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I'm quite curious about Dungeon Travelers since I see a lot of people talking about how fun it is while franchises like Mary Skelter ended and Etrian Odyssey seems to be in a turbulent situation (correct me if I'm wrong here).
How is Dungeon Travelers like? And I heard the PC version got some CGs censored but other people claimed it's untouched. Which is it and if it's bad does it have a decensor patch?
Which should I play first?
>Stranger of Sword City
Posting a non bethesda thread is a bannable offense,
I dunno what that is I'm kind of new to Dungeon Crawlers. I saw Travelers getting posted here and there and got interested in it.
It takes a truly special person to be so oblivious he answers seriously to a shitpost like that.
>How is Dungeon Travelers like?
It has fairly standard JRPG combat, elevated somewhat by good class design and dangerous enemies. They are very long, usually something like 50 hours for the main game and 150 to complete the post game. I like the dungeon designs a lot, they're often challenging to navigate and the puzzles are generally good.
They start out a little weak because your characters don't have their complete ability sets until level 30 and the initial classes are painfully basic, and the dungeon designs tend to start out a little basic too. Eventually mini boss enemies start showing up as random encounters and a lot of them can easily wipe a level appropriate party.

tldr it's like what would happen if Mary Skelter was good
I played the english version of dungeon travelers 2 on ps vita and there were four CGs censored, I assume the PC version is the same. I recall hearing there was an uncensor patch on vita but it's so minor that I didn't bother.
Overall I enjoyed the game a lot. It starts out pretty basic but as the game goes on you unlock some cool classes and you can respec your characters at various points to maximize party effectiveness. You'll need to rotate a few extra characters into your party at times where you need a certain class. Later in the game the dungeons also get more complex and fun to explore. Story-wise it's pretty forgettable but it has a lot of likeable characters and a lot of memorable skits like the OP image.
A couple other games I recommend are
>Stranger of Sword City Revisited
Very light on story. Just good old straightforward dungeon crawling. You can reclass your characters multiple times to obtain skills and build an effective team. I prefer the revisited version because the dungeons are less empty and there are some satisfying skill combos.
(I haven't played undernauts)
>Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey
Fuse demons to build a team with the right skills. You'll need to fuse new demons periodically as you progress through the game and unlock stronger options.
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>And I heard the PC version got some CGs censored but other people claimed it's untouched.
Dungeon Travelers 2 got censored CGs but there is an decensor patch for that.
Dungeon Travelers 2-2 is untouched though. The PC version got a few lower quality BGM but that also has a fix.
Alright sounds fun enough. But one question: I keep seeing people talk about Dungeon Travelers 2 and onwards but never Dungeon Travelers 1. Any reason for that?
>Dungeon Travelers 1
It was recently released on PC. There is a thread dedicated for that here a few months ago. That also being a spinoff of a Visual Novel might made it harder to discuss.
The gameplay is similar to Dungeon Travelers 2 but there are broken setups there that will only work there as Dungeon Travelers 2 changed them for better or worse.
I tried Etrian Odyssey 3 HD, and I enjoyed the core combat and party building. It was fun mixing and matching classes and . The actual dungeon crawling didn't interest me, though. I want to get into more games like this, but I don't know, I wonder if there's a generational gap or difference stopping me. So, what dungeon crawlers out there have the following? I'm asking this out of ignorance, please no bully.
>Movement not locked to a grid, at least outside of combat
>Fun dungeons
>Fun party building
"Not grid based" and "has party building" is a very rare combination for a dungeon crawler.
Not grid based, but still party based "dungeon crawler" is extremely rare, there's some other JRPGs that mainly focus on the battles and partybuilding mechanics like 7th Dragon or Bravely Default but I wouldn't call them Dungeon Crawlers anymore
One of the few games I'd still call a dungeon crawler, but without a grid would be Rance Quest (Rance 8), but that's not something I'd recommend as a standalone, or mainly for the gameplay (combat and partybuilding are rather basic)
does wizardry 8 qualify
Realms of Arkania: Star Trail had toggleable step-based movement, Betrayal at Krondor is flight-sim based movement. People said Wiz 8. Old though. They kinda stopped making crawlers in the west, though there are a few retro inspired games that obviously want steps for the retro appeal, and the japs simply love step-based only as far as I know.
You are playing the remaster right?
Pretty sure its SoSW --> SoSC
>Alright sounds fun enough. But one question: I keep seeing people talk about Dungeon Travelers 2 and onwards but never Dungeon Travelers 1. Any reason for that?
I don't think it's as good overall and DT 2 and 2-2 have like 300 hours of content between them. It does a few things better than its successors, like giving you early access to a few intermediate classes and at least one advanced class.
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On surface they're similar but itemization is considerably different. I enkoyed 2 and 2-2, but 1 is the only one I loved because of the way it handles rare drops. It also has the best music
I plan to, yes. So Sapphire -> Sword? Thanks.
>So Sapphire -> Sword?
There are some nods here and there that stay consistent,looks like experience wants to keep it all in one world, undernauts included
The art revamp on SoSW is massive
can a nigga get a list of entry level dungeon crawlan games?
No. I hate niggers
Etrian Odyssey 3 is a solid all rounder. Etrian 4 is a little easier if you're worried about that, but none of them are super hard. Dungeon Travelers 2 is solid if you don't mind that it's an ecchi game where 90% of the monsters are anime girls with cat ears or similar.

