oh shut the fuck up
>4 outfits for Gil
>they don't have his casual outfit
If CCC gets remade, if it doesn't have it, someone will mod it in for sure
What the fuck crawled up your ass? I'm not some huge Sakura fan, but the way you people talk it's like you've massively misunderstood her character.
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I want this outfit complete with lack of other animations. He needs to stand stock still like a static model.
who do you think you're fooling?
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It's especially wierd considering he straight up says in one o the routes that it's his favorite outfit and that he values his jacket more than Shirou's life.
>he values his jacket more than Shirou's life.
That's not really saying a lot
I genuinely don't know what you're talking about. Is your brain so poisoned that someone pointing out your BS must mean they're a diehard characterfag?
Yes, Sakura's misery porn is melodramatic, but if you think the existence of characters who suffered more means she suffering shouldn't exist, then I don't know what to tell you. The story beats you over the head with the fact that the past is the past. Saber goes through a whole character arc about learning to accept the past and move forward. Angra Mainyu's story in Hollow Ataraxia isn't misery porn over his excruciating past. It's a story of him moving on and helping Bazett come to terms with her fate over the course the story. Archer acts as a cautionary tale for Shirou about the dangers of ideology, but even Archer was taken aback when he heard about Sakura's suffering because he had no idea about. Sakura is there as a symbol of hidden victims. She's not constantly crying about it like people say. Until Heaven's Feel, she never says a peep about it. You've been turned off by Nasu shoving her down people's throats with variants and spin-offs, but her original character is just a trauma victim who goes on a power trip while becoming drunk on her own despair. I'm trying to have legitimate discourse while you're being dismissive for no reason.
well i guess all of sakura's suffering is in the past so she should get over herself
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Simple, Extra Gil is not FSN Gil. They have the same life in Babylon but the Gil you met in CCC never experienced the shit the main timeline Gil did, so he never owned the his casual clothes. He wouldn't have it outside of it being an easter egg for the fans.
Hence why instead he has this gaudy clubbing outfit.
>says in dialog that he liked to go clubbing in Ginza and Roppongi
>white guy looking for some action in Japan
Checks out, they did their research
The point is that her suffering is ongoing and Zouken intends to make her suffer for the rest of her days until he finally takes over her body when he gets done with his current one. Don't be blind to what her character is just because you dislike the trappings of what came later.
>so she should get over herself
That is also literally what she's doing over the course of Heaven's Feel. It's her trauma coming to a head and bubbling over. By the end, she accepts what has happened to her and moves on. Heroic Spirits have the benefit of having lived their entire lives, long or short, and getting to pour over their experiences in the Throne of Heroes.
In every other route, she stays silent about her sorrow and eventually she's either freed from Zouken by outside factors or he takes over her life. It's only when she confronts her problems in Heaven's Feel that she can have anything approaching a happy ending.
>That is also literally what she's doing over the course of Heaven's Feel.
I mean, yeah, it is. It comes via a power trip of self-obsession, but it's the story of Sakura doing something purely for herself for the first time out of self-preservation. She's lashing out in an awful way that hurts people, but the story makes it clear that it's one part herself desiring revenge, one part genuine despair taking over, and one part the magical conditioning that's been done to her body. She goes through the entire range of negative coping mechanisms and then arrives at acceptance in the end. At the end of Heaven's Feel, she's largely over her trauma and is starting life anew. She's almost a different character in Hollow Ataraxia because, despite following a blended route, she reached some kind of resolution and is improving as a person.
That's the other important part of her character. The story treats her reaction as being one that is inordinately dangerous to others to the point that it almost condemns her once she reaches her lowest point. Victims becoming drunk on their own trauma and despair is also dangerous, and Stay Night makes the point that while her response isn't unexpected, she can't be left alone to do whatever she wants. It's an unfolding story of yet another foolish human committing foolish actions.
> it's the story of Sakura doing something purely for herself for the first time out of self-preservation
you sakurafags are a fucking riot
Again, not a Sakurafag. I can just read and parse the themes of the story instead of blindly hating a character for memes and later, more distasteful writing.
Point out the lie.