I prefer forging good items because farming rare drops sucks. It's not like there aren't any good unique drops in 2 and 2-2.
I would start with EO5 out of the etrians. The story is a bit weaker, but the gameplay is very good and probably a lot easier for a new player to come into. Master classes are a much more intuitive thing to pick up instead of subclassing, and you don’t have to worry about the airship/boat nonsense IV and III have.
How about 2 out of those 3, then?
Thanks for the suggestions.
I'll check those out as well. Full 3D movement seems to be underutilized then. A decently sized studio could implement Zelda style puzzles and more into a dungeon crawler.
Wizardry 4 is considered one the easiest wizardry games and Grimoire is a fan sequel to that game.
Start with those.
>basic starter ecchi dungeon crawler
>Dungeon Travelers over something like Sakura Dungeon
wew lads
This is a thread specifically for shovelware designed for handhelds for weak men, this isn't the thread for dungeon crawlers. I know this is confusing, but oh well
I've been playing this over the course of about 6 months when I can, and it's become one of my favorite games. Was rolling my eyes at the shameless ecchi at the beginning, but the dungeons and class system hooked me. The game only improves as it goes on, and gets pretty challenging. OST is fucking great too.

Was getting walled by Death 13 in Gear Castle but with some Stab resists and instakill immunities she could barely scratch me. Magical Princess and Joker are pretty insane.
Is it any good?
Do I lose a lot if I start with Dungeon Travelers 2 skipping the first game?
Nah they're standalone
DT2-2 is, as the name implies, a sequel to DT2 (more like a what-if alternative route with some new characters), but even that can be played first, they're not all that story heavy
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>It's not like there aren't any good unique drops in 2 and 2-2
Generally, until late post game where generic equipments reach their absolute limit even with blacksmith upgrades. They are still viable due to the effects you can slot in though.
Dungeon Travelers 1 doesn't have blacksmithing upgrades so some likes the way that you need to forage equipment drops to outfit your team well.

I miss the time where my team for god slaying team gets walled by class doors and party limit doors. Good thing DT2-2 takes them out but it does made you consider your party setup more when you fight the gods.
You don't lose anything.

come home third-person gridder bruvs
I’ve been playing this one - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2248430/Touhou_Artificial_Dream_in_Arcadia/

It’s basically Touhou SMT, would recommend.
I will play this one day, looks fucking great
Nice to see the dungeon floors have actual graphics now but it's iffy how it's reusing a lot of assets from 2. I'd at least expect everyone to have new portraits and the UI to have a new theme.
Still the actual gameplay is the thing to look forward to, hopefully the post-game isn't a tedious grind like for 2, and hopefully it's a bit better balanced this time.
Oh nice, I really should finish Heavenly Tree (2 iirc? the one already on Steam anyway)
Oh shit
Yeah it's 2, the first one isn't on steam. Probably because 1 is kind of a mess, the dodge stat doesn't do anything, for one.
holy fucking based

Any recent Dungeon crawlers that arent, well, anime? No offense to those who like It but the horny nature of It puts me off.
Im thinking about games like Elminage and the early Wizardry games.
Anime =/= horny
Sure, but you know what I mean. Most are horny, like Dungeon Travelers.
Undernauts look cool, for one, but I havent played It.
I was planning to fully complete the libra book, but holy fuck the drop rate is complete shit.
Most of the gods aren't even that bad, I just beat Requiem and Mumeibime easily because all they did was spam magic.
I still have the final two to go though.
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Are the Etrian Odyssey HD games worth $34 for the set of 3?
If you don’t need the money for something else - yeah absolutely. It’s 3 substantial, good games with a lot of replay value for each of them.
nyaa upload should be denuvo-less
Holy shit didn't know it had a steam page now. Don't think I've ever waited this warmly before.
Undernauts is very horny though, you just aren't cultured enough to appreciate gore correctly
need one of those big infographs but with drpg recs
Thank God.

here's your one new DRPG per year, bros
EA though.
this one sucks
>We use AI to generate some of the characters and backgrounds.
Yeah, it was pretty obvious.
One yes
One no

Result: I buyboughten it
When was quality ever mentioned between you and I?
when I brought it up to warn people that the game is low quality.
Hell yes
Where does one start with Wizardry? Curious about the franchise
If you're going to play classic Wizardry then probably the original one. The PS1 remake is decent afaik. Wizardry 6, 7, and 8 are fairly different from their predecessors. 7 in particular is a cult favorite for its sheer ambition.

Personally I don't think any of them are great games desu.
Has anyone tried the spin off Starcrawlers game Chimera? I really liked Starcrawlers but I'm unsure about this.

What have you played? Grimrock 1 and 2 are the default recs for modern blobbers. I really like Starcrawlers, as mentioned above. There's more but those are the 3 I've bothered trying myself
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Did they ever haxx the official English translation into the Vita version of 2-2?
If not, will it ever happen? I really don't want to have to play it on PC.
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>Did they ever haxx the official English translation into the Vita version of 2-2?
Someone tried to but there seems to be more work to do than the usual.
there used to be a zenhax thread but I can't find the thread anymore, apparently most threads disappeared.
Either way, last I checked in 2021 it didn't go anywhere
Is across the obelisk a dungeon crawler?

I like games like that
It's good, but it's not great. One of the best entry level dungeon crawlers, I would say. Basically it does everything that a dungeon crawler should do well. Everything is competently done from dungeon design, artstyle, music, customisation, etc. it's just not really that notable in general because there's better games for all the individual aspects, jack of all trades and master of none I guess.
The biggest praise I want to give the game is that it's one of the very few dungeon crawlers where the story and characters are actually a focus instead of being an irrelevant footnote to justify you exploring dungeons. It has actually satisfying progression and growth throughout because the characters feel just like how they're portrayed in the storyline. A big criticism and obstruction to new players of dungeon crawlers is that they're perceived as being mainly pure gameplay for gameplay autists, so it's really nice to have an earnest storyline with a satisfying conclusion to follow alongside it.
$20 is a good deal considering how much content you get. Art isn't that hot though, lewd CG scenes or characters are pretty rare too so you're not getting a Moero Crystal experience here.
>Check out the NIS Labyrinth games
>they're gay
>no like really they're actually yuribait.
>both of them
Am I going to get surprised YURI'd if I play EO?
That word does not mean what you think it means. Anyway, only if you use your imagination~
There's no gay shit in yuribait though?
>Strangers of sword city

Literally unplayable on any handheld like the steam deck/legion go/etc. Anytime the keyboard pops up in game your handhelds "controller" will be locked out and will not function.

There's some extremely gay work around that may or may not work for you but I just said fuck it and refunded.
Mainline EO games have almost zero plot. Ive fully completed 1-3 HD and playing 4 and I haven't even heard a single dialog that could be construed as sexual.