I'm not saying she's selfless, as she clung to Shirou because she liked him, but that's not really DOING anything. Heaven's Feel is the first time in the story she did something actually significant out of purely selfish, even dangerous at times, desire. I'm not listing it as a positive for her. It's the absolute low point of her life where she takes all of her bottled up trauma and tries to use it as justification for hurting everyone that never saw nor saved her. After a point, it does become a matter of self-preservation because she overhears Rin talking about killing her. Sakura was already harming people at that point, but it's not until shortly after that she becomes Dark Sakura.
I worded it weirdly because the inciting incident was not self-preservation, but it did become a concern of hers.
>I worded it weirdly because the inciting incident was not self-preservation, but it did become a concern of hers.
Man, I'm just admitting to a semantic mistake, no need to be a chode about it.
I want to point out Thomas Edison has EX rank Endurance, Noble Phantasm, and Mana, but they're more comparable to E-D ranks despite this because they involve very specific parameters.
EX in Fate is just so weirdly specific that trying to count it as some sort of power is asking for trouble.
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I do love that Hakunon is supposed to be a run of the mill mob-type girl but Wada Arco couldn't help herself and now she's a gorgeous porcelain doll of a babe.
2 runs in and I still don't get the point of the food cucking scene.
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>I'm not some huge Sakura fan
NTA, but do you seriously think you're fooling anyone here?
Go read your post. It's clear that you haven't read it after writing it, wormslut.
Me neither.
It also happens so abruptly, as if it was tacked into the game near the end of the dev phase.
slice of life anon
No matter how much Nasu pretends to be deeper than that at times, he is ultimately a giant otaku who plays into the same tropes and cliches as everyone else. I mean Gil in the original Fate route is basically just an NTR doujin antagonist when you think about it
pretty much
>why are you so mad?
>it's not like you're a virgin, lol
>i'm going to fuck you now
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I liked the subversion of Tamamo being really good at cooking but not considering herself good enough
perfect waifu
she can perpetually try to improve to please you
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I WILL marry the demon fox, and I WILL turn her into a good wife and wise mother.
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she can't get eggnant dummy
I'll have her go Nine-Tailed Mode and use her Divinity rank to break the rules. You can't stop me!
Only if he slides up and down, left and right in that pose while running around with him in the dungeons
Shady business fox
I get that you're retarded but can you at least pretend to know about the game you're shitting on?
Wtf are you talking about? The scene isn't even actually about the cooking itself (both Rin and Rani cooking is good btw), Is media literacy really this bad?
Oh, I thought you were talking about the Liz SG2 section.
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>they unironically made Hakuno into a servant now
>turn a character who is supposed to be the weakest into an OP Servant for nostalgia sake
This series is really running out of ideas....
FGO is really really really stupid okay
Why did they decide to remake it?
Nasu likes extra or something.
From the interview:
>Niinou the producer on the original game wanted to bring the game to modern consoles
>He realized that the game aged horribly so it will need a full remake instead of a port
>He approached Nasu about it
>Fate/Extra is basically Nasu's pet project so he greenlit it
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>remake faithfully keeps her panties black
I hope the camera's main resting position in battle stays focused on her ass again
that was nice
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For all of Extra's positives, it's trapped on the PSP which is completely dead in Japan, and it's not particularly fun to actually PLAY.

see pic
just consume product and get excited for next products
On one hand I get it, if you're a pedantic faggot about details then you'll never be able to enjoy everything, sometimes you do need to turn your brain off. On the other hand, the game KNOWS shit doesn't make sense and it's actively making fun of that fact.
>never be able to enjoy everything
anything*, I meant
suspension of disbelief
Qrd on Emiya with long hair? I've never seen him with that getup before.
That's just Nameless, he let his grow in Extella Links.
it looks so off on him
It does, no one actually liked it. kek
NTA, but Anon this is the series where suspension of disbelief went out the window in the first anime. Where rules of the magic and general system exist to be broken for the cool magic moment.
It's pretty much built on "This shit looks cool yo"
Well, turns out you were right, FGO just confirmed Hakuno's berserker is Enkidu.
So... how did Week 5 happens in that timeline, because Berserker Enkidu is supposed to be basically an animal. Did Rin fuck a dog?
Sounds like something Extra Rin would do
Post proof
enkidu probably had no circuits or whatever
>About Older Gil (caster): "It's a Gilgamesh that isn't the king of heroes. Aah, I see. What Berserker said was true (referring to the SG scene), he lost his friend and even his youth but in exchange he became King of Humans. His long childhood has ended, huh."