I think there was one dialog where you can call the shop girl pretty or something, but that's about it.
The genre is niche, there will never be a game like this with a big following
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Can I get a dungeon crawler that has a really rich, interesting story? I played Galleria and it’s immediately shot to the top of my list because it had some really fascinating stuff going on narratively to break up the jaunts in the dungeon. Anime girls are a plus but not strictly mandatory
i don't give a shit I FUCKING HATE GAY
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Why do you hate gay witches, anon? Gay witches never did anything to hurt you.
>Can I get a dungeon crawler that has a really rich, interesting story
No, that's the exact opposite of what a dungeon crawler should be. Just play something else.
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But the Labyrinth games do it and its great.
Strange Journey had a pretty cool story. Didn't stop it from being a good dungeon crawler.
Aren't the Labyrinth games grimdark?
grimdark as in GAY AS FUCK.
That's stupid. How exactly would it contradict anything about the genre, and why would it be a negative?
Shame about their gameplay
i havent read toheart but i wanna play dt can i start with 1 and then move on to 2
i follow this game and it seems they've been trying to improve the game ever since launch

one day it will be worth a buy

i believe
you can start with 2 if you want, there's almost no continuity between 1

can't really recommend 1 in general, game is fucking hard

Are these labyrinth games genuinely enjoyable in the same way as DT2, SoSC, EO, etc.?
I get the sense that edgy NTR fans love it for subverting expectations or whatever, but I'd like to hear from a dungeon crawler fan.
I thought disgaea sucked so I'm hesitant to try something from the same developers.
Refrain has a good story but the gameplay is terrible. Up until you get a specific pact 2/3 through the game your MP is extremely limited so you spend almost all the time just auto-attacking through every battle and only using skills in boss fights. Then when you get that pact it breaks the game. And because of the sheer number of units taking place in battle, battles take fucking forever, even if you're speeding them up.
Exploration is alright I guess but I didn't care for the wall crushing gimmick in Undernauts and I didn't like it in Refrain either.
Didn't play Galleria so I can't say if they improved the gameplay any.
I only played refrain but the dungeon exploration part of the game was pretty good and had some interesting features like giving you the ability to break walls early on.
The combat is bad and barely interactive. You basically just spam normal attacks the whole way through the game and hope you crit and take a limb off. All you need to do defensively is stack evasion.
>Has anyone tried the spin off Starcrawlers game Chimera?
Was not a fan at all. It is a step backwards in nearly every way.
Dungeon exploring is actually pretty nice, combat is brain dead and story is very wordswordslesbianswordswordshorribleshitwordswordswords.
The only DRPGs I've played are Strange Journey and Soul Hackers 3DS. Recommend me something like those pls.
I was having a pretty good time with Labyrinth of Refrain up until the Umbral Towers, there's way too many fucking floors of these things, the enemy density and abundance of full party targeting attacks is absurd and I swear there's some bug or something causing regular enemy encounters to transform into FOEs and it's cost me fuckloads of stockpiled XP.
can you make touhous waifus
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Anyone going into those for yuri is going to be very disappointed.
If you like the Atlus/SMT style you could play the two Persona Q games, then EO
There's also a recent-ish Touhou fangame that's like an (oldschool) SMT crawler, something something Arcadia
>Was not a fan at all. It is a step backwards in nearly every way.
I haven't played it but I feel really bad for the devs. They clearly wanted to try something new but almost every review is a direct comparison to Starcrawlers.
I really loved them. The big hook dungeon exploration wise is the number of ways you can interact with the dungeons. You can break down walls to find secret passages or make your own shortcuts, jump across chasms, use a black light to uncover illusions, set traps, build walls and make escape and return points as you need. But the resource used for this is balanced against the same points you use for your party composition, so if you want to maximize your versatility in dungeon exploration your party will be a lot leaner for a while.

About halfway through the game you’ll clear the first big dungeon (the titular labyrinth of galleria) and you’ll start exploring a procedurally generated dungeon which you likely won’t find as exciting. But the game gives you an entirely new suite of classes to start experimenting with at the same time, so it’s pretty easy to stay distracted with that.
Labyrinth has tons of misery porn, basically. Like, there will be plenty of upbeat comedy moments, jokes between characters and traditional fantasy fare and then things will hit the fan and suddenly there’s cannibalism and rape and suicide and you’ve just gotta do your best as the player to protect your witch as much as you can so hopefully the two of you can fix things before the world ends.
I’m surprised people didn’t like the combat of the Labyrinth games. Between 15 active party members (with sub members in the back) coven skills, all the playable classes and the ability to use points to reinforce defense attack and speed I felt there was a ton going on.
>Picture: Coomer Slop
>Anon: Hentai Fag
Yeah it was great how I had 15 party members and spent every battle just auto-attacking because that's all you needed to do.
That's basically all you can do on non casters, and the magic system isn't great either.
Persona 1, PSP, music patch so you can get two soundtracks.
>I felt there was a ton going on.
See that's the trick. A shit ton of systems to trick you into seeing it as depth but it gets solved extremely easy and fast. I expect auto-battle spam in DPRGs only when I don't have a way to repell low level shitters