Also, she cuck FGOfags and straight says Nero and Tamamo are her wives, Nasu is based for once. kek
why is this in fgo of all things?
for fuck's sake
hakuno/n could've been the playable character in a new extra game
The new FGO event have a lot of teases for Extella 2. So, we are probably getting that eventually after Extra Record is finally out. As for why it's being done in FGO, it's because the recent event is essentially just Nasu shilling Extra Record by making the Hakunos into servants.
>"No comment on archer, where did his usual womaniser pretense go? I can't stand to see him in his casual clothes being too relaxed. Seriously, isn't he an idiot!? He is, isn't he!?"
Why is she mad that he isn't a manwhore anymore? She literally assaulted him with a chair for that. (It's nice that Nasu remember Hakunon is a huge tsundere tho.)
He made some disparaging comment about her appearance for it last I checked.
>the female servants don't have any comment about Hakuno
>Only the wormslut
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I hope they show something of the game on TGS. Because I really can't wait for their usual new year stream.
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Unfathomably based.
She tears a hole in it because she is offended at the deletion clause and can do whatever she wants on the moon and the Moon Cell itself cannot do anything because of the nature of its powers. She became a loyal servant because of the Berserker class's madness enhancement but she agreed to the contract anyways.
>fate fans tells others to read a book
Somehow I doubt you're reading highbrow literature. But I agree this game is shit. I hate remakes but I'll let this one slide since the original had no redeemable quality.
>Fox Tail manga brings up Hakuno hopping a lot
i did this in game
This. Nasu straight up said that the only reason he establishes rules is for a character to look cool when he does the impossible and breaks them.
tbf the game is coming out next year. How much more can they say than the last trailer did without just spoiling more of the changes?
cool story bro
We all did, even though jumping does LITERALLY nothing, it's a programmed in action just because.

He's a chuuni, he can't escape it.
can't you jump over some of the puddle hazards?
If you mean Melt's puddles, then I'm pretty sure they don't actually do anything if you walk on them.
You can jump over Robin's floor hazards, but their hitboxes are fucked. You basically have to run into them before jumping in order to clear the 2x2 tiles.
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>Check her wiki out of curiosity
>She straight up physically stronger than Archer
isn't it sad, shirou?
tbf, Hakunon get trained by Li Shuwen and Scathach in Extella Links. Nameless never really got a formal martial arts training, he is mostly self taught.
>shirou devotes his entire life to violence
>sucks at it
someone just put him out of his misery
The only thing Shirou is good at is cooking, so he should get back to the kitchen where he belong.
mcemiya's here we come
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Hopefully they keep FEMC as a tsundere in the remake.
her disappointment was immeasurable and her day was ruined
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>Everyone in Extra (outside of Dan) dies afraid or sad
>Everyone in CCC dies with a smile on their faces
It was kino
Playing Extra after CCC make their deaths hit even harder.
I started with CCC then went to extra.
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Why is she looking at me like that?
because you're human garbage
on my third run of base Extra and I'm wondering why they made Leo so based. He's so much better than the 2 slags that you're stuck choosing between.
They were actually planning to give Leo his own route originally, but that get late in development.
sounds like the best
at least in base extra
>harthways aren't coming for your ass for murdering leo
>he's personally seeing to your recovery
>moon cell is no longer connected to the earth
>rani and rin are both dead
wonder if the remake will give us something like a third route like in CCC
Probably the best ending for Earth as a whole since losing is what's supposed to lead Leo to being a truly great ruler.
Played it at release. I remember being amazed finding a us Fate game. All I can say is Mikon.
That "one more please" gets my heart every time
i love my crazy fox wife and her big fat tail hiding her plump and ripe for disciplining ass
as for how the route split was supposed to work:
apparently there was a third choice for the Rin vs Rani decision: neither
this allows you to keep all 3 Command Seals until week 7, whereupon you could use them to save Leo and get on his route (presumably you needed your two spares to save him)
there were two more cut endings: the "save nobody" one where you don't save Rin, Rani, or Leo, and one where you take Twice's place
apparently they also planned on you being able to save Julius (with a Command Seal?) and saving Rin while on Rani's route (harem end?)

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