here's your one new DRPG for 2025, bros
this one sucks
No DRPGs at TGS?
such is the state of the dead genre
In Savior of Sapphire Wings, is there an easy method of telling what element my opponent is weak to? How do I even?
oh shit 2 DRPGs in 2025
its happeding

There's actually a third I found blundering around steam. Horror based, which is suprisingly rare for a DRPG despite seeming like it would work well.
>looks cool
>trailer mentions a demo but there's no demo
>check the forums
>dev decided they weren't happy with it and they made a side project to get more experience and they then want to remake the core game with that style
>the side project looks worse
>Transphobia, depression, grief, and religious abuse are themes discussed in the game.
Y'see this is what I get for not spending the 5 seconds to actually read the page.
Anyway, that means the position of Good Horror DRPG is still up for grabs, this could be your chance /vrpg/
What do you mean? That sounds like an absolutely horrific DRPG experience.
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Do you think this one seems good?
I liked the art style, found this through twitter by accident one day.
>Transphobia, depression, grief, and religious abuse are themes discussed in the game.
If people went into it blind or it was their first game they'd probably be all "This is ok but could be better" and so it seems much worse because Starcrawlers was better and just needed a bit more to be pretty great.
>Horror based
The Inferno games by 68k Studios are the only horror style kind of DRPGs I can think of off the top of my head.
I thought it was another little DRPG from Graverobber Foundation like
but it is just using the same freebie art and annoying CRT filter. Could be a good game behind it but will have to wait and see.
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Sometimes you have to guess, sometimes they tell you. Fire enemies are weak to water, etc
You can use it on a horde and if the damage is significantly higher, its a weakness hit.
Anything that doesn't give a THUNK sound when using it is good anyway
I knew I had seen this art before.
Whoever is the artist behind these?
Anyways, are any of these you linked any good?
Extremely sloppy
Might be cool
This one looks promising
Way to much horror for me to handle.
Not surprised though, at least 50% of any DRPG players in the world gotta be yuriniggers
>Whoever is the artist behind these?
Not sure. I know it is one of those buyable asset packs though because you see it around a lot
>Anyways, are any of these you linked any good?
They are alright time wasters. Pretty short, very bare bones dungeon crawlers but they normally go on sale for a few buck and are worth that at least.
Cant have yuri by definition if one party is a sullief whore that rode every dick in town.
bubble bobble
dungeon crawlers =/= DRPGs
Is it good?

are we going??
How is the etrian odissey remaster on steam? It's faithful to the original or it has censorship and the usual stuff you always have to check nowdays?
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>incoming exams
I just wanted to play some Dungeon Travelers...
The cave of monsters is the GOAT dungeon
Other than the fonts being worse and them not being remasters of the Untolds I haven't ever seen anyone say anything negative about them
you can even get font fixes
>not being remasters of the Untolds
Clarify this because i have no knowledge of the series.
Etrian Odyssey 1&2 had remakes called Etrian Odyssey Untold 1&2 which were kinda like what the Resident Evil remakes were like, entirely new games with different level layouts and separate modes with different stories, but the HD remasters are remasters of the originals and so don't have those different maps and story modes.
Oh, what a shame. Thx.
why this nigga being interviewed at a comedy club
trying to tell people that smart phone is a valid system for serious games is a pretty good joke
>trying to tell people that smart phone is a valid system for serious games is a pretty good joke
Based Blizzard.
I really hate the first person pov. Criminal girls had the isometric and that game was really fun, but man fppov reminds me too much of fps slop
First-person dungeon crawlers existed for over a decade before the first FPS was made.
>no experience inc. at TGS2024
DRPG bruvs...
we will see Demon Gaze 3 someday.... right?
He's 13
>we will see Demon Gaze 3 someday.... right?
Yes, and it will be peak wholesome chuunibyou because the last alignment for the protagonists to follow is to be servants of the Dark Sol side that both the God of Neutral (Dragon King, Fran's dad) and Darkness (Ol=Ohma, Prim and Muse's dad) oppose. We will absolutely get a Vergil vs Dante style fight against the other Demon Gazers where everybody is throwing out like 40+ attacks every turn.
>and Etrian Odyssey seems to be in a turbulent situation
what a weird politically correct way of saying "fucking dead"
is there a place to DL it without the malware DRM? havent been into pirating shit recently
>Was rolling my eyes at the shameless ecchi at the beginning,
normalniggers larping as le mature adults need to have their skulls cracked with bricks
maybe the world can begin to heal after that
hope not, normalfaggots like you need to get the fuck out of the genre
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Gears of dragoon fragments of a new era has been kino so far
no first person griddan so its closer to 2hu laby in that regard but the gameplay is about exactly what you expect
Is there any fix for running DT2 on AMD GPUs? It just gets into an error message loop, oddly of course it runs without issue on the Deck. Even tried using DXVK/Proton stuff on Windows, which gets me farther but game still crashes.
TIL it has issues with AMD, as much as I hate to say it, it worked on my machine iirc.
Should i get EO3 or SMT3 on this current sale?
EO3 is very good, definitely worth it at 16 bucks
hey alright
Yeah figured as much it would work on some setups, curious though what your CPU/GPU configuration is.
nta but while I don't have a problem with the ecchi, I would like some intimidating, badass monsters mixed in instead of 150 hours of catgirls
I believe someone posted a fix for that on the DT2 thread on the f95zone forums. I didn't have that problem so I don't know if it works.
Has Etrian Odyssey aged poorly? Collection bundle is real cheap on Steam, but I've been told (by fans) that 1 and 2 have aged badly if you don't have any nostalgia for them (never played them before).
1 and 2 have some factors that feel really shit if you've played 3-onward but they're minor things, the big one being sidequests, FOEs and bossfights not giving any XP (just means you skip the sidequests and grind in other more boring ways if you feel you need to)
1 and 2 are perfectly enjoyable but have some noticeable missteps, 3 is solid and among the best in the series, just have someone learn dark ether to manage the messed up TP economy and make a farmer team to help you with the regular economy.
>FOEs and bossfights not giving any XP
that's not how it works
in 2 only the FOEs don't give exp and instead the boss fights give way more than the other games, to the point where grinding only the stratum bosses is the best way to level (and also make money from the conditionals)
I must have gotten it crossed with the optional bosses like the alraune and chimera in 1 not giving any XP
Do not buy the collection, its has denuvo, they are overpiced, they aren't even untold and if it wasn't enough, its clear EO is fucking dead and buying it won't bring new titles home
On the plus side, you can straight up pirate them on PC.
they cracked denuvo again?
Im pretty sure it was internal, but no. They released without any protecting at all.
Source: I downloaded them on launch day.
Unfortunately after trying the various fixes in a variety of ways, it still crashes for me. I might try some other stuff, but at least it runs on the Deck without issue.

drpgs are coming out they're just shit
its westoid goyslop, its obviously shit
why would you even post this?
Alright lads, I've just downloaded DT2 on my vita. What should I expect? Any beginner tips and advice?
the double XP accessory is more or less the easy mode for the whole main story portion, if you pass it around your party you will outlevel everything remotely challenging in no time
If you want a challenge, bear that in mind.
You'll need one of every class for the postgame and you have exactly enough characters for that. Dancers are top tier, summoners aren't great.
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I bought Mary Skelter Finale a while back when it was on sale and barely touched it... Are there any guides or tips I should look up before I give it a shot again?
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Finale is way harder to break compared to previous entries because we can't stack the classes like previously as they are balanced by being scattered in 3 small teams.
I feel the Libero type characters become more important due to that. Their weird mixed up starts allow for some Support builds with tougher defenses and decent speed at the expense of damage potential. While ailments like Stun are unreliable unless you re-stat for more Luck, stat debuffing is consistent. I preferred to have those girls be faster to debuff partywide ATK so the team could survive those encounters with more consistency.

Additionally: if you find a big fuckyou enemy, RUN. Those guys are arguably a bigger threat than the bosses because they tank a lot and hit partywide. It isn't worth the risk.
I'm planning to do postgame ASAP. Gotta get a leg up whenever I can.

Speaking of which, are status aliment as useful as it was in EO?
What was the name of that Stranger of Sword City reskin game? I took place in some underground or some shit.
Undernauts. Is it any good?
>Speaking of which, are status aliment as useful as it was in EO?
Not even close. Poison in articular is a joke. They made it straight up twice as strong in 2-2 and it's still worthless. Debuffs are super good though.

>I'm planning to do postgame ASAP. Gotta get a leg up whenever I can.
imo you should only use the double exp accessory to get underleveled characters caught up. The postgame is pretty much just a continuation of the main game, there's no crazy difficulty spike.
If you have played any Experience Dungeon Crawler before you have pretty much played it already, but even having said that it isn't bad and has a fairly neat art style.
About to start EO1HD for the first time. I've played a decent amount of PQ2 and a pretty small amount of EO3 on an emulator a couple years ago. What should I know going into this game? Recommendations or anything to avoid? I fuckin love drawing maps so I really hope the rest of the series gets Steam ports.
80% of skills is useless and not worth taking
you can auto battle with ease after some floors, even foes
sure would be nice to know which are the ones worth taking then lol
You should probably just keep a tab open for a skill calculator as the in-game skill descriptions are ass and most things have really bizarre scaling, like for example the first point in HP Up gives a 10% bonus to your max HP but the second point only increases it to 11%.
Guys I need some help. I friend asked me for a good dungeon crawler to get into the genre and I'm honestly not sure. I came to it through wizardry but I don't thing that that is a good game for your first try. Do you have any idea what to tell him? He likes jrpgs and stuff like zelda but has played a couple of crpgs lately.
I think smt strange journey is a good introduction
Oh right! That's actually a pretty good idea, anon. Thanks
echo heal from bard is absurd, iirc a grimoire you find early has it
pair it with the hp absorb passive tea and you can autobattle most content.
I didn't realize you could stack multiple status aliments. Any tips for handling the Gargoyle in the tower (chp 4)? It's aoe hits like a truck and requires no wind up time. Paladin with cover is pretty useless against AoEs.
I've manage to beat the boss using slow+waltz+paralysis. Took more turns than anticipated but patience paid off. I hope not all bosses are going to be like this later on.
It just keeps getting harder as you progress, but you also gain access to more bullshit so it balances out. There's a really broken class that trivializes the entire postgame so you can use that as a last resort, in my experience it was so broken it made the game less enjoyable.
NTA, gonna jump in with some unsolicited advice because I'm nearing the end of the postgame and I've become a big slut for this game. Planning on crowning a full party.

I assume you have cfw for your vita like myself, so definitely get that double exp item, even just for leveling low characters. Bards/Divas with the EXP song can also help, but I ended up overleveling myself a bit. Anyway:
>enchant Speed and Agi especially, you'll eventually be able to act multiple times before an enemy can
>Etoille is based, they can do two songs, get passive Speed buffs, and can make enemies lose turns
>Physical/Elemental Resistance is very important and valuable to enchant. Status effects are based on elements.
>Valkryie is a great tank, Cover is actually very good but can't block AoE. It can block attacks that hit random targets however.
>HP/TP Recovery from passive skills are great, not so great on enchants.
>Jokers eat bosses for breakfast, but I don't recommend their random effect skills. Trump Card + Danger Shoot is great.
>Papillion is great for AoE on trash mobs. If you eventually get the Doom Bringer boss skillbook, the class is great for powerlevelling low characters.
>don't neglect the side quests or your quest rank please for the love of God. It will fuck you over in the long term.
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>Planning on crowning a full party
Hope you're ready to burn 500+ hours in grinding.
Its fine in DT2, you can do it half asleep, but in DT2-2, thats where your patience will be tested.
I pray one day 2-2 gets translated on Vita. I know the PC port is, but the portability is a big reason to play
ThePirateBay.org and Nyaa.si still work perfectly well.
The creator is a tranny.

I won't buy his game. Trannies have never made a good game.
What game is he talking about?
Even though it would be a perfect platform because it's usually not in real time, DRPG are sadly almost inexistent on android, I'm reduced to having to emulate stuff.
Artificial Dream in Arcadia is great, I picked it up on sale and wonder why I didn't pick it up earlier
You can play them on Steam Deck
Is Wizardry: The Five Ordeals worth it or is it trash? How are the custom scenarios?
What the fuck, is EO3 supposed to kick your ass in the first floor? I feel like i take a shitload of damage before even making to the second floor, do i really need to have a monk at all times?

Instant trash. Not because author is a tranny but because they are retarded.
Yes, the first couple floors of EO3 can be pretty hard, particularly the lynxes which deal more damage than most classes have max HP for the first few levels. You can get through it without a monk if you've got a sovereign but obviously a monk handles it a bit better. By the time you're halfway through the second floor things should smooth out considerably.
The Lynx is there to teach you that sometimes you should just run.
The beginning of the game is one of the hardest parts, it's the atlus special.
I didn't notice it before, but that period from late 80s to mid 90s, where 1st person grid-based games tried to go beyond claustrophobic dungeons to great outdoor expanses (town exploration included). Using modern definitions, wouldn't those be open world? See, like too many modern open world games, they offer almost zero verticality. That's how I made the connection. Even beyond games like Elder Scrolls 1+2 which explicitly made the point of the game to roam free with many randomly-generated quests, you could see devs (clumsily) play with the format. There are are some modern games that do a throwback to this age (eg Amberland) but I don't think any had the idea to apply ideas explicitly from the open world genre. It's kind of broad so idk what ideas to start first.
Could be made "open world" in the same way Yakuza/LAH is idk (emphasis on square quotes)
There's always a motherfucker that hits my sovereign for 1 hp so it becomes unsustainable
weird to try point this out when the first jp dungeon crawlers that come to mind (mary skelter and demon gaze) both have strata on open fields rather than underground dungeons
is this another case of westoids being behind japan in both gameplay and design?
Yeah the passive heal is only really good when you've also got the active heal and the post-battle heal to account for those random minor hits, especially if you're only running the sovereign for healing and putting them in the front line. If you've got a Zodiac it's probably also worth putting a point in the generic bandage skill on them to help hold out to that point.
Moero and monyu too, funnily enough.
This is the Ishar 1 map https://www.oldgames.sk/docs/ishar/1/map.php#3/-128.00/128.00
And this is 2 https://www.oldgames.sk/docs/ishar/2/map.php#2/-128.0/128.0
Much bigger than anything those games offer, but bigger doesn't necessarily mean better, it's mostly empty. Just like most open world games :^)
Where are the actual coomer DRPGs with full nudity and sex? Not just ecchi like Moero and Dungeon Travellers.
Rance VI
by definition this is not what you describe, "coomer" shit is just a normalnigger buzzword to describe rudimentary fanservice like nikke and genshit
How is https://store.steampowered.com/app/470300/Winged_Sakura_Demon_Civil_War/ ?
It has barely any mentions on /v/, and zero on /vrpg/.
Because its chinky shit.
It's also basically a weird mixture ripping off demon gaze and 2hu laby2.
It's fine if you are hungry for more "animay" dungeon crawlers but it's average at best.
At the bare minimum it has cute girls at least.
>finally get the urge to play more vidya and continue my etrian 5 playthrough
>after a few hours it corrupts my sd card when saving
oh well I'm not a huge fan of it compared to the others anyway.
or click defend for the first time in your life.

I don't blame anyone for forgetting that jrpgs have that option.
I do blame them when not realizing that means you only play mainstream fatlus goyslop.
On basically any jp dungeon crawler your tank will be defending or using the skill equivalent of it 99% of the time.
the enemies that aren't lynx are practically harmless, so it's just the one enemy that's pretty strong. You can safely save all of your tp for dealing with them, especially if you have a princess for free passive healing. Once you hit level 3 they should be pretty manageable.
Make sure you talk to the npcs before complaining about the floor 2 birds.

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